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Sweet Surrender

Page 8

by Angel Steel

  “I know that, Chantal. I just want you to be careful and not to fall for the next guy, so quickly. And of course, I want you to be happy and for them to treat you right.”

  “Thank you, Sky.” She walked up to her and gave her best friend a hug.

  “So, what was it like?” Skylar asked her.

  Chantal knew she wouldn’t give up on it until she got the details.

  “It was unbelievable. He was so sweet, but also rough.” She giggled to herself. She loved the whole sweet side, but it wasn’t enough. She was over the whole sweet side to sex, it was like she was missing out on something, and she wanted anything other than that.

  Trying to lift her mood, she continued, “I had this dream last night, and I tell ya, it was so hot that I swear I had an orgasm in my sleep.”

  They both laughed at what she had said. That dream felt so real, having both Dom and Joey at the same time, it was at the top of her list of fantasies that she wanted to experience. But, when she woke up, panting, she knew it was only a dream. Dom didn’t want her in that way. He just liked tormenting both of them with foreplay.

  “What was the dream?” Skylar giggled, she was curious now.

  “Dom, Joey and I had a threesome.” She blushed when she told her.

  “That is so hot, Chan. You should totally live that fantasy. I would if I could think of two people to join the fun.”

  “I would live it, though it wouldn’t be with Dom, but possibly Joey. One,” she ticked off on her finger, before continuing, “Dom doesn’t want anything to do with me and I don’t with him, it’s just a fantasy. Two, there is no way that Dom and Joey would go for it. They appear to me not to be the sharing type. And three, there is no way on this earth that I am asking them to participate in my fantasy. I don’t want to tell them that fantasy, and also I don’t want them to laugh at me.”

  Chantal had, had that fantasy since she first met Dom and Joey. Neither of them were the sharing type, so she knew it would never happen. However, it could in her dreams, and boy, did they rock her world on many occasions. There were times that she had daydreamed that they both took her at the same time, and she would pull out her trusty dildo and bring herself to orgasm many times, as she imagined that they both took her. Needing that very arousing thought out of her head, she changed the subject. “Why are you here, anyways. I love having you over, you know that, but something is either wrong, or has upset you.”

  Huffing out a breath, Skylar sat on the couch and faced Chantal. “Nate is driving me up the wall. I can’t go anywhere unless he is with me, and being in a closed environment with him is killing me. I’m so close to jumping him. I don’t think I can take much more of it,” she whispered.

  She smiled. “Sky, just sleep with him and get it out of your system, it won’t hurt for you to use him for sex. I’m sure you won’t hear him complain about it.”

  Placing her hands over her face, she mumbled, “I know, but if I do that, I don’t want him to think we are back together.”

  Chantal stood. “Well if not him, sleep with someone else, or go out on a date with someone else. You really need to get out of the house. How about Jack? You both like each other.”

  “I try to get out of the house, and when I do I have a bloody guard dog following me wherever I go. Plus, I don’t want to screw up another friendship by sleeping with Jack. I already did that with Nate,” she groaned.

  Skylar wanted Nate, and although she was slowly, very slowly, starting to trust him again she didn’t think she could go back to the way they were. Maybe it was a good idea to move on with someone else. Jack had made it clear that he was interested in her. He had asked her out countless times, but she declined every time. He was sweet, caring, fun to be around, and never once, besides that night at the bar, did he hit on her. When and if he ever asked her again, she would say yes to the date. It wouldn’t hurt to go out with him.

  “Ok, I’ll agree to a date with Jack.”

  “That’s my girl. Now are you up for helping me going through emails regarding products for the shop from the manufacturer?”

  “Of course I am. I’ll bring over the designs that I have another day to show you what I got so far, or remind me when you’re over next.”

  “No worries, Sky.”

  As they walked into her office, she couldn’t help but think back to what Joey had said. He had waited a long time to do that to her? Really? He had flirted with her, but never once took it any further than that. If she had had any indication, she would have asked him out a lot earlier than he did. Shaking her head, she knew was well on her way to removing Dom from her heart.


