Crystal Muse

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Crystal Muse Page 15

by Heather Askinosie

  I walked outside and grabbed a piece of Rainbow Obsidian that I was cleansing under the Moon. I picked it up and started to pray for help. I got on my knees with my head on the Earth, crystal in hand, and completely surrendered. I was under some false illusion that I could handle it all. I had forgotten my connection to a higher power—a source that was available to me at all times—but my ego mind was standing in the way of the connection.

  I completely let go and started to cry. As the night sky shifted into the dawn of morning, I remembered that I wasn’t alone and never will be. The Earth supported me, my connection to God (higher power) sustained me, and my heart was open to love and to be loved. When I remembered this truth, I felt freer. Suddenly, my anxiety and fears no longer had a hold on me. I stood up and walked back into the house with my Rainbow Obsidian, and went to sleep.



  If you’re not sleeping well, a number of factors need to be considered. Everything from what you’re eating and drinking to medical conditions, stress, electromagnetic field exposure, life changes, depression, and more can affect your sleep patterns. Since we’re talking about crystals, it’s important to make sure that the energy of the crystals in your bedroom matches what you’re working on energetically.

  Here’s what I mean: During the time I was having insomnia, I noticed that the crystals in my bedroom emitted a soft, tranquil, and loving energy. As my anxiety grew, however, I could feel myself spiraling out of my body. Yes, it was important to surround myself with loving vibrations and tranquility, but what I really needed right then were stabilizing and emotionally balancing stones that would ground me back into my body. I needed crystals that would help me breathe deeply and redirect my thoughts to the present moment. It was time to change the stones in my bedroom!

  I picked up different crystals from my personal collection, and I could instantly feel the ones that resonated with me in that moment. I was magnetically drawn to the ones that felt nurturing, protective, and foundational because it was the exact energetic support I needed.

  For two weeks I went to bed with tumbled stones surrounding me and physically touching my body as I lay there between the sheets. Yes, I’m serious—I had rocks in my bed. I placed a Rainbow Obsidian stone on my stomach, a flat-shaped Onyx on my lower back, and a bandage around my midsection to hold them in place while I slept. I then added small pieces of Nuummite, Black Tourmaline, and Shungite around my body and under my pillow. I placed a large Smoky Quartz crystal underneath my bed, put a piece of Hematite in both hands, and went to sleep.

  Did my husband think that sleeping with rocks inside our bed was over the top? Of course he did, but guess what? It worked! I was finally able to sleep again. The mornings were a little tricky. I had to locate all the stones that had moved to different parts of the mattress throughout the night, but that was a small price to pay for sleep, glorious sleep!




  Nightly for 14 consecutive nights

  Once I changed the crystals in my room, I was able to finally get into alignment and grounded back into my body. This ritual will assist you in doing the same. Feeling grounded and rooted in the energy of the Earth will promote a calm and peaceful state of mind, which in turn will help you get a good night’s sleep.



  2 Nuummite stones for positive energy and protection

  1 Lemurian Seed crystal for expansion

  4 Peacock Ore stones to bring color and happiness into your life

  4 Shungite cubes to neutralize the electromagnetic field energy and ground and stabilize the energy in your bedroom

  1 small Clear Quartz point to activate your crystal grid

  1 sage stick

  1 feather

  1 abalone shell or fireproof container to catch ashes from the sage



  Sage your environment, and cleanse your crystals.

  Place all your crystals in front of you, close your eyes, and take 3 deep breaths. Aloud or in your head, say the following: “I ask that the highest vibration of love and light connect with my highest self to clear all unwanted energy and any previous programming. I command these crystals to hold the intention of stability, grounding of excess energy, and inner peace. Thank you, thank you, thank you.”

  Place 1 Shungite cube in each corner of your bedroom.

  Place the 4 pieces of Peacock Ore on a windowsill where light can hit them.

  Starting with the Shungite cubes, take the Clear Quartz point, and draw an invisible line connecting all the cubes, followed by the Peacock Ore, until you have energetically connected them all. Think of it as “connecting the dots” like when you were a kid.

  When you go to bed, place the Lemurian Seed crystal under your pillow and a piece of Nuummite in each hand.

  As you lie there in stillness with your crystals, feel their grounding and calming energy, and be thankful for the good night’s sleep you’re about to experience.

  When you wake up, place the Lemurian Seed crystal and Nuummite stones on your bedside table, but keep all the other crystals undisturbed in your room for 14 consecutive days.

  After the 14th day, collect all your crystals, and reenergize them by placing them in the Sun for at least 8 hours.

  After your crystals have been in the Sun, collect them, and repeat steps 1 through 9 of this ritual as often as needed.



  The majority of people are in some kind of pain—either emotional or physical. Most of us push unwanted feelings away when they become uncomfortable, telling ourselves that we’ll confront them “later.” We pretend to be okay when we’re not, just so that we don’t have to deal with unpleasant feelings. We may think we’ve forgotten these feelings, only to have them come up again just when we’re trying to fall asleep.

