Taking Passion by Storm

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Taking Passion by Storm Page 12

by Ravenna Tate

  He opened his mouth to speak, but she cut him off.

  “I know you understand it, but it’s not right. I don’t want any doubt in your mind, because there is no longer any in mine.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “I mean my answer is ‘yes.’ I will marry you, Addison.”

  Chapter Fifteen

  Addison’s pulse raced. He was afraid to believe what he’d just heard. “Are you sure?”

  She nodded, her beautiful blue eyes alive with excitement and understanding. He had no idea what else had gone through her head before she’d spoken, but he knew whatever it was, it had been enough for her to realize this was right. This was where they belonged.

  “I do love you,” she said. “I always have.”

  He froze for a few seconds, unable to respond. As many times as he’d fantasized about this, hearing Nadine tell him she loved him, or asking her to marry him, this particular setting had never figured into it. That didn’t matter now. Not even close. He saw the truth in her eyes and heard it in her voice. She did love him. The rest, they’d figure out. They had their entire lives to do that.

  Addison pulled her into his arms, moaning against her hair. He would do anything to have her. He only hoped she’d feel the same way once they found her father and were back underground. He moved his hands over her body without restraint this time. He wanted to claim her, possess her, render her unable to want another man for the rest of her life.

  She belonged to him. She always had. He would do anything to erase the past for her and help her live from this moment on in whatever way she wanted to, as long as he was in the mix somewhere. All these years, it had only been Nadine in his dreams. She was the one he had always wanted and never believed he could have. She was here now, in his arms, and she loved him. She had agreed to marry him. Addison could barely think he was so damn happy. This was what he’d fantasized about.


  Nadine had never been this aroused in her life, even before she’d shut all that down four years ago. She felt so free, as if everything holding her back was suddenly gone, and she could finally be the person she’d always wanted to be.

  If she were being honest, she would have gone out with Addison when she was eighteen despite the age difference, because she’d always been that attracted to him. But this was different. It was the result of having bared her soul to him, and of having him respond in such a tender, caring way that she’d been able to push away those memories for a few precious hours. If she could do it, she’d banish them for the rest of her life, just to feel this way in his arms each and every time. Maybe that would be possible one day?

  He kissed her neck, then trailed his tongue over her breasts. Nadine couldn’t even process all the emotions coursing through her, so she stopped trying and simply gave over to them. Her touches grew bolder as he licked her nipples, alternating that with tiny bites, until she was sure she’d go out of her mind with need.

  She rubbed his cock, so ready now it twitched in her hand. When he moved to part her legs, she sat up. “You did that yesterday and I loved it, but I want to do the same thing to you.”

  “Oh … oh that would be wonderful.” His voice was full of delight, but his face looked like he was in pain.

  “Unless you don’t want me to. I never have before. Given a man a blowjob, that is.”

  He cupped her face. “Sweetheart, I would love to show you how to give a blowjob, but I’m not sure I can keep myself from coming if you do.”

  “That’s all right. I want to try at least.”

  He looked like a kid on Christmas morning, and she had to bite back a laugh. “Only if you’re sure.”

  “I’m sure. Where do you want me? On my knees?”

  “No. I mean under other circumstances yes, but the floor of this cave isn’t exactly comfortable. I’ll lie down.” He lay on his back, and she crawled between his legs, no clue what to do. She’d never watched much porn, unlike most people she knew, but she didn’t want to tell him that now. She was an adult. She could figure this out.

  She brushed her hands over his inner thighs, then his balls and finally his cock. He writhed under her touch, moaning softly and grasping her hands to pull them back to his body when she moved them away. “Please, Nadine … I’m only a man.”

  “A sexy man.”

  He gave her such a gentle look that her heart fluttered. “Do you have any idea how seductive you are?”

