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Fang Chronicles: Mandy's Story

Page 4

by Suzie Ivy

  The low grumbling voice momentarily snapped her from the pain. “Well, guys, what do we have here? It stinks like a dog and it’s stupid enough to get caught in a wolf trap. It must be one of Nicolas’ pack that escaped when we killed the rest of those sniveling mutts.”

  Mandy stared at three enemy cats, and wondered if her life could get any worse.


  Honey came awake slowly, a splitting headache pounding across his temples. Darkness continued to pour into the back of the truck. He had no idea what time it was. That damn she-wolf shot him with a tranquilizer gun, but why? He moved his hand slightly and felt the key at his fingertips. Standing on shaky legs, he let his beastkind eyes adjust to the darkness, and then looked at his surroundings. The first thing he noticed was the lock pulled in the opposite direction than he’d left it. He turned the key in the lock and it made a small clicking sound.

  He opened the door, grabbed the gallon of water, tilted the jug back, and started drinking. There was maybe two inches remaining when he finally quenched his thirst. Leaving the truck, he gazed at his surroundings without a clue where he was. His heavy footsteps took him to the cabin and he opened the door. Silence. He walked around the interior for several minutes and then noticed the note on the kitchen counter.

  Dear Honey,

  All I ask is that you forgive me. The keys are in the truck with money in the glove compartment. It’s enough to see you home. Have a happy life. I will never forget you.


  He didn’t think she had a car, but the cabin was deserted. A backpack sat on the floor by the door and when he peered inside, he noticed her personal items. The bag also smelled like her, along with the rest of the cabin. If she thought he was leaving without her, she was crazy. He needed to return her safely to her family. He’d wait until she returned.

  He walked over to the open cupboard and grabbed several cans of chili. Finding a can opener, he removed the tops and then ate the unappetizing contents cold. He finished off the gallon of water, refilled it, and continued drinking. His next stop was the shower. He washed his hair and scrubbed his body. Leaving the bathroom, he felt much better, but paced around the room, too restless to sit down. His headache was now a slight throb and he began wondering if she was coming back. He looked outside. It was still dark, but he had a nagging feeling that he needed to find that cursed wolf.

  Ten minutes later, he decided to sniff her out. He walked outside and shifted. His bear nose picked up her scent almost immediately. His large furry body gained speed and traveled at a steady gait. It felt wonderful to stretch his legs and run. Staying cooped up in the small cage had been unbearable. He’d gladly take out his captivity on her shapely ass like promised.

  One hour turned into two before he discovered where she slept. Her scent was strong and he couldn’t be far behind at this point. He went another twenty minutes then stopped when he heard a sharp cry; he’d really bust her ass if she hurt herself. He walked slowly, but then the wind shifted and he picked up a scent that put fear in his heart. Even tired, his bear put on a burst of speed. He smelled cat.


  They carried her squirming body down off the boulders. Besides the cry that released from her throat when one of them slapped her after she gave a kick with her uninjured leg, she remained quiet. Finally, they laid her down in a cleared section of forest floor and moved back.

  “What do you say, boys? Let’s fuck her and then slit her throat? Cover her mouth, Fawler.”

  “You son of a bitch. My mate will kill you.” The pain in her leg was nothing compared to the terror of what they planned. She struggled, but the stupid cat Fawler managed to get his hand over her mouth. She bit down hard and he yelled. Her cheek exploded in pain when he struck the side of her head with his large fist. Her defiance changed Fawler’s actions and he began systematically beating her senseless. She welcomed the continued pain and dizziness. If she was lucky, she’d be unconscious when they raped and killed her.

  She felt pressure on her stomach, and was barely able to make out, through her severely swollen eyelids, a body sitting astride her and what felt like his large member poking her belly.

  “Hold her legs. I get her first.” The cat grunted, but it sounded far off as her brain floated.

