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Angel's Mission

Page 5

by Pamela J. Nerren

  “Okay, twenty-five hundred.” No response. “Plus airfare.”

  Ralph took another long draw of his cigarette, making Kevin sweat it out for another few seconds. “Done.”

  Kevin walked out the back door of the guesthouse and along the palm-tree-lined beach toward the main house. He was still three feet from the corner of the patio when it finally occurred to him that it was early. He stopped to look at his watch. Damn. Six o’clock. What if no one was up yet? He was about to turn and head back for the guesthouse when he heard the patio door quietly open.

  He watched through the wooden slats of the large oak patio in stunned silence as Angel emerged from the house, still in her white cotton baby-doll nightgown. She carried something red in her hands as she ran down the patio steps and over to the flagpole at the other end of the lagoon. There, she took what Kevin realized was a flag, unfolded it, attached it to the snap hooks, and hoisted it. Then she ran over to the edge of the surf to look out toward the mouth of the sea-green lagoon.

  Kevin was mesmerized. She had to be the strangest, most breathtaking woman he had ever met. Her nightgown fluttered in the salty early morning breeze. Man, oh man, what a view! The creamy white of her thighs and the delicate skin at the back of her knees taunted him. He longed to have her turn to him so he could see her soft pink lips and gorgeous blue eyes. His heart beat a crazy tattoo as she watch the sea, but what was she doing?

  Several seconds later, he saw what she had been waiting for. Several dolphins swam into the shallow lagoon, and Angel, without hesitation, ran into the water and swam out to meet them. The dolphins and their offspring swam around her, the skirt of her gown floating like a cloud to the surface of the water. The adult dolphins came closer, and she reached out to them. She stroked the dolphins on their heads, whispered to them, pulled her hands back and waited. A moment later, both adult dolphins nudged their baby towards her. It appeared as if the adult dolphins were introducing her to their newborn.

  Kevin tiptoed to the patio steps and sat as the four of them played and splashed in the crystal-clear water. He had never seen anything like that before in his life. Even in all the movies he had played in, he had never seen a scenario so perfectly set in motion.

  A few minutes later, the dolphins turned away, swimming back out of the lagoon, and Angel headed for the shore. When she got back on dry land, she turned to the water, but the dolphins were long gone. She retrieved her red flag and headed for the steps.

  Kevin stood when she neared the patio, and she gasped in alarm.

  “Oh, Jeez, How long have you been there?”

  “For a while now.”

  Her hands shook. She dropped the flag to put her wet hands on his bare chest and plead as if for her own life. “Please, oh, please don’t tell anybody! If you tell anybody what you saw, reporters and photographers from everywhere will swoop down here like vultures, and the dolphins won’t come back. Please, don’t tell anyone! Promise me you won’t.”

  The fear in her eyes was indisputable. She had no make-up on, her hair was steadily dripping onto her almost bare shoulders, and her nightgown was soaking wet. She tore at Kevin’s heart. She stood there, practically in his arms, small, vulnerable, and trembling with apprehension, yet looking more beautiful than ever. He reached out and wiped her hair from her face. “I promise,” he whispered.

  Angel threw her arms around his bare chest. “Thank you, Kevin! Thank you so much!”

  Slowly, he wrapped his arms around her. He closed his eyes and breathed her in. She was amazing, but somehow, she still came off like the girl next door. What was it about this woman? How did she get to him so fast? “You’re welcome, my Angel,” he whispered into her ear.

  He leaned back, his mouth mere inches away from hers to watch her face, waiting and hoping she would respond to him. She was a hair’s breadth away from his lips when he stopped her. “Ah… Angel, have you got a towel handy?”

  Angel pulled back and gave him a look of confusion. “A towel? Sure, right there.”

  Kevin picked the towel off the railing and wrapped it around her body only seconds before Grace opened the back door and came out onto the patio. Angel jumped at the slam of the door. Completely oblivious to the situation, Grace walked over to Kevin, rubbing the sleep out of her eyes. “Good mornin’, Mr. Kevin. Can I go swimmin’ too?”

  Angel smiled. “Later today, honey. I promise. We’re going to swim with the dolphins today, remember?”

  “Okay!” Grace went back into the house.

