Book Read Free

Causing Heartbreak

Page 18

by Regina Bartley

  Nearing the section of the room that was designated as a dance floor, his eyes gravitated to the same spot as almost every other male in the room. She was the kind of beautiful that didn’t need the skimpy outfits and painted-on makeup the other girls required. She stood out no matter where she was, and what made her even more attractive was that she had no idea she was so beautiful. Nate stepped back and leaned against the staircase, watching her dance with one guy after another. She wasn’t even able to finish a song with one of them before another walked up, waiting for his turn.

  Unable to stand it another minute, he pushed off the stair railing and made his way toward the center of the party. Yet another guy was approaching, so Nate veered left, just enough to cut the guy off and beat him to the punch. When she spun around, her hair cascaded over her shoulders and fell elegantly down her back. How did a girl sweating and dancing at a sorority party still look elegant? She had changed during the last few months of school and summer. Her once short, bright hair now seemed softer. It was longer and fell in waves around her shoulders. She was dressing a little sexier now too. Not noticeable to most, but he wasn’t most, and he noticed. She had a new confidence. Something was changing in her.

  “Hey, you!” she shouted over the music when she noticed him.

  “Little Livvy, how’s it going?” He stepped up to her and put a hand on her hip.

  “What are you doing here?” she asked. He hoped that her flush had something to do with the scrutiny of his eyes, the heat of his hand, and the thrill of his complete attention. That was his aim, and it seemed to be a success.

  “Connections. When you’re best friends with the school’s best chance at a championship season in basketball in a few years and know the most beautiful girl in the room like the back of your hand, people tend to look the other way when you walk in uninvited.” He didn’t mention that he had threatened the pledge that was in charge of the front door, helping out one of her sorority sisters.

  “Well, I’m glad you made it.” She reached her arms up and wrapped them around his neck. He fought to keep from inhaling her sweet scent, to restrain from pulling her so tight she couldn’t escape. “I never see you anymore, Nate. I miss you.” She whispered the last part, probably thinking it would get lost in the noise. It didn’t.

  Instead of pushing her away as he should have, Nate gripped her tighter. “Dance with me.”

  She looked up into his eyes and swallowed noticeably. “Yeah.”

  He brought his arms from around her back and rested his hands on her hips before they started moving together. After a few beats they both let some of the tension slip away and Livvy threw her head back and started to dance again. With her arms in the air, she laughed as he spun her around and pulled her back to his front to dance. They finished the song and when he saw her next suitor approaching for his turn, Nate caught his eye and gave him a subtle yet very intimidating shake of his head. Not a chance, frat boy. She’s done dancing with anyone else for the night.


  She looked around the room, a smile plastered on her face. There wasn’t a single boy here who could remotely pull her attention. How could they? She had been with the one who she knew would belong to her forever, only to have the douche canoe prove everyone right. He really was the most disgusting person to walk the earth. Had her friends known what she was doing, maybe they would have stopped her. Maybe they would have saved both of them. Maybe she wouldn’t be the best actress on the campus of The Ohio State University … but she was. And so she continued to smile. And she continued to let the frat guy with too much Axe body spray hit on her. She allowed him to think he had a shot in hell. Because if she did, she would be able to string him along until it was time to leave. To go home. To crash. And allow the show to fall away. Because at least in sleep she didn’t have to pretend.


  A little while later, Olivia and Nate walked off the floor laughing at his weak attempt at dancing. “You’re not going to go another dance? I think your line is growing …”

  Olivia looked over her shoulder and saw three guys straighten up and smile as her eyes passed over theirs. Trying to keep from checking Nate’s reaction to their interest, she shrugged and hooked her arm through his. “Nah, actually I’m dying of thirst and all they have here is beer. Want to help a girl find a bottle of water?”

  Looking down at her, he smiled. “Still not drinking, Livvy? Remind me, is it a legal thing or a personal conviction?”

