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Double Stuffed: An MFM Menage Romance

Page 10

by Dawn, Daphne

  Just in case.

  Seth walks directly to us. I hear Chase approaching from behind.

  “Hello, Seth.”


  He hands me his flowers, but I already have Blake’s in hand. Lucky for me, Chase is quick.

  “Let me have those,” Chase says and snatches them up. “They’ll liven up the countertop over here. Everyone will love them.”

  “Thanks, Chase.” I nod to Chase.

  He’s grinning ear to ear. He’s loving this drama. I’m sure I’ll hear all about it later.

  When I face Seth again, I can see he and Blake are locking eyes. I tug on Blake’s arm to get him moving, but he doesn’t budge.

  Oh shit. Here we go…

  Chapter 24


  The sight of him has taken the winds out of my sail. Out of my comfort zone, I’m a little taken aback. Why does the prick keep showing up when he’s not invited?

  I don’t want to have to vie for Leila’s attention with him. I want to own her, fuck her myself, and posses her. I want all of her, and I’m not keen on sharing.

  “McDaniels,” I say through gritted teeth and want to punch the orange-tinged fucker in the face, which is saying a lot since I’m not the violent type.

  He grins at me. It makes my skin crawl. How could I forget about him?

  I was enjoying Leila’s company so much, I completely forgot about the prick. I sigh inwardly.

  “Jacobs,” Seth returns the greeting and keeps his hands in the pockets of his trousers.

  I grind my teeth. I can’t stand it when he does this.

  It’s one thing for him to swoop in on a business deal and snatch it away from me, like he has in the past. It’s another to come in and lay claim to my goddess.

  I’ve spent some amazing time with her, without the third wheel on the wagon called Seth. Why can’t he just go and annoy someone else?

  “Hey, Seth.” Leila actually walks up to him and gives him a kiss. Of course Seth kisses her back. My temperature goes up several degrees.

  Looks like Seth’s going to be around for a while. When Leila asked us the other day to bury our hatchets, I thought it would not last long. Surely, she was not serious about dating both of us.

  Standing here next to her right now, I get the sense we both mean something to her. It seems a bit surreal to be with a woman who wants to have two blokes at the same time.

  Seth releases her. He must have said something funny because she’s laughing and blushing at the same time.

  I need to regain some control. Seth can’t just waltz in here, throw his weight around, and think he owns the joint or her.

  “If we’re going to make lunch, babe, we better get going,” I say as smoothly as I can and put my arm around her waist. At the same time, I take a few steps toward the front door.

  Unfortunately, Leila stiffens in my hold and I feel her reluctance. I grind my teeth. Now what?

  If only we’d left ten minutes ago, we would not have run into Seth at all. Part of my ego has not recovered from the last business deal he snatched right out from under me.

  I was so close to cinching the deal.

  And what should happen? Seth, that’s what.

  Leila slows her step. I struggle with my inner self.

  “Mind if I come along?”

  His words are like a sharp pointy dagger slicing right through me.

  Leila, on the other hand, stops and turns to face him.

  “Could you?”

  Of course, Seth nods.

  “That’d be lovely.” She’s all smiles.

  It breaks my heart to see her so elated.

  “All right with you, old friend?”

  Unable to speak, I just nod. The guy does not get it. He cutting in on my time with Leila.

  Wasn’t it enough he cut me out of a million-dollar business deal last year? Why can’t he just go away and find some other hot chick to fuck and then leave this one to me?

  “Great.” Seth grins and motions for us to keep walking.

  Leila’s huge eyes look at me. She knows how to press my buttons. I force a smile to my face and hope it looks genuine.

  When I hear her breathe a sigh of relief, I know I’ve succeeded. Mentally, I kick Seth in the shins. It was one thing to be business rivals; it was another altogether to be rivals over this exquisite creature on my arm.

  None of that means I will give in without a fight. Fuck him. Fuck all of them. Leila may have spoken today, but tomorrow is another day.

  As we walk along to exit the café, I feel his presence, and I feel Leila against me. Her soft curves melt into my body. We are a perfect fit.

