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Sweet Surrender

Page 32

by Angel Steel

  “Whatever. Is the job taken or not?” she mumbled.

  “No, it’s not. I’m looking for someone to arrive on time, possibly fifteen minutes before the shift starts. Is that going to be a problem?”

  He couldn’t help but stir her up. She was a cute thing when she was fired up, and that was a good thing in this line of work. She would not take shit from anyone that came into the bar.

  “No, it won’t. I live twenty minutes away. If my car doesn’t start, I’ll walk.”

  “You can’t be walking late at night, if you don’t have your car, someone will drop you home. Understood?”

  “I can find my own way home. So, do I have the job or not? If I don’t, I need to leave since I have several interviews today.”

  Lifting up her resume, he glanced over it. He knew she was the perfect candidate for the job, but he liked to watch her squirm a little in her chair.

  She sat there for several minutes, fiddling with her hands in her lap as she looked around the office.

  “Ok, you’re the best for the job, it’s all yours,” he said with a smile.

  “Thank you, thank you! You won’t regret it.”

  “You will be on a one month trial, if everything is good after that, you will be on full-time. Shifts vary, so you will have to put in what hours you prefer. Mostly, you will be on the bar serving, but some nights will be both that and waitressing. Since you have worked at several bars, you shouldn’t have a problem with that.”

  “I’m fine with all that. Is there anything else that I need to know?”

  “I don’t allow my staff to date one another. And I don’t like boyfriends, husbands, or girlfriends coming in causing a scene. Other than that, everything is pretty basic here.”

  “Well, I don’t have neither of them, so nothing to worry about there,” she said.

  “Good. Now, as to the work uniform, black pants are preferred, and the top will be a bar shirt with the logo. I will give you one after I show you around. As to wages, everything is written down on here for you. Do you have any questions regarding anything?”

  After she read the paperwork in front of her, she signed her name and handed it back to him.

  “No, no questions. Pretty basic to me. When do I start?”

  “If you want, I can show you around now. Then you can show me how you work on the bar before it opens, and if that’s good, you can start tonight. How does that sound?”

  “Sounds great.” He could tell she was trying to act indifferent about the job, but she was struggling.

  He chuckled at how excited she seemed. “Ok. Let’s go out and start the tour.”

  After an hour of showing her around and twenty minutes of observing how she worked the bar, he was impressed. She handled every kind of drink order he threw at her, even the cocktail drinks. She definitely knew her way around the bar. Once the uniform was sorted, he stood there and watched as she left.

  She would be back for tonight’s shift. He really wanted to see how she coped during rush hour. And tonight was going to be one of those nights. Since it was footy season, Friday nights were the busiest. If she could handle that, she would be able to handle any night here at the bar.

  Now, the only thing he had to do was keep all the males away from her. She would be the first female that he had behind the bar in a long time. The last girl he had, Amanda, was good at getting people to buy drinks, but he had caught her several times fucking his customers, either in the toilets or back room, and that was a major no go.

  He would work the bar with her for that first shift, to keep a close eye on her. He thought about watching her, about how she would work the bar and deal with customers. Maybe I should get one of the other guys to watch her tonight? He didn’t know if he could handle it, working next to her all night, with her wearing God knows what type of pants. He was certain he would be trying to tend to the bar with a hard on all evening.

  He had done it before, but it was already painful now, and they haven’t even started the shift yet. If in just the little amount of interaction they already had she could do that to him, things could only get worse. He needed to steer clear of her tonight and every other night. She was going to be the death of him.

  He was not going to have a fling with another worker, the last one ended bad. That is why he implemented that rule. Plus, it causes too much drama when both working the same shift. He would be pissed constantly with every bloody hot-blooded male talking to her.

  He really should have considered one of the guys instead of Kristen. But he couldn’t help it when she stood there at his door, looking so freakin’ sexy in the plainest of clothing, and biting back at him when he hit a nerve.

  Damn, what the hell am I going to do? He needed to see first how she went, hoping she would screw up on something, anything, tonight so he would have to let her go. He knew that wasn’t going to be the case, but had his fingers crossed, anyway.

  It was going to be a long ass night.

  Chapter 38

  Chantal had been frustrated all week. She had tried to relieve the tension herself, but she could never even come close. Dom never answered any of her calls, and that was really getting to her. She regretted what had happened at the club. It wasn’t intentional, but Jesus, how many times could you apologise to someone? She would have left well and truly over fifty voice messages by this point! God, I’m pathetic.

  She woke the next morning, flushed from the wet dream she had. She couldn’t even come in the damn dream. She hadn’t tried to call Dom for the over twelve hours; maybe he really wanted nothing more of her after what had happened at the club. Or maybe he wanted space. No one had seen him. He never rocked up to work at Nate’s and was never at the pub, which she would know since she stayed out in the parking lot every damn night.