  If you’re having trouble sleeping, crystals can help you reset your sleep patterns and sleep better. They’re a physical form of the Earth’s energy that you can hold on to and work with every day. They’ll help you calm your mind, open your heart, and gently bring you face-to-face with any repressed emotional pain. Instead of running from your problems, pain, and emotional baggage, you can take the necessary time to mentally reset—dealing, feeling, and healing, which will lead to a good night’s sleep.





  COLOR: Ranges from colorless to purple, green, and yellow

  ORIGIN: Found in many locations, including Brazil, China, Europe, and Mexico

  HISTORY AND LORE: Fluorite has a long list of healing powers—as your healthy teeth might attest. Used to protect teeth, bones, and the immune system, the calcium fluoride that makes up this crystal has many practical uses. While there is little history on the metaphysical lore of fluorite, it has been used for decorative purposes since the time of the ancient Romans. Named after the Latin word for flow, Fluorite acted as a flux between metals. Today, Fluorite’s ability to facilitate the transition from one state to another is used for more than just smelting.

  HEALING PROPERTIES: Let fluorite guide you from a state of anxiety to one of tranquility by cleansing both your mind and environment. This is an absorbent crystal that will neutralize the negativity around it. Sleeping near or meditating with fluorite ensures mental clarity and harmony between chakras.




  Nightly for 14 consecutive nights

  Sleep is a restful time, but it’s also a busy time for your body. It’s vitally important that we get sleep. It’s the time when our body repairs and restores itself. But some nights, sleep seems impossible. Whether you’re suffering from physical pain, emotional pain, or a repeatin
g loop of negative thoughts playing in your mind, this ritual will help you drift off to dreamland.

  Placing an eye pillow filled with intuition-expanding Amethyst over your eyes at night will help you tap into a world full of possibility. These stones over the eyes also relax the nerves, calm the mind and third eye chakra, and balance the body—all of which work together to promote sweet slumber. Fluorite will soothe your nerves, and Apophyllite will raise the vibration of your space, allowing your emotional body to begin healing.

  If you’re suffering from physical pain and need some additional help to restore and repair a particular part of your body, drape a Shungite mat over that area. We have found Shungite to be one of the most powerful crystal healing tools for pain relief, arthritis, circulation, and physical healing. Due to the natural mineral and molecular structure of Shungite, it has a pain relieving and anti-inflammatory effect on the body.

  NOTE: You can combine this ritual with the grid from the Get Back into Alignment Ritual: For Your Bedroom to add grounding and stress-relieving energies to your space.



  1 lavender-colored eye pillow filled with Amethyst stones, Flaxseed, and Lavender to soothe and relax you

  1 Apophyllite crystal to release stress and anxiety

  1 Fluorite stone to alleviate worry and assist with emotional healing

  1 sage stick

  1 feather

  1 abalone shell or fireproof container to catch ashes from the sage

  OPTIONAL: 1 Shungite mat for pain relief



  Sage your environment, and cleanse your crystals.

  Hold the crystals and eye pillow in your hands, close your eyes, and take 3 deep breaths. Aloud or in your head, say the following: “I ask that the highest vibration of love and light connect with my highest self to clear all unwanted energy and any previous programming. I command these crystals to hold the intention of letting go, emotional balance, and healing. Thank you, thank you, thank you.”

  If you’re choosing to combine this ritual with the Get Back into Alignment Ritual: For Your Bedroom, refer to steps 2 through 6 of that ritual.

  Place the Fluorite stone under your pillow.

  Place the Apophyllite crystal on your nightstand next to your bed. OPTIONAL: If you’re using a Shungite mat, place it on the area of your body where you are experiencing pain.

  When you go to bed, place the eye pillow over your eyes. If it falls off while you’re sleeping, don’t worry! Just replace it over your eyes if you wake up during the night.

  Since you’ll be using your crystals nightly, it’s important to cleanse them at least every 14 days or as you feel is needed. Collect your crystals and eye pillow, and reenergize them by placing them in the Sun for at least 8 hours. (If you’re combining the two rituals, cleanse all crystals in the Sun at the same time.)

  After your crystals are cleansed, repeat steps 1 through 6 as often as necessary.





  COLOR: Ranges from light to deep purple

  ORIGIN: Found in many locations, including Brazil, Canada, India, Madagascar, Namibia, Russia, Uruguay, the U.S., and Zambia

  HISTORY AND LORE: You’re ready to sleep, but there’s that thing you’ve got to remember to do tomorrow and that meeting you hope you’re ready for, and uh-oh, here come the memories of every embarrassing thing you’ve ever done. Why does our mind do this to us, and how can we get it to stop? Calm the pre-sleep anxieties with one of the most spiritually relaxing stones in the crystal kingdom. It is said that the high priest of Israel wore Amethyst in his breastplate, and today Amethyst continues to be a symbol of spiritual achievement.