  “You make me feel that way.” Before she lost her nerve, Nadine bent her head and licked his balls. He groaned loudly as she explored the texture of them, and when she finally moved to his dick, his breathing turned quick and raspy. Nadine took a few inches into her mouth and sucked, hoping that was right.

  “Wrap your lips around your teeth, love, and move your head up and down over it.”


  “No. No apologies. Merely telling you what feels good for me.”

  She did what he asked her to do, and then slid more of his cock into her mouth. She loved the contrast between the veins on it and the velvety surface. The way his body reacted, and the noises coming from him gave her a feeling of control over the situation, which in turn helped her enjoy this. It was so normal, so mutual. This was how sex was supposed to be, and Addison had done this for her. He’d helped her find this. He had been the one to finally show her that long-buried fantasies could come true.

  “Nadine, I can’t hold back any longer.”

  She barely had time to process what he’d said before he grasped her head, one hand on each side, and her mouth was filled with hot cum. She tried to swallow all of it, not even sure if that’s what she was supposed to do, but some dribbled out onto her chin. He groaned loudly and then released her head to hold out his arms.

  Nadine crawled next to him on his sleeping bag, still aroused, but happy beyond all reason that she’d been able to do that for him. Her pulse raced as she realized all the barriers he’d helped her break in such a short time. And he loved her. He loved her! She could barely wrap her head around it. She’d never felt this content or hopeful for the future.

  She wasn’t sure he’d been serious about marrying her, but that part didn’t matter. They’d said the words. They’d told each other “I love you,” and they’d expressed their desire to have a life together. It was more than she’d ever believed possible for her, and certainly with Addison.

  He stirred next to her, and then rolled her onto her side and kissed her. She moaned deeply and wrapped her arms and legs around him, pushing her body against his. He reached between them and teased her nipples, forcing yet more moans from her. When he slid his hand between her legs, Nadine placed her hand over his and closed her eyes, lost in the heady sensation as he rubbed her clit with expert fingers.

  Addison moved her onto her back, and Nadine spread her legs, all her earlier inhibitions gone. She’d never felt so wanton, and it was liberating to be able to let go like this with a man. Especially with Addison. Did he really want to marry her? She couldn’t imagine it right now. All she could do was lie there as the climax that had been building for the past half hour reached a fevered pitch.

  Nadine cried out as Addison slid two fingers into her soaking wet pussy, and teased her clit with his thumb. The man knew exactly what he was doing. Within minutes, a powerful orgasm crashed through her, and she lost all sense of time and space. He was on her then, slipping his dick inside her pussy before she had time to realize he’d grown hard again.

  She clung to him as he fucked her mercilessly, and even the unforgiving cave floor underneath the sleeping bag couldn’t ruin this for her. When he came again, they were both covered in a fine sheen of sweat. He held her close, whispering her name over and over, and kissing her hair, her face, and her neck.

  He rolled onto his back, and she snuggled against him, her head on his chest, and drifted off to sleep, happier than she’d ever believed she could be.


  Addison woke with a start, convinced he�
�d heard shouting. Where was he? The cave. They’d come in here last night to escape the storm. So who was shouting? Nadine was still asleep, curled up next to him, as naked as he was.

  When he rose, she woke up, too, and then sat straight up as they both heard George call their names. “He’s in the cave,” she whispered, covering her breasts with her hands.

  Addison grinned. “He’s seen naked women before, I’m quite sure.”

  She gave him an exasperated look and glanced around, snatching her clothes from where they’d left them earlier. Addison pulled on his jeans but nothing else and went in search of George, using the spare lantern, so Nadine could get dressed without feeling embarrassed.

  How long had they slept? Had the storm flooded any of the other caves? Guilt washed over him as he realized their teammates had been hiding all this time, while he and Nadine had been going at it like horny teens.

  There was no water in the cave, and he hoped it hadn’t seeped into the others either. As he neared the entrance, he realized the sun had not yet risen. Why was George outside in the dark?