  The pressure was there, and then it disappeared. At that exact moment an incredible roar filled the forest. A Kodiak bear attacked and the cat on top of her went flying. Mandy managed to roll on her side, and through her pain saw the cat’s head land several feet away. Honey turned and attacked the other two cats. They didn’t have a chance, and warm blood splattered her body, followed by the last screams either man would ever make.

  She blinked past the blood running across her eyes; Honey’s bear was glorious. Her eyelids drifted shut, but she felt Honey’s powerful arms cradle her close. She breathed in his scent and managed to whisper one sentence before her world went dark, “You should have let me die.”

  Chapter Nine

  The cat had beaten her face almost beyond recognition. Honey checked her over closely and discovered her damaged ankle and possibly a broken arm. He didn’t even consider not calling his liege.

  “I need you, Dmitri.”

  The vampire appeared at his side, quickly taking in the bloody corpses. He then turned his attention to Mandy. After a low whistle he said, “Her sister and brother-in-law will kill you.”

  “And you think I haven’t considered that? They can get in line—my father will most likely kill me first.” He tried to tamp down on his anger. Dmitri had a hair trigger and Mandy needed his help.

  Dmitri, deathly still, as only a vampire could be, ground out, “No matter the proof, I didn’t believe you kidnapped her. How could you be so stupid?”

  “Well thank you, my liege. Unfortunately, your trust was well deserved because this vexatious she-wolf kidnapped me.”

  Silence met this pronouncement and Honey looked up at the vampire standing above him with the first rays of sunlight coming over the horizon. “Well then… maybe for a change… you’ve met your match.” The corners of Dmitri’s lips tipped up.

  If Mandy hadn’t been in his arms, he’d have decked the vamp. Well, he’d have tried and then died, but the thought of doing it was momentarily satisfactory.

  “Are you bringing her home?” Dmitri asked.

  “We have a few things to work out and then I’ll decide what to do.”

  “Fair enough. I’ve barely managed to keep Brandt and Emily from searching our property. I think Cheri keeps them away so they don’t start another war. It’s been decent entertainment to see how far I can push them. I’ll hold them back for at least another week.”

  Honey looked around. “I hate to ask, but where the hell are we?” He knew he’d be the butt of jokes for years.

  “You’re on Nicolas’ property, but a long way from the destroyed remains of the main house. Your she-wolf must have visited here before. The sun is coming up, so if you don’t mind, I think I’ll help her now.” Dmitri lifted her arm and struck quickly, taking blood and replacing it with enzymes that would begin healing her injuries. The vampire let go of her arm and licked his lips. “So much sweeter than bear. I’ve had a few wolves before.”

  A growl left Honey’s throat and Dmitri disappeared with a laugh.

  The walk back to the cabin took hours. Mandy never stirred. The vampire’s bite would let her sleep through much of the healing, so Honey used the time to think. Mandy left him with few choices, but he was calling the shots now, and they would be on his terms.

  He pushed open the cabin door and walked to the bed, laying his exasperating burden on the old quilt. He then went into the kitchen and made enough food to satisfy his bear-sized hunger. Several hours later, he heard her stir and walked over to the bed. Her eyes opened then closed. Bruises marred her face, but the swelling was almost gone.

  He waited, but she didn’t open her eyes again.

  “I know you’re awake.”

  Her voice was ras
py from sleep. “And I care, why?”

  He sat down next to her hip, and couldn’t help but smooth strands of hair from her face. “How do you feel?”

  Her body moved slightly as she took inventory of her injuries and found none. Her eyes snapped open. “Who helped me?”


  Panic flared in her eyes. “Is he here?”

  “No.” He placed his hand on her shoulder.

  She flinched. “Please don’t touch me.”

  He was finished taking orders from her and tightened his hold. “Why the contradiction? For several days that’s all you’ve wanted.”

  She trembled beneath him. “No, I wanted much more than that.”

  He ran his other hand through his hair, giving himself time to think. “Maybe you won’t be so moody if you take a shower. You’re covered in dried blood and dirt and the smell’s starting to sour.”

