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Kidnapped and Claimed

Page 2

by Lizzie Lynn Lee

  “Elyra. Elyra of Drorknar.”

  “You are from the Drorknar clan?”

  I answered him with a quick nod.

  “You are a Taerajaj.” Shadow-elf . “What were you doing in the Mainland? You were far away from home.”

  I quickly directed my gaze away. “I went astray.”

  Another round of laughter broke out among the men.

  “I could see you strayed,” said Veredi, rather impatiently. “And you are not a mere common-folk.” He tugged my chin up again to meet his stare. “You are royalty.”

  I wondered how the lord knew I was from nobility. I had no markings upon my person and the only evidence of my highborn was my clothes. But Ronen and Callarn had taken them away.

  Veredi’s smile widened. “And you were on the run.”

  By now, I was convinced the lord just loved playing games. I bet he already knew everything about me. Rumor said masters of Emagari possessed high magic that only the famous Rhakaran could rival.

  “Are you not going to answer me?”

  “My business is mine to keep,” I finally said.

  “Stubborn wench,” Veredi said with a laugh, “she is a fiery little one.”

  I glanced at Ronen and Callarn. They watched me with full lust. Suddenly, I needed more air while I ignored the fluttering urge in my sex.

  “My lads have pledged their claim over you,” Veredi continued, “and I find you to be a suitable mate for them.”

  Them? “I think not,” I hastily retorted. “I do not wish to be shared.”

  “It is our law. And besides, my lads have taken a fancy to you. I think you should reconsider your decision.”

  I turned to look at my warriors again. My heart started thundering. I hated to admit it but I had started taking a fancy toward Ronen and Callarn, but my fear got the best of me. “I cannot be shared between two men. It is forbidden.” I paused for a second, taking a deep breath as I decided to let the lord know of my predicament. “I cannot be their mate, Lord. I’m already taken. I’m married.”

  Noise broke out over my statement.

  “You are still pure,” Ronen said. “How is it you claim to be married yet untouched.”

  I cast my gaze away from them.

  “Is that why you were running away? You were afraid of joining with your husband?” Veredi asked me softly.

  “My husband died just before our wedding night.”

  “Then you are a free woman.”

  “My lord does not understand. I am from royalty, and we only take one husband in a lifetime.”

  “You loved your husband?”

  “I barely knew him. My family had arranged the marriage. When he passed away, I was about to be burned in the funeral pyre with him. I was supposed to follow my husband to Paradise, so I could serve him forever. It was our tradition.”

  More shouts of disbelief loomed around me. Everyone seemed outraged with the fate I had to endure.

  “Is that the reason you were running?”

  I gave a weak nod. “I want to live, sire.”

  “I understand.” Veredi lovingly patted my hand. “As for my concerns, you are in our domain; hence you will follow our law. Since your husband has perished, you become a free woman. If you were deeply attached to your husband and were still mourning his sudden departure, I would not force you to change your heart. But since you have no attachment to your late husband, you should consider accepting Ronen and Callarn’s claim. These lads have been searching for a suitable woman as their mate for quite a long time.”

  “But I do not wish to be shared.”

  Veredi exhaled a deep breath at my defiance. “Do you know why we share our woman, wench?”

  I shook my head.

  “We Khimerian are unable to bear female offsprings. It was a curse placed upon our people in the ancient age.”

  “A curse?”

  Veredi let out a cynical laugh. “Lord Draeve’s curse that our kin not be given female companions. Since then, our centauresses are no longer bearing female offspring, and our female descendants are declining. Our foals are always male. To preserve our line, we are forced to take ordinary women as brides. As you may have noticed, we are humble folks. Taking woman brides necessitates a big dowry and not all unmated males have the resources. Hence, we share our women to ensure our future offspring.”

  “Ensure the future offspring?”

  “We are shifters; sometimes our seed is not well-suited to impregnate common women. If there is more than one male coupling with the woman, the bigger the chance of future offspring.”

  I went quiet upon hearing his explanation.

  “You are afraid?”