  George stood near the opening with the others, except for Merrill, all talking excitedly. As soon as Gina spotted Addison, she sprinted toward him. Her gaze swept over his naked chest, but only briefly. Whatever had them all so animated was more important than seeing her boss emerge from inside a cave half naked.

  “We found him.”

  “What?” What the hell is she talking about? Addison’s brain was still a bit foggy. Not only had he and Nadine said “I love you” to each other, but she’d agreed to marry him. At least, Addison thought she had. Maybe he’d dreamed that? He hoped not.

  “Dixon. We found him.”

  That snapped him back to the present. “How? Where?” How the fuck long had he and Nadine been sleeping?

  Gina laughed, but the undertone was more nervousness than humorous. “In the cave that Alesia, Suzanne, and I were searching. We went back into it deeper when we realized how many hidden tunnels there were, and he’s in there. Dixon is in a cave not more than a few hundred yards from here!”

  Addison ran a hand through his hair. The same thing could have happened inside this one, except that he and Nadine hadn’t bothered to explore it. He was about to speak when he heard noise behind him. Nadine was there, fully dressed, but her hair was a hot mess and it was obvious she’d been on the floor of a cave. Dirt was smeared all over her arms and legs.

  “Did I hear you correctly?” she asked, her voice small and her beautiful eyes full of hope. “You’ve found my father?”

  “Yes.” Gina held out her hand. “Come on. He’s furious that you’re up here with us, but anxious to see you.”

  Nadine merely stared at Gina, her eyes even wider now.

  “He’s okay. Well, I mean he’s not okay, but he’s alive.”

  Nadine put a hand to her mouth, and Addison was at her side as soon as he realized she was crying. He pulled her into his arms, not giving a shit what conclusions the rest of them jumped to. It no longer mattered. Dixon had been found, and he was alive.

  Chapter Sixteen

  Nadine could barely walk. What little light the lanterns gave off still wasn’t enough to prevent her from tripping over rocks and her own two feet. Addison had gone back to put on the rest of his clothes and retrieve their backpacks, but he caught up with them before they went inside the cave where Gina said her father had been sheltered all this time.

  Her heart pounded so loudly she was certain they all could hear it. She followed the others through twists and turns, Addison behind her now, until finally they came to a smaller cave and there he was. Her father. Propped up against the cave wall, sitting on a sleeping bag, and sporting an obviously broken left leg that was splinted with a large tree branch. Had he done that?

  “Oh my God.” She dropped to her knees next to him, and as he reached to hug her, she caught the stench of pain and fear on him. Nadine’s body trembled as she cried, her father’s arms around her, and tried not to dwell on what he must have gone through this past week.

  “How?” she asked. “How did you survive all this time? Did you splint this on your own?”

  “This?” His voice was dry and weak. They needed to get him out of here. “This is nothing, little lady. Yes, I did this, right after I crawled into this cave.”

  “Why were you separated from the group?”

  Addison was next to her now, stroking her hair. “That can wait.”

  Merrill handed her a cup of water. “Here. He needs to keep drinking. He’s very dehydrated.”

  “I’ve had ten damn cups already, and two sandwiches.” For the first time, she noticed the bread crumbs still on his face.

  “He was almost out of food and water,” said Merrill. “At first light we’ll get him underground.”

  “How will we do that?” she asked.

  Merrill smiled indulgently at her. “We’ll carry him, Nadine. We’ll carry him straight to the nearest viaduct and then take him to the hospital.”

  She handed the cup to her father, who drank it without stopping.

  “What if we run into storms?” she asked, her attention on Merrill. Nadine was sure she’d pass out as images raced through her mind.

  “I’m sure we will,” said Addison, rubbing her back slowly. The gesture was comforting, but not enough to keep her from imagining the worst. “We’ll deal with it, okay? We’ll get him underground. I promise you.”

  She glanced toward Addison. “I still want to know how he ended up here. Why was he so far from his group?”