  He loosened his hold and allowed her to roll off the bed. She wouldn’t look at him and walked straight to the bathroom with her shoulders down, appearing completely dejected. He gave a long sigh after she closed the door, and then went into the kitchen to prepare them both sandwiches.

  She stayed in the bathroom for an hour. At one point, he knocked on the door to make sure she hadn’t crawled out the window, because he wouldn’t put anything past her.

  “Go away.”

  He waited at the table. Finally, she came out with a towel around her body and another turbaned on her head. She gathered her clothes from a drawer and carried them back into the bathroom. He grinned when she slammed the door behind her.

  Obviously, the shower hadn’t improved her mood.

  Eventually, she came out and surprised him by sitting at the table. She ate her food without saying a word. When she finished, she carried her plate to the sink and then walked over and opened a cupboard, removing the partially filled bottle of wine from the evening before.

  “You’re not drinking that,” he said when she reached for a wine glass.

  She lowered her arm, turned his way, very deliberately removed the cork, and took a huge swallow straight from the bottle. The sound of his chair slamming against the cabin wall was her only warning. She turned her shoulder to block him from grabbing the wine and tried to take another swig. He hoisted her over his shoulder and completely ignored her shriek of outrage. The bottle fell to the floor, but didn’t shatter, though red wine splattered and the smell of alcohol permeated the room.

  “You bastard. Put me down.” Her legs kicked out.

  “Oh my bratty she-wolf. You are quite finished giving orders. I’ve promised you a spanking and you’re twenty seconds from getting one.”

  “You wouldn’t.” Through the muffled sound of her voice, her anger came through loud and clear.

  “Wrong reply.” His not-so-gentle palm landed on her bottom and then the little hellion’s wicked teeth bit his ass. Hard!

  He up-ended her onto the bed, and then landed on her wiggling body.

  “Stop, you big oaf. Get off of me so I can breathe,” she yelled between frantic gasps for air.

  Damn his ass hurt. “Calm down and then I’ll consider it,” he grumbled close to her ear.

  She froze.

  He slowly removed the majority of his weight, but kept her pinned.

  Her eyes closed and after a deep breath her voice trembled. “Why didn’t you just leave?” she said, through sniffles; obviously fighting back tears.

  “We have unfinished business.” He removed a section of hair from her face and rubbed the silky strands between his fingers.

  “There’s nothing you can do that would make me feel any worse than I already do. It would have been better if I’d died this morning.”

  His hand grasped her jaw and gave a slight squeeze, causing her to open her eyes. “No… that most certainly wouldn’t be better.”

  “I’ll die slowly anyway, so what does it matter?”

  His mouth crushed hers.

  Chapter Ten

  Somewhere between fury and heart-wrenching sorrow, her wolf took over. Her mate’s taste traveled through her body, making her blood boil. Every nerve ending tingled with the feel of his warm lips against hers. She wanted to draw blood, taste his essence, and mingle it with hers. The kiss continued and she thrilled over his tongue, lips, and teeth devouring her mouth—taking what she freely gave.

  He pulled away and gazed meltingly at her.

  She had trouble controlling her breathing. “Why did you do that?”

  His gasps for air were as ragged as hers. “We need to talk.” His eyes surprisingly shifted away.

  “You kissed me so we could talk?” She felt the heat in her blood changing from desire to irritation, and she studies him as her breathing slowed. His back was ramrod straight, muscles flexed and ready for battle. Reaching up, she ran her fingers gently over the hot, bare skin on his arm. Looking down the lines of his body, she noticed his arousal. Closing her eyes, she silently said a short prayer then asked, “Are you my mate?” Her eyelids opened with hope in every bone of her body.

  His gaze snapped back to hers, but he didn’t immediately answer. After several slow steadying breaths, he growled out, almost against his will, “Yes.”

