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Through the Looking Glass

Page 14

by Rebecca Lorino Pond

  “I will give you one chance to correct the problem you made. Take what men you can use to secure the woman. But,” the menacing man inhaled deeply, “know that if you fail again your lifeless body will hang from the castle wall to rot.” The sneer on the man’s face automatically told him that Tuloch would do exactly as he promised.

  “I swear upon my life I will bring you the woman.” Daniel stood up to leave the room.

  “Oh don’t you worry my dear, dear Daniel. Your life depends on it.”

  Tuloch turned his back to him which indicated he was being dismissed. He wasn’t about to lollygag around and get into any more trouble. He swiftly left the room, leaving the door slightly ajar as he went out. After all that he needed a drink. He might even decide to get drunk. The days ahead of him were going to be rough so he might as well enjoy himself just encase he failed once again.

  Chapter 16

  Isobel stretched lazily as the morning light reached out to caress her face. She slid her hand across the rumpled sheets to find Jakar. At first she was scared she would wake up and find he had left her again, but this time his warm body was still there. Her eyes popped open and a smile crossed her face as she felt his arm.

  Rolling onto her side, she found Jakar was still asleep. It was hard to believe the man lying next to her had been the source of so much pleasure the night before. He did things to her she had never experienced before. He was such a large man in every aspect but surprisingly very gentle in bed. Muscles she didn’t even know she had were pleasantly sore along with her core, not that she was complaining! Jakar had made love to her several times during the night until they both fell into an exhausted sleep in the wee hours of the early morning.

  Her eyes looked over his well-developed body that was partially covered up with the thick down comforter. She felt her face flush as she remembered how his hands had moved over her body, making everywhere he touched tingle. His chest, with only a small sprig of dark hair, revealed hours upon hours of practice with the sword she had seen him carry. There was not an inch of fat on him she noticed as she skimmed over the six-pack abs that lead down to a narrow waist. Beyond his waist she couldn’t see because of the comforter but she knew what she would find if she were to whip the covers back.

  When she had seen his cock for the first time she nearly fainted. It was long and thick but, it could bring on immense amounts of pleasure. She had never experienced multiple orgasms before and was quite content with the fact Jakar could bring her to her peak with barely a touch. She knew his cock would be bigger than average even though she hadn’t seen it when they made love for the first time on the chair near the fireplace. The feel of him stretching her inner walls further than what she had been used to had caused a small amount of pain but nothing that didn’t fade away quickly when he began to move within her.

  Isobel felt her core become slick again at the image she conjured up in her head. She wanted to taste him but she had been too shy to make the move even after several sessions of the breathless passion he left her with. Her core throbbed with need as she looked back up to his face. Her heart gave a sharp jump when she saw she had been caught red handed.

  “If you keep looking at me that way, I will have to have my way with you again,” Jakar’ voice was husky with sleep. He reached out a hand to caress her cheek then entwined it in her hair to pull her face within inches of his.

  She couldn’t help but smile. Her heart thudded in her chest when his lips touched hers gently. She felt his tongue dart out and trace the opening of her mouth. A moan escaped from her as he deepened the kiss to more than just a good morning kiss.

  He rolled over until she was lying beneath him. She could feel his cock pressing into her stomach as he looked down into her eyes. The hands that could be so gentle, circled her face and brushed back the strands of hair that fell across her eyes. He braced his body on his elbows at the same time she felt a knee push her thighs apart. She was still naked beneath the comforter so the moment her legs spread she felt his cock pressing at her entrance.

  Without any words, his cock pressed forward into her slick channel. It filled her almost to the point of pain once again but she didn’t care. He didn’t stop until he was fully buried inside her. His eyes never left her face as he slid slowly into her.

  “I can’t get enough of you,” he said when his body stilled. He leaned his forehead down until it rested against hers.

  She was confused by his sudden stillness. “Why did you stop?”

  “Because,” he spoke quietly, “if I move right now I am going to explode.”

  She knew exactly how he felt. The pressure alone of his cock being inside her was enough to send her over the edge. When he did move after a long time, she began to raise her hips as much as she could. His head jerked up off hers when he felt the movement.

  “If that’s how you want to play.” He smiled down at her mischievously as he pushed up off his elbows, leaving his cock buried.

  Unsure of what he was up to, she waited impatiently for him to do whatever he planned on doing. He never said another word as he hands trailed down her torso, coming to rest on her upper thighs while he was on his knees between her legs. One hand ran through the triangle of hair that sat above her core. A single finger slipped between the wet folds of skin to search for the small button. When he found it he pressed down hard but not hard enough to hurt her. The feel of him pressing on her clit while his cock was buried in her sent her over the edge she had been dangling over. Bursts of lights flashed before her closed eyes as wave after wave of pleasure racked her body. Her muscles clenched and unclenched along his cock that still hadn’t moved.

