Book Read Free

Crystal Muse

Page 4

by Heather Askinosie

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  Q: I’m moving into a new house. What are the cleansing steps to take? When is the best time to cleanse a space when I am moving?

  A: The first thing to do in any space before you move in is to place containers of salt and water in all corners of each room. Ideally this would happen 24 to 48 hours before you move in. Open up all the windows, allowing fresh air and sunlight to fill the space.

  Standing at the front door, looking inside your space, state aloud: “To the guardians of [your full address]. My name is______, and I’m going to be the new occupant here. I would like to introduce myself and ask your assistance in purifying the space of the previous occupants and their energy that might be left behind within the walls, floors, and ceilings.” (If it’s a completely new house, you would clear the energy of the workers and people who’ve been in there.) Go through the cleansing process. You’ll also want to clean the floors, windows, and so on with the intention of clearing out all the energies of the previous occupants. On your move-in day, before you begin moving your belongings into your new space, gather all the containers of salt and flush the contents down the toilet.

  FENG SHUI TIP: When you move into a new space, the first things you should bring inside are healthy green plants to represent a healthy life, and a jar of honey to bring in sweetness. Always make sure you have a brand-new broom for your new house. You do not want to bring an old broom into your new space. You want to start fresh and not be sweeping old debris and memories into your new space.

  * * *

  Sea Salt



  Since ancient times, salt has been used to preserve and flavor foods, but did you know that it also absorbs negative energy? It’s the perfect tool to cleanse and purify your environment. It is also a strong energy tool to repel unwanted spirits.


  Pour one part water to one part sea salt into four small containers.

  Place the containers in the four corners of any room. Leave them there for at least 24 hours. The combination of water and sea salt will absorb any negativity and unwanted energy.

  After 24 hours, pour the contents into the toilet and flush away all the absorbed energy.

  Repeat this as needed to keep the energy of your space clean and clear.



  A powerful way to clear and purify space is through sound. You can use your hands by clapping, ringing bells, or beating a drum. By making noise, you wake up any stale energy that may be lingering in the corners. Whichever sound you decide to use, make sure you do it three times in each corner. Start at your front door and then move around each room in your house in a clockwise direction. This will wake up any stagnant energy and get it flowing again. For a quick and easy energy cleanse, play an om mantra or Beethoven’s Fifth Symphony in the rooms that need to be “freshened up” a bit.

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  Q: I’ve moved into my partner’s house, where he used to live with his ex. I am constantly ill and have no energy. Neither of us is happy here, and I constantly feel depressed and down the minute I walk in the door. When I am outside the house, I feel great, but my mood changes the second I return. What should I do?

  A: Both of you need to go through your house together. Anything that your partner bought with his ex ideally would be removed. It’s important to go through the entire house and have an open dialogue about how you feel about the space. Maybe it’s time to make some changes, such as a new paint color on the walls, artwork, or a few new pieces of furniture. After you and your partner have decided what changes you want to make, do the Space Clearing Ritual.

  FENG SHUI TIP: If you’ve gone through a divorce or a very serious breakup, the partner who keeps the mattress is said to be the one who takes longer to get over the relationship—because they’re sleeping on the memories of the past. Ideally, if you can, you want to get rid of the mattress and sheets.

  A secret for anyone who’s had different people sleeping in their bed, a major breakup, or a divorce, and doesn’t want to get rid of the mattress: Strip your bed of everything—all the sheets, down to the bare mattress. Open all the windows to get as much light in the room as possible. Fill four glass jars with one part water to one part salt, and place on the floor at the four corners of your bed. Gather the petals of two to three dozen white roses and spread them over the top of the mattress. Keep them there all day. They will purify the energy of past relationships. Next, sage and purify the space. Collect all the petals and give them back to the Earth. Pour all the contents from the jars into the toilet and flush.

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  COLOR: White to colorless, transparent to translucent

  ORIGIN: Mexico, Morocco, and the U.S.

  HISTORY AND LORE: Scientific exploration of the Naica Mine in Chihuahua, Mexico, revealed one of the most magnificent hidden treasures on Earth—a magical cavern filled with white crystals the size of telephone poles and redwood trees. In this mine, 300 meters below the surface, researchers studied Selenite, a variety of gypsum, to shed further light on the origins of life on Earth. Before 2004, gypsum was thought to only exist on our planet. Then it was confirmed that gypsum dune fields existed on the surface of Mars as well. This was exciting news for Mars researchers because the existence of gypsum alludes to the presence of water. This information has also led scientists to believe that there could be the possibility of life on Mars. Maybe that’s why its energy feels so out of this world!

  HEALING PROPERTIES: The pure, high vibrational energy of Selenite is like liquid light. It has the ability to cleanse, purify, and align you with your highest potential. It shifts your aura and energetic vibration to attune you with a higher energy. Low vibrational energies attract negativity on the same level. Raising your vibration is essential to keeping feelings of grief, fear, anger, and anxiety out of your mental and physical space. Selenite also evokes protection from the angelic realm, helping to dispel all negative energy from the body and mind, as well as bringing deep peace and mental clarity. Selenite crystals will magnify the energy of anything that is placed upon them. Combine them with other crystals to amplify the desired intention.