  As Joey was leaving Chantal’s place, he realised he had forgotten his phone, and laughed to himself. He wasn’t thinking when he left, or really any other time he was around Chantal. He had really strong feelings for her from the first day he had met her. He did not want to remember their actual first encounter, but it popped out in his head. The way those guys cornered her in his bar, pissed him off to no end. How could guys really do that? Shaking it off before he got mad at something that happened over five years ago, he walked back up the stairs and opened the door. Hearing both the girls talking in the kitchen, he quickly walked down the hall to Chantal’s room. Reaching for his phone, he shoved it into his pocket, and made his way out. As he was walking up to the lounge room, he heard both of them talking, and not wanting to interfere but curious to know what they were talking about, he leaned against the wall and listened.

  He heard Chantal begin to talk. “I had this dream last night, and I tell ya, it was so hot that I swear I had an orgasm in my sleep.”

  Holy shit! That was the sexiest thing he had ever heard. He inched closer to the entrance as they continued.

  “What was the dream?” Skylar giggled.

  He was unsure but anxious at the same time to hear what the dream was about. Last night he was a little gentle on her, though he had wanted to go harder but was unsure if she was into it. When he heard the next bit, he nearly tripped over himself.

  “Dom, Joey and myself having a threesome,” Chantal said.

  He groaned. He would be more than willing to fulfill that for her. His cock hardened in seconds just hearing that she wanted to sleep with him again.

  He didn’t hear what Skylar had said to her. His only thought was being inside of Chantal, again, but he did hear Chantal’s next words.

  “I would live it, though it wouldn’t be with Dom, but possibly Joey. One,” she enumerated, “Dom doesn’t want anything to do with me and I don’t with him, it’s just a fantasy. Two, there is no way that Dom and Joey would go for it. They appear to me not to be the sharing type. And three, there is no way on this earth that I am asking them to participate in my fantasy. I don’t want to tell them that fantasy, and also I don’t want them to laugh at me.”

  Breathing heavy, he realised what she had just said. All she had to do was ask him and he would participate; whether it was him alone, or with someone else included. He needed to get out of here. Moving slowly and quietly towards the door, he walked out and strolled over to his truck.

  He was so up for making her dream a reality. He needed to have a chat with Dom; he knew he wanted her, who didn’t? She was gorgeous, caring, funny, and really fun to be around. He wanted her fantasy to come true, and his as well. So, he was going to make it happen for her, whether Dom was interested or not.

  Starting his truck, he turned away from Chantal’s house, and sent a quick message for Dom to meet him at his bar, saying they needed to talk. He didn’t read the reply he got back. He went over in his head how he was going to tell Dom what Chantal wanted, and how he was going to ask him to join them.

  Chapter 11

  Nate sat in his truck down the street waiting for Skylar. It had been over an hour since she walked through Chantal’s door. What were they talking about that took so long? He wanted to spend time with her, not sit in his truck waiting for her to return.

  Ever since the
day that she had allowed him to go to the appointment regarding their baby, he didn’t want to leave her alone. Not for a second. Now, it was even worse. Someone was sneaking around her house. He had only seen the footprints left on her back verandah, not an actual person, but someone was there. He went by what she had told him. He believed her when she said that someone was trying to get inside her house. After everything that had happened between them and to her, he would believe anything that she told him.

  He still couldn’t believe that he was going to be a father. He wasn’t ready when she first told him, but he was now, and wanted to spend every waking moment with her and their unborn child.

  He could not stand another minute sitting in his truck. Jumping out and stretching his legs, he contemplated whether to go up there and grab her, but he knew exactly the way that would go. Dealing with a pregnant woman pissed, and her best friend as well, wasn’t good. He groaned. He wanted her all to himself.

