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Willing Sacrifice (Willing Surrender Book 2)

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by Hole, Carrie

  “James wants me to move in with him.”

  “I know,” Amy said.

  “What do you mean, you know?”

  “Ummm, I’ve met James. He didn’t buy a house here because he was planning to live by himself. The man obviously calculates his moves. Besides, he must realize that you’d be less likely to balk if I was around to help keep you in check,” Amy winked at her.

  “Ah, so now you’re a conspirator.”

  Amy laughed, “No, more like babysitter, but it’s apparent someone has to keep you from being a pain in the ass.”

  “Oh, I’m the pain in the ass.”

  “Yep, a sarcastic one at that.”

  Reina stuck her tongue out. “Seriously though Amy, I would never leave you hanging. I would never just move out on you, James or not.”

  “I have lived on my own before, hello, adult,” Amy dramatically rolled her eyes.

  “I know but…” Reina started.

  “Reina it’s time, you’ve been hiding in this house long enough. If you’re going to hide in a house it might as well have a sexy man in it,” Amy smiled. “Plus, I totally plan on claiming an extra bedroom so I can stay over and take advantage of your pool.”

  “How do you know it has a pool?”

  “Seth and I checked it out,” Amy batted her eyelashes.

  “Oh, you and Seth checked it out huh?”

  “Well, Seth’s parents have a house up there…”

  “You met Seth’s parents,” Reina interrupted incredulously.

  “No! Of course not. They weren’t home,” Amy trailed off.

  “ were staying at Seth’s place. I see.”

  “Whatever.” Amy slyly changed the subject, “Anyway, are we packing you up or what? That is way too much manliness to be stalking around this house all the time.”

  Reina chuckled, but then grew serious, “Amy, thank you for putting up with me. I’m sorry that I uh, that I was such a mess.”

  Amy shrugged, “It’s cool, but next time I’m kicking your ass a whole lot sooner.”

  “Deal,” Reina smiled.

  Amy and Reina decided to worry about packing tomorrow. They spent the day being girly and gossiping. They put music on, put their hair up, put on face masks, and painted their toenails. By early evening they had ordered pizza and switched coffee for beer. They ate ice cream, and started sorting through Reina’s coffee mug collection.

  “Oh wait,” Amy exclaimed, running off to her room. She came back carrying a box that looked vaguely familiar. She sat it on the table and gestured for Reina to open it.

  Reina opened it finding all the things from James she thought she’d thrown out. Her heart smiled as the little memories flashed through her mind.

  “You rescued it!”

  Amy shrugged, “I knew you’d want it.”

  “How did you know?”

  “Are you kidding? Everyone in a 100 mile radius can feel the sexual tension between the two of you; you might as well be creating your own gravity.”

  Reina surprised Amy by hugging her, “Thank you.”

  Then she remembered, “What time is it? Crap, I need to call him.”

  Amy laughed, “I’m surprised he’s been patient this long.”

  “Yeah well, that’s not going to last,” she joked back.

  She searched around until she found her phone and pulled up his number, noticing he’d added a new picture. Sneaky man.

  “Hello Reina,” he answered.

  “Hello James,” she replied with a small giggle. Ok, no more beer.

  “Having fun I see,” he laughed.

  “Yep. Amy and I are having a girl night, but it would seem I’m in need of some boxes.”

  “Then boxes you shall have,” he replied.

  “Just like that?”

  “Yes, just like that.”

  “Are you hiding a secret stash of minions,” she teased him.

  “Something like that,” he laughed. “I’ll see you tomorrow Reina,”

  His voice had deepened with sensual promise.

  “Yes,” she answered voice equally sultry.

  Chapter 4

  The next morning around 11 o’clock Reina was making coffee when someone knocked on the door. She laughed to herself, shaking her head. When she answered there was a delivery man with a trolley of folded boxes.

  “So the minion arrives,” she mumbled, lack of caffeine making her prickly.

