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Sweet Surrender

Page 40

by Angel Steel

  Shit, shit, shit! She couldn’t tell him the real reason right then, when he just got back from a meeting. She needed something else to tell him, to distract him, from the real reason. Something to take his mind off of it. She only needed enough time to think over how she was going to tell him the right way.

  After running over to Skylar’s house and through the back door, she stood there trying to get her breath back to normal. When it was calm enough, she walked down towards her room, pushed the door open, and stood there shocked as to what was in front of her. Quickly pulling the door closed, she shouted through it, “Crap, sorry guys. I didn’t know you were both here.”

  There was no way she was going to get that image out of her head, of Nate fucking Skylar, doggy style. Nate laughed on the other side of the door. “It’s not the first time someone has walked in on me having sex, Chan.”

  “Nate, I seriously don’t want to know about what you have done, ok,” Skylar hissed.

  “Sorry, baby. It would have looked pretty hot from her angle.”

  “No, it didn’t. Trust me,” Chantal shouted. “I’ll wait out in the kitchen. Sky, I really need to talk to you, so if you could hurry up in there and come out, that would be super.”

  She wasn’t waiting around to hear them go at it, again. Walking into the kitchen, she grabbed that drink that she was about to have back at Nate’s house before Dom rung.

  Making her way towards the comfortable couch, she sat, waiting for Skylar to finally come out. As she was sitting there going over exactly how she was going to tell Dom about everything, both Skylar and Nate walked out. Nate had the hugest grin over his face and as she noticed, she realised it was from her walking in on them doing the deed.

  “What’s up?” Skylar asked as she sat beside her.

  “Dom just called and is coming over. I told him I was staying with you. I need something, anything to tell him why I stayed last night and possibly the night before. He won’t like it one bit if he knew I stayed at Nate’s, although nothing would ever happen between us.”

  “Why are you staying over at Nate’s anyway in the first place?” Skylar looked from her to where Nate was in the kitchen.

  She had no clue how to answer that at all. She could not tell her about the letters, or even what she had received that day when she was there. Or the video, damn, that would shock her like no tomorrow. She didn’t want to hear what she would think if she ever watched it. It would break her heart knowing what her best friend really thought of her after that video.

  Nate walked back in. She shot him her best look, saying she needed his help on this, and he quickly jumped in.

  “I told you why she was staying at my place, baby. Her kitchen flooded. The pipe under the sink busted and water was everywhere. They need to replace the whole kitchen as well as the carpet in the lounge room. They said it could take up to a week for it all to be done.”

  Skylar frowned as he said all that, and Chantal was relieved that he jumped straight into the answer for her.

  “Ok, but why couldn’t she have stayed here, with me?”

  Both Chantal and Nate looked at each other. “Well, I thought it would be best if I stayed with him. Well, technically not with him, with him, but I would have more privacy there, since he is always over at here your place. Just seemed fitting since I didn’t want to bring any more stress onto you and the baby. Plus, you would have got sick of me being here after only a couple of hours, Sky.” She attempted to laugh.

  “When have they given you the ok to go back home?”

  “Um, I don’t know yet, depends if they can do all the work in the time frame they gave me.” She held her breath, waiting to see if Skylar took what she said in.

  “Ok. Well, if you get sick of staying with Nate, you can stay here with me. And I would never get sick of you, Chan.” She couldn’t help but stand and walk over to Sky and give her a hug. She had absolutely no clue as to the real reason why she was staying at Nate’s house.

  “Thank you, Sky. So, what can I tell him when he gets here? If I tell him that my kitchen flooded, he would have expected me to stay at his place, which I didn’t want to do.”

  “I could tell him I wasn’t feeling the best and that is why you are staying there. That would work, since I’m fat and all.” Skylar laughed.

  “Sky, you’re not fat, you’re pregnant.”

  “I feel like an elephant. This baby needs to come early, like now. I can’t do half the things I used to and it sucks” Skylar grumbled.

  “Baby, you’re beautiful to me in every way,” Nate said from across the room.

  “Suck ass,” she mouthed to him, causing him to laugh out loud.

  “When will he arrive?”

  “When will who arrive?” All of them turned around at Dom’s voice coming from the doorway.

  Chantal gasped, jumping out of her chair and running towards him, wrapping her arms around his neck. Her mouth joined his, as his arms held her tight against him.

  “You guys need to get a room. And not any of mine.” Skylar giggled.

  “God, I missed you,” Dom whispered against her lips.

  “I missed you, too, you have no idea.”

  “So, what have I missed?” Dom looked towards where Nate was standing, and back to her.

  “Nothing exciting.”

  Nate coughed where he was, making Dom glance his way again.

  “Chantal, anything you would like to tell me, and don’t hold anything back.”

  “Fine! The reason I am staying here is because my kitchen flooded, so, Skylar offered that I stay here until it was fixed.”

  “Why didn’t you tell me that when I asked you? You could have stayed at my place.”

  “That is why I didn’t tell you. And you wouldn’t have just offered, more like ordered me to.”

