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Through the Looking Glass

Page 8

by Rebecca Lorino Pond

  “How can you be so sure? I mean, no one can tell me how I really fit into your world.” She leaned back in the chair and let out a breath.

  Nyla sat on the edge of the table swinging her tiny legs. “I am not allowed to tell you or anyone else how things will play out. But, I am allowed to tell you that you are the one who will bring down the wall around Jakar’s heart as well as bring down Tuloch.” She smiled up at Isobel, her eyes sparkling. “You have some troubling times ahead of you and there will be those who will try to hurt you. But, you must remain the strong woman that you are. You were brought here for a reason but time is the only way to find out why.” She reached out her small hand to touch Isobel’s.

  “I’ll take your word for it but will I be able to return to my world?” She already knew the answer to that question but had to hear it from the direct source.

  Nyla’s smile faded as she felt Isobel’s sadness. “No, I am sorry. This is your home now.”

  Jakar’s voice called out. All heads turned to see who he was calling out to. A tall man entered the dining hall who was the same height as Jakar and had similar looks. The two men hugged each other roughly then laughed when they broke apart.

  “Who is that man, Nyla?” she asked.

  Nyla stood up on the table with a huge grin on her face. “That is Jakar’s younger brother, Brock. It’s been awhile since he last visited the castle. I must go and say hello.”

  Isobel watched as the fairy darted into the air with her silvery wings. She made a wide loop before she came to a stop in front of Brock, hovering. The two talked back and forth then looked in her direction. Even Jakar turned to glance at her as Nyla pointed in her direction.

  Great, just freaking great! The trio approached the table just as she was about to get up and leave.

  “Isobel, I would like to introduce you to my brother, Brock. Brock, this is my wife, Isobel.” Jakar kept a straight face as he introduced them to each other.

  “Isobel, it is a pleasure to meet the woman who has managed to snag my brother.” He bowed to her, giving her a smile to die for.

  “It’s nice to meet you too, Brock.” What else was she supposed to say? All she wanted right at the moment was to leave the room and go to bed.

  “I would like to talk with you in private, Brock. Would you walk with me to the library?” Jakar asked of his brother.

  “Of course. Isobel.” He bowed again to Isobel then turned to leave the dining room with his brother.

  Was Jakar really going to desert her here in the dining room in front of his servants and people?

  “Nyla, would you mind escorting Isobel to our room?” He didn’t even look at her as he addressed the fairy then walked away.

  “Yes, My Lord.”

  Isobel felt her heart drop down to her feet. He didn’t even bother to ask her if she minded his absence. It shouldn’t have bothered her, but it did. As much as she might despise the man, she still didn’t want to be alone on her wedding night. She watched as he walked away from her and out the door. She had to struggle to keep her emotions in check. She would die if he found out she was upset with him leaving her. It really was stupid to feel the way she was feeling, but the nagging tugs she kept feeling only infuriated her even more.

  “I’m going to my room,’ she expressed to Nyla. She didn’t wait for the fairy to follow her as she headed off in hopefully the right direction. She stormed through the halls as she meandered away from the noise of the dining hall.

  Nyla appeared next to her, flapping her wings furiously. “My lady, if you will wait, I will show you the way!”

  “Go away!” She flung her hand to the side to shoo the annoying fairy away from her.

  “My lady, please! You are going the wrong way.”

  Isobel halted. She swung around to face Nyla. “Then which way is it?” The threat of tears burned her eyes.

  “This way,” Nyla said as she turned back in the direction they had come from.

  They walked to the room in silence. The noise from the reception slowly faded away as they moved farther into the castle. Tears formed and blurred her eyes as she followed behind like an obedient child headed to bed. She felt totally ridiculous for acting this way but something wasn’t right. She never got upset if Daniel ignored her or left her to go do something with his friends.

  They finally reached the big carved door that was her room, or she should say, their room. She pushed open the door then slammed it behind her. Luckily she hadn’t smashed Nyla in the process of spewing out her anger on the door.

  “Isobel. May I ask what is wrong?” Nyla followed behind her as she walked over to the bed.

  At first, she refused to answer, feeling it was ridiculous to be speaking to a fairy. She wanted this nightmare to end so she could wake up in her own bed in her own world.

  “Are you upset with Jakar’s actions?”

  “How’d you guess? I shouldn’t be upset one bit, but I am. Bad enough I had to marry a man I don’t know, but now he deserts me in the middle of the dining room. Several people saw him leave with his brother, and without a word to me.”

  “You shouldn’t worry so, my lady. If Lord Jakar left you in the dining room to go with his brother you can bet there is a problem.”

  “Problem my ass!” She stormed into the bathroom to undress. Her movements would inform anyone, if they saw her at the current moment, of her anger because of the way she jerked everything off and tossed it to the floor without another look.