  She hadn’t finished coming when she felt Jakar’s hard hands press firmly on her upper thighs as he began to move within her. He was still on his knees as he pounded into her channel. It wasn’t the gentle thrusting from last night but more of a desperate need. He shifted his position slightly so he could lean back a bit. His hands slid to tops of her thighs near her waist, pulling her up and against him. Her breasts rocked and bounced with each thrust of his hips. Her hands fisted in the sheet to try and keep herself in one spot so that each thrust of Jakar’s cock hit the end of her channel. It wasn’t long before the fire in her was ablaze again.

  “I…I am going to come…” she spit out right before she reached her climax. The words weren’t even out of her mouth when she felt Jakar’s cock harden further, if it was possible, then yelled out with his own release. Warm spurts of his seed hit her womb again and again. As he came inside her, her climax crested over her. She screamed out his name as the waves hit her like a battering ram.

  Jakar fell down on top of her bracing himself again on his elbows, careful not to crush her under his weight. He was breathing heavy the same way she was gulping in large amounts of air. His cock throbbed inside her as they both slowly came down off their high. Her skin was ultra-sensitive now and almost came again when she felt Jakar place a kiss on each of her nipples before moving to her mouth.

  He rolled to the side so that she lay on top of him when he pulled the comforter up over their slick bodies. His fingers softly rubbed up and down her spine as they lay quietly in the bed. A loud knock on the door made her jump and look at the door. She hoped whoever it was wouldn’t come in and see her in her current position. Her hopes were short lived when Jakar called out to the person.

  “What is it?”

  The door opened and in walked Betsy with a tray of food. “Good morning my lord, my lady.”

  Betsy went to put the tray on the nearby table but Jakar motioned for her to bring it over to the bed.

  “I think we will have breakfast in bed, Betsy. What do you think about that, little one?”

  She rolled off Jakar, landing on her back. While he sat up, she pulled on the tangled sheet so she could bury her head beneath it. Humiliation swept through her when she saw Betsy heading their way. She didn’t want anyone to know what they had been doing just moments before.

re you are, my lord. Can I get anything else for you?” Betsy stood alongside the bed with her hands clasped in front of her.

  Isobel chanced a glance at the girl. The look on Betsy’s face didn’t reveal anything about what she was seeing. How could she ever face the staff again? She didn’t doubt for a moment that as soon as Betsy left the room word would spread quickly through the castle of the newlyweds’ consummation.

  “No that’s all, Betsy. Thank you.” Jakar shoved a piece of grilled ham into his mouth.

  Her own mouth was salivating from the smell of the food. The aroma of fresh baked biscuits had her belly churning and growling to be fed.

  “Yes, my lord,” Betsy answered then moved to leave the room.

  In her haste to fill her belly, Isobel sat up too quickly which caused the sheet to fall to her waist. She gasped loudly when she realized she had just flashed Betsy. Jakar laughed at her sudden movement but it was the look on Betsy’s face that sent chills down her spine.

  The girl’s eyes were squinting in disgust as she walked past the foot of the bed. There was something in the look Betsy gave her that told her she needed to watch her back when Betsy was around. She and Betsy had gotten along fine when she first met the servant, so what had changed to make her feel differently?

  The door closed behind Betsy, leaving the pair alone. Jakar broke open a steaming, fluffy biscuit then spread on a generous amount of homemade butter. He handed it to her then repeated the process for himself. She broke a piece of the biscuit then put it in her mouth. She doubted she would ever get tired of eating Nana’s biscuits.

  “I have to be away for the day, so I don’t want you wandering outside the castle walls,” Jakar said to her.

  “Is it alright if I go into the village?” She knew he was trying to protect her but at the same time she didn’t want to feel like a prisoner.

  “Only if you take a couple of my men with you.”

  “Seriously?” She didn’t expect that answer. Now she was to be babysat.

  “I am dead serious, Isobel. If I find out you went into the village alone you will answer to me. Is that clear?”

  She swallowed the chuck of biscuit. “Yes,” she snapped in return and saw Jakar’s face darken.

  The morning was now ruined with his shift in attitude. The closed off and demanding Jakar was back, leaving her feeling used. Jakar finished his portion of breakfast before he got out of bed. Obviously he wasn’t shy about walking around naked in front of her. He was a perfect specimen, too bad he could anger her so easily. She watched him as he dressed in the style of clothing she was used to seeing him in. Tight black pants slid up to waist his to hide the area she had been so engrossed in. A cream colored shirt was slipped over his head and fell over his tanned chest to hide the muscles that he worked on every day. He sat on the bench against the wall to pull his boots on then stood up and reached for a sword she had not seen leaning against the wardrobe.

  She pushed the tray to the side and wiped her mouth with the napkin provided for her. Out the corner of her eye she saw her husband approach the side of the bed. She didn’t want to look at him but was forced to when he turned her chin with his hands.