  Maybe he should go up there and ask her nicely if they could leave. That still that wouldn’t work either. She never asked him to bring her over here, let alone stay. He wanted to do the right thing by her, but nothing he did seemed to work.

  Walking back and forth near his truck, he was almost ready to go up there when his phone rang. He pulled it out and answered it.


  “Nate, it’s Chantal. Can you come up and grab Skylar?”

  “Why, what’s wrong with her?” God, she worried him, no matter what she did.

  “Nothing is wrong, she has fallen asleep and I need to meet someone in town and don’t want to leave her here by herself.”

  He understood that, she did not like being left alone. In his opinion, everything was starting to crush around her, but there was no way she would admit it to him, or anyone else.

  “I’m on my way.” Hanging up, he jumped in and drove back up to Chantal’s house. Parking, he unlocked her side, grabbed the blanket from the back, and walked up to Chantal’s house. Her door was open when he arrived, and he walked inside.

  “Chantal,” he called out, waiting near the front door.

  She walked out, meeting him there. “Skylar’s in here,” Chantal said and moved away from him.

  Nate followed her into a room, and noticed Skylar curled up on the couch in what looked to be Chantal’s office. Walking up to her, he knelt beside her. God, she’s beautiful. He loved everything about her; the way she laughed, her smile, her body, her sense of humor—everything—and even more so now that she was carrying his child.

  He never thought the day would come that he would find that special someone to spend the rest of his life with. Now he had found it, and she lay right in front of him, not wanting anything to do with him, unless it pertained to their child.

  Lightly rubbing his thumb along her cheek, he whispered, “Skylar, baby.”

  Skylar turned towards him, leaning more into his hand. Her body knew where it belonged, just not her heart. He was going to convince her no matter how long it took.

  Lifting her up softly against his chest, he stood and walked out with Chantal following close behind. Making their way towards his truck, she opened it and he placed Skylar inside. Closing the door, gently, he turned around and faced Chantal.

  “Thank you for ringing me to come and get her,” he told her.

  “I knew you were somewhere outside, and that you wouldn’t have left her here.” Moving closer to him, she told him, “All of this is just going to take time, Nate. She is hurting bad, still.”

  Nodding, he replied, “I know, it’s just killing me inside that I can’t be there for her. She won’t let me.”

  “She will, just not right now,” Chantal whispered to him.

  Nate jumped in his truck, making sure she was comfortable, and drove towards home. He wasn’t going to leave her for one single minute. He was staying with her at her place, whether she liked it or not. He would stand his ground, and make it clear to her that she could come to him for anything.


  Skylar woke sometime later, stretching, and she realised that she was in her own bed. Frowning, she wondered, how did I get back here? Standing up, she gasped. The pain that shot down her side was unbearable. Leaning over, she held onto the post of her bed, breathing through it. In. Out. In. Out. Holy crap! That hurt. She straightened up, and walked slowly to the bathroom. She needed to pee. She never realised how much one person could pee in a day. That was one thing she disliked. When she was finished, she stripped her clothes and hopped into the shower. The pressure from the showerhead was welcoming. Shifting her shoulders around, so they weren’t as stiff, she leaned her head against the wall. The pain was gone from her side, she realised as she turned around. Maybe I should say something to my doctor at the next appointment.

  Rinsing the soap off of her body, she remembered that she needed to call Chantal to see if there was anything she had missed in their conversation. She was just so tired, and that was the best sleep she had had in the last several weeks. She also needed to go and see a therapist; the nightmares were getting worse, and she needed her sleep. They were draining, these nightmares she had. They felt so real, that she was back to reliving them, again. Not wanting to think about it anymore, she pondered what Chantal said about Nate. Maybe it would be all right to just sleep with him and have no emotions between them. She let out a frustrated groan. How was she going to do that? Her body wanted him in a bad way, but her heart was still unsure about him.