  “Not everyone feels the need to lose control of their body, feel miserable the next day, and make poor decisions for the next four to five years.” She rolled her eyes and glanced toward the girls making a spectacle of themselves in the middle of the living room.

  “Hey,” Nate chuckled, “you’ll get no complaint from me. Child of a miserable alcoholic, remember?”

  Olivia stopped in her tracks, her tender heart evident in the slightly protruding lower lip that he could only slightly see quiver in the dimmed lighting. “Nate …”

  “Liv, stop, it was a joke. A bad joke.” He let out a sigh and shook his head to himself. “But a joke nonetheless. Come on, let’s go get you that water.”


  Olivia turned and her face lit up at the approaching forms of her best friend and brother. “Hey, Chloe!” She stepped up to the couple and punched Scott in the arm. “Big brother.”

  “I saw you tearing it up out there. Do you have a dance card, or do they just push each other out of the way to get a turn?” Chloe quipped as she nudged Olivia with her hip.

  “Yeah, yeah.” She blushed. “When did you two get here? You said you would be here more than an hour ago, missy.”

  “We were here. I can’t help it if you’re lost in sorority sister dance parades, or whatever you all do. We hung out with Nate here and then had to go hang outside for a bit.” Chloe leaned into Scott as she spoke, and a part of Olivia was jealous of what they had. She forced herself not to look toward Nate. Not to allow anyone else to see how desperately she wanted to lean into him, to rest her head on his broad shoulders, to share, even an ounce, of the affection her brother had found with the woman she knew would forever have a piece of Nate’s heart.

  “Well, what are you all up to? What do you want to do?” Olivia asked, excited to finally have some time with her three favorite people.

  “Nothing now, we’re about to head out. I basically came to make sure Joel got in and out in one piece. I’m taking my lady home.” Chloe rolled her eyes at Scott but still grinned. It was nice to see them playful and carefree after all the drama they had endured, both as a couple and Chloe at home, less than a year earlier. It seemed like just yesterday Scott and Nate were coming to blows in the middle of the hallway over Chloe’s heart and her father was making a drunken spectacle of himself on his syndicated talk show. It was almost comical to look back at how much drama had ensued in such a short time. And yet, Olivia couldn’t say she wasn’t thankful for it. She had gained a sister and best friend. If only Olivia could trust that Nate had moved forward and found a better place like everyone else.

  “And if you’re leaving, how are you going to make sure your roommate gets out in one piece?” Olivia laughed at them both.

  “He left about ten minutes ago—some girl, a warning look, and a promise of no longer than an hour. He’s an overachiever, that boy …” Nate said.

  “Gross!” both girls exclaimed as Nate chuckled.

  “Well, this girl and I are going to go ahead and head out.” Scott bent and scooped a surprised Chloe into his arms. As she squealed her delight, he laughed and turned to leave.

  “Bye, guys.” Chloe laughed over Scott’s shoulder before she buried her face in his neck and he pulled back to kiss her forehead. The crowd parted for the king of the court and his queen. Nate’s eyes followed them as they walked away, unaware of Olivia watching him for any form of reaction.

  “They’re so gross,” Cameron said as she walked up, scowling at the retreating backs o
f Scott and Chloe.

  “Don’t be so jealous.” Olivia laughed at the desperation dripping off her friend.

  Cameron turned to spout off some snarky comment but was thrown into speechlessness when her eyes landed on Nate. They shot wide as they worked from his head to his feet and then back up again. Her expression turned possessive and her lips formed a crooked smile when she looked over at Olivia. “I think I’m over it.” She held her hand out to Nate and he took what she offered, awkwardly shaking it.

  “Nate, this is Cameron.”

  “Hey,” he said, clearly uncomfortable with his current audience. He looked between the girls.

  “Nate.” Cameron licked her top lip, trying for sexy, but accomplishing crazy. “I think you owe me a dance.”