  My mind is working overtime. How the fuck can I get rid of Seth? There must be a way.

  Leila waves at Chase as we leave the café. At least he’s not a rival as well.

  Seth asks, “You brought a car?”

  I’m not sure if he’s teasing me. I point across the road at the black stretch limo. Leila’s smile widens.

  “Wow,” she mutters, and I’m pleased it’s me who provides the mode of transport today. Let Seth tag along.

  Once we are in the limo, I open the door and help Leila into the luxury vehicle. In the process, my hand briefly rests on her ass before I release her. She grins at me and sits down on the white leather. Quickly, I get in after her and slam the door shut. A satisfying feeling washes over me. I outsmarted the prick.

  The plan is simple―and that’s where its genius lies: in its simplicity.

  Leila’s eyes widen, the way a deer’s eyes widen when bright headlights shine directly into them. There could even be tears welling up in them. Her hurt is genuine.

  Suddenly, I feel like a heartless prick and with a sigh I open the door again. Briefly, I wonder if he left; but to my dismay, he is standing exactly where he was before I slammed the door in his face.

  His eyes speak volumes. Sparks are shooting out of them.

  ‘ Fuck you, ’ they say. I’m sure of it.

  I smile at him and hold out my hand. My own eyes say ‘Be cool, bro, can’t you take a joke?’

  “Sorry, Seth,” I say and help him in. “Just a little joke between old colleagues.”

  He’s not buying it, and I can see payback written all over his face.

  I better watch my back.

  Chapter 25


  I’m a little surprised when the limo pulls up outside the private airport of the city. Blake shrugs.


  We all walk towards Blake latest toy, a private jet. Looks like I will have to raise my own game to keep up.

  Leila’s eyes are larger than saucers as she approaches the waiting plane.

  Inside it is airconditioned and we are lead to the private suite with over-size armchairs. There are so many buttons to control the things, it is difficult to even work out basic controls.

  A middle-aged man in uniform offers us a tray of drinks.

  Leila giggles.

  “I usually don’t have alcohol this time of the day.”

  I nod in understanding. The business world is a different world.

  “Cheers.” Blake holds up his glass. I can see the bubbles dance and try to bounce out of their confined area.

  “Cheers,” echoes Leila, and I join in.

  Without asking, Leila chooses the seat in the middle, which means we have to sit either side of her. Blake grimaces.

  I get the distinct impression this girl knows what she wants, and it looks like she wants both of us. I wonder if Blakey boy will be able to share?

  Leila is like a little girl in the toy shop, and tries all the different positions of her seat. As she slides back, she gives me a wicked grin.

  “Don’t you want to find out the different positions?”

  Fuck, she’s a little devil.

  “Sure do.” I smile and watch her. My eyes are fixed at the point between her breast. I can see a tiny bit of flesh. Her blouse is unbuttoned a little further than usual, a
nd I feast on what is visible to my eyes.

  I imagine ripping her shirt open, buttons popping in each and every direction before my lips take possession of her nipples.

  Her hand slides along my leg. She watches my reaction.

  “It feels good in this position,” she purrs.

  Fucking slut. Her other hand is on Blake’s leg. He’s got his eyes closed. I’m toying with letting my own fingers loose to wander when the air host is back.

  Leila leaves her hands where they are.

  “Another drink for anyone?”

  “Scotch on the rocks,” I croak, and Blake lifts his hand.

  “Make that two.”

  “I’ll have another one of these.” Leila lifts her hand from Blake’s leg and hands over her empty glass.

  By the time we land, I’m fucking ready to fuck her. She’s hot too and Blake will be putty in her hands.

  Any reservation I had about the wackiness of the private jet is gone. What a fucking fantastic idea it had been of Blake. I’ve never had so much fun on a flight before.

  A taxi takes us to The Royale, a five-star luxury resort on the Bahamas. I have to hand it to Blake. When he makes up his mind to impress, he really impresses. Of course, it was a great excuse to use his new toy.

