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Heat Flash

Page 10

by Taylor Anne

  Tension and relief soared through her in anticipation of his touch. When it didn’t come, she thought she would lose her mind. His husky voice and warm breath were the only contact he made. She closed her eyes briefly, wanting his touch, needing his touch.

  One last look into her eyes, and then he slowly bent his head to nibble at her earlobe. Kendall could no longer stand on her own. Her arms circled his neck, tugging him closer. Parts of her body she thought abandoned her years ago began to flutter. Butterflies were supposed to be in your stomach, not lower. Not where she was feeling tingles.

  Whatever his reasons for wanting her here tonight, she was willing. To prove that to him, she slid one hand down his taut back, around to the front of his jeans. She locked her gaze on his as she slowly undid the top button before lowering her hand to the bulge barely contained behind the button-fly denim. To her satisfaction, he shuddered and a low guttural sound burst from his throat. She stroked him firmly, smiling when her name escaped through his lips as his mouth claimed hers in a kiss that spoke of pure male possession.

  Mason pulled back from her long enough to frame her face with his hands and capture her gaze with his. “Just so we’re clear, this has nothing to do with anything, or anybody, except me and you. It’s most definitely personal.” Then he lifted her into his arms and strode to his bedroom, kicking the door closed behind them.


  Kendall. Couldn’t. Breathe.

  This was a new and exciting experience for her. The few sexual encounters she had in the past paled in comparison to the heat and fire exploding between her and Mason. The accidental touches over the last several weeks, the quick glances, pounding hearts. There was something to all of that. Only she was too afraid to explore those feelings, too afraid to let her heart open and take the chance of getting hurt by this man.

  He gently set her on her feet, standing next to her at the end of the bed. He toyed with a strand of her hair, tucking it behind her ear. His hesitation warmed her.

  “Ken, I want you in my bed. I need you. Tonight. If that’s not what you want, you have to stop me now before it’s too late.”

  She trusted him and knew him well enough to know that he wouldn’t go any further if she told him no. She could walk away now and never look back.

  But he needed her, and on some level she knew this was not only about sex. The pleading in his eyes went much deeper than that. And right now she wanted to do whatever it took to wash the anguished expression off his face.

  Her stomach tightened on a surge of longing that left her wet and throbbing. She couldn’t deny him this night even if she wanted to. She placed her hands on either side of his face. “I want to make love with you Mason.”

  Triumphant joy lit his features, and his lips swept down on hers in a kiss that was reckless and blissful at the same time. Their tongues tangled in a fevered rush to experience the taste of the other. The faint smell of whiskey lingering on his lips, mixed with that unique spicy scent that was Mason’s alone, delighted her nose. His fingers splayed at her hips, clutching her soft flesh. Kendall’s hands slid under his shirt, caressing his skin. Her fingers blazed a trail from his shoulders down to the top of his jeans.

  She sucked at his lips when they pulled apart from hers. He growled low in his throat while running his hands down her arms, stroking her skin and lighting it on fire. His eyes captured hers and held them mesmerized before he gently tugged her shirt over her head. Taking a step back, his eyes widened in satisfaction at the sight of her hardened nipples straining against the black lace of her bra. His knuckles grazed her breast as he undid the front closure and released her softness into his waiting hands. Kendall shifted, feeling a little self-conscious at his intense perusal. But his gentle touch tightened every fiber in her body. He took her arms and settled them on his waist before he worked at the button on her jeans.

  The soft rasp of the zipper sent thrills coursing through her. She caught her breath as he unhurriedly worked the material down her legs, lifting one foot at a time so she could step out of them. The rough denim mixed with the hardened calluses of his hands was a heady aphrodisiac. Ever so slowly, he stood in front of her, holding her hands out to her sides. “My God, you are so beautiful.”

