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A Patriot's History of the United States: From Columbus's Great Discovery to the War on Terror

Page 157

by Larry Schweikart

León, Juan Ponce de

  Lesseps, Ferdinand de

  Levant Company Leviathan, The (Hobbes)

  Levin, Carl

  Levy, Chandra

  Lewinsky, Monica.

  See also Monicagate Lewis, John L.

  Lewis, Meriwether

  Lewis, Sinclair

  Lewis, Terry

  Lexington, MA, and Revolution

  Liberal Republicans


  in Confederacy

  right to

  Liberty Party

  Liberty Ships


  Liddy, G. Gordon


  Limbaugh, Rush

  Lincoln, Abraham

  in 1860 election

  in 1864 election

  appearance of

  assassination of

  in Civil War

  criticism of

  Douglas and

  Fort Sumter and

  Grant and

  life of

  Lyceum Address

  McClellan and

  marriage of

  on racial issues

  in Reconstruction

  Reconstruction speech of

  religious beliefs of

  in response to Bull Run

  on slavery

  speeches of

  Lincoln, Mary Todd

  Lindbergh, Charles

  Lippmann, Walter

  Little Bighorn

  Little Rock, AR

  Livingston, Robert

  Livingstone, David

  Lloyd, Henry Demarest

  Lochner v. New York

  Locke, John

  Lodge, Henry Cabot

  Logan, George

  Logan Act of 1799

  Lome, Dupuy de

  London, Jack

  London Company

  Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth

  Lost cause theory


  secession of

  Louisiana Purchase


  results of

  slavery in

  Louis XVI

  Lovecraft, H.P.

  Lovejoy, Elijah P.

  Lowell, Francis Cabot

  Lucy furnace

  Ludendorff, Erich

  Luhan, Mabel Dodge

  Lusitania, sinking of

  Lyceum Address


  McAdoo, William Gibbs

  MacArthur, Douglas

  McAuliffe, Anthony

  McCarthy, Eugene

  McCarthy, Joseph

  McClellan, George B.

  in 1864 election

  background of

  Lincoln and

  McClernand, John

  McCormick, Cyrus

  McCoy, Joseph G.

  McCulloch v. Maryland

  Macdonough, Thomas

  McDougal, James

  McDougal, Susan

  McDowell, Irwin

  McFadden Act

  McFarlane, Robert S.

  McGee, John S.

  McGovern, George

  McKinley, Ida

  McKinley Tariff

  McKinley, William

  and 1896 election

  and 1900 election

  assassination of

  Cuba and

  foreign policies of

  Hawaii and

  Philippines and

  Spanish-American War and

  tariffs relating to

  McLane, Louis

  McLean, Wilmer

  McNamara, Robert


  Macon’s Bill No.

  McPherson, Aimee Semple

  Macune, Charles W.

  McVeigh, Timothy

  McWhitney, Grady

  Madero, Francisco

  Madison, James

  in 1808 election

  in 1812 election

  BUS opposition of

  career of

  description of

  economic policy of

  foreign policy of

  Hamilton and

  Jefferson and

  on political parties

  on religion

  on slavery

  success of

  at war

  Madison Guaranty Savings

  & Loan

  Magellan, Ferdinand

  Mahan, Alfred Thayer

  Maine law

  Malcolm X

  Mallory, Stephen R.

  Mangum, W.P.

  Manhattan Project. See also Atomic bomb

  Manifest destiny

  Manila/Manila Bay

  Mann, Horace

  Mann Act, of 1910

  Manson, Charles

  Mao Tse-tung

  Marbury, William



  Great Bull


  Marquette, Jacques


  Marshall, David

  Marshall, George C.

  Marshall, John

  appointment of

  court of

  markets and

  Marshall, Thurgood

  Marshall Plan

  Martel, Charles

  Martin, Philip

  Marx, Karl

  Marxism, civil war and

  Mary I


  politics in 1700s

  Protestant revolt in

  religion in

  Mason, George

  Mason, James

  Mason, John


  New York and

  troops recruited from in Civil War

  Massachusetts Bay

  Massachusetts Emigrant

  Aid Society

  Maussoui, Zacarias


  Mayflower Compact

  Maysville Road Bill of 1830

  Meade, George Gordon

  Meany, George

  Meat Inspection Act

  Medicine, in American colonies

  Meese, Edwin

  Meggers, Betty

  Mein Kampf (Hitler)

  Meir, Golda

  Mellon, Andrew, tax policies of

  Melville, Herman

  Memminger, Christopher G.

  Mencken, H.L.


  rebirth of

  Mercein v. People, 226 Meredith, James

  Merrill, Charles E.