  “Nice to see you Mr. Robertson,” the attendant behind the counter greets Blake. Leila is standing next to me. I can feel her excitement as she’s breathing fast and shallow. I’d bet my fortune on it that she’s never had such an exciting lunch date as this one.

  I’m not quite sure what the hushed conversation is between Blake and the hotelier, but I’m starting to worry. Was Blake trying to bump me into another room? If it was me, I would.

  Just as I’m about to say something, Blake turns toward us.

  “I’ve booked the presidential suite and I’m told that there’s no other room here for us to take.”

  He gives us a few seconds before he adds the killer punch.

  “Looks like you’ll have to stay elsewhere.”

  Before I can say something suitably insulting, Leila speaks.

  “A presidential suite sounds like a very large hotel apartment to me. I’m sure we can all share it.”

  Mixed emotions flash across the handsome face of Blake. Poor bastard. I know what he’d rather be happening.

  “Of course we’ll share,” he says, recovering quickly. “Now why didn’t I think of that as a solution?” All smiles, he turns back to the man behind reception.

  Because you are a fucking bastard and don’t to want to share, I think, but I keep my mouth shut.

  In fucking excellent spirit, I head to the elevator. My right arm wraps around Leila in a slightly possessive way. Instinctively, she snuggles into me.

  I want to fuck her now. I shoot a glance in Blake’s direction whose expression is difficult to make out. Is he as desperate as I am? Could we skip lunch and go straight for dessert?

  On the first level, we exit and are greeted by another staff member. We are ushered along a long walkway. We snake along a wooden boardwalk and come out onto a deck. In here, our guide leads us down some stairs again and into a nipa hut.

  Leila tenses, in excitement I think.

  Before us is one of the most exotic and expensive nipa huts I’ve ever seen. As we are lead inside, I see a small pool on the bottom level and a luxurious seating area in the upper level.

  Leila moves away from me and skips to the pool and dips her toe in. Her expression is sheer delight. I glance at Blake who’s smiling smugly. He feels like the winner. But hey, I’m still here, he didn’t get rid of me, yet.

  “Ready to eat?” Blake stands at the bottom of the stairs.

  “This is gorgeous,” squeals Leila and comes toward us.

  Upstairs we’re faced with a round elaborately carved wooden table. I pull out a chair and Leila sits down. I practically hear Blake’s teeth grind together in frustration.

  I take my seat on her right and Blake on her left.

  “You order.” Leila turns to Blake and bats her eyelids at him.

  Blake barely glances at the menu before he orders.

  I sit back and relax. My left hand rests on Leila’s shoulder and plays with loose strands of her hair. She lets her hand rest on my thigh.

  Life’s good, life’s pretty fucking perfect right now.

  Chapter 26


  “Okay! This has to stop!” I shout at them both. I’ve had enough. “Right now!”

  “Leila,” Blake begins.

  “The Bahamas. The Royal. This—this beautiful spot. I’m just sitting down for dinner, Blake. Do you—either of you—think this is the time or the place to be acting like a pair of feisty newlyweds?!”

  “Well, I’d wager a lot of newlyweds are here right now and—”

  “Shut it, Seth!”

  I look at them both. I look hard. I’m so fucking frustrated. I can’t believe I ever thought a relationship of any kind would work with such bitter rivals. What was I thinking?

  I take a deep breath and sit down. “You know, for a couple of manly guys, you really aren’t much more than a couple of spoiled children.”

  “Leila, I—”

  “I don’t want to hear it. You may or may not already realize this, but I know what you both want. I know you’re each vying for my recipe. And neither of you are gonna get it. Never gonna get it.”

  Blake sits to my right and immediately takes my hand. “You’ve got it all wrong; well, at least you’ve got me all wrong.”

  Seth sits to my left and takes my other hand. “I don’t care about your stupid recipe. I only care about you.”

  “We aren’t fighting over words scrawled on a three by five card,” Blake says soothingly. “We’re fighting over you. You , Leila.”

  “Yeah, you, Leila,” Seth agrees with Blake. “Fuck the damn recipe.”