  Isobel stood before the mirror hanging on the wall and stared at herself. Her skin was flushed and her eyes were so dark she became frightened of herself for a second. Even when Daniel had viciously cut down her parents, her eyes hadn’t been as dark. She guessed it was because at the time she was more scared then angry though the anger did come at a later time. But why was she so angry with a man she didn’t even know? She should be glad he took off with his brother and left her alone, but for some reason it just didn’t sit well where her. There was a knowing feeling in the pit of her stomach that never seemed to want to go away since she arrived here. She wished someone, anyone, could explain it all to her.

  After slipping on the thick nightgown that had been left for her in the bathroom, she went back out into the bedroom, hoping Nyla had left. Even though she was fascinated with the idea of fairies being real in this world, she didn’t want to be bothered any more for the night.

  “I see you found the gown,” Nyla chimed when Isobel came out of the bathroom.

  Isobel smoothed the material down over her stomach. “Yes. I have to remember to tell Nana thank you in the morning.”

  Nyla giggled in her high pitched voice. “Oh no, Nana didn’t give you the gown. My people made it for you. They knew the time was approaching when you would arrive, so they got to work on it. It is beautiful!” Nyla fluttered around Isobel as she surveyed her new friend in the material made by her people.

  The nightgown was a light weight weaved material that felt like a combination of silk, cashmere, and cotton. The thick but delicate gown hung down to right above her ankles. The color was a very light pink that had been weaved together with some kind of shimmering silver thread. A vine of tiny flowers had been embroidered down both sleeves with the silver thread as well as on the rest of the gown. It also had a scooped neck that showed about half of her breasts which felt rather odd to her.

  “What is it made out of? It’s so soft, like nothing I have ever felt before,” Isobel rubbed her hands up and down her arms to let the material slid beneath her fingers, her anger forgotten.

  “The Hunnaflies spin the thread that is used to make it.”

  Isobel looked up confused. “What’s a hunnafly?”

  Nyla flew over to the bed to sit on one of the pillows. “A Hunnafly is similar to what you call a butterfly in your world. They are very beautiful and can produce threads in any color. My people do not like to part with the precious thread since it takes the Hunnaflies so long to make.”

  Isobel watched th
e fairy as Nyla sat in her bed. Too much had happened too quickly. Without warning, the threat of tears struck her again. Nyla must have sensed her change in mood because she quickly took notice.

  “Isobel, come sit by me,” Nyla said and patted the pillow she sat on. Isobel reluctantly obeyed and soon was sitting in front of her. “What is bothering you? I understand that everything here is new to you, but I told you everything will work out.”

  Isobel sniffed her she spoke. “What’s going to happen to me? I mean, I didn’t ask to come here and I want to go home. I don’t understand how I play a role in helping your world. I’m nothing special. I’m just Isobel.” She shrugged her shoulders and let the tears fall. She was tired of having to keep them in.

  “I will see if I can find out more answers for you but for now, you must believe that things will turn out fine.” Nyla smiled at her.

  “But, how do you know that? How can you be so sure?” She brushed away the tears trailing down her cheeks.

  “Fairies never lie. The elders of my people have known about you for a long time now. You might be surprised to know that we fairies know a lot about your world.” Nyla winked at Isobel then stood up. “I need to go and you need to get some rest.”

  Isobel was at a loss for words. How did the fairies know about her and where she came from? For now though, exhaustion overcame her and she need to get some sleep. Tomorrow, yes tomorrow, she would have a clear head and she would be able to see things more clearly.

  Nyla left the bed but waited for her to lie down. “I’ll check on you again in a couple of days. Goodnight, Isobel.” With that, Nyla flew out of the open window and disappeared into the dark night.

  Isobel watched Nyla fly away until she couldn’t see her anymore. With the window open, a cold breeze streamed into the room making her shiver. It reminded her of Ackergill Tower with the cold breeze blowing. She closed her eyes and listened to the wind as it rushed past the window. The sound lulled her into a dreamless sleep as she snuggled down into the warmth of Jakar’s bed.

  Chapter 9

  “Are you sure brother?” Brock asked him.

  Jakar paced back and forth in the room he used often to hold meeting with his brother and head men. He swirled the brown liquid around in the clear glass then poured the remaining amount down his throat. It burned going down causing him to wince but it was a good burning feeling because it took his mind off the woman he had just married and left standing alone in a room full of his people.

  “I’m positive. Nana and Nyla have driven me crazy ever since they first laid eyes on her.” He walked over to the table in the corner that held the decanter of the vile liquid he insisted on consuming.

  “But you don’t believe them.” It was more of a statement then a question. Brock knew him too well so there was no point in trying to lie to him.

  “No, I don’t. I believe she is one of Tuloch’s spies.” He turned to his brother and handed him the other glass he had filled.

  “Jakar, if Nyla says she is the one then it has to be true. The fairies have never lied to us before.”

