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Redemption of Fate (Fate Series Book 2)

Page 7

by S. Simone Chavous

  As she undressed, Cami tried to discard her worry so that she could think through the situation logically. Like a soldier.

  Without the protection of Barb’s blocking spell, Ethan knew their futures were vulnerable. The more time that passed, the greater the likelihood was that Asana would lock onto their future streams and determine their location; or worse, their destination. Josephine had offered some small measure of comfort on that front by sharing how she had been unable to see Ethan’s or Alexa’s future since seeing them board the plane for Boston.

  Cami knew that Ethan had spent many years traveling and had made some useful acquaintances along the way, several of whom were witches. Because of the storms, it was likely that his plane had been forced to divert, so he would have taken refuge amongst some of those acquaintances and would have had the blocking spell recast, hiding him from his mother’s, and Asana’s, sight. Yes, there was a perfectly reasonable explanation as to why Ethan and Alexa hadn’t arrived, but there was one question which continued to nag at her.

  Why hadn’t he called?

  Cami stepped into her closet, hoping with everything she had that Ethan would show up soon to answer it himself.

  CHAPTER 6 - Chloe's Surprise

  Exactly five minutes later, the buzzer at Cami’s door sounded.

  Cami opened the door, dressed in fresh fatigues with her hair pulled back in her signature ponytail. She started to smile down at Chloe, only to find herself staring at Jared’s stomach. Her eyes shot up to his and out of nervous habit, she grabbed for the strap of the holster at her shoulder, only to find it missing.

  While getting dressed, she’d decided to limit her weapons to those which were easily concealed, leaving her short swords and the accompanying leather holster behind. Even though she knew that the compound was one of the most secure facilities in the country, she almost never left the comfort of her suite unarmed. Something about the weight of a weapon strapped against her body soothed her.

  Realizing how silly she must look, grabbing at her shoulder that way, she dropped her hand and peered around him. “Where’s Chloe?” she asked, becoming increasing flustered.

  “Your parents grabbed her when we were passing by their room. Your dad needed to do a few tests on her this morning and wanted her to feed again. Chloe asked me to come meet you; she’s really excited for the surprise and didn’t want you to think we weren’t coming,” he explained.

  “Oh, well just go stay with her and come get me when she’s finished. I’ll wait in my room until then,” she responded, stepping back; not trusting herself to be alone with him for very long and already feeling her focus begin to slip.

  “Dr. Kline assured me that it would only take a few minutes; they will be finished by the time we get to the medical wing if we walk slowly,” Jared replied. Having anticipated Cami’s reaction, he was prepared to combat her excuses and gain a precious few minutes alone with her.

  “Fine; whatever,” she acquiesced before stepping out and pulling her door shut.

  The pair started off down the hallway, with Cami walking briskly; moving further away from Jared with each step.

  “You know, it’s nice to see you without swords sticking out all over the place,” he said jokingly from behind her, hoping to engage her in a little harmless conversation to slow the pace.

  “Don’t get used to it; I only left them off for Chloe,” she replied over her shoulder.

  “For Chloe? What do you mean?”

  Without realizing it, Cami slowed; letting Jared catch up to her as she considered his question. “I don’t know. It’s just, over just a few weeks her life has turned completely upside down. She’s so young, but she’s going to be a mature vampire soon and everyone has all of these expectations about who and what she’s going to be because of that stupid fucking prophecy. Her childhood is literally going to last one lousy year. I just want to give her a little bit of peace and normalcy while I can.”

  “You mean as much peace and normalcy as one can have while living in hiding on a vampire military base?” he added jokingly; with a smile that didn’t quite reach his eyes.

  Cami stopped and glared at him, not seeing the humor in the situation.

  Jared lifted his hands in surrender. “Sorry, sorry; I know it’s not funny at all. I think, I don’t know; I just make jokes to try to cope with all of it myself. I understand what you’re saying; I feel the same way. She’s such a great kid, really special, and not because of the prophecy and all the things she’s supposed to do. Growing up with my parents, with my dad being who he is, I don’t know; we never really felt much like a family. All these years knowing Alexa was out there somewhere, it was like they felt too guilty to let themselves be happy, but then finding her and seeing how happy she was with your brother, and then this last week having Chloe with us, somehow it all clicked.”

  Cami’s expression softened at his words and they started to walk again.

  “I wish I could take it all away for her,” Jared continued as they moved. “I mean, she only got a couple of weeks with her parents together, finally having her whole family, and now it will never be the same again.”

