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Neon Nights (Against the Odds Book 1)

Page 5

by Bryony Kayn

  “Sounding good,” Steve commented.

  “Sounds like shit,” Angel disagreed, setting the guitar aside. “So what are you two up to?”

  “Well, I was impressed by Steve’s house, so he told me I’d better come and see yours since it is so much more impressive,” Jake answered, grinning at the blond guitarist. “I must admit, so far I am properly awed.”

  Steve’s house was very nice by any standards Jake had known, but Angel’s house was a mansion. He lived in Beverly Hills, maybe not the most exclusive area, but definitely not shabby. There was quite a bit more property around his house, and the structure was easily three times the size of Steve’s home. There was a wide drive that curved through a portico before the house, and marble columns flanked the front doors. The garage was large enough to hold six vehicles, and a gem-blue swimming pool and a hot tub were visible through wide French doors behind the house.

  “Be it ever so humble,” Angel said with a laugh.

  “So, are you going to show me around?” she asked, fluttering her lashes.

  “Sure.” He got to his feet, holding out a hand.

  “You got anything to drink?” Steve asked, standing as well.

  “Yeah, check the fridge,” Angel replied and slipped his arm around Jake’s waist as he escorted her back to the entry hall. When it was certain that Steve had gone into the kitchen, Angel paused, turning to face Jake squarely. “Are you okay?”

  She laughed openly, amused by his continued worry. “I’m great, Angel-mine. Never been better. Do I look like I had a bad night?”

  He shook his head, but his eyes were still shadowed with something like worry.

  “We had a very, very enjoyable night,” she said, reaching up to touch his face with her free hand. “No worries, my friend.”

  “I can’t help it.” He put his hand over hers on his cheek. “Please tell me you’re not just jumping right back into it, right where you left off.”

  She met his gaze for a long moment before saying, “I’m not. Steve wants us back together, but I’m not sure that’s such a good idea. I told him that. Now he’s trying to talk me around.”

  Angel turned his head, kissing Jake’s palm. “I’m just glad you’re okay,” he said softly, releasing her hand so they could continue walking. “Here, let me show you around.”

  When they returned to the kitchen a few minutes later, Jake laughed and said to Steve, “You were right. I’m not impressed with your place anymore.”

  He just smiled, his tanned face softening as he looked at her. “I have other things to impress you,” he said, holding out a hand to her.

  She smiled back, leaving Angel to go to Steve, and let him pull her against his side. “Yes, you do,” she agreed quietly, knowing that Angel had heard.

  “So what’s up now?” Angel asked, leaning on the counter, looking from Steve to Jake. “Got anything in mind?”

  “I thought we’d take Jake shopping.”

  She turned a surprised expression to him. “Shopping? For what?”

  “Well, I do owe you some underwear,” he said thoughtfully, grinning when she raised her brows at him. “And after seeing the extent of your wardrobe, I think you could use a few things.” He gestured at the cut-off jeans and cropped T-shirt that she’d changed into when they’d stopped by her motel room.

  She shook her head, putting her hand on his chest. “You don’t need to spend your money on me. I get by.”

  “Well, I’ve got to spend it on something,” Steve responded, rubbing his hand up and down her back. “I’d just as soon blow some of it on you. Would that be so bad?”

  She shook her head, feeling more than a little uncomfortable about the whole thing.

  “I think it sounds like fun,” Angel commented, lips curving into a slight smile. “Like dressing a life-sized doll.”

  The look she gave him was at least half-angry, but Steve turned her face back to him. “Look, I never had anything to give you before. Now I’ve got enough money to buy you whatever you want. It’s not a big thing. Let me spoil you a little.”

  “I guess it wouldn’t hurt to look,” she finally said, giving in, “since you won’t let me near your leathers.”

  He laughed, kissing her then. Steve might have been oblivious to the considering gaze Angel held on them, but she wasn’t.

  When they returned to Angel’s house several hours later, they were loaded with bags and boxes filled with clothing. Steve had spent what Jake considered an exorbitant amount of money on her, but it had been so much fun! She had more clothes now than she’d ever owned at once, and she wanted to wear everything.