  Merryman, John

  Mestizo populations



  Mexican Colonization Act of 1830


  invasion of

  Mexican-American War

  revolution of

  Taft and

  Wilson and

  Mickey Mouse


  Middle East, crisis in

  Egypt relating to

  Israel relating to

  oil’s impact on

  war in

  Midvale Steel Company



  Jefferson and

  during Reconstruction

  Military Reconstruction Act

  Militia Act of 1862


  in Civil War

  Miller, Phineas

  Miller, William


  Milosevic, Slobodan

  Mining rush

  Minuit, Peter


  Missile. See also ABM; IRBMs

  crisis of Cuba

  Missionary Travels (Livingstone)



  secession of

  statehood of

  Missouri Compromise

  Mitchell, John

  Mitchell, William “Billy”

  Mobile Bay


  Mohawk Valley

  Molasses Act

  Moley, Raymond

  Molotov, Vyacheslav

  Mondale, Walter

  Monetary policy

  Monicagate />

  Monk, Maria

  Monroe, James

  in 1816 election

  background of

  political beliefs of

  Monroe Doctrine

  Montana National Bison


  Montcalm, Marquis de

  Montesquieu, Charles de


  Montgomery, Alabama

  Montgomery, Bernard

  Morgan, Daniel

  Morgan, Edmund

  Morgan, Henry

  Morgan, J.P.

  business strategies of

  life of

  Morgenthau, Henry

  Morill Anti-Bigamy Act

  Morison, Samuel Eliot


  Mormon Trail

  Mormon war

  Morris, Dick

  Morris, Robert

  financial reforms suggested by

  on slavery

  Morrow, Dr. Prince

  Mosby, John Singleton

  Moscovy Company

  Motion pictures

  Mott, Lucretia

  Mountain men

  Moynihan, Patrick

  Muhammad, Elijah

  Muir, John

  Mullan Road

  Munich Agreement

  Munn, Ira Y.

  Munn v. Illinois,

  Murray, William Vans

  Music, in Colonial America. See also Jazz musicians; Rock and roll


  Mussolini, Benito

  Mutiny Act of 1765 My Bondage, My Freedom (Douglass)

  My Lai, massacre of

  Nader, Ralph


  Napoléon Bonaparte

  Narváez, Pánfilo de

  Nasser, Abdel Gamal

  Nast, Thomas

  Nation, Carry

  National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)

  National American Woman

  Suffrage Association

  National Association for the

  Advancement of

  Colored People (NAACP)

  National Association of Manufacturers

  National Bank Act

  National capital

  National debt

  during 1920–1932

  during 1945–1960

  National Education Association

  National Gazette, 147 National Industrial

  Recovery Agency (NIRA)

  Nationalism. See also Federalists

  reforms suggested by

  supporters of

  National Labor Relations Act

  National Labor Relations Board (NLRB)

  National Mental Hygiene Committee

  National Reclamation Act of 1902

  National Recovery Administration (NRA)

  National Security Agency

  National Security Council

  National Socialist German Workers’ Party

  National Society for the Prevention of Blindness

  Native Americans. See Indians

  Naturalization Act

  Natural resources

  public control of

  Naval Act of 1890

  Navigation Acts


  of Great Britain


  Nebraska National Wildlife Refuge

  Necessary and proper clause

  Negroes. See African Americans


  New Amsterdam

  New Deal

  capitalism during

  corporate money during

  Eisenhower and

  goals of

  government and

  Nixon and

  policies of

  problems with

  recession during

  Revenue Act and

  of Roosevelt, F.D.

  New England

  New England Anti-Slavery


  New Haven, CT

  New Jersey plan

  Newlands, Francis

  New Republic,

  New Thought, doctrines of

  Newton, Huey

  New York

  growth of

  Massachusetts and

  New York Federal Reserve Bank

  New York Journal,

  New York Manumission Society

  New York Stock Exchange

  New York Times,


  Nicholas II

  Nichols, Terry

  Nimitz, Chester



  Nineteenth Amendment

  Ninth Amendment

  Nixon, Richard

  and 1968 election

  and 1972 election

  economic policies of

  environmental policies of

  impeachment investigation of

  New Deal and

  presidency of

  resignation of

  as vice president

  Vietnam War relating to

  Watergate and

  Nobel, Alfred

  Nonimportation Act

  Nonintercourse Act

  Norris, William H.

  North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA)

  North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO)

  Northern Securities

  railroads as part of

  Sherman antitrust suit and

  Standard Oil Company as part of

  North Korea

  Northrup, Solomon

  Northwest Ordinance of 1787

  Notes on the State of Virginia (Jefferson)

  Noyes, John Humphrey

  Occupational Health and Safety Act (OSHA)

  O’Connor, Sandra Day

  Office of Price Administration

  Office of Strategic Services

  Office of War Information

  Office of War Management (OWM)

  Of Plymouth Plantation (Bradford)

  Oglethorpe, James



  Oklahoma City bombing


  Omaha Beach

  O’Neill, Bucky

  O’Neill, Paul

  Operation Enduring Freedom

  Operation Iraqi Freedom

  Oppenheimer, J. Robert

  Ordinance of 1784

  Oregon Steam Navigation Company

  Oregon Trail

  Organization of Petroleum

  Exporting Countries (OPEC)

  Organized crime

  ethnic groups of

  spread of

  Orr, James

  Ortega, Daniel

  Osama bin Laden. See Laden, Osama bin

  Osborn, Danvers


  Ostend Manifesto

  Oswald, Lee Harvey

  Oswald, Richard

  Otis, James

  Ottoman Empire

  Owen, Robert Dale

  Pacific Railroad Act of 1862

  Packenham, Richard

  Packenham-Buchanan Treaty

  Packet-steamer trade

  Pahlavi, Mohammad Reza

  Paige, Rod

  Paine, Thomas



  isthmus of

  revolution in

  Panama Canal

  acquisition of

  construction of

  France relating to


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