  “I know. The things she had to see yesterday, and losing Barb; it’s amazing how well she seems to be adjusting. Not that I have any experience with kids at all, but I’m pretty sure I would have lost it trying to deal with that kind of shit when I was her age,”

  “I find it hard to imagine you ever losing it, Cami. You seem incredibly strong to me, and you are very beautiful” Jared replied; his voice low and cautious.

  Cami huffed at the compliment, but smiled in her mind. It was an odd response for her; she’d always felt that beauty was a useless quality for a woman to possess, especially a soldier, but hearing Jared apply the word to her warmed her heart ever so slightly.

  Jared grinned; pleased she hadn’t shut down again but, not wanting to push his luck, he moved the conversation to safer territory.

  “Do you expect we’ll hear from Ethan and Alexa today?” he asked as they reached the door which opened into the medical wing.

  “I hope so. I know everyone’s trying to remain optimistic and I admit there’s reason to hope everything is fine; but between us, I have a really bad feeling. Why wouldn’t they have at least called? They have to know how worried we are,” Cami said; entering the security code.

  “I’ve wondered the same thing, but maybe they’re just being overly careful. Anything done on a cell phone is easily tracked these days and it’s practically impossible to find a pay phone. They know Chloe is safe; I doubt much else is on their minds.”

  Cami nodded and walked through the door, but the nagging feeling in her gut remained.

  “So, you want to tell me what this little surprise is all about?” Jared asked, trying to lighten the mood before they reached Chloe.

  “Nope, not really,” Cami replied; shifting her head just enough to give him a satisfied smirk; her tone already sounding more cheerful.

  “Fine; keep your secrets then,” he replied; sounding put out, though he knew full well where they were going, having seen the images flutter through Cami’s mind when he’d asked the question. When she turned, he smiled wide and followed her through the door, pleased with the progress he was making.


  “She’s all set to go,” Elijah said; looking up from the microscope he was hovering over as he examined a sample of Chloe’s blood. “Here,” he said tossing a small backpack across the room. Cami easily caught it, giving her father a questioning look. “Your mother packed some snacks for Chloe. We didn’t know how long you were planning on being away, but I want her eating every hour, both food and blood.”

  “Okay; are you ready for your surprise then, little piggy?” Cami teased.

  Chloe giggled and nodded her head enthusiastically. She flashed around the rows of workstations where Elite scientists conducted research, to join Cami and Jared at the door.

  The room was typically restricted to anyone but author
ized Elite personnel, but Commander Claesson had given Elijah special privileges in light of his expertise and because it allowed them to track Chloe’s progress without going against the High Commander’s wishes. Both he and Elijah agreed that blood tests, conducted solely by Elijah, and simple observation would provide great insight into her development without being overly intrusive.

  Chloe stood between Cami and Jared, taking each of their hands and tugging them into the hall.

  “Bye, Grandpa,” she tossed over her shoulder as she rushed away.

  “Hey; slow down, little one,” Cami said laughing. “You don’t even know where we’re going.”

  Chloe slowed down and peered up at Cami. “Sorry, Aunt Cami; I didn’t mean to peek, but when I was waiting for you I forgot to focus and it slipped in. I saw the horses. You’re not mad, are you?”

  “Of course not; I guess I should have known it would be hard to surprise you. I’ll have to remember to be more careful around you and your Grandpa William,” Cami replied, giving Chloe’s hand a reassuring squeeze. Chloe looked up at her uncle, who shook his head almost imperceptibly in answer to the question in Chloe’s mind.

  No, Squirt; she doesn’t know I’m like you, too. Don’t worry. I’ll tell her, but just not yet. Until then, it’s our secret, okay? Jared sent telepathically.

  Okay, Uncle Jared, Chloe sent in response; feeling rather special and grown-up being trusted with a secret. But I think Aunt Cami’s going to be mad at you when she finds out. She’s mad at you a lot.

  Jared stifled the laugh which threatened to break from his lips as they walked. He had to be careful, or Cami was going to discover his secret before he had the chance to tell her.

  Sometimes girls only act mad at boys because they like them. You’ll understand when you’re older, he sent, with a wink.

  Satisfied, Chloe nodded to herself and pressed forward, practically dragging them in her hurry to get to the horses. She’d never seen one in real life and was beyond excited to go riding, after seeing in her thoughts how happy the activity made Cami.

  A few minutes later, the trio stood outside in the warm summer air. Chloe looked around, her eyes full of wonder as she took in the expansive property for the first time.

