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The Triple Package

Page 39

by Amy Chua

  “Discipline. Patience. Perseverance”: “Khaled Hosseini: By the Book,” New York Times, June 6, 2013.

  Google, Facebook, or the iPod: Amy Chua, “Tiger Mom’s Long Distance Cub,” Wall Street Journal, Dec. 24, 2011.

  Jeff Bezos founded Amazon when he was “dead broke”: Robert Spector, Get Big Fast (New York: HarperCollins, 2000), p. 84.

  The present moment by itself is too small: See Rubenfeld, Freedom and Time, p. 16; Jed Rubenfeld, Revolution by Judiciary: The Structure of American Constitutional Law (Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 2005), p. 91 (“[A] person’s freedom . . . is bound up with his capacity to give his life purposes of his own making and to pursue those purposes over time”).

  Happiness . . . “cannot be pursued”: Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi, Flow: The Psychology of Optimal Experience (New York: Harper Perennial, 1991), p. 2 (quoting Victor Frankl).


  The page numbers in this index refer to the printed version of this book. The link provided will take you to the beginning of that print page. You may need to scroll forward from that location to find the corresponding reference on your e-reader.

  academic achievement, see education and academic achievement

  Academy Awards, 52, 163

  Acemoglu, Daron, 17n

  Achebe, Chinua, 81

  Adams, James Truslow, 18

  Adler, Alfred, 59n

  Adventures of Augie March, The (Bellow), 162, 163

  African Americans, 2, 100, 156

  elite schools and, 172

  equality and, 76–77, 80–81

  at Harvard University, 6, 41–42

  income of, 43–44

  Mormons and, 30–31

  “oppositional” urban culture and, 222

  poverty and, 44, 74–75

  self-esteem of, 112

  stereotype threat and, 78, 80, 81

  superiority complex and, 72–78

  at Yale Law School, 42

  see also African immigrants; blacks

  African immigrants, 105, 156, 194

  Nigerian, see Nigerian Americans

  at universities, 41–42

  upward mobility and, 168

  alcohol abuse, 150, 216

  Alexander, Clifford, 43

  Alexander, Elizabeth, 73

  Alexander the Great, 90–91

  Allen, Woody, 52, 108

  Amanat, Abbas, 92

  Amazon, 224

  America, 26–27

  Constitution, 2, 62, 204–6, 209

  debt in, 215

  Declaration of Independence, 204–6

  exceptionalism of, 201, 219

  impulse control and, 142–44, 197, 200, 203–6, 208–9, 214–18, 221–24

  infrastructure in, 215

  insecurity and, 200–203, 208–12, 214, 215, 218, 220–21

  live-in-the-moment message and, 1, 2, 10, 27, 143–44, 204, 205, 207–9, 214, 224

  rebelliousness of, 204, 205, 208

  research and development in, 215

  Revolution, 204, 205

  rise in standards of living in, 210–11

  savings in, 215

  superiority complex and, 203, 207, 209, 211–12, 219–20, 225

  Triple Package and, 199–225

  American Conservative, 193

  American Dream, 5–6, 18, 168, 173, 208

  see also upward mobility

  American Express, 5, 32, 135

  American Motors, 32

  Amish, 119, 180–84, 187

  ball games and, 183

  education and, 119, 181

  impulse control and, 119, 180–81

  insecurity and, 182–83

  superiority complex and, 181–82

  Ansari, Aziz, 164

  anti-Semitism, 12, 15, 54–55, 61, 138, 141–42, 154, 194n

  Appalachia, 174–80, 210

  impulse control and, 177–80

  poverty in, 169, 174, 175, 178

  substance abuse in, 175, 178, 180

  Arabs, 156

  Aronson, Joshua, 78

  Ashton, Alan, 32

  Asian Americans, 2, 13, 45, 52, 151, 194, 196

  depression among, 104, 150

  education and accomplishment among, 24, 45–48, 78, 79, 110–11, 131, 151, 170, 172, 173, 194–95, 213n

