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Page 6

by B J Smyth

  He shakes my hand, his hand a little sweaty. “I’m Michael.”

  “That’s Carter,” I gesture across the room towards Carter.

  “Hi, Carter,” he says, giving him a smile.

  “Hey,” he replies, then turns his back to him to get changed.

  “Do you come here often?” Michael asks.

  “Most mornings, depends how busy I am at work.”

  I chat away with him as I get undressed. As he strips off, I check out his chubby, hairy body. He is probably about thirty. His cock is semi-hard and I catch him glancing at my cock as we talk. He’s not my type, but it's always nice to have guys show an interest in your body.

  Carter coughs to interrupt our conversation and I turn to look at him. His expression tells me he is not impressed with me talking to Michael. I pick up my trunks and slip them on quickly, putting my things in the locker. We head down the corridor to the pool.

  “Interesting chat,” he says with a hint of sarcasm.

  “Yeah, he seems like a nice guy.”

  “Okay. He’s not my type.”

  “He’s not my type either, but it was nice to have a chat with him,” I reply abruptly, my tone ending the conversation.

  We swim our thirty lengths in silence and then head to the showers. Michael is still swimming. Stripping off our trunks in the showers my cock is semi-hard as I turn on the shower. Carter steps towards me, pressing himself against me, his cock squashing between us, the water pouring over our heads as he kisses me.

  I gently push him away. “Not here, Carter. Besides, Michael will be in here soon. I thought we agreed to stop doing things here,” I grumble.

  He steps back under his shower and cleans himself in silence. I have obviously offended him again. A few minutes later, Michael enters the showers and stands the other side of me. Carter walks out of the showers and heads to the locker room. He is taking his stuff out of his locker as I walk into the locker room. I pull him into my arms and the touch of our naked, wet bodies makes his cock stiffen against mine.

  “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to upset you. But I don’t want us getting into trouble here,” I say, then give him a quick kiss.

  “I know, I find it hard to keep my hands off you though.”

  “That’s lovely, but let’s keep it between us.” I give him another quick kiss then walk over to my locker.

  Satisfied with my apology, he dries himself. “Would you like to come to mine for dinner tonight? You can meet Brandon if he is at home this evening.”

  “Yes, that would be nice. What time do you want me to get there?”

  “About seven would be great.” His face flushes, I don’t think he was expecting me to say yes.

  “Okay, can you text me the address later?”

  “Will do.”

  Michael walks into the room, so we end the conversation. Getting dressed in silence, we are soon both ready to leave. I say goodbye to Michael, and Carter just nods and gives him an awkward smile.

  Outside, we say goodbye and head off to work. Knowing he has admitted he can’t cook very well, I wonder what I will end up eating this evening. I get into the car and check my phone. There is a text message from Charles.

  Thanks for coming to see me in the hospital. I did mean everything I said, I’m truly sorry I fucked up. I’m back home now but still very sore. Maybe you could come over for dinner? xx

  I sigh to myself. I didn’t think I would hear anything from him after the hospital visit.

  Let me think about it

  I message back then sit staring out of the car window. Why now after months of nothing?

  My phone bleeps.

  Ok, chat soon xx

  I throw my phone onto the passenger seat and start the engine. Turning the radio up loud, I drive out of the leisure centre. He is messing with my head, just as I was getting back on track after the break up. The day seem to breeze by, although it seems a daze with my mind muddled by thoughts of Charles and Carter.

  15. Friday evening.

  It has been a hectic day at work, but I’m looking forward to the evening at Carter’s place. I have had no more messages from Charles today, so maybe he has settled at home. Getting dressed in a pair of dark jeans and a white shirt, I leave the top two buttons undone to show my hairy chest. I stop on the way to his place and buy a bunch of flowers. I press the buzzer to his flat at the entrance door to the block and wait.

  A loud buzzing noise comes from the lock as the door releases and I walk up the stairs looking for his place. Carter is standing at the open door to his flat.

  “Evening,” I say as I reach the door, he looks pleased to see me. He has probably worried all day I wouldn’t turn up.