  The mansion, which stood above the hidden compound, was titled to a Boston Brahmin; a member of the affluent and well-known Adams family, whose ancestors were some of the first humans to settle in the area. The clan’s members had been some of the most influential men in history, including two presidents, an ambassador, and a Civil War general. They were also secretly included in an extremely small and select group of humans aligned with the vampire race.

  The alliance was formed centuries before as both species fought their common enemies, Lucias and the black plague. As such, the family had donated the house and land to The Elite for use as their primary base of operations in exchange for protection and, when necessary, information.

  Catching the scent of the stables, which she recognized from the thoughts of her aunt, Chloe giggled and sped off down a path lined with tall shrubbery.

  “I’d say she’s more than a little excited,” Jared observed as he stared over at Cami.

  “Yes; we should catch up to her,” Cami replied; feeling anxious about being alone with him again. Things had started to feel different between them; she felt herself relaxing, opening up to him, and it terrified her.

  As a soldier, she had conditioned herself to see fear of any kind as weakness, and there were only two ways to deal with it. Accept and face it head-on, or run. Of course, under most circumstances she would have considered running to be yet another sign of weakness; but a soldier had to learn to pick her battles and, in her heart, she knew this was one she couldn’t win.

  Without a word, Cami flashed away after Chloe. Jared stood there for a moment, barely seeing her move before she’d disappeared from view into the greenery. He let out a long sigh, realizing that the wall in her heart, at which he had been chipping away, had just received a new layer of bricks.


  “This is Pegasus,” Cami said as she lifted Chloe onto the back of the chestnut-colored quarter horse, “I think he got his name because he can fly,” she whispered dramatically.

  Chloe looked down at her with eyes full of wonder. “Really? He can fly?”

  “Let’s find out,” Cami challenged as she jumped onto her own horse, snapped the reins and took off out the barn door.

  When they first arrived in the stables, Cami had given Chloe a quick riding lesson, showing her how to hold the reins and the basic commands to control the horses as Jared stood back and observed. Though it was Chloe’s first time riding, the fact that she was a vampire with supernatural reflexes and healing removed any need for worry.

  Chloe was a fast learner and quickly followed her aunt. Jared walked over to the door and leaned against the wood, watching them race off across the pasture. He smiled as the beautiful sound of their laughter floated through the air.

  As much as he wanted to join them, it had quickly become obvious that Cami intended to avoid him at all costs; so he decided to keep his distance and let her enjoy the ride with their niece. He would accept defeat for the time being, giving her the space she seemed to want so desperately; but no matter how hard she fought it, he was convinced that, eventually, he would win her heart.

  CHAPTER 7 - Waking Up

  Ethan awoke in the dark; confused and disoriented, laying on the cold tile floor. The scent of dead blood completely saturated him as he dragged a ragged breath into his lungs. He moved to sit up, but paused as he felt the weight of the body in his arms.

  Despite the darkness, his vampire vision took in the sight of the dead woman perfectly. Even in death, she was lovely. The beast which he had become wanted to toss her aside, to heed the summoning call of his master. Yet he paused; some part deep inside his mind telling him that he knew her, that he did not want to leave her like this, alone in the dark.

  He looked around the small room, searching for some indication as to where he was, why he was there with this beautiful creature whose cold, lifeless form called out to the small remnant which was left of his soul. What he found was two more bodies, young women tossed haphazardly in the corner, a messy pile of torn flesh, clothing, and blood.

  His focus shifted back to the woman in his arms. He studied her carefully, her nudity making him wish for something to cover her with. His eyes fell on the gaping wound in her neck and the delicate silver chain, which was miraculously still intact, hanging around it. He rolled her gently on to her back and reached out for the intricate dolphin pendant, feeling the need to move it from the cold floor and place it over her heart. When the cool metal came in contact with the skin of his fingertips, a searing pain shot through his hand and up his arm.

  With the pain, flashes of images pounded through the haze in his mind; the woman alive, sitting across a table smiling at him while she gripped the pendant over her chest. Him carrying her up a flight of stairs. Their naked bodies lying together, limbs tangled in a passionate embrace. Their arms bound in red ribbon as they recited vows and became one. Her walking towards him on the beach.

  He heard her name, a soft whisper in his consciousness.


  Then the horrible truth crashed down upon him like a tsunami. This was his wife, his mate; and she was gone. The nightmare was real. He had taken her life.

  The roar which erupted from his chest shook the room as he pulled her limp body closer. He held her there, in the darkness; surrounded by the carnage of his bloodlust, and wept for all he had lost.


  The light of the doorway called out to her, beckoning her to pass through; yet she remained, a silent, undetectable presence witnessing her husband’s, her mate’s, agony as he realized what he had done.


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