  Angel gave Kevin a timid smile of gratitude. “I ah…Thanks. This…ah…” She looked down briefly at her soaked nightgown. “This would have been hard to explain.”

  “You’re welcome.” All thoughts of sending Ralph to film Angel’s mission faded for Kevin. He had to get to know this remarkable woman.

  She began to fidget, and Kevin could tell he was making her nervous. He wished she would smile again. He looked at the water dripping down her long, lean legs and couldn’t resist teasing her. “Say, are you wearing that to the physical? ’Cause if you do, you’re gonna make my day.”

  Angel blushed profusely, clearly tried not to smile, and failed. “I think I’d better go change.” She backed up a step. “Join us for breakfast?”

  Kevin looked down at his wet body. “Sure. I’ll be back just as soon as I change my clothes and make a quick phone call.”

  Angel blushed again. “Sorry about that.” She wrinkled her nose and gave him an apologetic smile.

  “No problem.”

  “Oh, and bring Brandi if she’s up.”

  “I doubt she’s up, but, if she is, I’ll ask her.”

  He wondered if Angel watched as he walked away. Either way, it was going to be a very interesting week.


  Kevin tried to relax as Angel drove them into town, but that was impossible on two different levels: both the speed of the Ferrari and her simple beauty had his heart racing. When they finally arrived at the clinic, she gave him a sly smile.

  “Hmm…you’re way too old for me to bribe with ice cream. Maybe with dinner tonight? Rosita’s a great cook.”

  Kevin made an exasperated face and gave up. “Okay, I’m coming. But can I ask you a question first?” he asked as he leaned against the car.


  “How did you learn to do that thing with the dolphins? You know, that they would come when you put the flag up?”

  “It was strictly by accident. I found the flag in the hall closet on one of our first trips here. I hoisted it up the flagpole one morning to watch the direction of the breeze. About ten minutes later, I noticed these two beautiful dolphins come swimming into the lagoon to check it out. We’ve been meeting in secret ever since. Sometimes, if you look out towards the ocean just outside of the lagoon, you can see the rest of their pod out there. The baby is brand-new. He wasn’t here on our last trip.”

  “It was awesome watching you with them this morning,” he said, tucking an errant strand of her hair behind one ear.

  “It was?”

  “Yeah, it really was.” He could stand there all day and never tire of touching her, but he was making her nervous. He dropped his hand back to his side. “Okay. Let’s get this over with.” He gallantly motioned for her to precede him. “The back entrance? Are you sure we’re supposed to go in this way?” he asked a minute later.

  Angel nodded. “Sure. They’re expecting us.”

  Kevin opened the back door and waited for her to go through before he cautiously peeked inside, then stepped into the building. When she slowed at the corner to make sure he was still with her, she motioned for him to catch up. “Come on, Kevin. They’re not going to bite.”

  Angel knocked on a door bearing a brass nameplate of Doctor Jose Lopez, and a spry older gentleman swiftly opened the door. “Angel. It’s so good to see you,” the man said, reaching for her.

  Angel smiled at the doctor and gave him a quick hug and a kiss on his withered cheek. “Good to see you too, Doc.”

  “Please, come in,” the doctor, motioning them into his office.

  Angel pulled Kevin behind her. “Doc, this is Kevin, my new cameraman. Kevin, Dr. Jose Lopez.”

  Kevin shook the doctor’s hand. “It’s nice to meet you, Doctor Lopez.”

  “Same here, Kevin. So, Angel’s new recruit, eh?”

  “Yes, sir. It appears that way,” Kevin answered.

  “Well, good for you. You won’t regret it. Now, let’s get you started, shall we? Follow me.”

  They followed Dr. Lopez down the hall to the last of four exam rooms. “Okay,” said the doctor. “Let’s do a quick check-up before we get your lab work started. Kevin, if you have a seat on the examining table, we can get this over with for you.”

  Kevin shot Angel a look. Apparently, she had discussed more than just Kevin’s need for an exam with the good doctor. Angel shrugged and tried to look innocent as Kevin perched on the edge of the table. Dr. Lopez listened to Kevin’s chest, checked his blood pressure, pulse, and his lymph nodes and nodded.

