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WESTERN ROMANCE: A Settler’s Wife’s Dreams (Contemporary Westerns Historical Romance, Cowboy Romance)

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by Melodie Grace

  When Frank had lifted his arm and pointed at him about five hundred feet away, the man had stood frozen for a second before he quickly disappeared. Frank had said the man must have quickly laid down on the ground. Lisa had no idea who this man was or what he wanted but she couldn't afford to take chances and find out that he had ill intent.

  Lisa went back inside, locked the door behind her, and spent twenty minutes moving her husband to the other side of the bed so that she had a place to sleep. When she lay down next to him she couldn't help but think about the man they had seen from far off.

  It occurred to Lisa that they didn't know for sure that it was a man. It could very well be a woman. They never saw the figure from a close enough of a distance to really make out any of his or her features. But Lisa knew down deep that it had to be a male. Stalking the homestead seemed predatory in nature or at the least far too curious for a woman. What kind of reason could someone have for keeping such a close eye on the cabin?

  Frank never brought up that he thought the man was after Lisa, but she knew that's what he thought. And if it was a man, then she agreed with him. There just wasn't anything at the homestead worth stalking. Sure they had a plow and a few horses, but besides that what did they have? Two rifles? But those were tucked away, hidden, and seldom if ever taken out.

  For some reason Frank didn't like guns. He’d never told Lisa why but she was fine with that because she didn't like them either. Maybe she should learn to shoot better, though. If she wanted to keep roaming the countryside, or traveling to town alone, she knew that at some point she should start carrying a rifle more often. With thoughts of the man watching them, Lisa drifted off to sleep.

  Chapter 3

  Lisa dreamt she was an eagle, flying high above the homestead. She looked down at their land and could even see Frank down there plowing. Lisa shifted her wings and her form pitched down. She dove for what seemed like forever but only for a few seconds before swooping up and over the cabin.

  Soaring into the cool clouds she rolled and banked, making maneuvers that would have been impossible for as big a bird as she was but she had no problem pulling it off in her dream. The sun on her back seemed warmer than it ever had when she'd walked the earth on all fours. Lisa wondered how close she could get to it without burning but thought that she'd better not try it. What would it serve to get so far up here only to burn her wings and plummet back to earth?

  Lisa turned her attention back to the ground. There was her husband plowing. But what was that on the ridge a few miles away? Lisa flew closer, circling down toward what now appeared to be a figure. It was the man that had been watching them! Or was it a man? Lisa grew excited as she realized she wouldn't have to wonder for much longer. In a few moments she would be close enough to see exactly who had been stalking the homestead for months now. Without realizing it Lisa let out the loud, distinct cry a bird of prey makes.

  The figure looked up. Lisa's eagle eyes let her see the face. It was the face of a well-tanned, handsome young man. He had long, thick black hair that was coarse with feathers and beads tied in it. He was dressed in deer hide, and his face was smeared in soot as if he was trying to camouflage himself. Lisa let out another long cry before diving at the young man, talons out. The young man quickly drew an arrow from a quiver on his back and drew it on Lisa as she dove. With the cool finesse of a seasoned hunter the young man let the arrow slip from his grasp. Just before the arrow met her body, Lisa woke up.

  Chapter 4

  Lisa woke to an empty bed. The sun shone threw some of the small holes in the roof at an angle that told her it was mid morning. Frank must have woken up early to work in the field after getting a good night sleep and thought better than to wake her lest he hear about what had happened last night.

  She was sure that he would be extra nice to her today. He knew that she was not satisfied with their love life. Maybe she needed to put her foot down and insist that he do something about it.

  Whenever Lisa got into an argument with Frank, she always felt like going down to the river and taking a bath, and now the urge was stronger than ever.

  She had trained Frank fairly well to not worry about her whereabouts, and so she grabbed a towel, some soap and headed down to the river.

  Lisa was the type of woman who didn't let fear or worry get in her way of her experiencing the small pleasures of life, and so even though the Indian was in the back of her mind, she went anyway. The way that she thought about it, she wasn't going to let fear get in her way of doing something pleasurable. But the truth was that there was something exciting about some stranger wanted her.

  She got to the waters edge, kicked off her shoes and immediately disrobed, revealing her beautiful, naked body. She hung her clothes on a nearby branch, and started to walk out into the cool water, slowly at first so she could get used to it.

  She looked around wondering if anybody might be watching. As crazy as it sounds, she was halfway hoping that the Indian man might see her. It felt both exciting and scary too think that perhaps there was a stranger lurking in the woods, desiring her.

  She tried to put the thoughts of worry and excitement out of her mind because it truly felt wrong to think those thoughts, but she couldn't help but to think them. The more she tried to stop, the harder it was.

  Lisa enjoyed being naked because it made her feel free, and because she also felt at one with nature. She knew that men loved her long legs, her bountiful breasts, and her shapely body and she was not ashamed about it.

  Slowly she made her way into the water, tensing up as she went. The water was only up to her knees when she first heard something in the bushes to her right. For a moment, she froze.

  She looked in the direction of the rustling but didn't see anything. For all she knew, it could just be an animal.

