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Heat Flash

Page 6

by Taylor Anne

  Kendall worked to hide the smile twitching at her lips. Her sister definitely had a little more spunk to her words than normal. It was either a little spark igniting between the two, or she was in an extremely good mood. Kendall hoped it was the first. A little flirtation may do her sister some good.

  Chapter Six

  Kendall made it to the door before the chimes echoed throughout the house a third time. Mason stood on the porch, looking virile, sexy. His jeans fit snug, emphasizing his muscular thighs. With his arm out of the sling, his blue T-shirt stretched across a chest revealing taut abs. He exuded power, confidence, and all-male-sexiness. Kendall grabbed the door to keep from stumbling like an idiot.


  “Uh, hey.” He smiled at her. “You look good enough to eat.” His hand reached toward her.

  “What?” Her face heated. Why would he say something so…suggestive?

  He laid his hand on her cheek. Slowly, his thumb swiped across her bottom lip. Without thinking, she sucked in, pulling her lip between her teeth. Her skin tingled as he pulled his hand away to reveal chocolate frosting covering his thumb.

  “You, um, have icing all over.” Taking his time, he licked the sweetness off his finger, his eyes never leaving hers.

  On unsteady legs, she backed away and motioned him inside. She looked from his face to the laptop he carried. “What are you doing here?”

  “I brought over some paperwork I need your help on. If you don’t mind.”

  The shuffling of tiny feet behind her caught her attention.

  “Aunt Kendall, are the cookies ready yet? Hey, Uncle Mason!” Misty darted from the kitchen and threw herself at Mason, barely giving him time to set the computer on the side table.

  “Hey precious. What are you doing here?” He picked up the girl and twirled her around in the air several times before setting her down on the floor. Her delighted giggles filled the room. “And you, come here.” Bobby Jr. wobbled into the room, straight into Mason’s outstretched arms.

  They stepped into the living room. “Bobby and Connie are out of town for a few days. I offered my babysitting services so they could enjoy their little romantic get-a-way.”

  “That explains why he didn’t answer when I called his cell. Well, it’s good they can get away sometimes.”

  “Yeah, and it helps that I work out of my home now. I can watch the kids practically anytime and still get my work done. Besides, I love having them here. They’re always so happy, so much fun to have around.”

  Kendall watched the display of emotion between her niece, nephew, and Mason. He wasn’t their blood relative, but obviously that didn’t prevent any feelings between them. He nuzzled their necks, making them laugh and squirm. The kids tiny fists punched Mason’s chest and head until he feigned defeat, falling to the floor.

  They rolled around on the floor, wrestling. Giggles and screams tickled Kendall’s ears. Mason whispered something to Misty. Must have been magical words. Her brown ponytail bobbed up and down.

  “Save me.” His arm reached up to Kendall. She stretched her hand out to him. Seconds after she tumbled to the floor with them, she realized it was a trick.

  “Hey, that’s not fair.” She laughed before joining in on their playfulness.

  “Not fair. Not fair.” Bobby Jr. chirped. Then, without missing a beat, “Hungry. Eat.”

  Mason was on his feet, helping the kids up. “Yeah, let’s eat. What’re we having?” He stretched his arm out to Kendall. She hesitated, uncertain if she should take his hand again. He didn’t give her a chance to make up her mind. His hands circled her waist and he hauled her up next to him. Her body trembled at his touch.

  “We made chicken nuggets and French fries. Bobby Jr.’s favorite.” Her home phone interrupted her thoughts. “Stay and eat with us. I’ll be right there, just let me grab this.” Mason followed the kids into the kitchen while she answered the phone.


  “So…tell me about that sexy nightie you bought.” Her back stiffened as soon as the man spoke. “Do you have someone special to wear it for?”

  An icy chill gripped her. Her stomach churned at the thought of someone watching her during the day, invading her personal space. Yesterday she stopped by the mall on her way home from a client meeting. The black baby doll nightie was an impulse buy, and one she thought to be private.

  The idea of Mason watching her every move was nothing compared to the hollow feeling in her stomach at the thought of this creep following her. She grabbed hold of the end of the table to steady herself.