  The sound of his voice sent rippling waves of soft energy along her skin. She sucked in air. Her thoughts tumbled through everything that happened—every feeling of panic, desperation, and her overwhelming sorrow. Relief soon gave way to red-hot anger and without warning she burst. Every ounce of strength she possessed went into the punch that landed on his arm when he moved his face out of the way at the last second.

  “You stupid buffoon. Why the hell did you lie to me? I almost died. Those filthy cats planned to rape me.” She swung her legs up for a solid kick, but he put pressure on her knees, pinning them to the mattress.

  “You’re too young and it wasn’t the right time,” he ground out.

  “You idiot. We’re going into a major war. You could die. We could both die. I’ll be twenty next month. I. Am. Not. Waiting!”

  “Good.” He released her knees and lifted her upper body from the bed. He tugged up the hem of her shirt and pulled it over her head. Before she could protest, not that she planned to, he let her fall back so he could make short work of her pants. In mere seconds, she was naked and his mouth took one of her breasts between his lips, licking the nipple and then sucking. His roughened tongue caused exquisite sensations when he lathed her areola. His other hand feathered across her skin, causing sizzling heat where he touched.

  This feeling, this deep searing ache his touch kindled, was everything she desired—what she’d dreamed of for almost a year. Instead of moaning and giving into the amazing sensation, crushing relief brought tears. Huge torrent sobs came up from her chest and seconds later, he pulled her into his rock-hard embrace.

  “Shh. Don’t cry, sweet Mandy. I’m sorry. I should have waited. We will wait.” His breath came in unsteady gasps.

  Her back stiffened. “That’s not what I want, you dolt.” She gave a long sniffle. “I thought you didn’t want me.” She grabbed his nipple through his t-shirt and twisted.

  “Oww.” His hand covered hers and gave a light squeeze so she’d release him.

  “You deserved that. You made me kidnap you and give you baby wipes. Do you know what that did to me?”

  Deep-chested laughter, loud enough to shake the walls of the small cabin, came up from his chest. She started twisting, attempting to get away, but he easily pushed her back on the bed. Looking up, she saw his amazing smile—not a grin or a tilting of his lips, but a huge smile with lines at the corners of his eyes and flashing teeth. “I love you, Mandy.”

  She looked deep into his half-closed eyes and felt heat flood throughout her body, traveling clear to her toes. Her gaze went to his lips. “Then kiss me, please.”

  He rolled, taking her with him until she was looking down into his midnight eyes. “I want you… to kiss me.”

  Of all the… she lowered her head,
putting her lips to his. He didn’t respond, just waited. She deepened the kiss, sliding her tongue further into his mouth and using the same technique he’d used on her. She nibbled on his bottom lip, and then ran her tongue across his teeth. His sudden indrawn breath let her know she was doing it right. He tasted so good—musky with forest spice rolled into the perfect mate scent. His arms came up to try to wrap around her, but she growled. She wanted the power to drive him crazy like he’d done to her for months. He let his arms fall back to the bed, giving her control.

  Slowly, she pulled away then lifted his shirt over his chest. She was glad when he pulled it up and off so she could reach the elastic waistband of his sweats. She pulled the material down his legs and then admired his body, her eyes zeroing in on his huge erection.

  He seemed to read her thoughts. “If you call it my member, I’ll tickle you until you beg me to stop.” The hoarse words rumbled from deep in his chest.

  “I don’t like the word cock.” Her gaze traveled upward, past his amazingly muscled stomach to his massive shoulders. She noticed a thick pulsing vein in his neck, and then she looked higher. She’d thought his smiling face made him the sexiest man alive, but it didn’t. Pure, delicious, carnal need blazed in his eyes.

  “Just call it yours,” he whispered.

  Her eyes traveled back to the “yours” in question and her fingers slowly wrapped around the girth; she wondered how it could possibly fit where she wanted it most. “The skin is so soft.”

  His body shook for a moment and she knew he was laughing, but then his unyielding fingers closed around hers. “That’s probably not the best idea.”


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