  HEALING PROPERTIES: Allow Amethyst’s energy of contentment to wash away the day-today stresses that keep you up at night. In working with the third eye and crown chakras, Amethyst indulges your intuitions. Your innate desire to sleep will take over whatever is blocking you from letting go. It’s also a great crystal for those who struggle with turbulent sleep and getting a full night’s rest. The positivity cast from Amethyst is a natural enemy to the negativity that causes bad dreams.



  Dreaming of the days when just hearing the words “Twinkle, twinkle, little star” made your eyes sleepy because you knew it was time for bed? Like triggers from our childhood, crystals are a natural sleeping aid from Mother Earth.

  They contain a variety of mineral-enhancing sleep soothers within them and help you breathe a little more deeply, tapping into the inner peace you need to give your brain a much-needed rest. Placing crystals on a gemstone plate is a way to create a soothing and peaceful atmosphere in a bedroom and encourage a deep, restful sleep.




  Nightly for 14 consecutive nights

  Create a crystal grid for your bedroom to fill the space with tranquil, peaceful, and positive energies, which promote sweet slumber and dreams. While dreaming, you may receive answers to problems, important messages from your subconscious, or a resolution of past events, helping you to understand why certain things happened. By keeping a record of your dreams through journaling, you’ll find that specific dreams or dream patterns recur. Recognizing these patterns or messages can help you uncover the underlying meaning of your dreams and make positive changes in your life.



  1 Labradorite plate to induce a dream state

  1 small Celestite cluster to bring a high-vibrational calming and uplifting energy

  2 Lithium Quartz stones to release anxiety, which is amplified by the Quartz component

  2 Lepidolite stones for tranquility and peace

  2 Blue Lace Agates to release stress and anxiety

  1 Selenite wand for clearing energy

  1 Clear Quartz point to activate your crystal grid

  1 glass bowl that can hold at least 2 cups of water

  3 tablespoons of sea salt

  1 small piece of paper to record your sleep affirmation

  1 journal to record your dreams each morning

  1 blue pen—blue is the color of truth. It’s believed that you’re more likely to retain information when you write it with blue ink.

  1 sage stick

  1 feather

  1 abalone shell or fireproof container to catch ashes from the sage



  Sage your environment, and cleanse your crystals.

  Place all your crystals in front of you, close your eyes, and take 3 deep breaths. Aloud or in your head, say the following: “I ask that the highest vibration of love and light connect with my highest self to clear all unwanted energy and any previous programming. I command these crystals to hold the intention of tranquility, peace, and rejuvenation. Thank you, thank you, thank you.”

  Place your Labradorite plate on your bedside table.

  Place the Celestite cluster in the middle of your plate.

  Create a circle of stones around the Celestite cluster in the following pattern: 1 Lithium Quartz, 1 Lepidolite, and 1 Blue Lace Agate. Repeat this pattern one more time until you finish making the circle around the Celestite cluster.

  Write a sleep affirmation on the piece of paper, fold it up, and place it under your Celestite cluster. For example, your affirmation might be something like this: “I am at peace, sleeping soundly, and experiencing vivid dreams. Upon waking each morning, I feel rejuvenated.”

  Starting with the Lithium Quartz, take your Clear Quartz point, and draw an invisible line between the crystals on the plate to energetically connect each to the next. Think of it as “connecting the dots” like when you were a kid.

  Place the Selenite crystal under your bed beneath where your head rests.

/>   Fill the glass bowl with 1 cup of water per tablespoon of sea salt to absorb any negative energy that may be released throughout the night. This bowl should be placed in a corner of your room where it won’t be disturbed.

  Every 3 days, take the contents of the glass bowl, empty it into the toilet, flush it, and repeat step 9.

  Place the journal and the pen on your bedside table so that you’ll be ready to record your dreams when you awaken. If you prefer, you can record your dreams out loud using your phone or tablet rather than write them down.

  For 14 days, immediately after waking, record your dreams. Don’t worry if you don’t remember much some days.

  Cleanse your crystals every 14 days or sooner if you feel it’s needed. Collect your crystals, and reenergize them by placing them in the Sun for at least 8 hours.

  After your crystals have been in the Sun, collect them, and repeat steps 1 through 13 of this ritual to continue to experience a dreamy and rest-filled sleep.





  COLOR: Pale blue

  ORIGIN: Madagascar, Mexico, and the U.S.

  HISTORY AND LORE: The name Celestite comes from the Latin word for heavenly. While the etymology probably has more to do with this crystal’s pale blue shade than its angelic lore, the divine energy of Celestite can’t be ignored. It is believed to help you attract angels into your life.

  HEALING PROPERTIES: Although it’s a high-vibrational crystal, Celestite’s energy is gentle enough to be soothing. It connects to the highest realms to permit serenity within your third eye, crown, and heart chakras. Communicate directly with guardian angels and the universe to ask for spiritual blessings. If you are experiencing stress from unfamiliar situations or difficult relationships, working with Celestite can encourage reconciliation.


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