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Heavenly Match

Page 16

by Niobia Bryant

  When she looked up at Chloe her heart tugged at the concern she saw in her eyes. Girl, you just don’t know how many bruises and aches I’ve hid from you. Forcing a smile she didn’t feel like wearing, she lied. “I’m sorry, girl, the story made me think of the center and all the women there.”

  “You sure?” Chloe asked with doubt, rubbing her sista-friend’s shoulder in a motherly and consoling fashion.

  “Girl, yeah,” she answered in a husky voice, turning her attention back to her breakfast.

  Just then the phone rang and Anika was glad for the diversion as Chloe rose to answer it.

  “Anika . . . telephone.”

  “Who is it?” she asked, her face questioning.

  Chloe held out the phone. “Deshawn.”

  The look Anika gave Chloe caused her friend to place the phone back to her own ear. “She’s in the bathroom, Shawn . . . Yes, she is . . . Okay, I’ll tell her. Bye.”

  “I don’t want to hear it,” she immediately said, before Chloe could even relay his message.

  Chloe started to say something, but obviously changed her mind. “Well, if you won’t talk about De­shawn, I’ll let it go . . . for now, but let’s talk about what else is going on with you. You were in a trance a minute ago. “

  “Don’t exaggerate, Chloe.”

  “Uh-uh. We’ve been friends too long to keep secrets and that’s exactly what you’re doing, Miss Thang. I know when something’s bothering you.”

  Chloe raised a hand up when Anika was about to deny it. “Keep on with your little secrets, but I’m ready to listen when you’re ready to talk about Deshawn or whatever else is going on with you. With that said, I’m through with it, Anika.”

  Anika swallowed the guilt she felt because she was keeping parts of her life from Chloe. But what was she to do? Admit she had been in an abusive relationship that nearly cost her life and still plagued her to this day? Admit that she still loved Deshawn even though he had played her like a sucker in New York?

  No way. That’s nothing.


  The Holtsville Annual Fair was a big event for the small family-oriented town. When the funding ran short and it was feared that they would have to cancel the thirty-year event, Chloe personally funded the affair that drew people from neighboring towns to the small community. A portion of the profits went to the Bolton Foundation and the rest to related charities that served the people of Holtsville, like the adult literacy program at the town’s lone church.

  As always, one-fourth of the cleared land held the rides and carnival booths, another fourth was desig­nated as the picnic grounds with plenty of vendors selling treats, there was the bandstand area, and the final third was set aside for the various bake-offs and cook-offs.

  Anika had never attended a fair before and she was looking forward to it. This would be the perfect opportunity to be carefree and drone out the memories of the past and her troubles with Deshawn in the present. What better diversion than a carnival?

  As they walked around the brightly decorated fairgrounds, everyone they passed waved or yelled out a friendly greeting to Chloe. Many of the older folks wanted their customary hug and kiss on the cheek and Chloe blessed each one. Several patted her belly and wished her and Devon the best. Others told her their predictions for the sex of the baby based on the size of her belly, her complexion, or how high she carried.

  They all spoke to Anika as well, remembering the statuesque beauty from Chloe and Devon’s wedding.

  “Are southern people always this friendly?” Anika asked, as they moved away from a group of young children.

  “Yes, girl, and the same person can see you ten times in one day and each time ask how you’re doing.”

  “Save us from southern hospitality,” Anika teased. “Back home the only time somebody waves is to—”

  “Give you the finger,” Chloe finished with a laugh.

  “Girl, you got that right!”

  Anika saw Devon sneaking up behind Chloe. She smiled when he motioned for her not to reveal his appearance. She turned away from him. Seeing Devon reminded her of Deshawn too much. I’ll be glad when Chloe has this baby and I can go home.

  Chloe yelled out as Devon’s strong hands suddenly covered her eyes from behind. He squatted down to talk animatedly to her belly. His handsome face was even more beautiful as he smiled up at his beloved wife.

  How different he was now from the sullen, brooding man Chloe first proclaimed him to be. Loving Chloe, and being loved by her, had so obviously changed him.