  She had even gone by his house but found no sign of him there, either. She was starting to freak out that she had finally lost what they had together. Sure it was just sex, but it was the best sex she had ever had with anyone. Her feelings for him were stronger now than they had ever been for anyone, and grew deeper every day. But he wasn’t showing her anything more than lust, and at the moment, he was not showing her anything at all.

  As she sat on her bed with her dildo in hand, she dialled his number, yet again, hoping he would answer. Just as she heard the tenth ring tone, and was ready to hang up, he answered.


  “Dom,” she whispered.

  Nothing was said for several minutes. She couldn’t even hear his breathing.

  “Dominic, is there a chance that we can meet up and talk.”

  “I don’t have time to talk.”

  “Ok. I wanted to say I’m so very sorry for what happened at the club. I had no idea what was going on there, and was never told of the event, either. I received an invitation from the manager and thought you asked for it to be sent, obviously I was completely wrong,” she whispered again. She needed to hear his voice, wanting to know if everything between them was all right.

  “Is this the only reason why you are calling?” he growled.

  Ok, so apologising about that night wasn’t enough to him.

  “I need you. It hurts...everywhere. I have tried to release it but nothing has worked. I wanted to come to you, but didn’t know if you would want to see me. And I didn’t want to go and sleep with someone else, but you haven’t replied to any of my calls. Please, I need to come.”

  “What are you wearing?”

  “Nothing, just got out of the shower and was ready to get dressed. I haven’t decided what I am wearing yet, besides my underwear.”

  “What kind of panties?” he asked.

  “A red lace thong, with a cute satin bow on the back,” she replied.

  “Lay on the bed with your panties next to you,” he ordered.

  Lying on the bed as he asked, she put on the speakerphone.

  “How wet are you?”

  “Soaked,” She whimpered at his words.

  “Spread your le
gs,” he commanded.

  She spread her legs, a little.

  “Further.” It was like he was in the room with her, knowing she didn’t do as she was told right in the first place.

  She moved her legs further apart. “Put your fingers on your clit and move it around in circles,” he ordered, again.

  She began swirling her fingers around, stifling her moan.

  There was a long pause as her breathing grew deeper and deeper, and she knew he was listening.

  “I want you to know that I am not doing this for you. I am doing this because you need to come right now.”

  She didn’t quite understand what he was saying. She was just glad that he was still talking to her after what she had done. It never took her long to come and she felt an orgasm building almost immediately after she started playing with herself.

  “You know that you are not in control anymore,” he stated.

  “Yes...,” she panted.

  “You know that I am going to take full control of you.”

  “Yes,” she agreed.

  There was another long pause. Her breathing was heavier now. The more she thought about what he said, the more she needed to come.

  “I’m going to come,” she said, as her fingers moved quickly over her inflamed clit.

  “You must ask for permission first,” he replied.

  “Please, may I come?”

  Another pause.

  “Please, may I come, Sir?” she asked again.


  She was glad of the answer because if he said no, there was no way that she could hold back. She started moaning and screaming as she came.

  “Do it again,” he growled.

  Surprised at his command, she began masturbating again.

  “Is this what you want?” he asked.

  “What do you mean?” She squirmed on the bed.

  Another pause.

  “Do you want to be controlled?”

  “I think so,” she said softly while playing with her clit.

  “Do you want to be controlled or not?” he asked again.

  “Yes. I do,” she replied, panting now from the combination of masturbating and listening to his voice, which had always turned her on. Soon, she felt another orgasm coming.

  There was another long pause, and all she could hear was his heavy breathing.

  “Please, may I come, again?”

  “You have disappointed me.”

  “I know. I am so sorry. I won’t ever do it again,” she urged. “Please?”

  “You need to know that you are not in control anymore.”

  “Yes, Sir. Pleeeease, may I come?” she begged.

  “Do you understand?”

  “Yes,” she replied, trying hard to hold it in.

  “Pleeeeease!” she pleaded.

  “You may come,” he told her.

  She screamed and moaned louder than the first time. She was panting and wiggling all over. When she was finished, she realised that she was clear on the other side of the bed. How did she get there without even knowing?

  “Tell me how wet your pussy is.”

  She reached down and put her finger inside her pussy. “It’s soaking wet,” she whispered.

  “Good. Now take your panties and wipe your pussy juices all over them,” he instructed.

  “What did you say?” She couldn’t believe what she had heard.

  “I will not repeat myself, Chantal.”

  Shaking, she took her panties and started wiping them over herself, inserted them just a little, and then pulled them out. I can’t believe I’m doing this.

  “I want you to put them in a plastic bag, seal it, and drop them off to my house.”

  “Yes, Sir.”

  Guess any potential thoughts of not dropping them over and deceiving him are out of the question. He didn’t miss a trick.

  There was a long pause.

  “You’re welcome,” he said.

  “Thank you,” she replied.

  “Have a nice day,” he said curtly, and then hung up.

  Was this what she really wanted? Could she handle another male controlling everything she did?