  “I’m sorry,” the man questioned.

  “Nothing, I’m sorry. Bring them on in,” she gestured, holding the door open.

  “Where would you like them?”

  “Over there is fine,” she replied, pointing to a corner of the living room.

  “I have one more package for you ma’am,” he said, walking towards the door. He handed her a package that was relatively small, but heavier than she expected.

  “Thank you,” she said, closing the door.

  She sat the package on the table and opened it. Realizing it was full of packing tape she laughed and shook her head again. Of course he thought of that.

  She made a cup of coffee and sat at the kitchen table; packing was going to require a good amount of caffeine. She was on her third cup when Seth came shuffling down the hallway.

  “Fancy meeting you here,” Reina teased.

  “Hey Reina,” he smiled.

  “If you drink all the coffee you have to make more,” Reina warned jokingly.

  “Got it,” he smiled.

  Reina went back to her spot at the table, still trying to motivate herself enough to deal with boxes. Within the hour there was another knock at the door. When she opened it and saw James standing there it was as if her world suddenly came into sharper focus. As he walked in Seth peeked out from the kitchen.

  “Hey James, fancy meeting you here,” then he winked at Reina.

  “Oh now you think you’re funny too. It’s a damn conspiracy around here,” Reina replied sarcastically.

  James looked at her, but she just shook her head. He glanced at the boxes, then back at her.

  “How’s the packing going,” he asked.

  “Well, I got the boxes. Thank you,” she shrugged.

  He wrapped his hand around her waist and pulled her in, thumb grazing her lips.

  “Are you stalling?”

  “Not really,” she started. “Maybe I was simply lacking the proper motivation.”

  “Would you like me to help you with that,” he asked suggestively.

  “Yes,” she bit her lip.

  He reached down and nipped her neck. “Go pack,” he whispered in her ear.

  “I have to tape my boxes,” she smiled.

  He let her go. Looking at her he asked, “Hey Seth, help me tape some boxes?”

  “Sure thing,” Seth answered.

  Amy stumbled out of her room and stopped in the living room taking in the scene. The guys were slowly becoming surrounded by boxes ready to be packed. She glanced over at Reina.

  “Impatient,” Reina answered.

  Amy laughed her way to the coffee, as James gave her a look.

  She grabbed a box, “Pack. Got it.”

  Reina didn’t become attached to material things any more than she did people. She really didn’t have that much to pack, clothes, a few pairs of shoes, books, some movies, a few random keepsakes and coffee mugs about summed it up. The only furniture she owned was in the bedroom, which she was leaving. She hadn’t really wanted anything after her divorce and Amy’s house was already furnished, so it wasn’t something she’d worried about.

  The next couple of days became a bit of a party at Amy’s house. The guys stayed over, creating a small tower of boxes in the living room, which James assured her someone would pick up. On the last morning they decided to hang out at the new place. A couple of guys came and loaded the boxes into a truck, Reina grabbed the few things she was taking in her car, and they all drove up the mountain.

  While Reina gave Amy a tour they discovered that not only did
the house have a sound system wired to every room, but it had an entire lower floor that Reina had missed the first time. The lower floor had an entertainment room with a huge television, an exercise room, and a pool table. There was also an extra bedroom with a sliding glass door that led out to a stone patio and built in firepit.

  James felt a sense of satisfaction watching Reina and Amy giddily explore. Amy had immediately decided which bedroom was “hers” and Reina seemed happy. His world was slowing righting itself. He wrapped an arm around Reina as she glided by.

  “You can change things around if you’d like,” he told her.

  She folded her body into his, and he closed his eyes loving the feel of her hand on the back of his neck.

  “I like being surrounded by you,” she whispered in his ear.

  Then she was walking away giving him seductive looks over her shoulder, smiling mischievously. Trouble.