  Perhaps love could change Deshawn as well.

  Anika snorted. Very unladylike. “Yeah, right,” she said low in her throat, drawing odd looks from Devon and Chloe.

  “How are you doing today, Anika?” Devon asked her, a smile in his eyes.

  “I’m fine. Thanks for asking.”

  “You two coming to watch me win this shooting match?” he asked, his hand playing at the soft ten­drils at Chloe’s nape.

  Anika looked alarmed. “What’s a shooting match?”

  Chloe and Devon laughed. “We take turns shooting at a target for prizes,” he told her.


  “I’m game. You, Anika?” Chloe asked.

  “Sure, why not?”



  Deshawn removed the required eye goggles and set his rifle down on the stand, squinting at his target as a preteen boy moved from his spot of safety to remove the torn bull’s-eye paper.

  He was a damn good shot and he was hoping for a bull’s-eye to win this round of the shooting match. It wasn’t even about the cash price. Deshawn was just a competitive person and he wanted to beat every other man that participated.

  “That’s a bull’s-eye there, fellas, bet on it,” Deshawn said with easy confidence, flashing a cocky smile that reached his eyes.

  Deshawn’s friends, Tank and Lamont, waved their hands dismissively at him. “Whatever, man,” they told him, laughing at his bravado.

  Deshawn stepped back from the stand. “I feel it in my bones,” he told them, faking a shiver. “Watch out now.”

  “Bull’s-eye!” the judge yelled out, even before the men reached the card table where he sat.

  Deshawn stopped suddenly, causing Tank to walk into the back of him. “Careful now, don’t touch me or you’ll get burned. Man, I’m hotter than the sun,” he joked, his ebony eyes flashing with laughter.

  The men all smiled begrudgingly.

  “I can’t be beat,” he told them, pocketing his twenty-five-dollar cash prize for that round with a wink.

  “How ’bout some real competition?”

  Everyone turned and looked over their shoulder at the sound of Devon’s voice. He stood there with his unloaded rifle over his shoulder, flanked by Chloe and Anika.

  Deshawn’s eyes immediately locked on Anika, pleased to have her around. She gave him a slow once-over and then frowned in such obvious feigned dislike that he chuckled as he turned back to the judge’s table.

  “Come on, Dev, and let me whip you too,” Deshawn called over his shoulder to him, as he paid the entry fee for another attempt at one of the many prizes.

  Devon opened the portable stadium chair he carried for Chloe. “With pleasure.”

  Chloe took the seat, watching Devon join the rest of the men, his shoulders broad and appealing in his white long-sleeved T-shirt. “Devon and I might have to leave early or find a spot in the woods. I’m feeling a little warm, if you know what I mean.”

  Anika arched a shapely brow, opening her own chair. “Go sit on an ice pack, hot mama.”

  “I remember our first date in this glen surrounded by flowers by a clear lake—”

  “Chloe,” Anika said sharply before she could get any more descriptive. When Chloe purred, Anika looked at her and found her eyes were clouded with passion as she eyed her husband, lightly biting the tip of her manicured finger.

  “Being full with baby sure has you horny,” she snapped, as the first shot rang ou
t in the air.

  Chloe fanned herself with her hand.

  “Well, here.” Anika wet her fingers with her bottled spring water and flicked droplets at Chloe’s flushed face with a laugh. “Cool off.”


  “Isn’t that the girl who was Chloe’s bridesmaid? Her friend from Jersey, right? She’s got one helluva body. Nice and thick just the way I like ’em.”

  Both Deshawn and Devon froze at Tank’s comments. Deshawn was far more easygoing than Devon, always had been since they were little boys, but he too could be brought to anger. Devon’s instincts told him that Anika’s attributes being discussed by another man could, and would, do just that.

  Deshawn felt pure jealousy burn his gut as all of the men turned to look at her like vultures flying over a carcass.

  “Damn, she’s fine. She’s giving that skirt hell.” Tank spoke up again, his eyes enjoying how the material molded to her thighs like a second skin. “Hook a brother up.”

