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Forever Blessed (Women of Prayer)

Page 25

by Shortridge, Darlene

  Matt made a face. “Yuck. Fine, I’ll eat with Austin.” He turned to Austin. “What’s for lunch? I’m hungry.”

  Austin shook his head and ushered his charge out of the sanctuary. “Come on. Maybe we’ll just go get a hamburger.”

  Laney could hear Matt agreeing from where she was standing in the sanctuary. She just shook her head and went to pick up Melanie from her class, looking for Joy, Sheila and Ella as she went.

  * * * *

  Laney, Ella, Sheila, and Joy went straight to the teashop after church. Everyone was expected at two pm and the sandwiches still needed to be assembled. Joy was given the job of setting the party favors at each place setting.

  Everything was ready when the first guests arrived. Joy acted as official greeter since she was the guest of honor and took each person to her seat. The afternoon was lovely. Joy received a plethora of gifts ranging from hair bows to gift cards for her iPod. She oohed and aahed over each one, loving the attention of everyone in attendance.

  Laney was thankful for her daughter. She might not always show it, but she loved her with a reckless love and would do anything for her, anything at all.

  She watched Joy go from table to table, thanking each person for coming and for their gifts, acting so grown up. Laney prayed her daughter’s days of being a child were far from over. If only Paul would leave us alone, maybe the heartache this dear girl experienced would be long forgotten.

  She whispered, “Happy birthday my darling daughter, happy birthday.”

  Chapter Forty-Four

  Summer turned hot and sticky quick. Laney decided to move their day trip to the water park up because of the heat. Austin and Sheila asked to tag along with the boys and Joy was told she could invite one friend. Not three. That should keep the kids busy enough. Austin had already offered to take the older kids on the slides so that left Laney, Sheila and Melanie to hang out by the toddler pool.

  Sheila patted her belly. “I’m surprised I found a bathing suit to fit me.”

  “I told you it wouldn’t be a problem. They make all kinds of maternity wear these days.” Laney looked at Sheila’s rounded belly. “Besides, you’re adorable pregnant.”

  “I am, aren’t I?”

  Laney laughed.

  Both women sat on the edge of the children’s play area while Melanie sat at their feet, playing with her toys. “Mel, come here by mama. Let me put some more sunscreen on you.”

  Laney rubbed her down before letting her back in the water.

  “Have you had any more issues with Paul?”

  “Not that I know of. The creep could be watching me all the time and I wouldn’t know it. Sometimes I have the weirdest feeling someone is behind me, but when I turn around, there’s no one there.”

  “He does have issues, doesn’t he?” Sheila looked around. “Where are all the food vendors? I’m hungry.”

  “You’re always hungry.”

  Sheila took off in search of food, leaving Laney and Melanie by the pool. She returned with a big cup of fresh cut fries covered in bacon, cheese and gravy. “Mmmm, heaven.”

  “Are you really going to eat that?”

  “You bet I am.” She stuck another covered fry in her mouth. “Melanie, do you want a French fry?”

  Melanie took one look at the fries and shook her head no. Laney chuckled. “That’s my girl. Do you want a drink?” Laney gave her a drink of water, and then took a swig herself. It didn’t take Melanie too long to start rubbing her eyes so they found a set of lounge chairs in the shade and all sat down to relax.

  Austin and the kids showed up a little while later with trays of food. “We didn’t know what you’d want so we got a smorgasbord. Let’s see. We have barbecue sandwiches, hamburgers, brats, some macaroni and cheese and coleslaw. Ah, for the health nut in the group we have some fresh fruit and a salad.” He handed Laney the fruit and the salad then handed his wife a brat. “I figured you didn’t want a salad, hon.”

  Sheila playfully slapped him then started in on her brat. “This hits the spot.”

  “I figured it would.”

  Laney shook her head at her friend. “I thought the loaded French fries hit the spot.”

  Sheila pretended to look offended. “They did. Then. Now this is.” She took another giant bite of the brat.

  The two families had a great time playing the rest of the day. Everyone joined inner tubes and floated down the lazy river together before Austin took the older kids for some fun in the wave pool.

  They exited the park at closing with the hordes of people who waited until the last minute to leave. After swimming all day everyone was hungry, so the whole crew stopped by a fun restaurant they had read about on line. The food was delivered to the patrons on a miniature train that traveled down the counter. The kids loved the novelty restaurant and consumed their food before walking around, watching the trains travel the building. By the time they left for home, they had a bunch of tired kids. Matt asked to ride with the boys, which was fine with Sheila and Austin. Laney taxied the girls. It was midnight when they pulled in the driveway at home.

  Everyone fell into bed exhausted.

  The next morning, Laney opened the front door and found a manila envelope with her morning paper.

  She took the envelope in with the paper and poured herself a cup of coffee then sat down with the paper to enjoy some quiet time before the kids got up. The envelope intrigued her, so she started with that.

  She pulled out the contents, trembling as she looked at each picture. There she was by the baby pool with Melanie. There she was on an inner tube with Melanie on her lap. The next one was her sitting on a lounge chair with her eyes closed, Mel asleep on the chair next to her. There were pictures of the park, the restaurant, even of her getting out of her van after the trip. Now she was scared.