  Why was he acting different than he normally did? She had never heard him speak the way he just had, ever. Although it sent a tingle down her spine, it also frightened her a little as well.

  Dialling his number again, she was shocked when he answered straight away.

  “Is everything alright, Dom?”

  “I’m busy, Chantal. Stop calling.” And he hung up again.

  Well, what the hell was his problem? She had apologised to him, more than once, but it was like it wasn’t enough for him. What more did he want her to say or do? Well, if he wanted her to stop calling, she would bloody well stop doing just that.

  She had her answer, he didn’t want anything more to do with her; he had moved on, by the sound of it. Well, she was going to do the same, after she cried over him with a tub of her favourite Ben and Jerry’s ice cream and several shots of vodka. Maybe she would skip the vodka, go over to her shop, and see what she could order in to spice it up.

  After three hours of crying, she had shed her last tear over her so-called relationship with Dom. She pulled on her jeans and a black lace top, and jumped into her car. As she was driving towards her shop, her phone rang. Leaning over and grabbing it, she read the name before she answered. “Dominic,” she mumbled to herself. Throwing her phone back against the passenger seat, she drove on.

  Well, if she wasn’t allowed to call him, he was sure as hell not allowed to do the same to her. What was he playing at by telling her to stop calling? And then he decides to call her? Well, screw him, literally. She wasn’t going to wait around for him anymore; she did that for a whole week already and it was a waste of time.

  As she parked her car in front of her shop, she got out, left her phone exactly where it was, and walked inside. Even though there were only four hours left of open time, she sent Emma home early. She had to go over the inventory and see what she needed to order, and the best way to do that was to be in the shop.

  She had several people come in and purchase items; she even had a group of women come in asking whether she did lingerie parties for the bride-to-be. She had never thought of that before but would definitely consider them. It was similar to what Skylar used to do, but a little different. This was only lingerie, no sex toys would be involved.

  She was in the final stage of finalizing the details with Stacy about the sex toy part. Once that was done, she would have a section in her shop just for toys, only a small amount. She did not want it take away from all the lingerie.

  By closing time, it felt like the longest day she had ever had, even though she had not been there very long. Locking the door behind her, she carried the bags full of lingerie to her car. Out of the corner of her eye, she caught movement near the shop next to hers.

  She placed the bags into her car, but keeping a careful eye on the movement. As she rounded her car, she glanced over to where she thought she had seen something, and nothing, absolutely nothing was there. Maybe she was going crazy, or being paranoid.

  She had tried to figure out who was behind all the letters that she had received, but came up clueless. Nothing had happened for a little while, and she hoped it had all stopped.

  When she pulled away from the shop, another movement flashed at her side, nearly making her scream out. Something was out there, and she had no idea what it was. She was a nervous wreck. Everything around her was starting to get to her, and she wanted it all to stop, like immediately. It was stressful, thinking that someone out there was keeping a very close eye on her.


  Dom threw his phone down and gripped the edge of his desk, digging his fingers into the sides. He couldn’t help but be an asshole to her; she had to understand what she had done at the club, was not right.

  Seeing her there on that bloody stage with that loser of a guy, made him sick to his stomach. She should have known
that what she was doing up there, and just her being with someone else besides him inside that club, would have that effect on him.

  The whole week he had deliberately kept himself away from her; not answering the phones calls, not seeing her in person, and not even asking about her. He wanted to see her and tell her exactly what she did and how he felt seeing it, but he knew that if he did, things would be said that he or she did not mean. And he couldn’t handle that at the moment.

  He needed to have the control over her—complete control. What would he be if he didn’t have that? A weak piece of shit, that is what. That is what his uncle had told him. “Any woman on this earth is only here for one thing. To be controlled fully by a man. They are only good for being controlled completely, and fucked hard and well. If you do that, you will own their soul.”

  He didn’t want to think about those long ass conversations that his uncle had with him. At first he thought it was normal for a male to treat a female the way he did, but over the years of watching it happen, it made him so sick that he eventually he cut all ties off to his uncle for good.

  He knew what he was into and what he did for pleasure was sick to some people, but what he saw from his uncle, was disgusting. He didn’t have a clue as to why a woman would think half the stuff he saw would be pleasurable.

  What he was into was nothing compared to what his uncle wanted him to do to all the women he had been with, and even just thinking about that, he knew there would be no way on this earth or even in hell that he would possibly do it to Chantal. No one should be treated the way he had seen those women be treated, whether they enjoyed it or not.

  This last week being away from her nearly had him crawling on his knees back to her, forgetting about what he had seen at the club, but no, he couldn’t do that. She needed to understand that what she had done, did not sit well at all with him. She was his, and only his.

  That is why he acted like that towards her over the phone. He was in control of the whole situation, not her. He was taking control over her heart, body and soul. He knew deep down that she had strong feelings for him, and he felt the same with her. Maybe that is what he would have to prove to her, how he really felt about her, that what was happening between them was not just about sex. It was a lot more than just that.


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