  I kiss him at the door and hand him the flowers. “For you, gorgeous.”

  “Thank you, they are beautiful. Come in,” he says. His face flushes as I follow him, closing the door behind myself as we walk down the hall into the lounge.

  “This is a nice place,” I say.

  “Thanks, Brandon is getting changed. Have a seat. What would you like to drink?”

  “Red wine would be great, thanks.”

  He puts the flowers in the kitchen as I take a seat on the sofa, returning with a glass of wine. He lets out a sigh as Brandon walks into the room.

  “This is Frank, this is Brandon,” he politely introduces us.

  I stand and shake Brandon’s hand. “Nice to meet you.” His hand lingers a little longer in mine they I expect.

  “Good to meet you, I have heard so much about you,” he replies with a strange tone, then lets go of my hand.

  “There is a wine in the kitchen for you,” Carter says, then sits on the sofa and I sit back down beside him.

  Brandon gets his wine then sits on the armchair with a leg hanging over one side.

  He asks me several questions about my job, how long I have lived in the area, and all the time I feel his eyes checking me out. Carter goes to the kitchen to finish the dinner. Walking back in the room with two bowls, he places them on the table. “Dinner is served,” He pronounces as he walks back to get his bowl from the kitchen.

  “This looks nice,” I compliment him. He’s prepared a Bolognese.

  “Yes, very nice. Did you cook it from scratch?” Brandon asks.

  Carter throws him an evil look across the table.

  “I cooked most of it.”

  “Well, it tastes nice,” I interrupt.

  We all eat the meal in silence making light work of emptying our bowls.

  “That was very nice,” I comment and give him a smile.

  “Yeah, it was nice,” Brandon says as he gulps down the rest of his wine.

  “Thank you both, do you want dessert now or after a little rest?”

  “I’m happy to have a little break,” I say.

  “Okay, have a seat whilst I clear the table.”

  “I will give you a hand,” I say and Brandon sniggers childishly.

  Brandon sits back on his chair whilst we clear the table. We join him, sitting on the sofa, after Carter refills our glasses.

  “So, what’s for dessert?” Brandon asks.

  “We’re having chocolate fondant and cream.”

  “Did you get any cream, I used what was in the fridge this morning,” Brandon says.

  “Oh, no, I didn’t. I thought there was already some here. I will have to run to the little shop on the corner and get some.” Standing up, he asks, “Will you be okay here with Brandon for a while?”

  “Yes, I’m sure we will be fine.”

  “Okay, I won’t be long,” he walks out the room then I hear the door shut.

  Brandon shifts on his chair and stares at me. “So, how’re things going with Carter?”

  “Good, thanks, he is a nice lad.”

  “He can be a little moody at times,” he says.

  “Yes, he does have some insecurity issues.”

  “I hear you’re a leather daddy,” he says, taking me by surprise.

  “Yes, I enjoy we
aring leather gear occasionally.” I didn’t realise Carter had told him so much detail about us.

  He gets up from the chair and walks over to the table. His cock is stiffening, stretching the front of his joggers.

  “I enjoy some daddy action myself,” he says rubbing his hand over his stomach before giving his cock a squeeze.

  I feel my cock stiffen as I watch him parading in front of me. I shuffle on the sofa, trying to adjust my cock without touching myself. Brandon picks up on my movement.

  “Liking what you see then,” he says and grabs his cock.

  I feel my face burn a little as he teases me. He walks closer. “You can have a feel if you want, I won’t tell Carter.”

  He is the complete opposite of Carter, very brazen and in your face, but with a sweet cheekiness you have to admire. Standing in front of me, his legs inches from mine, his hard cock stretches his joggers more. I gulp as my hands sweat the temptation of his boy cock within reach. He looks down at me, smiling, and licks his lower lip.

  “Have a closer look,” he pulls the front of his joggers down revealing his cock, eight inches, uncut, the foreskin stretching back off the head. A drip of pre-cum glistening in his slit. Not a single pubic hair in sight. “Have a taste,” he says his voice as seductive as his cock.