  Laney picked up her phone and called Sheila and Austin, who made very little sense of her ramblings. Austin said he was on his way.

  Laney was looking out her window. She was sure Paul was out there somewhere, taking more pictures. She was scared to death. Austin arrived a few minutes later.

  He took one look at the photos and felt his stomach turn. Paul had turned into a full-fledged stalker. He was successfully freaking out his wife. Laney was terrified.

  “Laney, remember your self-defense class. You can take care of yourself. You know what to do.”

  She was crying. “Austin, I’m scared. What if he comes after one of the kids when I’m not watching? What if he hurts them? He has pictures of you and the kids on the water slides, of Sheila returning with her fries. He is showing me he has all the power.”

  “Laney, he doesn’t have all the power.” He reached in his pocket and pulled out a small handgun. She backed up, shaking her head. He continued. “Laney, listen. This is only for an emergency, that’s all. It’s to keep you and the kids safe. Nothing more. You can keep the gun in your nightstand and the bullets in your top dresser drawer.

  He showed her how to use the gun. “Promise me, if it comes down to it, if he comes after you or the kids, you’ll use this. At least threaten him with it. He won’t have to know it’s not loaded.” He walked toward the bedroom. “We need to put this away then call the cops. They have to know what is going on. Do you think you can talk with them and tell them about Paul?”

  She shook her head yes and followed Austin into her room.

  The police showed up and took Laney’s statement. All along she suspected him. They didn’t listen. Now she had their attention. They would question him as soon as they found him.

  Laney went ballistic. “What? What do you mean you’ll question him when you find him? Can’t you arrest him?”

  The police officer seemed uncomfortable. “Well, we really don’t have proof that he is the one who took these pictures and it’s not against the law to take someone’s pictures. If he has violated the restraining order, we can get him for that. Otherwise, we have no proof that he has done anything illegal.”

  “He was h
ere. He was on my doorstep. He was looking in my windows. I can prove it.”

  “Did someone besides you see him?”

  “Yes, my landlord caught him looking in my windows.”

  “And he will testify to this?”

  “Yes, he had some crazy story that he thought Matt was supposed to be home and since he didn’t answer the door, he looked in the windows to make sure he was safe.”

  “Was Matt supposed to be home?”

  “No, we had no idea and besides, the restraining order says he has to stay away from me and where I live. He can’t be here.”

  “Like I said ma’am, we’ll find him and ask him some questions. We’ll let you know what we find out.”

  Laney was fuming. The police left and she turned to Austin. “Austin, show me again how to use that gun. If the police won’t keep us safe, I guess it’s up to me.”

  He removed the gun from the nightstand and showed her how to use it. He loaded it and unloaded it and taught her how to shoot. When they were finished, Laney put the gun and the ammunition back in separate places where she could reach them quickly if need be.

  Neither Austin nor Laney took notice of Joy who watched the whole gun demonstration.

  Chapter Forty-Five

  Dave went over the verse again and again. He couldn’t have been wrong all this time. He was to provide for his wife in more than one way? Not just monetary, but be concerned with her well-being? Her safety? The more he thought about it, the more he went over the verses about loving his wife the way Christ loved the church, the more he realized how horribly wrong he had been all these years.

  “Oh God, please forgive me.” He sobbed. “I am sorry I’ve failed you. I saw what I wanted to see in scripture and didn’t see the verses about being a servant to my wife and loving her so much that I would die for her. Instead, I almost killed her.”

  He thought about Laney and the hurt he caused her and about the situation with her husband. “Oh Lord, please protect her.”

  He rose from his chair and sat at the kitchen table, waiting for his wife to get home from the store. He placed his Bible in front of him, allowing the Holy Spirit to refresh him and renew him with the Word. He no longer wanted to hold on to what he had been taught by men. He wanted the Word through the eyes of God and from now on, he would test whatever teaching he sat under.

  * * * *

  Barbara walked through the door with a sack of groceries in her arms. She stopped and stood completely still. She had been married to this man for forty years. If she didn’t know him by now, she never would. Something was different.

  He stood; he could feel his bottom lip trembling, just like a child’s. He looked at her with shame. His eyes pleaded with her. Please Barbara, forgive me.

  She dropped the sack of groceries where she stood and went to her husband. He held her. “I’m so sorry. Please forgive me.” Looking toward heaven he asked, “What have I done?”

  He pulled away from his wife. “After the past forty years, I will understand if you cannot forgive me. After the way I’ve treated you, hurt you. I’m so ashamed.” He led her to the table and they sat down.

  "I started reading the fifth chapter of Timothy and it was like my eyes were opened and I saw things for how they are. I was supposed to treasure you like a rare and delicate flower. Instead I tore you down every chance I got.” He raised his eyes, wanting to see forgiveness and love, but he knew what he was asking was too much. No one would love him after all he had done. Instead of seeing hate and disdain, his wife was spilling tears and smiling. He raised his eyebrows, questioningly.

  “Don’t you see, my husband? How can I not forgive you? When I was forgiven so much, how can I not forgive? Jesus took everything, all my sin upon the cross and forgave me of everything. Who am I to think my sin is so much better than yours?”