  Jakar downed the entire glass then slammed into the fireplace, shattering into a million pieces. “I know!” he shouted. “I know that, damn it!”

  “Then what’s the problem? Have you even tried to talk to her without losing your temper?” Brock leaned back in the plush red chair and put his hands behind his head.

  Honestly, no he hadn’t. Every time he was around her he lost control. He was fighting the feelings deep in him that were trying to convince him he was wrong about Isobel.

  “I guess I can take it by your silence, you haven’t done so.” Brock shook his head in annoyance. “Jakar,” he leaned forward and looked to where Jakar stood before the fireplace, staring into the yellow and orange flames, “I may be the younger brother and have no right to tell you what to do, but you are making a big mistake.” He continued even as Jakar gave him a look that could have nailed him to the stone wall. “We’ve heard the story for our entire lives. How many times did you ask Nana to tell you the story of the woman coming to help save our lands? More than I care to remember.” He scoffed. “But the time has come to realize the story was true and not something just told to put two little boys to sleep at night.”

  Jakar struggled with the feelings raging inside him. One moment he wanted to believe that Isobel was the one meant to be his then the next moment he was fighting to push those thoughts and feeling back down and bury them deep. Would he really be able to accept Isobel for who she was supposed to be? He had to admit, his behavior towards her even disgusted him. She was innocent in everything he had accused her of and didn’t ask to be taken from her world to help save his. What of her family? What of her life in her world? He hadn’t even bothered to ask her anything about herself, get to know her somewhat. Being forced to marry her on such short notice didn’t help matters either.

  He ran a hand through his hair in frustration. “How is she to help against Tuloch? He is a ruthless killer and doesn’t care about his people. What can one woman possibly do to bring down such a man?”

  “I don’t know but she is here for some reason and we won’t have the answer to that until it is all over.” Brock stood up at the sound of a knock on the door.

  “Yes,” Jakar shouted to the closed door.

  The door to the meeting room open and his lead man, Elcon, walked in. “Sorry to disturb you, my lord but there is a report that several of Tuloch’s men have been spotted near the castle.”

  Jakar’s ice blue eyes darted to his brother at the same time Brock looked at him.

  Brock spoke what Jakar was afraid to say, “He must know that she is the one. He wouldn’t dare send men so close to the castle unless he had enough information to make it worth risking exposure.”

  Jakar’s stomach dropped. His enemy was trying to make a move on him and he needed to take of the problem. “Have the men prepare to ride. I want four squads to search every inch between here and the battle field.”

  “Yes, my lord!” Elcon replied then left the room.

  “Are you with me on this, Brock?”

  A big smile spread across the face of his youngest brother. “Always, you know that! Let’s go!” Brock slapped him on the back as they both headed out to meet with his men. It was going to be a long night, one he wasn’t happy about facing considering he had an unexpected wife lying in his bed on their wedding night.


  Two days after her wedding, Isobel still hadn’t seen hide nor hare of Jakar. When Nana had come into her room the morning after her wedding, she had informed Isobel that Jakar and four squads of men had left the castle in search of Tuloch’s men who were reported near the area. But as time passed and no word had been received, Isobel was worried. She might not like the man she was married to but she still didn’t want to see anything happen to him or his men.

  Nyla came to visit her on the second morning of after Jakar’s departure. Isobel expressed her concerns to the little fairy and was happily relieved when she took off out the window with the mission of finding Jakar. It wasn’t until later in the evening when Nyla finally returned with word of Jakar and his squads.

  After searching the surrounding areas for hours the night of their marriage, a small party of Tuloch’s was spotted trying to make an escape back across the border. Jakar, being who he was, went after the party. They were finally able to catch up the enemy party about ten miles from the border. A confrontation had broken out and several of the men in Tuloch’s party had been killed. Sadly, two of his own men had been killed in the fight that left several of his men injured. Jakar, himself, had a deep gash on his left shoulder, but luckily, it wasn’t life threatening.

  Nyla told Isobel that the ride back to the castle was taking longer than expected because of the injured men, but they were expected to arrive at the castle sometime during the night.

  For the rest of the day, Isobel had been anxious about seeing Jakar again. Her time away from her new husband ha
dn’t changed her feelings towards him. She still thought he was an arrogant ass and she had decided she would tell his so whenever he returned.

  She waited for hours and still no sign of the returning group. She sat by the window in their room until she could no longer see out into the darkness that consumed the land beyond the castle walls. When she couldn’t keep her eyes open any longer, she retired to the big bed alone, yet again.

  Chapter 10

  Daniel departed the plane that had taken him to Scotland. He had to admit to himself that he was quite surprised he was able to get a flight so soon after finding out where Isobel was hiding. It wasn’t much of a problem for him to obtain a false identity because he had numerous contacts in the drug world that he was connected to.


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