  “You are a sick son of a bitch” she spat out, slamming the phone down. Shaking from head to toe, she took a moment to calm herself. Even then, she walked into the kitchen on legs that felt like rubber bands.

  “Hey, everything okay?” Mason was out of his chair and at her side the instant she walked in. Damn, she must have looked as shaken as she felt.

  She brushed past him hoping he couldn’t see her face. “I’m fine. Some jerk had the wrong number.” She finished setting the food on the table and poured drinks for everyone. “Let’s eat.”

  Dinner was very eventful. Mason entertained the kids and kept them laughing. Kendall had never seen him interact with children before. He had nothing to worry about as far as becoming like his parents. He had a natural, easy style with the kids. And his gentle voice helped ease her nerves also.

  Misty hung on his every word. He told her stories of princes and princesses. Tweaking her nose, he said, “One day you’ll find your prince and live happily ever after.” Misty giggled. Her eyes went from Mason to Kendall.

  With the uncensored words of a child, she stated emphatically, “Uncle Mason, Aunt Kendall can be your princess. You can marry her.”

  Kendall’s fork clattered against the plate. She fumbled with her napkin. It took three times before she was able to pick up the fork again. She looked from Misty to Mason. The wistful expression on the child’s face almost had Kendall laughing with the rest of them.

  Mason roared with laughter. Adding a little bit of drama, for Misty’s sake, he turned to Kendall and lifted her hand. He winked at Misty before looking Kendall in the eye. He softly kissed the back of her hand. “I’m just waiting for her to say yes.”

  The intense heat in his gaze scared Kendall. It stirred something deep in her midsection. He was only playing along for Misty. Surely. Kendall laughed nervously as she pushed her chair back, away from the table. She turned to the sink with an arm full of dishes. “Right. Like you would ever want to marry me,” she mumbled under her breath.

  She was caught off-guard as Mason planted himself right behind her. “I heard that.” His warm breath tickled her ear. He grabbed a washcloth and reached around her with both hands to run the rag under the water. Kendall froze. He was too close. His hard body trapped her between him and the sink. The heat she was feeling had nothing to do with the temperature in the room. Kendall couldn’t breathe. She tried to slow her beating heart while Mason took his time wetting the rag before he finally turned to the kids. “Time to clean up so we can find a movie.”

  The kids clapped and eagerly followed Mason into the living room leaving Kendall to regain control of her body.


  “Wine or beer?” Kendall called from across the counter separating the kitchen from the living room. She was thankful Mason was there to help with the kids. They were now bathed and sleeping soundly in the spare bedroom. He had even pitched in and helped her straighten up the kitchen and living room.

  “Beer. But only if you’re having one,” he answered.

  She breezed into the living room carrying two beers. “You betcha. After a day like today. I love the kids, but they run me ragged sometimes.” She handed him a bottle and sat next to him while he set up his laptop. “Thanks for your help tonight.”

  “No problem. It was fun.” He paused before continuing. “You sure everything was okay after that phone call? I didn’t want to say anything in front of the kids,
but you looked a little unnerved.”

  She considered telling him about the calls and the rats, but decided against dampening the light spirit of the day. It was nice to be able to relax and joke around with Mason. She didn’t want to bring up the incidents. If she were to tell him what was going on, she would have to admit they were starting to scare her. And she did not want to admit fear.

  Kendall leaned forward to glance at the screen. “Everything is fine. Like I said, someone dialed the wrong number. So, let’s get down to business. What are we working on tonight?”

  He gave her a final questioning glance before turning his attention to the computer screen.

  They reviewed several business documents while consuming several beers. Switching to another document, Mason said, “These are different layouts for business cards. Help me pick one for Reed Black Investigations.”

  “Ooh. I like the name. Sounds ominous.” Bobby and Mason’s last names paired together had a certain ring to it. Kendall looked at several sample cards Mason had saved. “Wait, go back to the last one.” When she leaned over to get a better look, her breast brushed lightly against his arm. She bristled at the physical contact, hoping he wouldn’t notice.

  Mason continued staring at the computer, not indicating that he noticed her action. He clicked the screen to bring up the card she pointed out. Gray with black lettering. A bold red border circled the name and phone numbers.