  She wiped her tears of gladness and continued. “I had been praying and praying for you, asking God to change you. When I started looking in the scriptures, I found I had been wrong too. I should have been asking God to change me. I should have been praying for you and lifting you up, not discouraging you. I should have been praying for you to hear the voice of the Holy Spirit so you could lead our family in God’s plan for our lives. Instead, I did nothing. I let our lives continue and justified our actions because of what we had been taught and how our parents lived before us.”

  She took his hand. “When Laney started talking about her church and the Word of God like it was a living breathing being, I started taking notice. She had never wanted anything to do with church. She called us all hypocrites. She was right.”

  Dave squeezed his wife’s hand. “I have so much apologizing to do to Laney. I have done wrong by her. I don’t think God’s mercy will be so great that I should expect Laney’s forgiveness.” His tears started again. “I have lost my daughter, I know I have.”

  “And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.” She smiled at her husband. “Let’s let him do what he needs to do and we can do what we’re supposed to do.” She stood up. “Will you pray with me?”

  Dave and Barbara Anderson spent the afternoon praying in their living room. They confessed their sins before the Lord and before each other.

  “Barbara, I get the feeling we should be praying for Laney and her children. It’s important that we start praying right now.”

  She joined hands with her husband and agreed with him in prayer for the safety of their daughter.

  Chapter Forty-Six

  Laney loved shopping for baby clothes, within reason. Sheila looked like she was about to pop and she still had several months left. “Are you sure you’re not having twins?”

  “The doctor says no.” Sheila rubbed her own belly. “He says it’s all the food I’ve been eating.”

  Everyone but Jeremiah, Austin’s oldest son, was ecstatic. The ultrasound said they were having a girl. Even though Jeremiah pretended to be upset by the news, he constantly talked about his little sister. What he was the most upset about was being made to share a room with his brother. Austin and Sheila reassured him they were buying a house with four bedrooms so he would still have his own room.

  Laney watched Sheila loading her cart up with cute summer outfits. “November, huh? Shouldn’t we be looking for warm sleepers and gowns?” She picked up a pink outfit that was in the cart. “Not these cute little sundresses.”

  Sheila had several of the dresses in her cart. “I am buying for next summer. These are on clearance. You can’t beat that.” She picked up a pretty pink blanket with a brown tree embroidered on it. “This is it Laney, this is what I want. I sure hope the owners accept our bid. I want that house. I have so much to do. We should hear something today or tomorrow.”

  Sheila had an artist standing by just waiting for a wall to paint on. The sketch was complete and was lovely. She chose cream walls for the nursery. The artist was going to paint a large tree with birds perched on the branches on one wall and bird accents throughout the rest of the room. The color scheme was pinks, creams and browns. Beautiful. She had everything, the crib, the bedding, the dresser, and changing table, all she needed was the house. And here they were, buying more.

  “Sheila, you aren’t going to need a thing. What are we having a shower for?”

  “Oh, leave me alone. It’s not every day that a woman thinks she’s going to be single for the rest of her life then marries and is having a baby at my age.” She turned to Laney, letting her know she wasn’t upset. “I’m happy. I am a happy shopper. It’s what I do when I am happy.” She added more to her cart.

  Laney just shook her head and followed her around the baby department. She knew there was only one thing that would get Sheila out of that department. “Hey, I’m ready for some lunch, you game?”

  Sheila jerked her head up. “Yeah, I am hungry. How did you know?”

  Laney grabbed her by the arm. “Come on.”

  Sheila wanted a gyro so
they stopped at a little Greek restaurant after shopping. Laney didn’t complain. Baby clothes are adorable and fun to shop for but an overzealous hungry pregnant woman was not one to argue with. If it took food to get her out of the store, so be it. They would have gyros.

  It was nice to spend some girl time together. Ella volunteered to watch the kids while Laney got out with Sheila. She hated to see it come to an end, but Ella wasn’t a hundred percent yet and she didn’t want to over tax the older woman.

  When Sheila pulled into Laney’s driveway the kids were running through the sprinkler.

  “Now that looks inviting.”

  “Oh, yeah, I can see it now. Me and my belly running through the sprinkler. I don’t think the neighbors would care for such a sight.”

  “Well you might be chicken, but I’m going to.”

  Before Laney got to the front door a car pulled into the driveway. She wasn’t sure, but it looked like her mother’s car and her father was driving. She started walking toward the car, wishing the sun wasn’t in her eyes.

  She heard her mother’s voice and squinted. “Hey mom, what brings you north?”

  “We have come up to talk with you sweetheart. Is that okay?”

  Her dad didn’t say anything. That was unusual. Nor would he ever ask permission from his daughter before doing something. Now she knew something was up. It couldn’t be good. “Well, come on in out of the heat. Let me say goodbye to Sheila and let Ella know I’m back. Make yourself at home. There’s some iced tea in the fridge.”

  She leaned into the driver’s side of the car where Sheila was still sitting, waiting. “Hey, I’m going to have to desert you for the rest of the afternoon. My parents are here.” She made a scary face. “We’ll plan the nursery later, okay?”


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