  Deshawn turned as well to eye Anika. He smiled when she eyed them all back with curiosity, even turning around to see what behind her drew their attention. Then she gave them a fierce look when none of the men turned away. Deshawn laughed out loud at her spunk.

  It was one of the reasons he loved her so much.

  “I’m going to say hello,” Lamont said. “Show that city girl some of this southern hospitality.”

  Deshawn’s laughter instantly died. No woman had evoked such proprietary feelings in him. Not even when he heard through the grapevine that Poochie was seeing some guy from a neighboring town during one of their many brief breakups did he care. He hadn’t lost one night of sleep over the idea of her bedding another man. That was why he always strapped up before sex because it was always better to be safe than sorry.

  What irony, Deshawn Jamison, a man whose heart many a woman had tried to capture, finally was in love with a woman who didn’t love him back. He felt like Eddie Murphy in Boomerang.

  “Uh, Lamont,” he called out to his slender friend who was headed straight toward Anika. “Slow your roll.”

  Lamont stopped and turned, looking confused. “What, man?”

  “She’s taken, that’s what.”

  Devon smiled at this new show of feelings from his brother. Yet another first. He’d seen his brother stand by and say nothing as men had approached Poochie in the club.

  Lament walked back to them. “By who?”

  Deshawn loaded his rifle. “Me,” he answered, as he cocked the gun and aimed it at his bull’s-eye target off in the distance.

  Lamont lifted his hands. “Understood, man.”

  Deshawn stopped, his rifle poised even as he turned to look at Anika. He wanted to show off for her, impress her until she ran to him and congratulated him with one of her kisses. “Anika,” he called over to her.

  He must have caught her off guard because she actually looked over at him.

  “This one’s for you, beautiful,” he told her as he faced forward.


  His shot fired with a wicked echo into the surrounding wooded area.

  It wasn’t long before the judge yelled out, “Bull’s eye!”

  Deshawn turned and winked at Anika.

  Anika gave him a slow, exaggerated clap that was totally sarcastic.

  He just chuckled.

  Chapter 14


  Anika walked through the crowds as the mellow sounds of the live jazz band playing from the stage collided with the excited yells from the people enjoying the amusement rides. There seemed to be a million lights on the fairground, glowing like stars in the sky. Anika enjoyed just standing on the outskirts watching everyone else have a good time. Not able to take any more of Deshawn’s bravado or Devon and Chloe’s affection, she had ventured off alone to enjoy the rest of the fair.


  Seconds later a warm, familiar hand lightly grasped her wrist. Deshawn’s handsome and overwhelming face filled her line of vision. Her expression showed she was startled.

  “Can we talk for a sec?” he asked politely, enjoying the simple contact their skin made as he held her hand.

  Anika’s eyes quickly scanned the defined features of his face. “We have nothing else to talk about, De—”

  “I love you, Anika, and this is not something I say to women every day. You’re throwing it aside like it’s nothing more than dirt.”

  “The only things you love are your ego and your dick.”

  She made to move past him, finally pulling her wrist from his grasp. He stopped her, stepping into her path.

  “Why are you so afraid of me?” he asked, his eyes scanning her face beneath the lights from the amusement ride.

  Anika laughed lightly. “That worked the last time. Don’t go for a second try, trust me.”

  “Is this your revenge because I acted like a jerk in New York? I was honest with you and I admitted that I did come there to seduce you but—”

  “Whassup, Deshawn? Lookin’ good.”

  They both turned as a group of attractive twentysomething women passed, each eying him with appreciation.

  Deshawn glanced at Anika before smiling politely. “Hey, Tara. Monique. Pumpkin.”

  “They’re . . . pretty,” she said, when one of the girls stared at Anika over her shoulder as she walked away with her friends.

  “Bump them. Look, I’ve missed you all these months; now you’re here and you still ignore me. When are you going to get over—”

  Anika held up her hand, piercing him with her eyes. “Get over what? Being used and lied to by you just so that you could sleep with me? Just the very fact that you even acted so childishly by wanting revenge because your ego was bruised is a turnoff?”