  My breathing is heavy, my cock hard and throbbing in my pants as I stare at his cock. I want to pull him forward and take his leaking cock head in my mouth. But what about Carter? If he found out he would be devastated.

  I begin to lean forward as we hear the flat door open, I cough and Brandon pulls up his joggers and walks back over to his chair. As Carter walks into the lounge, I shuffle on my seat trying to look normal.

  “I got the cream,” he says and gives me a smile.

  “Good, I could do with dessert now,” I say.

  He goes to the kitchen to make the dessert and I follow him, standing behind him I brush my hand over his arse.

  “Are you okay?” he asks.

  “Yes, all good, I was just talking to Brandon about work.”

  “Good,” he turns and gives me a quick kiss on the cheek. “I’m glad you came over tonight.

  “So am I. It has been a nice evening,” I say, giving his arse a squeeze.

  He heats the chocolate fondants in the microwave. Then puts them in the bowls and pours over the cream. I help carry them to the table and Brandon joins us to eat.

  “Mmm, a mouthful of cream, just what I like,” Brandon says with a giggle.

  “Brandon,” Carter snaps at him.

  I laugh. “Don’t encourage him,” Carter says. I smile at Brandon and continue eating.

  We finish the dessert and have another glass of wine.

  “I best head off home, I have an early start,” I say.

  “What are you up to tomorrow?”

  “I need to see mum during the day. Do you want to go out for a meal tomorrow evening?”

  “Yeah, that sounds great.”

  “Okay, we can sort it out tomorrow.” I stand up. “It was nice to meet you, Brandon.”

  “Yeah, you too, a pleasure.”

  Carter walks to the door with me, I pull him into a tight hug, then kiss him softly. “See you tomorrow, and thanks for a lovely evening and a nice meal. Meeting Brandon was an experience.”

  “I’m sorry, he is always like that. Thank you for the flowers though, they are lovely.”

  “As lovely as you,” I say, giving him one last kiss, opening the door.

  He watches me walk down the stairs then I hear the door close once I’m out of his sight. I breathe a sigh of relief. Left alone much longer with Brandon I don’t think I could have resisted him.

  As I drive home, it crosses my mind whether Brandon was just testing me, so he could report back to Carter. I know little about their relationship, but it wasn’t easy resisting that gorgeous cock.

  16. Saturday

  I had to take Mum out today as she is going on a day trip to the seaside tomorrow with the care home. She was pleased to see me and when I told her about Charles’s car accident, she was very concerned about him. We had a lovely day out in the countryside and I dropped her home about three, so I had time to get back home to get ready to go out.

  Carter has been in my thoughts all day and I’m horny as hell for him. I have decided not to mention anything about Brandon to Carter, as there is no point causing tension between the two of them.

  Time seems to fly by as I prepare the bedroom, making it as sensual as I can. Before I know it, Carter is ringing the doorbell.

  As soon as I close the door, I grab his hands and push him against the wall. Pressing myself into him, my cock hard. My mouth barely a breath away from his.

  “I’ve been waiting for you,” I say in a low, husky voice. As I raise his hands over his head, I grind my cock against him.

  “I’ve been wanting for you all day,” he replies. As the words leave his mouth, my lips press softly to his, a kiss, then a lick, teasing his mouth. I feel him relaxing into me, his cock feels hard as rock. I nibble at his lower lip then slowly work my way to the soft skin under his chin, biting and licking, my own cock leaking in my pants. I hold his hands tight to the wall and he is unable to move as I trace kisses to the side of his neck. Teasing his earlobe with my teeth and tongue, I feel his body tremble against me.

  “Shall we go upstairs?” I whisper.


  Returning to his mouth, I give him a lingering kiss as I release his hands.

  “Come with me.” Taking his hand, I lead him upstairs to my bedroom.

  The atmosphere is set for my seduction, curtains shut, several candles flickering shadows on the bedroom walls as they give off a warm glow around the room, and relaxing piano music plays softly in the background. A smell of lavender hangs heavy in the air from the candles.