  He looked to Olivia and when she didn’t say anything, he shrugged. “Sure, why not.” Olivia couldn’t figure out the frustrated expression that crossed his face. She didn’t force him onto the floor. She had nothing to do with the fact that Cameron had walked up.

  Olivia watched as Nate and Cameron made their way to the center of the floor. She had to admit Cameron wasn’t terrible-looking. Her dark skin, flowing curls, and plump lips had an appeal that more than a few frat guys had taken advantage of already this year. Olivia had hoped Nate wouldn’t be one of them. Honestly, since she had spent so much time with him this summer, hanging out as friends, she had been dreading the first time she saw him with someone. There was something about him that was borderline intoxicating. When he was around, she felt important, funny, clever, and special. It was just Nate though. Clearly, Cameron was feeling pretty special right now too.

  She tried to ignore them as she gave up on him coming back for her and started toward the dance floor and the guys who still seemed to be waiting. Luckily, one grabbed her and pulled her toward him before she made it too far. The thought of walking out to prove she didn’t need Nate only to stand alone in the middle of the room was not only mortifying, but too depressing to consider. Finding him through the crowd, she attempted to see if he was watching her without letting on that she was staring at him. It seemed he was content with his new partner. Her friendship with Cameron was obviously over.


  He had danced three songs with her sorority sister and then excused himself as politely as he could. If her hand “accidentally” slipped below his belt one more time, he was going to cause a scene. Nate couldn’t take it anymore. He stood to the side, walked around the back, and came back inside to find Olivia still taking turns dancing with every guy who asked. He was about to explode with jealousy. Deciding it was time to man up and make a move, he squared his shoulders and prepared to make a scene. Questions needed answered, and if he didn’t at least put a feeler out, he would never know. Nate stormed through the crowd and pulled Olivia out of the groping hands of the latest douche trying to cop a feel, causing her to stumble into Nate’s arms. She turned and looked up at him in a haze. “What are you doing, Liv?” He couldn’t keep the growl out of his voice.

  “Dancing, hello.” She began to sway against him, and he pushed her as far away as he could in the crowded living room.

  “Liv, stop it.” Nate studied her for a moment. It appeared Miss I Don’t Like to Drink may have indulged in a few while he was getting some air earlier. Between her constant flirting with every male in the house and her now drunken state, Nate felt his irritation growing.

  “What?” She looked at him startled and then pouted up at him, pushing her pink lip out as her beautiful eyes drooped.

  “Just …” He groaned and looked toward the still-waiting guys. “Come on, damn it.”

  Olivia let out a squawk as he pulled her roughly through the house and out the front door. “Is Hope home?” He stopped on the front porch and looked over his shoulder to see that she was listening to him. It was nice out, not too cool for them to stop so he could think about a plan. The breeze swept through Olivia’s blonde hair, and he found himself distracted. Thankfully, Olivia wasn’t one to stand around and keep her mouth shut, and she brought him back to the present in a hurry.

  “No.” Olivia narrowed her brows at him and then looked over her shoulder toward the party. “Last I saw she was still at the party. Why? What’s going on? Are you about to leave?”

  “Yes, actually. We both are.” He answered without turning around and narrowed his eyes on his destination.

  “What? Why?” She pulled back, trying to free her arm from his grasp, but he only tightened his hold.

  “Because you’re pissing me off.” Nate didn’t look back, and as Olivia tried to pull him to a stop in protest, he bent, throwing her over his shoulder, much like her brother had with his girl earlier. “If you’re going to throw up, could you aim out?” he sneered, getting more and more frustrated with her behavior by the second.

  “If I throw up, it’s going all over you, you big oaf.” Nate tried to keep the chuckle quiet but knew that she could hear by the way she tensed in his arms. “Jerk. I wasn’t even drinking,” she grunted, but his innocent Olivia couldn’t hide the guilt in her voice.