  I didn’t answer.

  “We are not a savage pack as others may say about us. We cherish our women and protect them to our last blood. You will find our women well-taken care off. “

  Involuntarily, my gaze strayed to my warriors. The men who would swear to protect me, defend me with their last breath. They would also cherish me, warming my body and soul. My fear and thoughts of the perversion of being shared ceased a little.

  “You do not know what you will get yourself into if you harbor me. My family hired the Jakael hunters to bring me back home. My presence here will bring bad luck to your people, my lord.”

  Veredi laughed. “Aesterneum is a haven. Our demesne is protected by layers of wards and ancient magic. You shouldn’t worry. Well, will you accept Ronen and Callarn’s claim?”

  “What if I do not accept this claim, will you force me?”

  Veredi sighed. “We would never force a woman to become our dhamarani . Although, it has never occurred in our history that a free woman has refused the companionship of our unmated warriors. Many women say our charm is irresistible.”

  Raucous laughter broke again.

  “What if I do not wish to take…“

  “While we will not force you, I’ll warrant that Ronen and Callarn would go to great extents to make you change your mind. You will stay with us, however, until I decide this matter later.”

  “What if I still do not wish to take a mate?” I peppered him. “Will you let me free?”

  Veredi’s eyes narrowed, slight agitation flashed in his face. “Eventually…yes. We will escort you out from our border, and you are on your own from there. Wouldn’t it be better to have Ronen and Callarn as your protectors instead of you wandering alone into the perils of the wilderness?”

  “You cannot share love, sire. A woman should only serve one man in a lifetime.”

  “You’ll be surprise what you are capable of loving.” Veredi’s voice turned warm. His annoyance and agitation vaporized. He turned to Ronen and Callarn, “Lads, what do you have to offer as dowry if she changes her mind and decides to accept your claim?”

  Both Ronen and Callarn hurriedly rummaged in their pockets, and each one of them produced a small velvet pouch, tipped the contents out on the table. Gold, silver, and precious gems spilled on the rough wooden surface, gleaming inside the hut, sparkling an eerie glow on everyone’s face.

  “My lads labored hard for their dowry, precious one,” said Veredi. “You might find what they have to offer is not as much as the way you are accustomed, but they offer you their hearts and souls for your contentment, and this cannot be measured with gold or any precious gems. Should you reconsider your decision…“ He gestured his hand to cast his spell. Seconds later, the dowries leapt back into the pouches and floated in the air above the table. “When you decide to accept their claim, come to me and take these precious gifts, and I shall bless your union.”

  I cast him an uncertain look.

  Veredi continued, “You will be given your own place, and you will live according to our custom. Since a claim has been bestowed upon you, you are not to be touched by men other than your claimers, Ronen and Callarn. They will show you your new lodgings.”

  The decision had been made, whether I liked it or not. I nodded. “My lord…”


p; “At least give me something decent to wear. I am cold.”

  Veredi spoke to Ronen and Callarn. “Here, tend to her needs, lads. Take care of her well so she changes her mind about your claim.”

  Chapter Three

  Was it morning already?

  I heard the rooster crowing from afar and saw the faint sunlight slowly creeping through the cracks of the window. I stretched underneath the thin woven blanket, yawning. I didn’t feel like getting up yet after the whole ordeal. I fancied being lazy for a few more minutes.

  But I couldn’t go back to sleep. I opened my eyes wide. My small hut was scarcely furnished. It had the simple wooden bed I had slept in with a mattress stuffed with dried sweet grass. A small table with four chairs. And a rough-hewn tall wooden cabinet placed under the window that contained a few blankets and garments for me to wear.

  I was dismayed when Ronen gave me my new wardrobe. It was scandalous! Khimerian women only wore thin cloth to cover their breasts and hips. No tunic, no robes, no gowns nor undergarments. Callarn explained that Khimerian males disliked their women being overdressed. Besides, the weather in Aesterneum had been enchanted to mimic summer. Aesterneum in granekh , the Khimerian native tongue, meant summer ever after .

