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Ronin's Bondmate: Zarronian Warriors 4

Page 7

by Mardi Maxwell

  Softly, she smiled at him. “Thank you, Ronin.”

  He nodded and felt something cool and heavy brush over his back. Curious he pulled his hair over his shoulder and examined the large beads she’d placed at the end of each braid. They were made of an extremely precious metal, oval in shape and etched with markings. “What are these?”

  “A gift. My culture believes that one who protects me must receive a gift in exchange. If you don’t like them I can give you something else.”

  He held them for a moment longer then let his hair fall over his shoulder. “It’s late. We have an early start in the morning.”

  Belle nodded, grabbed her pack and walked away. At the entrance to the shelter she turned back. “I could make a small shelter for you if you like.”

  “The night is clear. Razz and I will be warm by the fire.”

  She nodded. “Very well. I wish you peaceful sleep.”

  The opening closed and she was lost to his view. He rolled out his mat and settled down for the night. Razz stretched out next to him and small rumbling sounds came from his throat.

  Ronin scratched Razz’s ears. Belle confused him. He kept expecting her to behave badly. To taunt him or throw rude remarks at him, or at the very least to refuse to cooperate. Instead she was quiet and when he glanced at her without her knowledge she appeared sad.

  # # #

  Inside the shelter Belle curled up on her mat with a blanket. The lack of food made her belly ache and small shivers ran through her.

  She pulled the blanket tighter and looked longingly at the pool. It had been so warm. The heat of the water comforting.

  When she left Ronin perhaps she’d make her way back to this place. With the last of her strength she’d conjure her tomb, using precious gems to write her love for him. Even if he found her final resting place he’d never know since he couldn’t read the ancient script.

  She glanced at the fire and then at him. He lay on his back with his arms folded beneath his head. The flames lit up his profile and his eyes were open as he looked at the stars. She continued to watch him until his eyes closed.

  Razz lay on the other side of him. He lifted his head and looked in her direction then lay his head on Ronin’s chest. A large hand covered his head and strong fingers stroked his ears as his amber eyes closed.

  She glanced again at Ronin and saw he’d fallen asleep. Resigned, she sat up. This night, and every night until she left him, she’d watch over him.

  Chapter Ten

  Three cycles later, Belle tried to keep up with Ronin as they followed the camp. The lack of food and sleep was catching up to her and she knew she didn’t have much longer. Taryq had visited with her twice even though he no longer had an obligation to do so.

  She was trying to figure out how to get him to bond with her when the clash of metal on metal rang through the forest. The screams of many females accompanied the sound.

  Ronin drew his sword as he turned toward her. “Build a shelter and stay inside until I come for you.”

  Before she could refuse he ran in the direction of the battle. She followed him. She hadn’t had a chance to teach him to throw krystal as a weapon but she could shield him. Running after him, she burst into an open area. All around her warriors fought. Some with swords and others with krystal as their mates stood with them.

  She dodged around them and saw Ronin in the middle of the field surrounded by the enemy. He and several Zarronian warriors had formed a large circle and fought off the enemy as they attacked them.

  She ran toward him, ducking around warriors and enchantresses. Krystal shards that the enchantresses conjured and their warriors threw flew around her, shattering when they hit the ground or drawing screams of agony from their victims. She dodged around numerous warriors before she drew near to Ronin. She’d almost reached him when a raider grabbed her cloak and jerked her to a sudden and painful stop. She hit the ground hard then looked up at the male who stood over her. Kicking him, she pulled the ties of the cloak loose, letting him have it as she jumped to her feet and ran again.

  Ronin saw her and yelled something to his comrades. A warrior fell to the ground and another one grabbed him and pulled him along with them as Ronin forced them to move toward her. Another raider ran toward her with his sword held to strike her. She conjured a shield and saw him crash into it as she slipped around him and continued to run toward Ronin.

  He reached out, grabbed her arm and jerked her toward him. “I’m going to blister your ass.”