  entry visas of, 170

  family and parenting among, 13, 110–11, 147–51

  impulse control and, 133, 173

  insecurity and, 13, 110–11, 173

  musical training and, 46–47, 126–28, 129, 164

  opposition to stereotypes among, 164

  self-esteem of, 111–12, 151, 213n

  stereotype boost and, 79

  stereotype threat and, 78

  suicide among, 150

  superiority complex and, 13, 173

  tutoring and, 173

  upward mobility and, 168

  see also East Asian Americans; Chinese Americans; Indian Americans

  assimilation, 20, 83, 195, 196

  AT&T Mobility, 38

  At Home in the Heart of Appalachia (O’Brien), 177

  Atlas, James, 161

  Bacardi family, 37, 71

  Bain Capital, 31

  Bar Kokhba revolt, 12

  battle, life as, 15

  Baughman, Gary, 32

  Baumeister, Roy, 117

  Beck, Glenn, 33, 34

  Bell, Daniel, 153

  Bellow, Greg, 162

  Bellow, Saul, 12, 160–64, 195

  Benedict, Jeff, 34

  Beneficial Life, 35

  Benny, Jack, 52

  Benson, Ezra Taft, 67–68, 157

  Bezos, Jeff, 224

  Bharara, Preet, 49, 131, 165

  Billete, Pepe, 68–69, 71–72

  Black & Decker, 5, 32

  blacks, see African Americans

  black schools, 77, 222

  Blaine, David, 119–20

  Blair, Tony, 219

  Bloom, Harold, 137

  Bloomberg, Michael, 52

  Boggs, Lilburn, 64

  Bonfire of the Vanities (Wolfe), 210

  Book of Mormon, 25, 30

  Book of Mormon Girl, The (Brooks), 157

  Borushek, Grisha, 161

  Bose, Amar Gopal, 49

  Bose Corporation, 49

  Bowman, Matthew, 65

  Brandeis, Louis, 62

  Branden, Nathaniel, 212, 214

  Breaking Bad, 143

  Brigham Young University, 25, 32–33, 35, 157

  Britain, 168, 219

  Bronx High School of Science, 170, 172, 173

  Brooks, David, 54

  Brooks, Joanna, 157

  Buber, Martin, 63

  Buffalo Creek flood, 179

  Buffon, George-Louis Leclerc, Comte de, 200–201

  Bush, George H. W., 46

  Bush, George W., 31

  Bushman, Claudia, 66, 67

  Calvinism, 137, 184–85

  Carmichael, Stokely, 43

  Carnegie, Andrew, 202

  Carroll, James, 186

  Carter, Jimmy, 31

  Castro, Fidel, 36, 37, 69, 88

  Catherine of Valois, 122

  Catholics, 35–36, 53, 184, 185

  Catmull, Edwin, 32

  Chabon, Michael, 63

  Chaplin, Charlie, 52

  Checketts, Dave, 32, 137

  Chen, Steve, 48

  Chernin, Peter, 54

  Chester, Eric, 216

  chi ku, 125

  childhood, 11, 146–47

  Confucian approach to, 147–48

120–22, 215, 223

  Confucian tradition of, see Confucian principles

  decline of, 123

  impulse control and, 220

  Japan and, 121, 122, 123, 158

  Ming Dynasty, 121–22

  rising power of, 124, 220

  Chinese Americans, 7, 8, 45–51, 56, 57–58

  academic achievement and, 13, 123–24, 126–31, 142, 171–73

  bimodal communities of, 171

  and breaking out of Triple Package, 197

  chi ku and, 125

  discrimination against, 104, 124

  family honor and, 110

  immigrant selection criteria and, 170–71

  impulse control and, 120, 125–31, 132, 142

  insecurity and, 50, 123–24

  IQ and, 171

  parenting among, 126–29, 132, 142, 147, 148, 150

  psychological symptoms among, 150