  Hearing those words from this man gave her boldness. It fueled her inner goddess. She bit down on her bottom lip and smiled when he grunted. Just as he slowly undressed her, she returned the favor. She grasped the hem of his shirt. For every inch she lifted the shirt, she followed with a trail of kisses. His low groans were the only encouragement she needed to continue her recklessness. She paused at his hardened nipples to suck them, causing them to pull into tighter peaks. Brazenly she rubbed her nipples against the soft hairs on his chest. Back and forth, desire surging lower in her body. Pulling the shirt over his head and tossing it on the floor next to her clothes, she reached down to remove his jeans.

  His hands on hers halted her progress. She turned her head to look into his face and froze at the thunder and passion resonating from him. “Mason.”

  “Let me love you,” he murmured as he gently backed her up until the backs of her knees were against the mattress. Quickly and efficiently, he removed his jeans and boxers before swooping to pick her up and lay her in the center of the bed, following her down. He eased alongside her until their bodies were completely naked, skin-to-skin.

  He stroked her cheek then blazed a trail of kisses from her forehead to the hollow of her throat. She tipped her head to the side, allowing him access to plant soft, tender kisses at the base of her neck. Her eyes drifted closed. Fireworks burst behind her eyelids when Mason took one of her breasts into his mouth. She sucked in a deep breath, then released it in the same instant he moved to the other breast. His warm mouth toyed with her nipples, bringing them to a hardness that sent shivers straight down to her sex.

  She squirmed beneath his touch, wanting more. Wanting release now. But he was not to be rushed. This was not the quick roll in the hay she thought it would be when he called her earlier. No, he wasn’t just making love to her, he was worshipping her body, leaving his mark on her. His journey over her body made her feel entirely feminine, completely wanted. And their bodies molded together perfectly. A natural fit.

  Her blood burned as his fingers found her, parted her, elicited a gasp from her while her body arched against his palm. First one, then a second finger entered her, sending her pulse over the top. Her head thrashed back and forth. Enjoying every second, but wanting to give as much as she was getting, she palmed his erection. Her touch drew a sharp hiss out of him. He bared his teeth on a growl, “Ah, Kendall.”

  He pushed into her hand while his fingers aptly teased her, moving in and out until she was at the brink of explosion. Passion flowed through her, spinning her head and tightening her core. The rushing heat inside her strained for release while the joy of making him feel the same tipped her to the edge of a throbbing orgasm. He pulled out completely, leaving her convulsing at the loss of his touch. “Hold on baby.” He reached over to the drawer of the nightstand, ripping open the foil packet and donning the condom before she could lose the fire.

  He shifted above her, kissed her moist lips, then gently lowered himself until their bodies just brushed together. “Keep your eyes open. I want to watch you.” He settled between her and placed her legs around his waist. Wild-eyed, he thrust his hips and entered her in one swift motion.

  “Oh!” She gasped at the sudden fullness of him inside her. Warm sensations flooded her mind and body. When he repeated the movement, she moaned and tightened her legs around him, pulling him closer. She trailed her fingers over his arms, enjoying the feel of his muscles. Lifting her hips, she met his thrusts with a wild abandon.

  His slow, in and out motion teased and tormented her, bringing her just to the brink of release before his rhythm increased. Together they rocked and kissed, their bodies coiled tighter and tighter. She moaned and gripped the muscles on either side of his back.

  In that glor
ious moment, she was fully aware of their bodies and the way they fit together, each touching those secret spots that only a lover would know. Excitement surged through her when once again he rasped out her name. She was truly his at this moment. She felt safe, needed, wanted, and loved.

  The fireworks behind her eyes burst vivid red, she tightened around him as he bucked and thrust into her one final time, calling out her name in a hoarse cry. He pulsed and shuddered while she clenched him, milking every last drop from him. The pleasure rode on and on.

  “Oh, Mason,” she whispered. She wrapped her arms around his head and pulled it down to hers so she could place a gentle kiss on his lips. His arms snaked around her and held her tight against him. They lay together like that until their bodies began to cool.

  Reluctantly Mason pulled himself off her. “Don’t move.”

  She lazily watched as he walked naked across the floor to the bathroom. He emerged seconds later with a warm washrag for her. Her heart did a little dance at the depth of feeling she had for this gentle, caring man. Joining her on the bed, he kissed her warmly on the lips before pulling the comforter up to cover their bodies.