  “I have to protect you,” she yelled before he pushed her behind him. She hit the ground, rolled, and looked back in time to see him blocking a raider’s sword. A second raider rushed him and she conjured a krystal wall, blocking him from reaching Ronin.

  The raider hit the shield, roared with rage and turned to another Zarronian warrior. Belle screamed a warning then stood up and conjured a series of shields. When she was finished, Ronin and his warriors were surrounded by krystal walls that funneled the enemy toward them one at a time.

  Knowing he was as safe as she could make him she turned to the wounded warrior. A quick glance told her that the deep wound on his leg was serious and he was close to death. She dropped to her knees next to him and called on the elements. Reaching for him and began the healing process.

  Another warrior was laid down next to her. She looked up into the dark blue eyes of the warrior who’d brought him. “Can you heal him?” the warrior asked.

  She examined the second warrior while still healing the first. “Yes.”

  The blue-eyed warrior nodded then returned to the battle.

  Belle made sure the first warrior didn’t have any other life threatening injuries then turned to the second one. He had a laceration on the side of his head that was swelling. She laid her right hand over the area and felt the energy of the elements flow through her and into the wound.

  As she healed the warriors her mind connected with theirs and she learned about their lives and their home world. She learned their hopes and dreams and their secrets.

  The blue eyed warrior appeared again and laid another warrior down. His body blocked her view of the warrior’s face but she saw the sword embedded in his chest. When the warrior moved away, revealing Ronin’s face, she shuddered with pain and screamed his name as a shudder of pain slammed through her. She wanted to go to him but knew she couldn’t leave the warrior she was healing. Doing so would end his life so she forced herself to continue, pushing her energy to its limits. A micro-unit later she left him and moved to Ronin.

  Bending over his body, she tried to hold his essence to hers. His chest barely moved with the shallow rise and fall of his breaths. A grimace of pain marred his face each time he breathed in and the sword cut deeper into him. “Ronin, no, no.”

  The blue eyed warrior kneeled down next to her. “What do you need, lady?”

  She pressed her hands around the sword, putting pressure on Ronin’s chest. “The sword needs to be removed.” She looked at him. “Quickly but carefully. Can you do it?”


  “Then do it now.”

  The warrior hesitated then grasped the sword and with a grunt pulled it from Ronin’s chest.

  Blood gushed and Belle pressed hard while she called on the elements. Knowing it was dangerous, and she was risking her life, she called on the last of her energy and sent it into him. A scream of pain and rage left her lips as she realized it wouldn’t be enough to save him.

  She looked around, realized the battle was over, and several enchantresses were watching her.

  “Please, please,” she begged, tears running down her face. “Help him.” When they hesitated she did the only thing she could do. “I confess…I betrayed you,” she screamed as loud as she could so all would hear her words. “I spied on you for Arlyn. I accept your punishment.”

  She felt hands brush over hers and looked up into Skye’s teal blue eyes. Knowing her mother could see and hear everything around her she looked away. These were
her last moments with Ronin and she wanted to cherish them. To remember every nano-unit in his presence.

  While Skye healed him Belle cradled his head on her lap and traced his beloved face with her fingers. Feeling strangely at peace, she stroked a gentle kiss over his lips. “Thank you, my love.”

  Ronin opened his leaf green eyes and looked at her. He took her hand. “You followed me into battle.”

  “Don’t be angry. I had to protect you.”

  He squeezed her hand. “Stay with me.”

  She smiled. “For as long as I can. I promise.” She kissed his knuckles. “Sleep now.”

  He closed his eyes and relaxed as the pain in his chest faded away.

  She glanced at Skye and wanted to ask if he would live. Skye took pity on her.

  “He’ll live but he won’t regain his full strength for a cycle or two.”

  Belle nodded just before a hand landed on her shoulder. She looked up into her brother’s eyes.

  “Time to go, Belle,” Taryq said.