  in Sunset Park, 170, 171, 172

  superiority complex and, 124

  tutoring and, 172–73

  upward mobility of, 171

  see also Taiwanese Americans

  Chinese Exclusion Act, 207

  Chinese superiority complex, 72, 120–23, 130–31, 156, 220

  chip on the shoulder, 11–12, 18, 21, 26, 114, 159, 183

  America and, 200, 201

  Jobs and, 22

  Mormons and, 137

  Chisholm, Shirley, 43

  Cho, John, 164

  Chomsky, Noam, 156

  Christensen, Clayton, 32

  Christianity, 60, 98, 182, 184, 207

  Amish and, 180, 181, 183–84

  Catholicism, 35–36, 53, 184, 185

  Lebanese and, 112–13

  Mormonism and, 64–65, 136

  Protestantism, 8, 31, 53, 136, 184–86, 207

  Churchill, Winston, 23

  Church of England, 35

  Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (LDS Church), 5, 30–31, 34–36, 134, 136–37, 156–58

  see also Mormons

  Chyao, Amy, 46

  Cicero, 112

  Cincinnati, Ohio, 176

  Citigroup, 5, 32

  Clark, Kim, 32

  class rigidity, 169

  coal mining, 178

  Coca-Cola, 36

  Cohen, Steve, 52

  Colorado City, Ariz., 188

  Columbus, Christopher, 122

  Combs, Sean “Diddy,” 73–74, 75

  Confucian principles, 103, 110, 142, 151, 161, 220

  childhood and, 147–48

  learning and, 125–26, 147

  Congressional Budget Office, 211

  Congreve, William, 87

  Constitution, 2, 62, 204–6, 209

  Cooper, Helene, 80, 82–83

  Covey, Stephen, 32

  Crash, 92

  creative destruction, 208

  creativity, 146, 223

  Crittenden, Gary, 32, 135

  Cromwell, Oliver, 60

  Cruz, Ted, 39

  crystal meth, 175

  Cuba, 69–71

  Cuban Americans, 36n, 37, 39–40, 109

  Golden Exiles, 36n, 87

  Hispanic label and, 68–69, 156

  Marielitos, 36n, 40

  New Cubans, 36n, 40

  superiority complex and, 68–72, 156

  Cuban Exiles, 6, 12, 36–41, 58, 71–72, 87–89, 105

  insecurity and, 87–89

  status loss among, 88–89, 92

  cultural groups, 30

  culture, definitions of, 30n

  Daily Beast, 167

  Davis, John, 153–54

  Davis-Blake, Alison, 32

  Death of a Salesman (Miller), 108

  Declaration of Independence, 204–6

  De La Torre, Miguel, 71

  De la Vega, Ralph, 38

  Dell, 5, 32

  Deloitte, 5, 32

  Delury, John, 220

  democracy, 62, 182, 206, 211, 217

  Democracy in America (Tocqueville), 202

  Denmark, 168

  depression, 212, 213n

  in Asian Americans, 104, 150

  Diamond, Jared, 17n, 186

  Diaz, Cameron, 39

  Diller, Barry, 52

  discipline, 11, 163

  see also impulse control

  Disraeli, Benjamin, 15

  drive, 15, 17, 84, 89, 114–15, 151, 163, 194, 200, 209

  pathology of, 165–66

  drugs, see substance abuse

  D’Souza, Dinesh, 44

  Duckworth, Angela, 117

  Dweck, Carol, 117, 212

  East Asian Americans, 50

  academic achievement and, 7, 13, 196

  bullying of, 103–4

  family and parenting among, 147–48, 151, 152

  out-marrying and, 158

  Eckstein, Susan, 36n, 39

  education and academic achievement, 24–26

  Amish and, 119, 181

  Asian Americans and, 24, 45–48, 78, 79, 110–11, 131, 151, 170, 172, 173, 194–95, 213n