  “That one,” she said. “It’s discreet but sends out a message that the job will get handled effectively.”

  “Really?” he asked, frowning in confusion. “You get that from a business card?”

  “The card, and the fact that I know the two brutes behind the business.” She gave him a teasing smile.

  “Brutes?” His strong arm circled her neck in a playful hold. “I’ll show you a brute.” He pulled her toward him and pinned her in a head-lock. She twisted and turned, trying to free herself. No matter how much she struggled, she couldn’t break his grip. And she knew he was not using near the strength he was capable of.

  He loosened his hold and she found herself trapped beneath him. His lean body pressed against hers. Playfully he held her arms above her head. “Give? Say it.” His eyes twinkled with amusement and mischief.

  “I won’t give up.” Kendall’s body wiggled beneath his. She brought her right leg up in hopes of throwing him off balance. His body settled more firmly against hers. The suggestive contact of their bodies changed the atmosphere between them. The air cracked and sizzled with sexual fire. A growl vibrated from deep in his throat.

  Desire darkened his eyes to a deep blue. He lowered his head and captured her lips. He stroked and prodded, plunging his tongue deep inside her mouth. He expertly teased her. Tentatively at first, then more aggressively. She explored inside his mouth. He sucked at her tongue and lips until she thought she would lose all control.

  The kiss intensified. It was the kind of kiss a woman fantasizes about. The kind that breaks all the rules. Purely sexual and possessive. The kind of kiss she would expect from Mason, claiming his woman.

  His body pushed her deeper into the cushions. The friction of his jeans rubbing hers stirred something inside her. Her head spun. He was hard, oh God, and pressing against her thigh. A little higher and their bodies would be united, if it weren’t for the barrier of clothes. She sighed, want filling her insides. She shifted, causing his erection to press more firmly against the softness between her thighs.

  It felt good.

  He felt right.

  “Oh,” she gasped, slowly coming to her senses. She turned her head and broke the seal of their lips. “I give,” she panted. “Stop.” She scrambled to sit up. Her body fought against her better judgment.

  With a hint of reluctance, Mason moved away. He ran his hand down his face, a hiss escaping through his clenched teeth. Kendall allowed a moment for their bodies to calm down. She could see the frustration in him as he shifted into a more comfortable position before sucking down the rest of his beer.

  “I don’t think that was a good idea.” What had she been thinking? She wasn’t thinking, that was the problem. She grabbed her own beer and downed the remains.

  “Why not?” His voice was rough. He expelled a ragged breath. His eyes scanned the room before landing on hers. “I thought it was going pretty damn good.” His chest heaved up and down.

  “Because,” she faltered. Fury gripped her. “Because I’m not one of your women you can use only to toss aside when it’s convenient for you.” The words were out of her mouth before she could draw them back.

  He tucked a strand of hair behind her ear. His sandpaper voice was barely above a whisper. “Ken, I would never use you or hurt you.”

  She pulled away from his touch. Pain flashed in his eyes.

  “Too late,” she choked out the words. “You did a damn fine job of that once already.”

  “Aw, hell.” He put his head down in his hands. When he looked back at her, his words were quiet. “That was four years ago. That was a mistake. There were circumstances involved.”

  She waved her hand in the air, dismissing his explanations. She didn’t want to hear any excuses about that awful night. “Doesn’t matter. You rejected me. You betrayed me.” She looked him straight in the eye. “It hurt. And I can’t forget about it.”

  He had ripped her heart out four years ago. The entire family, including Mason, had gotten together to celebrate her father’s early retirement from the FBI. Kendall had a little too much to drink that night and she practically threw herself at Mason. He encouraged her advances and led her on almost to the point of them leaving the party to go to her room. Then he did one of the worst things a man can do to a woman. He blatantly rejected her.

  She was devastated by his rejection, but more so when he left the party, flaunting another woman in Kendall’s face. She vowed that night never to let him have even a scrap of her heart again.

  Nothing he could say now would make her pain go away.

  “Ken.” He took her face in his hands and gently turned her toward him. “Look at me. That night…. it was nothing….”