  Besides, watching Angel and Steve pick things out for her had been comical. They really had disparate taste in clothing, at least where it came to women. Steve had picked out tight-fitting or scanty things that made her laugh. Angel had chosen her lacy, feminine things that made her look at him askance. She would never feel comfortable in the elegant and proper clothes that he’d wanted her to try on.

  When all was said and done, she’d ended up with several new pairs of jeans, a few shirts that were more revealing than her usual tank top or T-shirt, and an insane amount of lingerie that Steve had picked out personally. He hadn’t been kidding about the underwear. He’d even made a point of having her model it for him in an expensive boutique off Rodeo Drive.

  Now, she tried to decide where she could put all this stuff in her room at the Palms. There was no closet there, just a dingy little chest of drawers, which was half full of what clothes she’d already owned. “I don’t know what I’m going to do with all of this,” she said, throwing her hands up. “There’s no place for me to put it all.”

  Steve and Angel looked at each other, and then Steve said, “You can keep it at my place.”

  She looked at him levelly. “I’m not moving in with you.”

  He hesitated, seemingly taken aback by her response. “Well there’s no way we’re carting all this over to that shitty motel. Your room would be broken into and you cleaned out, fifteen minutes after we leave.”

  “You’re still welcome to stay here,” Angel put in smoothly, as though he’d been waiting for an opening. “As you see, I do have plenty of room. This house is big enough you’ll have all the privacy you want, if that’s what you’re worried about.”

  She sat back on her heels, looking from one man to the other. “Did you both plan this? Dangle a carrot in front of my nose and see if I’ll follow it?”

  “No, of course not,” Steve said, and while his tone of voice might have sounded innocent, his expression didn’t back it up. “But I agree with Angel. That skanky place isn’t good enough for you. You could be assaulted or raped at any time, and I can’t stand the thought of it.”

  She looked at him for a long moment; in the past he’d been the one to assault her. But that had been a long time ago, and she didn’t really want to think about it. She certainly had no intention of reminding him, not now.

  “It’s been a week since I first offered,” Angel said in a low voice. “You have to know this is a better choice than staying where you are.”

  She sighed, capitulating suddenly. “Fine. I’m not fool enough to like that dump. But you realize you’re going to have to cart me to work every night, and that’s gonna put a cramp in your style.”

  Angel beamed at her. “I’m down there two or three nights every week when I’m in town anyway, so it’s no big deal. Besides,” he added, gesturing to where the garage stood behind and to one side of the house, “if something comes up and I can’t drive you, you can take one of my cars.”

  Steve remained quiet through all of this. Jake could feel his dark gaze on her while Angel spoke, but his face was more or less expressionless when she glanced at him. She had the feeling that he would have more to say when they were alone, but for now she just pretended he was okay with this.

  “Thanks, babe,” Jake said to Angel, giving him a smile. “I don’t want you to think I’m not grateful.”

  He he
ld up his hand to stop her. “I know,” he said softly. “It’s okay.”

  “We should take a run down there and get the rest of your stuff. It shouldn’t take long,” Steve said, and Jake nodded.

  “I’ll cart this stuff into the guest room,” Angel offered, waving his hand at the bags full of new clothes. “The one behind the kitchen with its own door to the patio, you seemed to like that one the best.”

  Jake smiled. She had liked that room very much, and it was on the opposite side of the house from Angel’s room, which would probably please Steve. “Thanks.”

  “Ready?” Steve asked, holding out a hand to her.

  She nodded again, taking his hand, and smiled at the expression in his dark eyes when she did so. He’d told her he loved her, and she had to wonder if maybe he’d been telling her the truth because he sure looked like a man in love.

  “We’ll be back,” Steve said to Angel, pulling her with him out of the living room toward the front portico where he had parked his car.

  Jake looked back once to see Angel raise a hand in farewell as he looked around at the clutter of shopping bags. There was a slight smile on his face, and it seemed pretty clear he was happy about her decision, even if Steve might not be.