  “Okay. You look good so far. It’s your turn, Angel.”

  Kevin switched places with Angel, and the doctor examined her as well. When he finished, he smiled at her. “Perfect as always. Now let’s get you finished up. Come with me.”

  Dr. Lopez led them down the hall to the lab and spoke quietly to the nurse waiting there. “Carmen will help you with your lab work.” He shook Kevin’s hand. “Goodbye, Kevin, and good luck. I hope to see you again. Angel, the supplies you shipped here for Angel’s House arrived last week. Sister Mary Francis said to tell you how grateful she is for your help. She says you’re a real blessing for them all.”

  Angel shook her head. “I’m the one who’s blessed, Doc. Please tell her I’ll be coming by tomorrow.”

  Dr. Lopez smiled. “I’ll tell her.” Then he hugged Angel and kissed her forehead. “You are definitely one of a kind, Angel. Until tomorrow.”

  Angel took a deep breath and turned to Carmen. “Okay, let’s get this over with. Let’s do a full workup, Carmen. We need everything.”

  “Si, Señora Angel.”

  “Everything? What does that mean?” Kevin asked.

  “That means Carmen is going to draw your blood for some tests, and you get to pee in this cute little cup.” She picked up the plain white vessel and showed it to him.

  “You’re kidding.” He sat hard on the wooden chair behind him.

  “No, I’m not. Don’t worry. I promised I’d hold your hand.” She sat beside him and took his hand in hers as Carmen sat in front of him.

  He grinned naughtily. “You gonna hold my hand when I pee too?”

  Angel tried to stifle a laugh. “Don’t push you luck, buster.”

  He took one look at the needle in the nurse’s hand and turned back to Angel. “You owe me big-time for this.”

  She nodded and smiled sympathetically. “Only if you promise to hold my hand when it’s my turn.”

  “Thanks Rosita, That’s the best home-cooked meal I’ve had in a long time.” Kevin pushed his chair back. Everyone from the party the night before, sitting around the table enjoying Rosita’s cooking, nodded as they rubbed their bellies and echoed their own appreciation.

  “Gracias, Señor Kevin,” Rosita said sweetly.

  “You’re very welcome.”

  Faith was half-asleep, her head lying on her arms on the edge of the table while Grace was curled up in the chair next to hers. “It looks like somebody had too much fun today,” Miguel said. “How about you, Brandi. Did you have fun?”

  “Are you kidding? It was absolutely fabulous. Swimming with dolphins has to be the most intense thing I have ever done. I don’t think I have ever had this much fun. How about you?”

  Miguel leaned toward her and smiled. “Best time of my life.” The two had been inseparable throughout the whole day.

  Brandi blushed thoroughly. “Do you still have the strength to take me dancing?”

  “You bet. See you later, amigos.”

  Miguel and Brandi disappeared around the corner of the house, presumably toward Miguel’s Jeep. Kevin picked up his wine and walked to the edge of the patio to look out at the water. He wasn’t sure what to think about Brandi any more. Since she’d met Miguel, she hadn’t uttered one word about Hollywood or getting a part in a movie. Not that he was complaining. That morning when he’d gotten back to the guesthouse, he had found Brandi not only up, but dressed.

  “How about you girls?” asked Angel. “Did you have fun today?”

  “Uh-huh,” mumbled Faith.

  “Yeah, it was cool, Mom.” answered Hope on a stifled yawn. “Thanks for taking us. Can I go up to my room now? I want to e-mail Jessica a picture of us with the dolphins.”

  “You’re welcome, and yes you may. I’d better get you two up to bed,” she said to her two youngest children, pushing her chair back to stand.

  “Can I help?” Kevin asked.

  Angel gave him a curious look. “Ah…sure. Can you carry Grace upstairs for me?”

  “Tomás and I will help Rosita clean up,” Miranda assured her with a quick wink. “And we’ll leave the wine in case you guys would like to have another glass when you come back downstairs.”

  Angel shrugged and mouthed “What?” to her friend. “Thanks, guys,” she said.