  “Ronin?” she asked.

  “His vow to protect you will end in the morning when you’re exiled.”

  Drawing on the last of her strength, she shrugged out of her cloak and placed it beneath Ronin’s head. For a moment her legs refused to lift her. She stiffened them and without looking around she walked toward the edge of the clearing. The others moved out of her way. She knew Taryq followed her but she didn’t address him. Doing so would lower his standing with his warriors. As far as they were concerned he was a victim of her perfidy as well.

  She stumbled but quickly caught herself and walked on. At the trail she turned off the path, found a small clearing and conjured a shelter. Entering it, she produced a sleeping mat and turned away. She didn’t want her mother to see the warriors lower Ronin onto it before they left.

  Taryq sat down across the room from Ronin and waved toward a spot near him. “Sit, Belle.”

  She did as he commanded and he took her hands into his. The warmth from his skin warmed hers and tears of regret filled her eyes. He’d always been there. He was eight years older but he’d always protected her from their mother. He’d stood between them until she’d turned fifteen. Then, she’d protected him by becoming a female like their mother. One he couldn’t respect or admire.

  It had broken her heart to push him away but he had been the first of many losses. Skye had been the next to go. Followed by her other friends. Only Razz had been allowed to stay because her mother couldn’t harm him.

  “Can you provide food and water for yourself this moon rising?” Taryq asked.

  “Yes.” She squeezed his hands, holding onto them for a moment longer when he began to withdraw them. Raising one to her cheek, she ran the back of it over her cheek. “Thank you, Taryq. You’ve always been the best brother a female could ever want.”

  He nudged her chin up until their eyes met. She looked away, refusing to let their mother see his pain.

  “Tell me why you did it, Belle. Give me a reason so I can defend you.”

  She closed her eyes, released his hand and shook her head.

  He sighed and stood up. “I’ll see you at sun rising.”

  She watched him leave knowing their mother watched him as well. Belle shuddered and clenched her eyes closed. After a moment she opened her eye. It was time to redeem herself.

  The shelter door disappeared and the light in the room dimmed. She produced paper and a writing instrument and logged the truth of what had happened. She wrote in the language of her father. A language her mother didn’t know. She told Taryq everything. How their mother had begun using her, when it had begun, and why. She assured him that her death would mean that he and the others remained safe. She ended the letter by telling him how much she admired and loved him. When she finished she wrote a letter to Ronin, thanking him for his care and wishing him well in the future. She resisted the need to tell him she loved him.

  She attached the notes to Ronin’s pack then moved closer to him. It didn’t matter if Arlyn heard or saw what she did now. Her mother wouldn’t have the chance to control Ronin by threatening her.

  She stroked his face. “Ronin.”

  He opened his eyes and smiled when he saw her.

  His skin felt smooth beneath her fingers. She stroked him and the heat of his body increased until a blue mist formed around him. Leaning down she breathed in his scent. It burst upon her senses, embedding itself in her soul. The memory would go into the next life with her.

  He captured one of her wrists and held onto it. “Belle.” He spoke her name softly, drawing it out and sending a shiver of awareness through her.

  Leaning down, she nuzzled his chest then slid her lips to his neck. She spent several nano-units enjoying the texture of his skin before moving on to his mouth. She brushed her lips over his. They were firm but smooth, tempting her to nibble on his bottom lip.

  Her fingers slid through his hair. For a moment she held the two beads she’d given him then dropped them and traced the tattoos on the sides of his head. “I know what these mean. I know the battles you’ve fought. You’re a warrior of honor and a worthy mate.”

  She stroked his face and neck, then ran her hands over his chest. His nipples hardened beneath her palms. She glanced at him then pressed her lips against his chest as she touched the ridges and valleys of his belly.

  Slowly, little by little she caressed and kissed her way down his body. His muscles rippled beneath her lips and fingers. His breath quickened and waves of heat rose from his body as she kissed and licked her way back up to his mouth.