  TIME FRAME: Up to 1 hour, depending on how large your space is

  Your external environment is a mirror image of your internal environment. Clearing the space surrounding you simultaneously clears your mind, body, and spirit. Space clearing is one of the most powerful ways to shift the energy in your life. In less than an hour, your space will feel lighter, happier, and uplifted.



  1 sage stick

  1 feather

  1 abalone shell or fireproof container to catch ashes

  1 lighter or matches

  1 Palo Santo wood stick to keep the energy grounded and clear while bringing blessings into your space

  1 sound maker (bell, drum, chimes) to break up any stagnant or stuck energy

  Small glass Mason jars or bowls (enough to place 1 in each room of your space)

  Sea salt and Himalayan Salt to absorb any unwanted energy

  Black Tourmaline to absorb negative and stagnant energy (enough to place 1 crystal in each room of your space)

  Selenite wands to place on the windowsills in each room of the house for cleansing, clearing, protecting, and raising the vibration to a higher level in your environment (enough for at least one windowsill in each room of the house)

  1 tray (large enough to hold items above)

  OPTIONAL: Play music during space clearing such as an om mantra, space clearing mantras, or your favorite uplifting music.


  Do this space clearing ritual at a time during the day when you can open the windows.

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  Raise blinds, open your windows, and pull back curtains to allow fresh air and sunshine into the space.

  Sweep and clean the front doorstep (or entrance into your home) to keep the energy clean, positive, and uplifted.

  Clean your stovetop. This represents health and your financial life.

  Hold the Black Tourmaline crystals in your hands, close your eyes, and take 3 deep breaths. Aloud or in your head, say the following: “I ask that the highest vibration of love and light connect with my highest self to clear all unwanted energy and any previous programming. I command these crystals to hold the intention of absorbing, purifying, and clearing all unwanted energy in this environment. Thank you, thank you, thank you.”

  Hold the white Selenite wands in your hands, close your eyes, and take 3 deep breaths. Aloud or in your head, say the following: “I ask that the highest vibration of love and light connect with my highest self to clear all unwanted energy and any previous programming. I command these crystals to hold the intention of light, pure love, and protection. Thank you, thank you, thank you.”

  Fill the glass Mason jars or bowls with one part water, one part sea salt, and one piece of Black Tourmaline.

  Place your jars, Selenite crystals, sage, feather, abalone shell, lighter, Palo Santo, and sound maker on the tray.

  Set your tray down, and grab your sage, feather, abalone shell, and lighter.

  Starting at the front door, light the sage and say this “Smudge Prayer,” given to me by Bobby Lake-Thom (a.k.a. Medicine Grizzly Bear), author of Native Healer: Initiation into an Ancient Art and Call of the Great Spirit: The Shamanic Life and Teachings of Medicine Grizzly Bear. You will only say the prayer one time at the beginning of this ritual. “Great Creator, the four Powers of the Universe, and all my Relations and Good Spirits in Nature. I come before you in a humble manner and ask for your help. The way I understand it, you put this medicine on the Earth from the Beginning of Creation to help Human Beings. This medicine is used to purify our mind, body, soul, aura, and environment where I now stand. I therefore ask that you accept this medicine and purify me (or anyone else standing close to you as family and friends). I ask that you remove all bad spirits, all bad forces, all ghosts and deceased people, or any evil entities and negative energies. I ask that you remove all fear, pain, and sickness. And do not let them return.”

  Move in a counterclockwise direction around the room, using the feather to guide the smoke to the corners and throughout the room. Place the sage in the abalone shell on the tray after you have finished.

  Grab the sound maker, and moving in a clockwise direction throughout the room, ring it 3 times in each corner of the room.

  Place the Mason jar or bowl filled with salt, water, and Black Tourmaline in the center of the room or a place that is safe and where it will be undisturbed.

  Add your Selenite wands to each windowsill.

  Take the entire tray into the next room and repeat steps 8 through 13, omitting the prayer.

  Once all rooms have been cleared, go back to the front door and place the tray on the ground. At this point, all the Selenite should be placed on windowsills, and a jar with your water mixture should be in each room.

  Light your Palo Santo and state out loud, “I’d like to bring harmony, happiness, blessings, and good health into my space.” Walk clockwise around your room repeating what energies you’d like to fill the space with. Repeat this in every room of your home. Once you have finished, allow the Palo Santo to burn out on its own.

  Allow the crystals and the jars to remain in the space for 24 hours.

  After this time period, go through the rooms and collect all jars.

  Take the Black Tourmaline out of each jar, rinse it with water, and place it outside in the light of the Sun and Moon for 48 hours to clear and recharge the crystals.