  “Because I’m a stubborn old fool. They ran for a shelter, and I stayed outside to film the tornado. Nadine, you should have seen it. It started out small, but then intensified after they all went inside the shelter. Within minutes, there were four vortices. Four! I’ve never seen anything like it.”

  The others were gathered around now, and as Nadine scanned their faces, she realized they were fascinated by his story. This was what they lived for, and the fact that any of them could lose their lives, or end up hiding in a cave for a week with a broken leg, was irrelevant to them.

  “Did you get the film?” asked Alesia, her eyes bright.

  “I sure did, but the batteries are dead so you’ll have to wait until we’re underground to see it.”

  “Why were you caught outside, though?” asked Nadine.

  “Because it came toward me without warning. They do that now. The storms change direction with no rhyme or reason. I knew I wouldn’t reach the shelter so I ran and made it into a cave, but had to stay there and wait for that storm to pass. When I emerged, my walkie was broken. Something had struck it, and I never even felt it. I couldn’t contact the others, so I headed for the bunker. That’s our SOP. If we get separated and can’t contact one another, head for the nearest bunker.”

  “You mean the one we were in?” she asked Addison.

  He grinned and nodded. “Yes, the very same one.”

  As the memories of what she and Addison had done in that bunker washed over her, Nadine felt heat rise to her face and hoped no one else noticed. Long moments passed before she realized no one was talking, and self-conscious now, she turned her attention back to her father.

  “Is that how you ended up here? You got caught by another storm?”

  “Yes. Only this time it was straight line winds, with enough rain to cause a flash flood. That’s how I broke my leg. I was slammed into a very large pine tree and swept along with the water. It actually washed me into the mouth of this cave, and then I crawled until I found a tunnel that sloped upward, and waited it out.”

  Nadine hugged herself. That was exactly what she’d been imagining in the cave where she and Addison had just been. She suddenly felt claustrophobic as the others crowded closer, all asking her father more questions. Addison was still next to her, and she glanced into his eyes. “You promised me we’d find him and we did.”

  The look he gave her nearly took her breath away. It was a combination of love and awe,
and she wasn’t sure how to react to it. “I always keep my promises, Nadine.”

  “All of them?”

  “Yes. All of them. Including the ones I’ve made to you. I wish you’d believe me.”

  “I do believe you.”

  The air in the cave grew oppressive as she realized the conversation had stopped once more. Everyone was watching them, including her father. Would Addison mention they were engaged? Holy shit. She was engaged. As in she had agreed to marry this man.

  Nadine took several deep breaths and forced her gaze back to her father’s face. His eyes narrowed as he glanced from her to Addison and back again. The man had spent a week on the floor of a cave with a broken leg, and he still was sharp as a tack. She had nothing to worry about. He’d survive this and probably outlive all of them.

  She’d have to tell him about Addison, but it could wait. Their priority now was to get him back underground and to a hospital. Nadine fussed over him with unnecessary gestures, only to avoid everyone’s gazes. She’d have to deal with that, too. With Addison’s friends and employees knowing what had happened in the other cave.

  The others moved away slightly and resumed their talk about storms, while Addison leaned closer to her. “He’s pretty upset that you’re here, you know.”

  “Yes, that’s right. I am.”

  “I couldn’t wait for word. I had to come along.”

  “Addison didn’t have anything to do with convincing you, did he?”

  Her quick glance toward Addison was probably the wrong reaction, but of course she realized that one second too late.

  “No,” said Addison. “This was Nadine’s idea.”

  She’d have to tell her father about the rape, too. That realization came crashing back at her, but she knew it could wait. It would have to. She certainly couldn’t have that conversation now, in front of everyone else. She’d tell him, and then she’d explain that was part of why she’d decided to ask Addison to let her come on this mission. He’d understand once she told him everything, but her pulse raced anyway. She should have told him years ago, and she realized that now.


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