  They wandered inside joking around the pool table, sipping beer. As the sun set below the mountains they sat around the firepit with guitars in hand. Reina occasionally watched Amy and Seth. They were like planets in the same orbit revolving around each other. Looking at one another as the other looked away, gentle touches as they passed each other, and small thoughtful gestures. There was definitely something between them, but there was no telling how it would play out.

  As it faded towards midnight Amy and Seth headed out. James and Seth walked ahead while Reina walked with Amy.

  “’s late and you’re on Signal Mountain, I wonder where you’ll be staying tonight,” Reina teased.

  “Oh you know...I might have a date with a sexy man.”

  “I like him. I mean, I guess he’s Ok and all,” Reina said, watching for Amy’s reaction.

  “He’s Ok and all,” she smiled.

  Amy and Seth left together, with promises of calls, texts, and plans over the next few days. As soon as they pulled away, James had his arms to either side of Reina effectively caging her in the doorway, eyes intense.

  His hand grazed her jaw, “And now I have you.”

  “Do you,” she challenged, just to see the fire burning in his eyes.

  His thumb came across her lips then made a slow descent down the front of her throat, her heart instinctively speeding up in response. His hand slid around to the base of her neck slowly, deliberately, until he reached her hair, causing her blood to burn with anticipation. Fisting her hair and tilting her head back, his lips came close to hers.

  “Don’t I,” he demanded.

  Her first official night in their sanctuary was spent tied up in black satin, repeatedly admitting that she was his.

  Chapter 5

  Reina stepped out of the shower and dried off, taking her time. She brushed through her curly hair and stepped out of the bathroom sans towel. She stopped at the end of the short hallway when she noticed James sitting at the end of the bed, looking more feral than usual.

  “Come here Reina,” he softly commanded.

  She hesitated for a moment, a cornered rabbit wondering if it’s about to be petted or eaten, probably both. She wasn’t afraid, she trusted him, but that particular look in his eye usually meant they were about to cross into uncharted territory. She took a couple of steps forward before realizing he was holding a round black paddle. She hesitated again, heart pounding. He didn’t repeat his request, his body was tense but still as he watched her, quietly waiting. She bit her lip and walked to him, noticing the look of pleasure in his eyes as she stopped before him.

  He laid the paddle on the bed and trailed the lightest touch across her stomach and down her thighs. The contrast between the light touch and the heat in his eyes caused her body to tremble, and her nipples to tighten. She looked up at him as he stood, the tension in his powerful body a palpable heartbeat in the atmosphere. James continued the softest of touches along the side of her neck, across her collarbone, and down the sides of her breasts. Reina’s body automatically responded, her instinct was to press into his hand for more, but she forced herself to be still.

  Her breathing became shallow as his thumb brushed the same gentle sweeps across her lips. His lips replaced his thumb on her lips, sweeping back and forth, making it even harder not to press into him. When his hand gripped the nape of her neck and he deepened the kiss, she did lean into him, one of her hands reaching out to his bicep for support. She hungrily accepted and silently asked for more. As her other hand gently touched the side of his neck, he quietly growled. He kissed her possessively, every thrust of his tongue a demand. Her body was attuned to him, a finely tuned instrument, more than ready to give him what he wanted.

  James pulled back with a knowing look, holding her in place while he teased her lips with his; feeling impatient she bit his lip. Before Reina could blink his hand was in her hair, fisting and pulling. He bit her back, eyes blazing. She licked her lips defiantly.

  “Do you want me Reina?”

  “You know I do,” she replied, biting her lip. She knew she was asking for trouble, but she couldn’t seem to help herself.

  His hand came up to tease her nipple with just enough pressure to make her arch for more. He skimmed his lips against her neck.

  “You have to say it,” he whispered in her ear.

  He continued the delicious torment until she was panting.

  “Yes,” she moaned.

  He looked into her eyes, “Yes what, Reina?”

  “Yes, I want you.”

  He brushed his lips across hers and released her, stepping around the bed and pulling out the black satin scarves.