  When Steve pulled into the parking lot of the Hollywood Palms motel, Jake sighed. A familiar, primered black Nova was parked in front of her room. “Shit,” she said, putting her hand on Steve’s arm when he parked a couple spaces down from the other car. “Will you wait here for a minute?”

  He looked at her steadily, nearly black eyes expressionless. “Who is he?”

  “He’s—he’s someone I was getting involved with before you showed up last night,” she replied honestly. “I took off without saying a word to him. I at least owe him an explanation.”

  “I’ll give you a minute, but if he puts his hands on you—”

  “Steve, don’t threaten to beat the shit out of him,” she said flatly. “I just need to talk to him. Alone.”

  He shrugged, mouth tight and jaw clenched as he controlled his temper.

  She reached up, smoothing black hair away from his face so she could see him more clearly. “Please.”

  He relented, nodding once, and watched her get out of his car and approach the Nova.

  Swan noted the expensive sports car that pulled into the lot. It stood out like a sore thumb compared to the older, used-up vehicles already parked there. The windows were tinted darkly, so he couldn’t see the occupants, but when the passenger door opened up and Jake got out, he took a deep breath. There was a man behind the wheel. Swan didn’t recognize him in the brief glimpse he got before the door closed. He got out of his car and leaned against it as she approached.

  “Hey, Swan,” she said, stopping a few feet away from him.

  “Jake,” he replied, keeping his gaze on her face so he wouldn’t keep glancing at the other vehicle. “You took off so quick last night I didn’t get a chance to ask what you were doing today. Dana told me you had tonight off.”

  She nodded. “I do. I’m surprised to see you here.”

  He looked her up and down, admiring the shorts and half top she wore, thinking that she looked even better in the light of day than she did at night at the club. Her long hair fell loose down her back, silky and soft, as he knew from experience. “I thought I’d stop by and see if you were here. I’ve been thinking about you all day.”

  She crossed her arms beneath her breasts, standing hipshot as she looked back at him. By her expression, she seemed to recognize he was more or less undressing her with his eyes, and she didn’t appear pleased. “I’m sorry I didn’t get a chance to talk to you, but I hooked up with an old friend last night. He’s here to help me get my shit.”

  “You found a place to live?” Swan asked.

  Jake nodded. “Yeah, I’m moving in with Angel for a while.”

  He looked at the sports car again, then back to her. “I thought you said you and Angel were just friends.”

  “We are. That’s not who I hooked up with.” It was at that point the driver of the car got out and walked around the front of the vehicle.

  Swan recognized the other man now. He was the singer for Blackstone.

  Steve lit a cigarette, tucked the gold lighter back into his jeans pocket, and crossed his ankles as he leaned on the fender of his car. He said nothing, just watching Swan with cold, dark eyes.

  Jake sighed, closing her eyes for a moment. She seemed less worried than exasperated. “Look, man,” she said, stepping closer to put her hand on Swan’s chest, “I’m sorry. But I don’t think things are going to work out between us. The timing just isn’t right.”

  Swan put his hands on her hips, and Jake flinched when Steve took a step toward them, his boots gritting on the blacktop. She held one hand up without turning around, and Steve stopped.

  “I really think you should go,” she said urgently, and her eyes seemed darker than Swan remembered. There was an intensity to her voice that he hadn’t heard before.

  All he wanted was to touch her, to kiss her again. He’d fallen harder for her than he’d ever intended and recognized in her a kind of strength that was rare. Now, it was obvious that she held onto brittle control of a situation that might rapidly get out of hand. He didn’t want to make things worse, but he didn’t want to walk away, either. “I don’t want to give up so easy, Jake. You make me feel…” He stopped, not sure how to express it. Then he leaned down to kiss her.

  Jake immediately stepped back, pulling out of his grasp, and turned to catch Steve’s arm before he could hit Swan. “Don’t, Steve, please!” she hissed, recognizing the fury in his eyes all too well. She glanced back at Swan, whose face had gone pale with either anger or fear, she couldn’t tell which. “Leave, Swan. I’m asking nicely.”