  “Lisa, stop letting your imagination go so wild!” she said to herself. She quickened her pace a bit to get into the water, feeling overly exposed now.

  She got into the water over waist deep, but didn't feel comfortable going into deeper water because the current was a bit too strong. So, she began lathering up her arms with the soap, the top half of her naked body glistening in the early morning sun.

  It was a bit colder than she wished it was, and her perfectly brown nipples were letting her know it. She wasn't so sure that it was just the coolness of the water, or her being slightly turned on that made her breasts react the way that they did. Regardless, she felt very perky and it felt good. After all, it was partly Frank's fault for her still being horny because he never finished her off she thought!

  She started to feel more comfortable and came back out of the water so that she could bathe all of her body parts and her legs. She had to bend way over to reach the water now, and she chuckled to herself as she thought of what Frank would think of her now.

  She started to re-think the night before and how selfish Frank was in bed. The more she thought about her past, the more she wondered if she'd ever put her foot down about anything before to Frank, or to anyone at all for that matter. She had certainly taken the initiative in the past and done what she knew would be better for the both of them and the homestead, but she couldn’t’t think of a single solitary issue that she had put her foot down about and refused to budge.

  Lisa tried to think back to when Frank had proposed to her. Why had she said yes? Had it been because she really loved him? Or had it been because it seemed like the right thing to do? Lisa tried to purge the negative thoughts from her mind but it was hard to stay positive when she got so down. She always got this down whenever Frank didn't fulfill his duties as a husband.

  As she kept on lathering up, she thought that today was the day she would put her foot down. From now on things would be different. She was going to have a say in their sex life! She would even initiate it when she felt like it, even though it was very unladylike to do. Frank, for all his forward thinking when it came to a woman's role around the home would probably balk at her new resolution. After all,
he was still a man with pride.

  Lisa started to notice that she was easily getting aroused now because Frank had not given her the relief she needed. The morning sun was feeling warmer and warmer, and she swore that the dripping, soapy water felt like a million tiny hands tickling her entire body.

  For a moment, she closed her eyes and thought of what it would be like to have the perfect lover. She pretended that he was holding her, as she caressed her own body, rubbing her own arms and cupping her breasts. She let her hands slowly and gently glide down her taut tummy to the top of her pubic mound, but then suddenly, she was startled by another, much louder sound in the woods.

  She opened her eyes and froze. Still, she couldn't see anything. She quickly doused herself with water, and quickly made her way to the shore. She looked for her clothes but she couldn't find them. They were all gone except for her shoes and her long, red scarf that now lay in the dirt. She put on her shoes, picked up the scarf, wrapped it around her neck, and tried to cover her breasts with it. It was absolutely not helping!

  Panic set in as Lisa realized that she was being watched and now, this guy had her clothes!

  She started to head back to the homestead, and did her best to cover herself as she went. But it was no use. It was at least a quarter mile walk back.

  She kept looking around and over her shoulder. She thought that if she ran back home, that he would probably chase her down, like a wolf would do if it's prey suddenly bolted.

  She did her best to remain calm, and to walk totally in the nude back home. She couldn't help but to feel aroused at what just happened down at the river, and petrified too! Surely if the Indian were going to do something harmful to her, he would have done it by now! He had every opportunity to do something while she bathed naked in the river.

  As she walked, she felt less and less worried, and more and more turned on. She couldn't help but to enjoy feeling her breasts bounce up and down to the rhythm of her stride. While she was walking, she thought of how it probably really was a dumb idea to go take a bath when she knew that there might be some Indian guy around stalking her. What was she thinking?

  And what's going to happen if Frank finds out? The thought of it worried her more than her having to walk back stark naked in the early morning.

  She made her way back and quickly grabbed some clean clothes that were drying on the clothesline and put them on in case Frank showed up.

  She walked into the kitchen where Frank was sitting at the kitchen table, having some coffee.

  Morning darling! I reckon you went to the river, am I right?”

  “Yes” Lisa said, trying her best to not reveal what had just happened.

  Frank continued, “How are you feeling today?”

  Lisa hesitated for a few seconds before she finally took a deep breath and said, “Frustrated!”


  “Frank.” Lisa said, finally taking the plunge. “You didn’t satisfy me last night.”

  Frank was silent looking her over before he shifted closer to her, rubbing her back.

  “Now baby, please understand,” he said, “I was just tired from plowing all day. I didn't mean anything by it. You have to know that I love you more than anything and that I'd do anything for you. It wasn't that I want you to be frustrated or that I don't want to fulfill my duties as a husband, it's just that that's how things go sometimes. You know it's not like that every time.”

  “Why don’t you ever bring me the same pleasure as I do to you?” Lisa asked.

  “Ever?” Frank said soothing his hand over her spine. “I’m sure that sometimes I do.”

  “No. Never.” Lisa shook her head.

  “Surely sometimes,” Frank insisted. “Never is an exaggeration.”

  “No,” Lisa said rolling over to face him. “It isn't an exaggeration. It's the truth. Last night you could have gotten me off with your fingers and you just chose not to because you are really selfish about sex.