  I hear their words. They make my stomach flip and my flesh turn to fire. I’m sure I’m blushing when I finally speak.

  “You should know, I haven’t made up my mind yet. I still have a lot to think about. I can’t even say when I’ll know.”

  “Then let’s eat,” Blake suggests, lightening the mood. “This is one of my favorite spots on the island.”

  “Mine, too.” Seth nods. “Good idea, Blake. I’m starving.”

  “Have you had the crab here before, Seth?” Blake asks civilly.

  “I have. Damn good.”

  “Damn good.” Blake smiles. “I think I’ll have some tonight.”

  “I may join you. You don’t mind me copying off you, do you, old buddy?”

  “Been doing it for years, why should I start minding now? Right?”

  The boys laugh. It dawns on me. If I keep them talking, they seem less likely to fight. Maybe there’s some hope left after all. Maybe I can have all that I want .

  “Is there anything else you two would suggest here?” I ask.

  “The rock lobster,” Blake says casually, sounding like he’s expecting Seth to agree.

  “The souse,” Seth declares. “Fantastic here.”

  “The souse? Seriously?” Blake shakes his head.

  “Boys…” I say, my voice rising just enough to prove my point. “Let’s order.”

  We eat like we’re starved. I don’t know what comes over us. I enjoy a culinary orgy and I love it. I try both Blake and Seth’s meals, both variations of baked crab. I tell them I like them equally, even when I know which meal is clearly better. I only wish I could pick which man as easily.

  Desert is just as good. A crème brûlée that makes my toes curl. My sweet tooth finds total satisfaction. The guys remain civil, and things begin to feel calm and nice again. I loosen up with another glass of wine while eying Blake’s muscles and Seth’s big hands. I want them both.

  I want them both now .

  “Gonna have to run an extra mile tomorrow,” Blakes says. “Maybe two.”

  Seth nods. “I’ll be right there with you, old boy. I’m stuffed.”

p; “Not too stuffed, I hope?”

  I place my palms on both men’s shoulders and allow my hands to run down their muscled backs. When at their waists, I caress their laps and brush my fingers over each of their cocks.

  “Why don’t we all go upstairs? Imagine all the fun we can have in our suite.”

  “Great idea.”

  “I totally agree.”

  “Perfect,” I say with a smile.

  I’m not on fire. I am fire, and I am burning from head to toe.

  Can they extinguish my flames? Or set them burning even hotter?

  I guess I’ll just have to find out.

  Chapter 27


  As we arrive at the room, I start to giggle. The anticipation is killing me.

  Blake retrieves the room key from his pocket and flashes it to Seth and me, as if it were a platinum credit card. He waves it around a bit and then swipes it.

  The moment the red light on the door turns green, Seth pushes it open with his own grand gesture. I smile and think, They work so well together when their aim is to please me .

  “What a handsome pair of butlers you two make.”

  “After you, ma’am,” Blake says.

  “Very good, ma’am,” Seth plays along.

  I step into the room and turn the lights on. I almost forgot how big it is.

  Decorated finely in a tropical theme, the space is easily three times the size of my apartment―maybe even larger than my parents’ whole house. I can’t tell. It has so many rooms, and they shoot off in every direction.

  A person could get lost in here.

  “How many rooms are here?” I ask, unable to conceal my curiosity.

  Blake looks like he’s counting in his head. “Bedrooms or rooms in general?”

  “Surprise me.”

  “Four bedrooms and ten―no, twelve rooms total,” he answers.

  “Each bedroom has its own private bath,” Seth adds.

  “Amazing.” I shake my head.

  Blake takes my hand and flashes me one of his charming smiles. “There’s more. In fact, there’s a surprise for you in your bedroom.”

  “A puppy?” I joke, to which both chuckle.

  “Come, let me―us―show you.”

  I walk hand-in-hand with Blake, following Seth, to my room in the presidential suite. When we enter, Seth turns on the light, and my eyes welcome a sight unlike any I’ve ever seen.


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