  He bent down and lightly brushed his lips across hers. She tried to remain cold to his touch but it was no use. Everything about him made her want to melt. He pulled back an inch before he spoke.

  “Promise me you will not leave the castle alone.”

  His eyes pleaded with her. All of a sudden she felt guilty for having been mad at him for trying to protect her. She felt childish actually.

  “I promise.”

  He gave her the smile that made her heart pound wildly in her chest.

  “If you behave yourself while I’m gone, I promise to give you more of last night’s activities.” He kissed her hard one more time then left her sitting in the bed.

  “Wait!” she called out to him just before he closed the door. He poked his head back in the room. “How can I find Nyla?” she asked.

  “Just call out to her. She’ll hear you.” The door closed with a loud click.

  Could it really be that simple? She shrugged her shoulders then called out, “Nyla? Where are you?”

  Nothing happened at first. The room was just as still as it had been a moment ago, so she called out again. “Yoohoo, Nyla?” She waited again.

  This time a small breeze came through the window immediately before Nyla came zooming in. She was totally amazed it had worked as she laughed out loud.

  “Hi Nyla! You could really hear me call you!”

  Nyla looped through the air then landed in the middle of the bed. “Hello Isobel. Of course I can hear you call me. I can hear anyone call me as long I am in the north half of Aslog. Our magic does not work in the south because the elders have forbidden us to go there. How have you been?”

  “I’m fine. Why haven’t you come to see me?”

  “I didn’t want to intrude upon you and Jakar,” Nyla relied.

  “Don’t be silly. You can come any time. I’d love to have the company.” She slid from the bed and grabbed the discarded dress still on the floor. She managed to pull it over her head without dropping the sheet that covered her naked body. “Would you show me around the castle grounds? I am sick of being in this room with nothing to do and Jakar doesn’t want me to go into the village.”

  “Of course I will! Where would you like to go first?” Nyla jumped into the air and buzzed around her head.

  “Oh, I don’t know. Are there any gardens within the castle walls?” She buttoned up the dress then slipped on her slippers.

  “There are several gardens. Vegetable gardens, flower gardens. I can show you them all.”

  “Perfect! Let’s go!”

  The pair left the confines of the bedroom and headed down the stairs. As they passed people in the halls, several had smiles upon their faces. She could only guess why. Oh my god! They heard us! She cast her eyes downward to the floor. The thought of everyone knowing that they had sex was mortifying to her. How could she have been stupid to have given in so quickly? Jakar didn’t even like her for crying out loud. Perhaps he just needed someone to help him ease any discomforts he was experiencing in the sex department.

  “Come on Isobel!” Nyla shouted from down the hallway.

  She glanced up to see where Nyla was. “I’m coming,” she mumbled. She had been excited to see the gardens just minutes ago, but now she wanted to crawl back to her room and hide under the bed. Her mood had changed so quickly it frightened her. She wasn’t used to being the center of attention and wished everyone would mind their own business.

  After catching up with Nyla, they exited a backdoor of the castle that lead directly into one of the gardens. She stopped for a moment to take in the sights and smells the open air had to offer. The air outside was chilly and had a damp feeling to it. It wasn’t raining, thankfully, but the sun was starting to struggle to stay out. On the inside Isobel felt the same way the day was turning into, dreary and depressing. On the outside though she needed to keep up her appearance of looking as if everything was going to be fine. A foreboding feeling settled over her as she stood in the doorway of the garden. Something just didn’t feel quite right. She had a creepy feeling that she was being watched. Did Jakar order people to watch her every move?

  Nyla flew up to her side startling her out of her deep thoughts. “What are you looking so serious for? Come, I want to show you something.” For such a tiny fairy Nyla had a commanding effect.

  Isobel followed behind Nyla as the little fairy flew through the air. She walked carefully on the gravel path that lead to the middle of a dead garden. From the looks of the garden, it had been neglected for a long time. Weeds protruded through the soil that desperately needed to be turned. Random, long, brown vines clung to the walls that surrounded the garden making it appear more like a haunted house than a castle. A bird bath sat lopsided on its pedestal and had stagnate water covering the shallow bottom. It was hard to find any source of life in th
e garden.

  “Nyla, what happened here?” She stopped near a low bush covered with red berries.

  Nyla landed on a thick branch of the nearby tree and walked to the end. “This used to be Jakar’s mother’s garden. It was so beautiful once but after her death Jakar’s father forbade anyone from attending to it.”

  “That’s so sad,” she replied as she pulled a dead leaf off the bush.

  “Lord Markson had a rough time after his wife passed away, leaving him with two young boys. Nana took over the care of the boys until they were old enough to start training with their father. Heck, she still looks after them when she can. Anyhow, the garden has been left to die, but,” Nyla paused then flew off the branch and came up to her face, “I am hoping you can change that.”

  “Me? I can’t take care of this entire place alone!” She turned at the waist with her arms held out as she indicated the condition of the garden.


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