  He sucked her bottom lip into his mouth and ran his tongue over it. His teeth nipped her just before his tongue slid between her lips. The tip stroked over her tongue then explored her mouth, moving from side to side. She drew in a breath and he smiled against her lips.

  She smiled back as the heat of his skin increased and the blue mist thickened and swirls of black swam through it.

  Chapter Eleven

  Ronin flipped her over and reared back, his knees on either side of Belle’s hips. He’d searched and yearned for this female his entire life but now he’d found her he hesitated.

  He didn’t know when he’d made the decision to bond with her. Perhaps when he’d seen her running toward him across the battlefield? Or when she’d tried to heal him and failed then confessed to spying to get him the help he needed.

  She’d said he was a worthy mate, but he couldn’t say the same about her. The knowledge saddened him. She would be exiled by her people and he’d go into exile with her. Taking her as a bondmate meant he could never return to Zarronia. Not with a female who’d betrayed and spied on her own people.

  “Ronin?” She scooted back then sat on her knees, facing him.

  He ran his eyes over her body and frowned. “You’ve lost weight. Your ribs show.”

  Self-consciously, she wrapped her arms around her body, shielding herself from him. Shrugging, she said, “It doesn’t matter.” She dropped her hands, and her eyes, to her lap. “I know I’m not the female you wanted as your mate. I know I’m not worthy.” Tears filled her eyes. One fell, landing on her folded hands. He lifted her hand and licked the tear from it. Their eyes met and she said, “I’m sorry. So sorry.”

  He wrapped his arms around her and pulled her onto his lap. “Shh, Belle.” He kissed her cheek then her lips. Her spicy taste filled his mouth and the scent of her skin surrounded him. Every touch, every taste, increased his need for her. Increased his fever.

  He laid her down, lowered himself over her and enjoyed the feel of her body against his. Chest to breast, belly to belly, hips to hips, he kissed her. Their legs tangled and she moaned as he planted kisses over her face and neck.

  His fever increased, heating him from the inside until his skin burned and strands of thick blue and black mist filled the shelter. Her body cooled until she shivered. He pulled her tight against him, taking the relief from the mating fever he needed.

  Losing control, he stroked
his hands over her body and followed each touch with his lips and tongue. He found her nipple and closed his lips around it. Sucking, he kneaded her other breast and plucked at the nipple.

  She bowed her back, pressing herself closer to him and moaning with pleasure. “Oh, Ronin.”

  He released her nipple, grabbed her hands, and planted a kiss in each palm. “Touch me.”

  Eagerly she placed her hands on his shoulders and ran them down his back to his buttocks. She dug her fingers into him and wrapped her legs around him.

  His erection slid between her legs seeking her entrance. He fought the urge to thrust into her and relieve the heat burning inside him. Instead he slid down her body, laying kisses over her belly and down to the area between her legs.


  He smiled, his lips against her and the scent of her filling his senses. “Let me taste you.”

  Her belly rippled as she sucked in a breath. “Oh, gods, I can feel your lips moving against me when you speak.” She threaded her fingers in his hair and began to push him away.

  He licked her, taking her taste into his mouth. She moaned again, collapsed, and fisted the blanket beneath her.

  “That’s it. Enjoy this as much as I’m going to.” With that he slid his tongue into her and away. She whimpered, sounding disappointed, and he chuckled then swiped his tongue around her delicate opening.

  He kissed her again then moved up her body and began over again. Kiss after kiss landed on her face as her arousal grew. A blush of rosy color covered her cheeks and spread to her breasts. She opened her eyes and the soft brown color glowed with pleasure.

  Her taste lingered on his tongue as he kissed her. Her tongue wrapped around his and she moaned again. The sound filled a void he’d never known existed just as his first sight of her had filled his heart.

  He kissed her again and again, stroking and exploring her mouth until she panted for breath. He sat up and straddled her. “Look at me.”


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