  She turned the water off, and reached for a towel. She dried herself off, and all she could think of now was Nate, shirtless, working on one of the cars in his shop—sweat running down his well-muscled chest, covered in grease. Her core clenched at the thought of having him inside her again.

  “Stupid hormones,” she mumbled as she exited the bathroom.

  “What’s stupid?”

  Where the hell did he come from? Great! Just what she needed. Her hormones were calling for him to do wicked things to her, and now he’s standing in her room, looking as sexy as he always did.

  “Nothing,” she mumbled again. Walking up to her draws and pulling out a long t-shirt and shorts, she turned to head back into the bathroom to get dressed.

  Nate was behind her in seconds, stopping her by grabbing onto her hips. Please don’t. She couldn’t deal with him touching her right then.

  “Where are you going?” he whispered against her ear.

  She could not help but moan as his breath lingered over her ear, and she leaned her head to the side. “I need to get dressed.”

  Nate slid his hand up slowly over her bulging belly and stopped just below her breast, rubbing his thumb gently under it. Just that single touch from him sent her body up in flames.

  “Let me help you get dressed, baby.” She knew the way he said that, there was no way she was getting dressed—more like, less dressed.

  Glancing down at where his hands were, she watched as the towel around her body was untied and dropped to the floor. She gasped as the cold air hit her semi-wet body, but the heat emerging from the inside of her body quickly pushed it away. Both of his hands covered her breasts and squeezed, pinching her nipples in the process.

  Her hands held on to the top of his thighs, feeling the muscles flexing under her touch. Moving behind her, Nate pressed his crotch into her naked ass, grinding against her.

  “Nate,” she moaned. All thoughts had left her head; the only one that stayed was of being naked and sweaty below Nate as he made love to her.

  Turning her body around in his arms, she decided not to fight it anymore. She slid her hands down his shoulders, over his chest, where they lingered over his nipples. Smiling up at him, she leaned forward and took one of them in her mouth, and bit hard.

  Nate’s head fell back on his shoulders and his grip tightened on her hips as he let out a moan. Her belly was snuggled against his cock that was straining in his jeans. Moving lower down his body, his abs flinched as she ran her fingertips over each one, and his breathi
ng picked up faster, as her touch hovered over the top of his pants.

  One of her hands gripped the top of his pants, and the other stroked a finger up and down his shaft. Nate hissed. Grinning, she undid the zipper, pulled out his cock, and started fondling it while her other hand moved inside and massaged his balls.

  Gripping her shoulders and pushing her back a little, he glanced down at her. “What are you doing, baby. I don’t want you to stop touching me, but please tell me this is going somewhere?” he groaned to her.

  She slid down his body, and took him straight into her mouth. “Holy shit, Sky,” he moaned out.

  He could not help that his hips shot forward, sending more of him deeper down her throat. Moaning around his hardness, and leaving a hand on his thigh, she moved her other hand down her body to her bud, circling it. She had brought herself to orgasm several times that way, or using her trusty vibrator, but she longed for the real thing—feeling his cock sliding in and out of her.

  Nate pulled away from her, panting heavy, and left her kneeling on the floor. “Nate?” she whispered. She didn’t know if she had done something wrong. Sitting back on her feet, hands in her lap and face down, she felt the tears building in her eyes.

  “No, no, no,” Nate said as he knelt in front of her. “I don’t want you to make me come like that, baby. I want to be deep inside of you when I do,” he urged, as he stood up.

  Helping her to her feet, he walked her backwards toward the bed and gently laid her down, then stood back and had a good look.

  Skylar blushed and raised her hands to cover herself up, not feeling confident about her body. He quickly grabbed them to stop her.

  “Don’t even think about it, Skylar. You have nothing to hide. Your body is fucking amazing, and even more so that you’re carrying my child.” He leant down and lightly placed butterfly kisses all over her belly. His hand rested on top as he kissed one side of her belly, and when he arrived on the other side, the baby kicked, right under his hand. Nate’s head shot up. He looked down where his hand was, then back to her face.


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