  Hopefully Swan saw the effort expended as she held on to Steve, her weight braced against him as she put all her strength into holding him back. He had murder in his eyes, and Swan swallowed. “Fine, I’m going. I’ll see you at the Neon.”

  “Don’t get any ideas,” Steve called, teeth clenched as the other man got back into his car, backed away quickly, and pulled out of the lot.

  As soon as Swan pulled onto the street, Jake sighed and shook her head, letting go of Steve. “That was asinine,” she said in a harsh tone and walked away from him.

  He followed her in when she unlocked the door to her motel room and stood waiting as she stuffed her scattered belongings into her bag. “He needs to know he doesn’t have the right to touch you anymore,” Steve said, his voice flat.

  She glanced over her shoulder at him and then away, not wanting to look at him right now. Voice cool and controlled, she said “I’m the one who says who has the right and who doesn’t, not you.”

  Steve was silent.

  She went into the tiny bathroom, sweeping various cosmetics and toiletries into a smaller bag. When she came back out, she stuffed that into the top of her bag and looked around to see if she’d missed anything. The dim, dingy room depressed her. No matter what happened, she was glad to be leaving here.

  “That should do it,” she said after one last glance around and went to shoulder the bag.

  “I’ll get it,” Steve said, lifting the bag easily in one hand and gesturing for her to precede him out of the room. He tossed her duffel into the back of the car, then slipped his arms around her before she could get in. “I’m sorry, Jae,” he said. “I didn’t mean to get all Neanderthal on you.”

  She sighed, pushing away the memories and emotions that threatened to well up, and returned his loose embrace. “Yes, you did. You would’ve beat the shit out of that guy and never thought twice about it. You can’t be doing that anymore, Steve. You might’ve gotten away with it when you were some unknown singer in one of a thousand unsigned bands, but you’re too well known now. You could end up in jail. Is that what you want?”

  “You know I don’t,” he replied, pulling her more firmly to him. “But I don’t want some other man putting h
is hands on you, especially when I’m standing right there.”

  She dropped her forehead against his shoulder, wondering if getting involved with him again wasn’t the worst idea she’d ever had. He made her feel so many things—he was like a drug she couldn’t put down—but she didn’t know if she was up for round two with this man. “He wouldn’t have gotten anything from me, Steve. He hadn’t before you showed up. He was just a sweet guy who liked me.”

  He put his face against the crown of her head. If he was relieved to know that Jake hadn’t slept with the other man, he didn’t admit it. “Every guy likes you, babe.”

  She laughed, surprised at his comment. “Yeah, most of them. That’s not the point.” She lifted her head, kissing him warmly when he dropped his head to her. “You are just too sexy for me,” she whispered against his neck as he held her tightly to his chest.

  “Let’s go fool around,” he said.

  “Why not?” When she got into the car, Steve wasted no time heading back to his house.

  It was after seven when they finally returned to Angel’s. He’d tried to call Steve a couple of times, but got no answer on the home phone or Steve’s cell. Now he was back working on music for Blackstone’s new album and only nodded at them as they came in. They continued on through the room without talking to him and went down the hall behind the kitchen that led to the guest room where Jake would be staying. Steve carried a large canvas bag over one shoulder and held Jake’s hand with his free one.

  A little later they came back out, seeming to stay quiet so as not to disturb him while he was working. At this point, however, he was ready for a break. He finished what he’d been playing and set the guitar aside, smiling and bowing his head mockingly as Jake clapped her hands.

  “Get everything settled?” he asked, nodding in the direction of her room.

  “Not yet, but I put away the new stuff so it won’t get trashed,” she replied, pulling a cigarette out of her pack and waiting while Steve lit it for her, then one for himself. She sat back down on the floor, leaning her shoulder against Steve’s leg when he sat on the couch, and pulled her knees up to her chin. “I like what you were playing. What’s it called?”


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