  At first, I quite dreaded the prospect of being scantily clad all the time. Then I decided it was much better than being naked. After showing me my new place, Ronen and Callarn gave me a quick peck on the lips and bade me a good night’s rest. I was half-expecting they would seduce me again. They didn’t. Actually, I was quite disappointed from it and I felt terrible afterward. Not even a day of living with the Khimerians and I already had wanton urges. Callarn left me with a plate of dried fruits as my dinner and a flask of water. I ate in solitude, observing what happened outside through the open window.

  Last night, something went on in the village center. Music and laughter through the night made it hard to fall asleep. And also the sound of women screaming. At first, I thought somebody was in terrible pain, but after a few minutes, I realized the screams were of pleasure. Goddess, those women didn’t even bother to keep their voices low.

  What kinds of pleasure were these women having that they were no longer aware of their surroundings?

  A soft knock on the door snapped my mind back to reality. I sat up, fixing my clothes decent. “Yes?”

  The door opened and a slim figure breezed in. A redheaded woman in a scant ensemble. The bandeau top she wore could barely contain her lush breasts; her nipples were blatantly visible through the thin fabric. The woman’s pareo cloth was tied low on her hips, unable to obscure the fiery red curls of her mons when she walked. Freckles showered her cheery face. Her hair was let loose, draping down to her waist, sweeping the air behind her.

  “Good morning,” she called merrily, putting her wicker basket down on the table. “Did I wake you up too early?”

  I shook my head. “Nay. I was already awake.”

  “Splendid. I thought we would start early today for a bath. Ah, where are my manners? My name is Ashanie. I was told your name is Elyra.”


  Ashanie gave out a big smile, displaying rows of pearly white teeth. She motioned me to take a look inside the basket. “I thought I would bring you some soap and scented oils. Also some ointments.” Ashanie shot me a naughty look. “It helps soothe when you feel sore, until you have a chance to bathe in Lembanyu water.”

  My face was getting hot.

  “Have you ever been bedded before?”

  I flinched. Bedded? Of course, if being licked and probed in my secret place could be considered as being with a man.

  “You blushed!” Ashanie squealed in delight. “I take that as not. I daresay it came as a shock when Ronen and Callarn marked you.”

  “It was.”

  “You do understand about the joining between man and woman, do you not?”

  “My servants taught me.”

  “Good, so I do not need to explain to you explicitly. Khimerian warriors are very demanding creatures in bed sports, and we woman are expected to match their lust.”

  With the way those women were screaming last night, I couldn’t tell who was more demanding.

  “Khimerian warriors love to give pleasure as much as they receive it,” Ashanie continued. “Moreover, it is some kind of unwritten rule that they never leave their women unsatisfied.”

  That was something new to learn.

  “I have never regretted taken three Khimerian warriors as my husbands.”

  “Three?” My eyes almost jumped from my sockets. “How could you ma—“

  “Manage their demands? Well, joining with my husbands gave me energy to match their needs. They were the most wonderful people I ever met. You see, I was a slave before and was about to be sold to a Begotrath breeder. The slave master was on his way to deliver us to Vastapa when by accident he strayed to Emagari territory. The Khimerian saved us all. I do not know what would have become of us if we were in the hand of the Begotrath breeders. I heard rumors saying death was a better prospect than being one of those women. My husbands love me, and life couldn’t be better.” Ashanie’s cheeks blushed in a rosy hue, and her voice turned impish. “Do you not know about the charm of Khimerian warriors?”


  Ashanie giggled again, her eyes twinkling. “Once you have a Khimerian cock inside you, you will have your peak continuously until your men are fully sated. And that could be several times during one night.”

  “Gracious Goddess!” It was forthrightly outrageous.

  “I don’t talk nonsense; you will know soon enough. That is assuming you will accept Ronen and Callarn’s claim?”

  “I don’t know,” I said. The idea of having two husbands seemed deviously perverted. “I think I won’t stay here long.”