  It hurts my feelings that you don't care about me. It makes me feel like you don't love me enough to even try.”

  Frank looked away from Lisa. Lisa knew that he was trying to think up something to say that would make everything better. She wasn't going to let him this time though. Not this time. It just wasn't going to be that easy. She was sick of being treated like her sexual needs were secondary to his sexual needs. It should be the other way around since it was often times more difficult to get her off than it was to get him off.

  “Well honey,” Frank said. “I know you are really smart and all, and you know that I really think that. But you don't seem to understand how God intended man and woman to be. You see, a woman's role in the bedroom is to make the man feel good, make him come. A man can make the woman come if he wants to, but if he doesn't want to, that's all right as well. Men work hard Lisa. We don't always have the energy to finish the woman.”

  “That’s nonsense,” Lisa said. “I have no idea why I sit and listen to you sometimes. God creating women to get men off is completely foolish! You don't even believe it and we both know that. You just said it because it sounds like something smart and biblical to say about sex.”

  Lisa started getting her things like she was going for a long ride. She got her hat down from its peg on the wall, then got her chaps out of a drawer. Finally she lifted her small rifle from its hiding spot underneath her unmentionables and struck a pose for Frank.

  “I'm going to town to get what I need to fix the horse shoe,” Lisa said. “Do you need anything?”

  “Lisa don't be a damn fool,” Frank said. “You can't ride into town by yourself! What will people think? Also, what if someone decides to take advantage of you? What will you do all by yourself? I'll worry myself here to death just thinking about what could be going on.”

  “What do you mean what will I do if anyone waylays me?” Lisa said indignantly. “Can't you see my rifle plain as day?”

  “But you aren't a good shot yet,” Frank said. “You know that.”

  “I know no such thing,” Lisa said. “And maybe the next time, when you have to fulfill your duties as a husband you'll take them a little bit more seriously than just flopping on the bed and going to sleep.”

  “God damn it woman,” Frank said stomping his foot on the floor. “If you aren't always so full of piss and vinegar! Fine, then you go! You just go ahead and parade around like nothing bad can happen to you; like you don't need anyone but yourself.”

  “Isn't that what you do?” Lisa screamed at Frank.

  “No,” Frank said. He sat down heavily in a chair. “No, because I know I need you. And I act like it.”

  “If you really acted like you needed me then you would be happy to fulfill your duties as a husband because I have needs,” Lisa said. “I have sexual needs just like yours.”

  Frank just looked at his hands in his lap. Lisa knew that he didn't know what to say. She knew that he felt bad and wanted to make things right, but she also knew that the next time the same situation occurred the same thing would happen again. Frank would get off and leave her hanging.

  “I'm going into town,” Lisa said. “When I get there I'll tell people that you came with me but aren't with me right then. That way no one will try to cheat me and people won't talk that you let your wife run around and do as she pleases like she's a man or something.”

  Lisa stepped forward to leave but Frank raised his arm to stop her.

  “The man who’s been watching,” Frank said. “What if he's watching now?” Lisa stood silent for a moment.

  “I can handle myself Frank. It's not like this is the first time I've had to deal with a stalker!”

  Frank knew that when he was courting her in the beginning that he was a bit obsessed with Lisa and that she playfully referred to him as her little stalker. Lisa's ability to get her way was shining once again. Frank was speechless.

  She saddled up Jeb and road him out by the house where she brought him to a halt. Frank walked out of the house and looked up at Lisa.
  “Just promise me you'll be careful, all right?” He asked.

  “I promise,” Lisa returned instantly. “You've got nothing to worry about, all right? When was the last time I didn't know how to handle myself? I've got my rifle in the side scabbard and I look like a boy dressed like this. Who would mess with me anyway?”

  “Whoever has been watching us knows that you ain't a boy,” Frank said.

  Frank's look of concern deepened. Lisa wanted to tell Frank all about the dream about the Indian and what happened at the river. She wanted to tell him about what it had felt like to be an eagle and soar through the clouds. She wanted to tell him about what it had been like to be able to see with an eye that let her vision be perfect for miles, and even about how the figure was what appeared to be a young Indian man wearing camouflage.

  Lisa especially wanted to tell Frank that the Indian was a very good shot with his bow and arrow. He had picked her right out of the air like an expert marksman. However she couldn’t! If she brought her dream up now or the river incident, there would be no way that Frank would let her go to town on her own. Hell, if she were Frank and he told her the same dream she might try to persuade him not to go.

  “I need to head out if I want to be back before the shadows get long.” Lisa said.

  Frank gave her leg a pat.

  “You're right, you need to get a move on,” Frank said. “Just be careful, all right? I really mean that. Don't take any risks you don't need to. Don't stop to talk to anyone. In town be sure to mention that I'm with you but down at the saloon getting a drink or something. Don't do anything that would put you in jeopardy. I know that you think you are a force to be reckoned with since you have your little rifle, and maybe you are. But many people have rifles and are much better with them than you are. I jus—”

  “I'll be all right,” Lisa cut him off. “I promise.”


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