  “No. You still should have told me. I want to know everything that is going on, the moment it happens, so we can deal with it together.” God she loved him. She really did.

  She could feel Nate staring at her back, and knew she should have told him the real truth, instead of the made up one. “Ok. So, how was your meeting, did you get done what you had to get done?”

  Letting go of her, he grumbled, “Yeah I did. It took all night to finally get it done. But it’s finished now.”

  Sliding up to him, she urged, “Is everything alright, Dom?”

  “Sure, baby. Have you got plans tonight?”

  “Not that I know of, why?”

  “I have a surprise for you. I need to have a chat with Nate, but can you be ready at 8p.m., tonight?”

  “Yeah. I can. Where are we going?”

  “Surprise, Chantal.”

  “Ok. Anything specific that I need to wear?”

  “No, I’ll drop it off later for you.”

  “Well, I’m not doing much today, so I’ll be here all day.” She leant up and kissed him along his jaw, making him tighten his grip on her hips.

  “I can’t wait to fuck you till you can’t walk tonight,” he growled in her ear.

  Giggling, she was so ready for exactly that from him and more. “I love you, Dom,” she said.

  “And I love you, baby girl. Now, go over and talk to Sky. I’m going out to the shed to chat with Nate.”

  Chantal gave him one last kiss and sat down beside Sky. She was a nervous wreck before he came, not knowing how he would act after the text last night, and her apparently staying at Skylar’s and not his place. It all seemed fine, but deep down she knew the shit would hit the fan in a big way once she told the truth about why she was staying there in the first place.


  Dom was pissed that Chantal was keeping something from him. He could tell by the way she spoke to him when he rung her. He really couldn’t be that angry at her, since he was keeping the biggest secret of all from her. But he wanted to know that she was all right and see it for himself.

  He walked out to Nate’s work shed. He really hated lying to her, and it was even harder doing it
face to face. He was going to tell her tonight, after he took her to Inquisition. He needed to distract himself enough to get through the night with her. God, he hoped she was ready for what he had planned, and that once he made it clear to everyone in the club that she belonged to him and only him, she would forgive him for everything he had done behind her back.

  “You haven’t told her about it, have you?”

  “How the fuck am I going to tell her, Nate? She isn’t going to like it one bit,” he replied, as he slumped into the chair.

  “You should have told her at the beginning, so she could have got used to the idea of it.”

  “It wouldn’t have worked that way. You and I both know that.”

  “It doesn’t matter. She would have eventually got around it.” Nate said.

  “No one I have told did that. In the end they all left, and she will do the exact same about it, that is why I haven’t told her.”

  “Chantal is different. She isn’t like those other girls you dated. She really loves you, Dom. We have all seen it for the last five years. I have no clue in how you are going to tell her, but it needs to be now. This has gone on long enough; you’re going to hurt her feeling more if you don’t.”

  “I know, Nate. I’m planning on telling her tonight after I take her to the club. I love her too much to lose her over something stupid that I have done. I know this is my entire fault, but it had to be done this way.”

  “Well, shit, bro. It’s about time that you finally admitted that you loved her. I just really hope she loves you enough to forgive you.”

  “I hope so, too, Nate. I can’t lose her.”

  Someone knocked on the door. “Come in,”

  “Sorry to disrupt. Chantal said she had to leave, but she will be ready for when you pick her up tonight,” Skylar said as she walked in.

  “Did she say where she was going?” he asked. She was so getting spanked for not telling him where she had to run off to.

  “No, she received a text and said she had to duck out for a little bit.”

  “Thank you, Sky. I’m going to head out. I need to do something’s before tonight.”

  “Ok, bro. I’ll catch up with you tomorrow sometime.”

  He knew what Nate was telling him; that he wanted to know how it went when he told Chantal his secret.

  Walking out to his truck, he sent a text off to Chantal.

  Dominic: That is 5 spanks for not coming and telling me you were leaving!

  He wasn’t the type of Dom to control every aspect of a sub’s life. His number one rule was that he was told wherever his sub was going at all times, no matter where it was. He needed to know. With everything that was going on later, he didn’t want something happening to her, because of him.

  Once he was in his truck, he headed for the club. He needed to have a chat with Rose about what he had planned for the night. He wanted everyone to know whom Chantal belonged to, and if anyone wanted to disrespect that, they would deal with him, and only him.

  Chapter 46

  Skylar stood at the main door to Nate’s garage after Chantal had left. When she received that text message, she bolted, asking Sky if she could pass the message on to Dom that she would be ready when he came to pick her up. She didn’t say anything about who the text came from, she just up and left.

  As she stood there, she heard bits and pieces of the conversation between Dom and Nate. She wasn’t eavesdropping, they were talking loud enough that anyone could hear, really, but only so much came through the door.

  “You haven’t told her about it, have you?”

  “How the fuck am I going to tell her, Nate? She isn’t going to like it one bit.”

  Who are they talking about? She pressed her ear against the door to hear better as they continued.

  “You should have told her at the beginning, so she could have got used to the idea of it.”

  “It wouldn’t have worked that way. You and I both know that.”