  It was a long walk back to the dorm, but he could feel his nerves calming with each welcome step away from the party. He knew she was exhausted. Unlike everyone else, he actually paid attention. She was in class from eight to one every day. She had tutoring for two or three hours a day, depending on the subject. She had a sorority schedule to keep, she volunteered for the basketball team boosters, and she studied constantly. Essentially, she wasn’t sleeping, eating, or relaxing. She hid it well. The fact that he saw it so easily only served to prove what he knew he couldn’t avoid much longer. He was into his Little Livvy, dangerously into her.

  He wasn’t surprised when her breathing slowed and she calmed down pretty quickly on the walk. Nate almost wished he could cradle her in his arms so she could get some much-needed rest while he had an excuse to watch. Upon entering her dorms, he was disappointed to see that the front desk was empty and then, once he realized that meant he could carry Livvy on up to her room, he wasn’t disappointed at all. When a girl coming out of the elevator saw him carrying the exhausted Olivia toward her, she stepped out of the way. “Excuse me?” she asked meekly.

  “Yeah.” Nate looked over his free shoulder toward her.

  “Is she okay with,” the girl pointed to Olivia over his shoulder, “that? You aren’t doing anything shady, right?”

  “No,” he laughed. “But I like that you care. What’s your name?”

  “Leigh.” She narrowed her eyes at him in confusion.

  “Well, Leigh,” he shifted the now compliant Olivia on his shoulder, “I’m Nate Fennell. Her name is Olivia. Find her tomorrow and make sure she is okay for me. Would you mind? Room 412.”

  “You do know I can talk and function, right?” Olivia put her elbows on his back and rested her chin in her palm, shocking both Leigh and Nate to find she was awake. “I’m Olivia. Nice to meet you, Leigh.”

  “S-sure.” Leigh walked away with a lost look on her face as Nate pressed the four on the elevator, chuckling at the startled look on the girl’s face.

  When he let himself in Olivia’s dorm suite, he checked Chloe’s room first. As he poked his head inside, he didn’t know if he was hoping she was there with Scott or not. On the one hand, they could take Olivia off his hands. On the other hand, they would take Olivia off his hands. Why did giving her up hold no appeal?

  She was already snoozing again by the time he walked into her room. He was beginning to worry about her. She shouldn’t be this exhausted, and if she was, what did that say about everything she had on her plate? As gently as he could, he lowered her off his shoulder and onto her bed. He looked toward Hope’s side of the room and wondered where she could be, but was quickly brought back to reality by Olivia and her grumblings. “What was that, Liv?”

  “Nate,” she sat up and pushed her hair out of her face, “thank you. For tonight. I’m always glad when you come.”

  His brows drew together. “Yeah.
Always.” He didn’t know what she meant, but he knew that for her, his Little Livvy, he would always be there.

  “Why?” There was a touch of longing and a hint of sadness in the question. He ached with the word. Lowering himself onto the bed, he leaned closer to her.

  “Why what, baby?” he whispered, close to her ear.

  “Why don’t you want me? Is it because I’m too tall? Most guys like girls like Chloe. They don’t want to look a girl in the eye.” She was being honest. She wanted the truth. He wanted to let her know of his absolute interest, but he wasn’t sure where this was going, and he sure as hell wasn’t ready to say some things she may not want to hear.


  “Is it my hair? Did you like it better short? I can cut it, you know.”

  He studied her for a minute as she slowly regained some of her senses in front of him, wilting under his scrutiny and shocked with her own forwardness. Of course he loved her longer hair. It took her beautiful face and added a softness to it that he hadn’t seen on her since she was a child. The waves enticed his fingers. The way it now hid her neck made him ache to search out her pulse. It made those baby blues of hers shine in contrast to the long gold strands. He sat back a little as the revelation hit him—she was perfection. Smart, loving, somewhat crazy perfection. “Liv, I love your hair.” He reached out and ran his fingers down a strand, allowing them to brush the hollow of her neck.


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