  James nodded towards the bed “Kneel,” he commanded.

  She hesitated looking at him, muscles tense, black satin in his hand. She was more than willing, but her inner devil was spurring her to test him. Once again he didn’t repeat the request, but she watched the calculating fire in his eyes. He stood patiently, a predator waiting to strike. He could afford to be patient knowing that soon she’d be at his mercy. She crawled up and knelt on the bed, but the look she gave him was rebellious. Challenge met.

  He smirked at her. Not good. He came up behind her on the bed.

  “Close your eyes.”

  She closed her eyes as black satin wrapped around them and was tied firmly in place; she felt his weight leave the bed. She heard him move around the bed, then sit on the bed in front her. A scarf was tied tightly around the bracelet on each wrist. When his weight lifted again she tested the restraints, she could move forward but not backward. Her senses were humming; she could hear James’ movements, the anticipation making her body tremble. She tried to keep her breathing steady and calm her beating heart as she waited. She smelled candles, and sensed a change in lighting.

  James’ stroked his hand down her back. The unexpected touch causing her body to arch. He pressed his body into her back, his lips against the side of her neck making her nipples ache. A hand skimmed down her front to her thighs.

  “Spread your knees.”

  As she spread her knees she was rewarded with the barest brush of his hand against her wetness.

  “The rule is, you have to be quiet,” he murmured into her ear.

  His words made her heart beat in her throat; rules meant he was going to push her limits. The very thought of trying to be quiet made her automatically want to whimper. One hand wrapped around to rest lightly on the front of her throat, while the other began a torturous pleasure blazing through her bloodstream. His hand grazed around her breasts, down her stomach, and across her inner thighs. His touch was light, just enough that she wanted to beg for more. She tried pressing into his hand, but he maintained control of the pressure.

  He teased over the tips of her nipples until she was panting, body trembling, and losing control. Releasing her throat, he pinched both nipples hard then rubbed his palms over them before repeating the motion. The barest moan escaped her; body involuntarily arched forward demanding more. She rested against him, head on his shoulder, as she tried to regain control of her breathing. She was t
rying to remember the rule, but her brain was shutting down to sensation. Her body shuddered for release and didn’t care if she had to beg to get it. He wrapped an arm around her ribs, holding her still.

  “Shhhh,” he whispered, but instead of being soothing it sent sparks along her skin.

  Before she could recover James brought his hand down for two fast smacks against her sex, and she cried out at the unexpected contact, pulling against her restraints. Pleasure was spiraling close to the edge, leaving her throbbing.

  He caressed her softly again, “Do you want more.”

  “Yes,” she whimpered.

  He untied her blindfold, giving her eyes time to adjust to the dim light as his hands gently teased her.

  “Lay your chest on the bed and arch your back.”

  She did as she was told without thought, breathing erratic and body desperate. She felt vulnerable, her heart pounding as she felt the paddle rest against her backside.

  “If you tell me to stop, I will. Do you understand?”

  “Yes,” she breathed.

  The first two smacks were mild, each making a distinct sound as warmth spread over her skin. The next two were harder; the stinging pain sending heat up her spine and caused her clit to throb. By the third set she was whimpering, hands digging into the bed, as her brain shut off completely and sensation took over. A fourth set of smacks and she was in sensual overload, floating outside of herself, body shaking, soul on fire, and begging for orgasm. James caressed her heated skin, hands slipping between her legs with a groan. He positioned his body behind her, hand petting down her back as she whispered, “please.”

  “Do you still want me Reina?”

  “Yes,” she whimpered pleadingly.

  He entered her and she was lost to orgasm, each thrust sent her spiraling further out of control. Her existence was narrowed down to pleasure. The pace slowed and James rested his forehead on her back, murmuring her name, as they both tried to slow their breathing. He untied her and tucked behind her. She thought he whispered, “I love you,” as she drifted to sleep.


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