  Kevin scooped little Grace out of her chair. She locked her tiny arms around his neck and laid her cheek upon his strong shoulder. He placed his hand on her back. Angel’s girls were sweet. All day long, they had held his hand and pulled him from one spot to another, exploring the dolphin park. He couldn’t remember a time since his own childhood when he had felt so much a part of a family. He hadn’t realized how much he’d missed that.

  Angel quietly shook Faith’s shoulder. “Come on, honey. Let’s get you to bed.” She wrapped her arm around her daughter, guiding her into the house and up the stairs as Kevin followed with Grace.

  When they reached the bedroom, Angel walked in ahead of him to turn on a bedside lamp. She helped Faith climb into her bed, removing her shoes before tucking her in as Kevin helped Grace do the same.

  “Goodnight, Daddy,” little Grace mumbled and turned onto her side.

  Angel froze.

  “Goodnight Grace.” Kevin kissed her forehead.

  Angel quickly kissed both girls good night and turned out the light..

  Back on the patio, the table had already been cleared and everybody was gone. Angel poured herself another glass of wine and took a big swallow. Sitting in one of the wide chaise lounge chairs, she clearly took a moment to relax. Kevin retrieved his glass from the railing and joined her.

  “I’m so sorry, Kevin. She’s never done that before. The only other man who’s ever tucked her in at night is her Uncle Tomás, and she’s never called him Daddy. She’s never called anybody Daddy.”

  “Not even her father?”

  Angel shook her head. “No, the only thing I ever heard her call him was Michael. I think he liked it that way. It was like he didn’t want her to get too attached to him.”

  “Then I feel very flattered.”

  She smiled. “You’re very gracious. Most men would pick up and run at the hint of anything sounding like a family.” She looked away. “Unless they think there’s money involved.”

  Kevin couldn’t help it. His curiosity got the better of him. “Is that what happened with her father? Did he think you had money?”

  She shook her head. “Not exactly. I had a decent salary at the time, but Michael knew I wasn’t well off by any means. He had his own purpose in mind when he met and married me.”

  “If you don’t mind me asking, how did he die?”

  “He had a massive heart attack. None of us saw it coming.”

  “I’m sorry. That must have been hard for you.”

  Angel closed her troubled eyes and laid her head back against her seat. “Yes, it was, but that’s not the worst of it.” She opened her eyes and looked out over the lagoon..

in read in her face how much pain the conversation was causing her. “You don’t have to tell me.”

  “I know.” She hesitated for a moment. “You’re not going to believe me. If I hadn’t lived through it myself, I wouldn’t believe me either.”

  “Try me.”

  She paused for a moment, taking a deep breath. “Four years ago, the police showed up on my doorstep. They told me that they had found Michael’s body sitting in his car, next to a phone booth, in a not-so-respectable side of town.” Her voice shook slightly when she continued. “On the seat next to him, they found a paper bag. It had fifty thousand dollars in it…in, ah, in cash.”

  She let out a nervous laugh. “I didn’t even know we had that kind of money. They ah, they also found a piece of paper on the seat next to him. With a name, address, and phone number on it. When the police checked into it, they discovered the man named on the paper was a hired killer.” She shook her head in disbelief. “I can’t believe I’m telling you this.”

  Kevin reached out and took her free hand. “Angel, you can trust me. I won’t mention this to anyone, I swear.”

  She scoffed. “I was beginning to wonder if there was anybody on earth who didn’t know. It was all over the news for months. Still is occasionally.” She sighed deeply and turned to look back out at the lagoon. “Michael died on his way to hire a hit man…to kill me…and my girls. That’s why Grace and I changed our last names to my maiden name. I didn’t want our name to be associated with the vile thing he’d been about to do.”

  “What about Hope and Faith? Didn’t you have to change their names too?”

  She shook her head. “No. I had already adopted Hope and Faith when Michael and I met, and he never asked to adopt them so…” She shrugged. “I guess he didn’t think it was very important.”

  Kevin struggled to take it all in. She hadn’t been kidding. It was a mind-boggling story. “How could he do that? How could he plan to have you killed, and why?”

  Her look was sobering. “We know why. He wanted to collect the money from the life insurance. We weren’t aware of it until after his death, but Michael had a gambling addiction. The police thought he might have done the same thing to his first wife, Ruth, but they never could prove it. Grace looks exactly like her.”


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