  black schools and, 77, 222

  Chinese Americans and, 13, 123–24, 126–31, 142, 171–73

  conventional success and, 159

  East Asian Americans and, 7, 13, 196

  expectations and, 13–14

  insecurity and, 105–6

  Iranian Americans and, 56, 95

  Jews and, 13, 20, 24–26, 193–96

  Korean Americans and, 13, 110, 131

  self-esteem and, 111–12, 213n

  tutoring and, 172–73

  Einstein, Albert, 55

  Eire, Carlos, 70–71

  Eisen, Arnold, 62

  Emerson, Ralph Waldo, 204

  Emler, Nicholas, 213n

  Emory University, 36

  End of History, The (Fukuyama), 211

  enkrateia, 138

  entrepreneurialism, 223–24

  Epstein, Helen, 190, 192

  Epstein, Lawrence J., 107

  equality, 20, 62, 76–77, 80–81, 83, 144, 207, 219–20, 221, 225

  Erikson, Kai, 177

  Estefan, Gloria, 39

  Ethiopia, 6

  ethnic armor, 22–23, 82–83

  ethnocentrism, 15, 59

  Exxon Valdez, 179

  failure, 117, 159, 214

  Fairbanks, John K., 121

  family, parents, 86, 106–14, 131–33, 115, 143, 146–50

  Asian Americans and, 13, 110–11, 147–51

  basing life decisions on expectations of, 160

  Chinese Americans and, 126–29, 132, 142, 147, 148, 150

  East Asian Americans and, 147–48, 151, 152

  Indian Americans and, 101–2

  Jews and, 106–8, 109, 140–41, 142, 151–53

  Korean Americans and, 131, 132

  Lebanese Americans and, 113–14

  parental sacrifice, 109–10

  rebellion against, 161–63

  self-esteem parenting, 214, 216

  Fanjul, Alfonso, 37

  Fanjul Corporation, 37

  Farrakhan, Louis, 78

  fear, 86, 104

  in Jews, 104–6, 153–55, 195

  Federalist Papers, 201, 206

  Feiffer, Jules, 151–52

  Fiddler on the Roof, 152

  Fiedler, Leslie, 162

  financial collapse of 2008, 215, 217–18, 220

  Fischer, Claude, 204

  Fisher-Price, 5, 32

  Flynn, James, 171

  Footnote, 152

  Forbes, 8

  Forbes 400, 3
2, 52

  Ford, Henry, 208

  Fortune, 114

  Fortune 500 companies, 33, 50

  Forward, 140–41

  Frankfort, Lew, 51

  Frankl, Victor, 224

  Franklin, Benjamin, 203

  Freud, Sigmund, 10, 62, 152, 153

  Friedman, Thomas, 54

  Friend, Tad, 87–88

  Fryer, Roland, 222

  Fukuyama, Francis, 211

  Fundamentalist Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints (FLDS), 188

  Galleon Group, 165

  gambling, 215

  Gandhi, Indira, 96

  Gandhi, Mohandas, 96

  García, Andy, 39

  Gardner, Howard, 23

  Garvey, Marcus, 43

  Gates, Bill, 222, 223

  Gates, Henry Louis, Jr., 41–42

  Gawande, Atul, 49–50

  Gehry, Frank, 53

  Ghana, 6

  Giardina, Denise, 177

  Glazer, Nathan, 25

  globalization, 211

  Goad, Jim, 176

  Goizueta, Roberto, 36, 38, 71

  Goizueta Business School, 36

  Golden Exiles, 36n, 87

  Goldman Sachs, 33, 34, 42

  Good as Gold (Heller), 152

  Graham, Robert, 91–92

  Greek Americans, 57

  Greeks, ancient, 89, 112, 121

  Greenberg, Clement, 12

  Grenier, Guillermo, 69

  Grey, Brad, 54

  Grimm, Thomas, 32

  Grinberg, Gedalio, 38

  group generalizations, 14

  Grove, Andy, 32

  Guggenheim, Meyer, 153–54

  Guinier, Lani, 41–42

  Guitar Hero, 48–49

  Gupta, Ashwini, 100

  Gupta, Rajat, 100, 165–66

  Gupta, Sanjay, 49

  Gutierrez, Carlos, 38

  Hadrian, 12

  Haiti, 6

  Haley, Nikki, 49

  Hamilton, Alexander, 204

  happiness, 11, 27, 146, 147, 206–7, 209, 224

  hardship endurance, 16–17, 21, 119–20, 125

  self-esteem movement and, 214

  Harkins, Anthony, 175

  Harold & Kumar, 164

  Harvard Business School, 32, 42

  Harvard University, 47, 110


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