  Mason lay tangled in the warm sheets for several minutes, looking at the woman in his arms. He toyed with her brown hair spread across his chest. Her arm wrapped around his stomach to hug him, her hand secured between his body and the bed.

  She had fallen into a deep sleep two hours earlier, after she had awakened him to start the early morning off with playful, wandering hands. One thing led to another, and the next thing he knew, she was on top, pleasuring him all over again. In ways he only dreamt about. Only this was so much better than all those years dreaming of himself and Kendall together. All night long, the barest touch from either one of them set off sparks that ignited a fire they had to put out. Now, Kendall slept peacefully, her breathing slow and steady. Her womanly scent filled the room. Sweet and sexy.

  Slowly, so as not to wake her, he eased himself out from under her pliant body. She reached her small hand toward him and opened one eye as if to say, “How dare you get out of bed?” Mason bent down, kissing her fully on the lips before murmuring in her ear. “Go back to sleep babe.” A smile lit her face before she snuggled under the sheet and drifted off to sleep once more.

  After showering, Mason went into the kitchen for coffee, and food. It had been years since he’d woken famished because of a night of such physical activity. His lips curled into a smile. Digging through the refrigerator, he scrounged up enough ingredients to make omelets, bacon, and toast. While scrambling the eggs, his eyes traveled around the kitchen and living room. A pang shot through his gut. His home wasn’t nearly as warm and open as Kendall’s. No family pictures lined his walls. Hell, who would he have family pictures of, himself?

  He heard the soft shuffling of feet come up behind him seconds before warm hands circled his waist. Putting down the spatula, he turned into Kendall’s loving embrace. “Morning, sleepyhead.”

  “Good morning,” she mumbled, sleep still clogging her throat, giving her voice a deep, sexy rumble. Her fingers lightly ran over his face, stopping just short of his lips. His tongue shot out to tease the tip of her finger. Mason felt, more than heard, her slight intake of breath. Chocolate eyes looked into his, asking a silent question. One he was not prepared to answer.

  “Shit.” He took her hands in his and placed a quick kiss in her palm. “Sorry, sweetie. Breakfast is about to burn.” He reluctantly turned away from her, to the omelets, which were beginning to scorch in the pan. Kendall laughed as she waved her hand in front of her nose, warding off the smell of burnt eggs.

  After salvaging breakfast, he carried the food to the small table in the breakfast nook. Kendall refilled their coffee before coming to sit across from him. It was then he noticed the T-shirt she wore was the one he had discarded the night before. A little big, but she looked wonderful in it. Sexy. Especially with her hair mussed from sleep, her face free of make-up, yet shining bright with contentment.

  Sitting with her like this caused Mason’s heart to give a funny jerk, like a chain was being wrapped around it. She made herself at home, getting up to get a glass of milk, adding more eggs to his plate, bringing napkins for them. Her movements were smooth and easy, comfortable. That chain around his heart pulled a little more, tightening.

  Kendall must not have noticed, because she kept on talking, eating, and smiling whenever he looked at her. Listening to her talk about her business and the plans she was making for Reed Black Investigations, his throat suddenly felt shut off. He couldn’t breathe.

  “Mason, what’s wrong?” Her attention focused totally on him now.

  “Nothing,” he muttered. Last night was the best night he had ever had with a woman. But this morning was too domesticated, too homey. “It’s just...”

  When he didn’t continue, a clouded look darkened her eyes. “What? Was it something I said?”

  The legs of the chair scraped the wood floor, echoing in the silence. Mason pushed away from the table and stood. Carrying their dishes into the kitchen, he dumped them in the sink. Kendall didn’t move from her spot at the table, but he could read the expression in her eyes. She wanted to come to him. But she didn’t, surely she could see what must be ice in his eyes.

  “Kendall, last night shouldn’t have happened.”

  She reared her head back as if he had slapped her. Her eyes widened. Pain etched her features. Her mouth moved, but no words came out.