  “Nothing personal.” She retorted. “I know. That’s what you whispered in my ear when you left the party with your playmate.” She jerked her head out of his grasp. “Get the hell out of my house.”

  Without another word, she gathered up their empty beer bottles and went into the kitchen, leaving him to see himself out.


  “Thank you Mr. Sandeford.” Kendall shook the hand of her newest client. She smiled. This was going to be a big client for her. “I look forward to doing business with you and your wife.”

  “Same here, Miss Reed. And call me Art. We welcome the opportunity for an independent local to handle our accounting instead of contracting with a large corporation. Edith’s boutique isn’t quite ready for corporate minds. Actually, Edith isn’t ready for the corporate minds.” Mr. Sandeford’s laughter filled the air.

  Kendall let out a small chuckle. Mrs. Sandeford was a short, round, jovial woman who couldn’t care less about the corporate world. She only wanted to bring her boutique items to middle and lower class people who couldn’t afford to shop in larger, more extravagant shops.

  “Well, you tell Mrs. Edith I can’t wait to meet with her again.” Kendall did a complete walk around her Rogue before stopping next to the drivers’ side door. Uneasiness rolled off her in waves.

  “Ma’am, you all right?” Concern lit the older man’s eyes.

  Kendall shook off the shiver running down her spine. “I’m fine. Still a little concerned about those flats I had the other day when we met at Cajun Roy’s.”

  Shielding his eyes from the late afternoon sun, Art shook his head. “I can imagine that was a shock seeing both your front tires slashed. I’m still convinced it was a case of mistaken identity. Why would anyone want to do that to you? I wouldn’t put much thought into it. You know this city is full of criminals and mischief.”

re right.” Kendall slid behind the wheel. Of course he would think nothing of the act. He wasn’t aware of all the other incidents and phone calls. Someone was trying to get her attention and the slashed tires were definitely a scare tactic. “Thanks again for putting your trust in me to handle your business relations.”

  An eerie cold gripped Kendall’s throat as she pulled away and headed toward her home across town. The short drive from Art and Edith’s shop to the interstate was hectic with afternoon traffic. A horn blared behind her, jolting her thoughts back to the task of driving and away from maniacal stalkers. She forced the edgy feeling down and let the elation of securing another client fill her with happiness.

  Pulling off the interstate, she picked up her cell to call Layla and give her the good news. Before she could dial, a blur of activity through the back windshield caught her attention. She dropped the phone on the seat next to her, putting off the call until later. Several vehicles behind her, a pick-up truck weaved in and out of traffic. By the time the truck pulled off the exit ramp and caught up with her, Kendall was turning onto the long stretch of untraveled road that led to her subdivision.

  The dark truck eased up to the rear-end of her Rogue, riding a little closer than necessary. Ice ran through her veins. The driver stayed behind her for several seconds before slacking off and putting a little distance between them. Kendall breathed a sigh of relief. She slowed to make a right hand turn onto Wisteria Lane. As soon as the truck turned behind her, his engine revved and he was on her tail again. Back off, idiot!

  Damp palms gripped the steering wheel, trying to hold her vehicle steady. She glanced in her rearview mirror. Dark tint on the windows obscured any chances of identifying the driver. She couldn’t even tell if it was a male or female.

  Again, the truck backed off, putting a little space between them. Kendall ran a shaky hand through her hair. Up ahead, the rickety bridge crossing the gulley loomed in the distance, beckoning to her. The old bridge was badly in need of repairs and not wide enough for more than one vehicle. It was nearly impossible for two vehicles to cross side by side. The locals were courteous and knew to take turns on the bridge. But the maniac in the truck was attempting to pull alongside her, which would put them both on the bridge at the same time. Or, it would force her to take the steep ditch to her right. Maybe that was his intent. Run her off the road. Her blood boiled. This made no sense at all. Who could be driving that truck? The same person who slashed her tires? And left dead rats on her doorstep? Why? A shiver inched its way down her spine. She shrieked out loud, pressed the accelerator, and jerked the wheel to the left. The Rogue moved into the middle of the road, forcing the truck to fall back behind her.


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