  “Oh.” Ashanie sounded disappointed. “Why ever not? I hope you will change your mind. Ronen and Callarn are good men. It is time for them to have their own dhamarani . Bodily needs could be tended easily, but a contented soul is something only their mate could give them.”

  I pondered. Erodan would flay me alive if he knew I consorted with the beasts of Emagari. He would spit me on a stake and burn me on a bonfire if he knew I’d taken two men as husbands.

  “Come.” Ashanie snapped me out of my reverie. “I’ll show you our sacred spring.”

  We walked outside. I tailed Ashanie to the far side of the dwelling into a lush wooded area where the vegetation grew thick, obscuring a spring-water pond.

  “This is Lembanyu. It has magical properties. It can heal any ailment, both maladies that claim the body and soul.” She started undressing. “Hurry, let us bathe before everyone else wakes up. I prefer bathing in solitude. Besides, we still have plenty of chores afterward.”

  I followed suit and went into the spring. The water was cool and comfortable. A pleasant chill seeped to my bones, and suddenly, all my weariness was washed away.

  “You look undernourished,” Ashanie commented. “It must be hard for you running away from your family.”

  “You knew?”

  “Lord Veredi told me about you. He asked me to guide you about our customs. Here, use this soap to scrub your body. Let me help you…”

  I stiffened when she lathered my body without hesitation. Especially when she rubbed my chest. An eerie shiver ran down my spine when Ashanie’s fingers caressed the tips of my nipples.

  “You look tense,” Ashanie noticed, giggling. “Are you not accustomed to having somebody help you bathe?”

  “Not since I was ten.”

  “I see.” She was about to say something when we heard a low scream from the other side of the pond. Immediately, both our attention turned to the source of the noise. Behind some low-growing bushes, we saw a woman barely standing, sandwiched between her two men in the middle of heated passion. The three of them were gloriously naked, bodies sheening from perspiration, breaths ragged like wounded animals. The woman’s feet barely touching the ground, her body looked suspe
nded from her men’s cocks. The men’s movement were synchronized, one pulling out where the other thrust in. The woman was mouthing in a low voice, gasping each time her men slammed into her up to the hilt.

  “Ah, those are Serina, Arden, and Vasyel. They are newlyweds,” Ashanie said in an uncaring tone. It seems witnessing a joining in public was something natural.

  I should have looked away but I couldn’t take my eyes off them. The woman, Serina, seemed to be in a state of euphoria. Her eyes were half-closed and her mouth was wide open. Occasionally, her tongue licked her husband’s neck. She wound her arms around the man on the front, while her other husband that took her from behind sucked her neck amorously.

  I swallowed hard. My nipples hardened and my cunt ached. Although the woman with her husbands was standing quite far away, I could see everything just fine. I saw Serina’s husbands’ veined cocks, proud, rigid, and massive, entering their woman’s orifices. Each slam caused her to heave with pure ecstasy. Each man seemed as delirious as she was, both expressing their pleasure in distinctive masculine cries.

  The husband who took Serina from behind was no longer sucking her neck, instead he threw his head backward, gritting his teeth as he rampaged. His muscled abdomen flexed each time he sank deeply into her. His hand firmly secured Serina’s hips. I couldn’t help but swallow, wondering how it must feel to have a man’s flesh burrowing deep in the ass.

  The man who took Serina from the front went wild, his thrusts were fast and rough. He pulled his wife’s slender legs upward, supporting her weight and making her fully open for their penetration.

  My heart drummed wild as I watched the three climb to ecstasy. The husbands kept ramming Serina until they both suddenly jerked, howling their release. Serina appeared to have her ultimate release as well. Her eyes flew open, glazing in pure pleasure. She then went limp against her husbands. Each man kissed her deep in the mouth, murmuring praise and affection. Their bodies looked wet, slicked from sweat and the juices of their mating. They tangled together in the most intimate way men and women could ever possibly be.

  I forced myself to look away. My heart thundered faster than ever. I was aroused. How could I be turned on by this blatant display of debauchery? Though my body was immersed deep in the cold Lembanyu water, I was burning to cinders.


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