  Pour all the salt and water down the toilet and flush. Clean the jars and wash your hands.

  Repeat this ritual as often as needed.

  Himalayan Salt




  COLOR: Pale orange

  ORIGIN: Pakistan

  HISTORY AND LORE: You know salt can combat an icy driveway and even make your well-meaning friend’s pot roast bearable, but did you know this miracle mineral could purify your space as well? What can’t salt do?! Himalayan Salt, or Pink Halite, is similar to the salt in your cabinet—both are composed of mainly sodium chloride. However, the other mineral impurities within it, like magnesium, calcium, potassium, and others, give Himalayan Salt special therapeutic abilities. Himalayan Salt is used as a stress reliever and muscle relaxer in baths, as comforting salt lamps, and in cooking.

  HEALING PROPERTIES: Give your space some flavor with Himalayan Salt. It purifies and detoxes energy because of its natural absorbency. Negative energy and a variety of toxins will be soaked up by the salt, leaving behind a cleansed space full of light and positivity.

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  Q: What can I do quickly on a daily basis to keep my mind, body, spirit, and crystals purified?

  A: Light a stick of sandalwood incense with the intention to purify your mind, body, spirit, and crystals of all unwanted energy, and ask that the highest vibration of love and light surround you.

  * * *

  Once you get into a regular routine of clearing and cleansing yourself, your space, and your crystals, it will become second nature. You will become very in tune with yourself and will notice quickly if something feels off or stagnant in your environment. The tools here will assist you in shifting energy quickly and making your rituals more powerful and effective.

  “The need for space clearing comes from understanding: we are significantly affected by our surroundings. Uniting Heaven and Earth, we dwell in sacred space.”

  — Kartar Diamond,

  Feng Shui master





  “Meditation can reintroduce you to that part of yourself that’s been ‘missing’ for so long.”


  spiritual entrepreneur, producer, and author


  I shifted uncomfortably in my chair. “What do you mean?”

  “If you stay on the path you’re on, you’re going to crash and burn. It’s time to consider another road if you want to have a fulfilling life.”

  Was it that obvious that I had a triple type-A personality and was spiraling out of control? So what if my life was busy, and every minute was accounted for? What’s the big deal?

  But he was a doctor who specialized in Ayurveda—the oldest form of preventive health care on the planet. He was well respected and had helped other people transform their lives. I had assumed he’d give me some herbs and a nutrition program that would help me chill out.

  “What do you suggest I do?”

  There was a deafening silence for what felt like an eternity. Until finally he said, “You need to learn how to meditate.”

  Scorpios are typically characterized as extremists. It’s all or nothing with us, going from the highest of highs to the lowest of lows. True to my nature, I decided to embrace this new road immediately. Within two weeks, I flew to a remote area of Canada for a silent retreat on Transcendental Meditation at Maharishi International Academy.

  Now, bear in mind that this was when I was in my 20s, before I had explored crystals and learned much of what I know now. The only thing I knew about Transcendental Meditation at that point was that the Beatles had done it. But I was riddled with anxiety from the pressures of selling real estate. I wasn’t sleeping enough, and I wasn’t nourishing my body with good foods. And since a friend had also told me about the retreat, I took that as a sign from the universe that I needed to go.

  Upon my arrival, I noticed that everything
was very quiet. Silence filled the space—that same deafening silence that I’d experienced in the Ayurvedic doctor’s office. I was led to my room, which included a single bed, a teapot, and a view of the lush forest that surrounded us. On the desk lay a sheet of paper with my schedule:

  7:30 A.M. Breakfast

  9:00 A.M. Transcendental Meditation (20 minutes)

  10:00 A.M. Massage

  12:30 P.M. Lunch

  3:00 P.M. Massage

  5:30 P.M. Dinner

  7:30 P.M. Transcendental Meditation Training (20 minutes)

  This was my schedule for seven days. If I didn’t want to participate in one of the activities, I could choose to take a walk or simply sit in silence. Sounds like heaven, right?

  Well, not exactly. For the first three days, it felt like torture. I wanted to talk. I wanted to distract myself from the endless chatter going on in my head. Why did I have to sit at meals with strangers and not talk to them? Was I the only one feeling this way? The only relief I got was when I was allowed to whisper to my Transcendental Meditation teacher.

  “How will I know if I’m meditating?” I asked him after my first lesson.

  “You’ll know,” he replied. “Let’s begin.”

  After 30 seconds, I opened my eyes. “Am I there yet?”

  “Not yet. Just close your eyes.”

  I asked the same question every five minutes, only to get the same response: “Not yet. Please, close your eyes.” This continued for 20 minutes.

  We repeated the same process later that evening. I started to hate it. I dreaded meeting him twice every day. I just wanted to get “there,” but I wasn’t even close.

  For someone who was an overachiever, why was it so damn hard to get “there”? My teacher looked at me with his compassionate eyes and said, “Just give it time.” His words bugged me. Even his compassion frustrated me.


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