  He continued, knowing he was messing things up worse, but he couldn’t seem to stop. “That’s not what I meant. It’s just that... It was...” Why wouldn’t the words come out?

  Anger flashed in her brown eyes. She stood and marched right up next to him. Close enough that he could’ve taken her in his arms again. Which is what he should’ve done.

  “It was what, Mason?” He stared at her without responding. Finally, she continued. “Let me tell you what it was. Fun, exciting, loving. The best sex I ever had. What else?”

  He ran a shaky hand down his face. “Oh hell.” His throat didn’t ease up, he still couldn’t breathe. Words that needed to be said wouldn’t come out. Kendall stood before him, feisty and hurt. Mason couldn’t stand there and look at her anymore. He needed to escape and get some fresh air before his lungs gave out. Too many thoughts swarmed around in his head, and he couldn’t get the words out in the right order. “Kendall, it was...not...per—“

  “Not personal. You can say it. It wouldn’t be the first time.” Her brown eyes dared him to argue that point.

  “No, that’s not it.” He moved into the living room, Kendall following on his heels, ready to fight all the way. The woman had more spunk than anyone he knew. And she continued to take his breath away. “Dammit, Kendall. It was only one night.”

  With that, he stalked out of the house and to his car, leaving her standing in the doorway with her eyes wide and mouth open.


  Mason drove aimlessly for several blocks, somehow ending up at The Pub. Too bad it was too early for a beer. Still cussing himself, he entered the small sports bar and grill, hoping for a little down time to sort out what had just happened between him and Kendall. Too late. He heard the voices before he saw them.

  “Black, over here.” Bobby and Marks sat across from each other at one of the booths. Mason grabbed a wooden chair from a nearby empty table and straddled it at the end of their booth.

  “What’s up, guys?” He picked up a menu. After having just eaten, he wasn’t hungry, but needed something to focus on.

  Bobby spoke first. “Connie kicked me out of the house. Her Pokeno ladies are having lunch at our place. Tori has the kids, and I was ordered to get lost. I told her she should have planned this in the afternoon, that way I could’ve at least had a beer or two instead of coffee.” He raised his cup to take a sip of the hot brew.

  “I just got off duty. Saw Bobby’s truck and decided to stop for breakfast before going home to tak
e a nap.” Marks eyed him questioningly. “I want to know what you’re doing here. I drove right by your house on my way. And, I patrolled Kendall’s neighborhood several times last night.”

  Bobby’s brow furrowed. He had no clue what Marks was referring to. But Mason did. And he didn’t want to go there. “Coffee, please,” he barked to the approaching waitress, hoping to send a message to Marks to drop it.

  Didn’t work. Marks shot a quick glance at Bobby before he went on. “I know if I had one of the Reed sisters in my house all night, I wouldn’t be out this early. Of course, I prefer the older one, but the younger one is pretty damn hot also.”

  “Whoa. That’s my sisters you’re talking about.”

  “Bite me.” Mason grimaced at Marks.

  “Wait. My sister was at your house, all night? What gives, man?”

  “Nothing. Leave it alone.” He took the steaming cup from their waitress, Beth, and mumbled a thanks before she turned to leave them to their privacy.

  “For having spent a night with her, you sure are surly. My little sister put you in your place?” He tried lightening the mood, but the glare in his eyes spoke volumes about his concern over Kendall.

  “I said leave it alone.” Mason didn’t need them badgering him about this. He was doing a good enough job beating himself up on his own. His words to Kendall kept rolling through his head, ‘it was only one night.’ Damn. That’s all it could ever be between them because she deserved so much more than that, and he wasn’t the man to give her more. No matter how badly Mason wanted to be that person, he just couldn’t. A woman like Kendall needed a man who was ready to settle down and give her a lifetime, not one whose stomach plummeted at the mere thought of commitment.

  He looked up to find both of his friends staring at him. “You’ve got it bad,” Marks said around a mouthful of pancakes.

  “Kiss my ass. Next time, keep your mouth shut.” The napkin he had picked up now lay in tiny shreds next to his untouched coffee.


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