  I pull him close to me, my hands slipping under his T-shirt as I slide it up his body. He raises his hands so I can remove it over his head. No resistance from him; I’m sure he is ready for me to take him. I growl a little as I admire his smooth chest. I place two fingers against his lips; he pushes his tongue between them before sucking them into his mouth. Closing his eyes, his tongue plays with my fingers, licking and sucking them deep into his mouth. I pull them out of his mouth and drag a wet trail on his skin, tracing my fingers delicately down his neck to the centre of his chest, lingering, teasing him before continuing the trail to his abs. His back arches with pleasure as my fingers reach the softness of his belly. I lower my mouth to his nipple, flicking my tongue over his erect nipple as one wet finger presses into his navel. His breathing slows as he enjoys my slow, sensual touches.

  I’m not rushing this evening, tonight I want to take him to another level. Continuing the tongue lashing on his nipples, I slide my hands down the back of his shorts. I gasp as my hands feel the smooth skin of his arse. He must be wearing a jock.

  I lower myself to my knees, pulling his shorts to the floor, my tongue softly licking his navel then trailing down to the pubic hair exposed from the waistband of his jock. Taking the hair in my teeth, I tug at it, teasing it away from his skin. Pulling his jock down, I free his cock, pre-cum leaking down the shaft as I suck his balls into my mouth. I look up into his eyes whilst I lick and suck his balls, the pleasure glowing in his face. He twists his fingers into my hair; I can feel his balls tightening against his body. I don’t want him to come yet. I drag my tongue up his shaft and over his stomach and chest as I stand. My mouth meets his, sharing his pre-cum as I kiss him deeply.

  “Lay down on the bed,” I whisper between kisses.

  He crawls seductively onto the bed, baring his arse to me, teasing me with his boy hole before rolling over onto his back and staring at me, naked, from the bed.

  I pull off my T-shirt, revealing my thick, dark chest hair. Sliding my shorts and pants down, I stand naked, looking down at him. My cock feels harder and thicker from the metal cock ring tight around the base of my cock and balls. I climb onto the bed and lo
wer myself onto him, my own pre-cum mixing with his as our cocks rub together. I bite the side of his neck, slowly working along his throat and up to his mouth.

  He rubs his cock against me, lost in the ecstasy of our kisses. The intense feeling of our cocks thrusting together brings him closer to the edge. He lifts his legs and wraps them over my lower back. I resist the temptation to move my cock to his hole.

  Our breathing becomes heavy as our frotting becomes faster and harder, the pre-cum making our cocks slide between our crushed bodies. He frantically thrusts against me and I know he is about to come. I move my mouth to the side of his neck and bite hard, sending him over the edge.

  “I can’t hold back,” he shouts and roars loudly as warm, thick cum shoots between us. His body trembles and bucks against me as his orgasm takes over his senses.

  Thrusting harder, the warmth of his cum against my cock sends me into my own orgasm. I roar into his ears, my cock shooting cum over his. My breath is heavy against his ear as I collapse on him, panting for breath. The warm, sticky load between us covers our cocks and stomachs. I roll off to the side of him; we’re both panting for breath.

  “I fucking needed that,” I say between gasps for air.

  “Me too, you’re so fucking hot.”

  I let out a little laugh then pull him back on top of me, enjoying the feeling of the sticky mess between us.

  “You are a horny little fuck,” I say, then kiss him.

  The huge smile across his face leaves no doubt that he is satisfied.

  I give him another kiss. “I best have a quick shower, then I will cook dinner. I can’t be bothered to go out now. You can jump in the shower whilst I’m cooking,” I say, rolling him back onto the bed.

  He watches me walk naked out of the bedroom, his smile still stretched from ear to ear. I shower quickly, rinsing off the sweat and cum, then walk back into the room while drying myself. “Shower’s all yours,” I say with a smile.

  He clambers off the bed and I tell him where the bathroom is located. Pulling my shorts and T-shirt back on, I head downstairs to find something to cook. There is some chicken in the fridge and jars of curry sauce in the cupboard, throwing it together quickly it is already bubbling away by the time he comes down from the shower.


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