  “Hey, Shawn,” another slender girl called out with a beckoning smile and a wave as she strolled past with stuffed animals in her arms.

  He’s the reincarnation of King Solomon. Anika just shook her head in amazement. “You got more fans than Elton John at a gay pride rally.”

  Deshawn bit the inside of his cheek to keep from smiling and glanced down at his watch. “Anika, I got a surprise for you.”

  “Deshawn, please—”

  “No, just watch the stage,” he said, as the band began to play a rendition of Aaliyah’s “At Your Best” with the lead singer tearing it up.


  Cyrus paused in his gossiping with his friends where they all stood around the bed of his truck. He looked up to the band with a faint smile and wished his beautiful wife, Mabel, was there with him to enjoy the music.


  Chloe snuggled back in Devon’s strong arms where she lay between his legs on the blanket they had spread under a tree on the picnic grounds. She smiled like a Cheshire cat as he nuzzled her neck and kissed the warm, intimate spot there.


  Poochie purred like a kitten, arching her back off the warm hood of a well-hidden car as Tank stroked her to another climax. Biting her lip to keep from calling out Deshawn’s name, she tightened her legs around his waist, pulling him deeper inside her with a moan. Payback is a bitch, she thought, her intention to get back at Deshawn by sleeping with one of his friends. She opened her eyes and she was able to see the stage through the break in the tall trees. The honey depths immediately sparked in anger at what she saw.


  Deshawn stood beside Anika, his eyes on her face as the band continued his serenade to her. He wanted to woo her and draw her hack into his life. He was willing to do anything.

  Anika was taken back to the night that she had allowed Deshawn into her heart and into her bed. This very song had messed her head up so bad that she had wanted to make love to him in the middle of the dance floor. His touch, his kisses, his aura drew her in until she was consumed by him and the music.

  As the singer finished the song, she looked up the sky just as an airplane appeared in the distance. It was pulling a banner and the fairgoers all strained to read the neon words that seemed to float against the
night sky. It read: DESHAWN LOVES ANIKA.

  “That was dedicated to Anika Foxx from Deshawn Jamison. Anika, wherever you are out there, I hope you appreciate it, girl, because it cost him . . . big time.”

  The crowd’s good-natured laughing mingled with whispers and gasps of surprise. Anyone in the vicinity of where they stood turned to gaze at her with open curiosity. Local playboy Deshawn Jamison had just declared his love for Chloe’s friend from out of town, whom they all referred to as “that gal from Jersey.”

  Anika’s jaw dropped in shock. It was so corny and so cliché, but even she was surprised and a little touched by his public show of affection for her. She flushed in embarrassment as she turned her head to look at him.

  Her lips were immediately caught into his kiss.

  Deshawn couldn’t resist. Everything about her was just too tempting. Too inviting, luring him to her. He wanted to kiss her and so he did.

  He met resistance as his tongue probed her closed lips, but he persisted with gentle passion.

  Her hands tried futilely to push him back, pressing onto his broad shoulders at first. As heat infused her core those hands eventually slid up to caress his head and then press him ever so closer to her.

  Deshawn bent his knees to lower his height and press her body into his with a heated rush. With a growl he ravished her with his kisses, meaning to reveal the love and desire he had for her. As she responded with equal ardor, their heated breaths mingled in the air with the fireworks that began to explode in the air above them.

  “Say you love me, Anika,” he demanded roughly, the words floating into her mouth and being swallowed by her. “I know you love me, baby. I know you do. Say it. . . please say it.”

  Anika stiffened and broke the kiss, her mocha eyes glazed with obvious desire for him. ‘You’re good . . . but not that good, Deshawn,” she told him huskily as she struggled for control.

  She forced herself to walk away from him with a steady, even gait. She wanted to run, but she didn’t. Would Deshawn’s allure ever dull for her? Damn . . . damn . . . damn! Her body had betrayed her and she had so easily succumbed to his kisses and his caresses. She had relished in the warmth he created not just between her legs but in her treacherous heart.


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