  “It doesn’t matter. She would have eventually got around it.”

  “No one I have told did that. In the end they all left, and she will do the exact same about it, that is why I haven’t told her.”

  They had to be talking about Chantal. There wasn’t any other person they would be, unless it was about her.

  After knocking on the door and passing on Chantal’s message to Dom, she stood there waiting for Nate to say something to her, but nothing came. Well, it looked like she had to break the silence.

  “Nate, what were you boys talking about?” she asked.

  “Just work stuff, baby,” he replied as he moved up towards her, wrapping his arm around her waist.

  “It didn’t sound like work stuff. What is going on, Nate?”

  She heard him take a deep breath. “There is nothing to worry about, ok, Skylar? Dom just needs to sort some things out.”

  “Does it have to do with Chantal?” She knew it did by the way Nate’s body language changed.

  “It does, doesn’t it? What is going on? Both you and Chantal have been acting weird for the last few weeks, and she is staying at your place. And then there was that time she came over, and she collapsed out front.”

  “Skylar, we told you why she is staying at my place.”

  “No, the story you both told isn’t the real one, I know when she is hiding something, and the same with you. Why can’t you tell me the real reason why she is staying there? Is there something going on between the two of you?”

  She really didn’t want to think that, and knew that Chantal would never do that to her, but why was she really staying there, when she could stay with her.

  “God no, Skylar. I told you she is like a little sis to me. I have never thought of her in anyway like that, Jesus. And what we told you did happen.” He reached out to grab her hand but Skylar stepped away from him, shaking her head.

  “I don’t like being lied to, Nate. And this is a lie. I know it, you know it, and so does Chantal. I want to know what the hell is going on. I’m so sick of people tiptoeing around me, trying to keep me out of the loop.”

  “It’s not like that, baby,” he said as he rubbed the back of his neck. “The only reason we aren’t telling you is because you’re in the last trimester, and any added stress will bring on early labour, and we know you don’t want that.”

  “Nate, stop treating me like a baby. I can handle whatever you have to tell me regarding what is happening with her.”

  “Sky, I can’t do what you are asking.”

  “Really? So, you can lie to me, and help her when she needs it, but you can’t tell me, your partner, the mother of your child, what is going on? That’s great, Nate, now I really know how you feel about us, about me.” After saying that, she turned and walked out of his garage and towards her place.

  How could he treat her like that? No matter what was going on, they should be able to go to each other and sort whatever it is out, whether it be about her best friend or not.

  She stormed over to her house, ran inside her back door, reached for her handbag, and marched right back out and over to her car.

  “Damn it, Skylar. You know how I feel about you. Don’t turn this into something it isn’t, baby. I know you are.”

  She didn’t reply, just kept walking until she reached her car. Unlocking the door, she threw her bag across the driver’s seat, and hopped in.

  “Where the hell are you going?” Nate asked, as he held onto the door, stopping her from closing it.

  “Somewhere that I am not going to be lied to by the one person that matters the most.”

  “Why are you acting like this towards me, and not Chantal?”

  “Because I’m not with her, Nate. I’m with you. You’re the one keeping things away from me. And I hate that you are doing it. You don’t trust me to tell me the truth, and that kills me. Do you have any idea how that makes me feel, that you can’t do that?” she screamed at him.


  “Don’t, Nate. I can’t be around
you right now. This is why I broke it off with you in the first place, Nate. Too many secrets, I know I had some myself, but you kept too many from me. And the lying...I am so sick and tired of being lied to. I guess I should be used to it by now, ha. Like that is going to happen. ”

  “You’re not going anywhere in this state, Skylar.”

  Ripping the door from his grip, she slammed it in his face. She wound down the window just enough. “Don’t you dare stand there and tell ME, what to do, Nathaniel. I’ll do whatever the hell I want, since everyone around me is doing the exact same thing!” yelled at him.

  Pulling the car in gear, she reversed out so quickly she almost hit her letterbox. Changing gears, she then screeched off down her street away from him. He yelled out for her to stop, but she didn’t. She needed just a little time to herself, to figure this all out. She hated that her best friend and partner were keeping something important from her. If it wasn’t that serious, they would have told her by now, she hoped.

  She didn’t know where she was going. Best thing she could think to do was drive around for a little bit, think things over and go back. She knew she would have to apologise for what she had said, but it was simple, she just wanted to know what was happening with her friend—that was it! It was not like she was asking much.

  She turned left onto a street she had never been down before. Her phone rung in her bag she knew it would be Nate. After the fifth ring, it went to voicemail. She wasn’t ready just yet to talk to him.

  So, all she did was kept driving. There was nowhere in particular she wanted to go. She just needed a little time away, and that is exactly what she was getting.


  Nate stood there, angry at himself, for not telling Skylar about Chantal. He hated lying to her but he had promised Chantal that he wouldn’t tell her, or even Dom. It was hard to keep it in, especially when he knew how upset Skylar was about being kept in the dark. He knew this would happen when he promised Chantal, he knew it would hurt her feelings when she found out what was really going on with her.


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