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Heart of the Galaxy (Paranormal Romance Aliens)

Page 4

by Cristina Grenier

  She put her head down on her arm that was lying atop the ledge. Troy wanted to reach out and caress her thick hair that had fallen over her shoulder. She was so damn tempting. He sighed deeply. It was only a matter of time before he did something that was not brotherly. He knew it would happen as well as he knew his name. What he wasn’t sure of was her reaction.

  “You can do anything you wish to accomplish,” he said.

  She lifted her head.

  “That’s easy for you to say. This is your world. Your magic. Your home. It’s what you know,” she said. “It’s just the opposite for me. Everything is strange and alien. It’s not my home.”

  “But it will be. Just give it some time. Who you are is already awakening in you. All you need to do is embrace it,” he encouraged. “You’re strong, intelligent and incredibly intuitive. Allow your natural instincts to guide you.”

  Jess was silent for a moment.

  “How do you feel about what happened earlier?” he asked.

  “You’re referring to my spontaneous burst of power?” she asked.

  “Yes,” he said.

  She heaved a heavy sigh.

  “I’m trying to come to grips with it. To think of myself as a super-being seems ridiculous. But I guess it’s a truth that I must accept,” she answered.

  “It will get easier. Your gifts will reveal themselves in small doses. It should be easier to get used to them that way,” he said.

  “And when I do, what then?” she asked.

  “You will have to accept a magnitude of power that’s never been seen. The universe is waiting for you,” he said gently.

  “And if I say: no thank you?” she asked but knowing the answer.

  “It’s your fate to accept this glorious gift. It is your destiny,” he replied.

  Jess took several moments to digest his words. She realized that she needed more time to adjust than these few minutes in his presence. She would think more about it tonight when she was alone in her rom.

  “You said that Roz was prying. Why?” Jess asked.

  Troy knew what she was doing and let it go. He would not press.

  “Roz senses there is more about you than we are telling. She knows I have been with you for quite some time and she wants to know why,” he related.

  “She wants to know if we are lovers,” Jess exclaimed. “She has interest in you.”

  Troy looked uncomfortable.

  “Maybe,” he responded curtly.

  “Have the two of you been involved?” Jess asked. Jess held her breath.

  “No. But she’s wanted a relationship for quite some time,” he replied.

  “And what did you want?” she pressed. She needed to know.

  “You! I want you,” he thought passionately.

  “Roz is a friend. And that’s all she will ever be,” he said.

  Jess could breathe. She exhaled a long sigh.

  “When she and I were in the conservatory I had an uneasy feeling about her. I guess now would be a good time to follow my intuition and keep a safe distance from her.

  “Yes. Give in to them. They will never steer you in the wrong direction. Trust them,” he urged.

  “As I am to trust you?” she smiled.

  “Absolutely,” he laughed.

  His smile slowly faded as he stared at her. She was so incredibly lovely as she shared his laughter. Her innocence was written all over her face. Her belief in him was dancing in her eyes. Her parted lips were unknowingly inviting him to taste them. He had known that he would eventually do something unbrotherly and here it was. And he was about to stop his actions. He raised his hand and cupped her face. He slowly leaned forward to lightly touch his mouth to hers. Jess didn’t recoil. She remained still as a statue. She had been waiting for this moment for ages. She wouldn’t do anything to cause him to stop. Troy interpreted her motionless as acquiesce and deepened the kiss. He kissed her lips until they parted; and when they did he swept his tongue into her mouth. He explored every recess of her mouth, claiming it as his own. He crushed her to his chest as he leaned her back against the couch. He had been pining for her for years and the taste of her had been worth the wait. He dragged his mouth from her lips and trailed kisses down her neck. Her creamy skin was so sweet and soft. She filled his senses with tantalizing need. Jess tilted her head back to give him better access to her throat. When he suckled her star she gasped in delight. The sensation of his tongue and the throbbing star spun her into the cluster of the stars. She’d never imagined that his kiss could feel so good. His hand traveled across her shoulder then down her chest to her breast. He cupped it gently and squeezed. She nearly sprang from the couch. He kissed the exposed skin of her breasts and ached to do more. But he needed to go slowly with her. Jess was a virgin in so many ways. Kissing was new to her. Sexuality was new to her. Who and what she was to be was new to her. He would not take advantage of her naiveté to satisfy his raging desire. It took Herculean effort to pull back from her. And the look of confusion in her stormy grey eyes was almost his undoing. He longed to be her sexual teacher. But she didn’t realize what she wanted or the consequences of having it. And he would do well to remember that.


  He put his forefinger to her lips to silence her.

  “Shh! As much as I would like to continue we had better stop while I still can,” he muttered.

  “I like your kiss,” she said shyly.

  “And I like yours,” he smiled.

  “Can we do it again?” she murmured as she ducked her head.

  He laughed and tilted up her head.

  “You liked it that much?” he grinned.

  She pouted then answered.

  “Yes. I did. Is that so wrong?” she asked.

  He chuckled.

  “There is nothing wrong with it,” he grinned. “And yes. We can kiss again. As much as you want.”

  She slanted a look at him through her eyelashes.

  “Now?” she prompted.

  “Nooo! Not now,” he exclaimed. His cock could not stand it.

  “But you said we could,” she said in confusion.

  My God! He had set himself up as her experiment. Would he be able to handle the exploration of her curiosity without making love to her? Not for long.

  “Later,” he answered. He pulled her up. The Mezzine was empty and they needed to get into a more populated place. “I want to show you the rest of the ship.”

  They left the Mezzine and Troy began his tour.

  Chapter 4: Retribution

  Troy took her to every area on the ship and introduced her to the officers that worked there. Jess found interest in every place he took her. She asked intelligent questions and grasped the intricate operation of each system. Jess had always been very smart but now her brain seemed able to dissect and understand the processes in seconds. Her mind was expanding at a record pace. He took her to his favorite place on the ship. He stopped in front of a double door. The doors did not open automatically as Jess had come to expect. She looked at the name plate on the wall next to the door. It read Fantasia. She looked at him.

  “What’s Fantasia?” she asked.

  “My favorite place to be while on ship. Come,” he directed.

  He pressed several buttons on a key pad. They waited for a few seconds then the doors opened. He clasped her hand and they walked through the doors. Jess caught her breath in surprise and delight.

  “It’s beautiful. What is this place?” she asked in awe.

  “It’s called Fantasia. If you can imagine it, it is possible,” Troy said in obvious pleasure at their surroundings.

  “I don’t understand. Did you dream all of this up?” she asked.

  “Not exactly. This place does exist. It’s Jawanda. A planet in the Inner Solar System. I used to visit Jawanda often as I child. Not so much as of late,” he said.

  “Because you’ve been with me,” she said. “I’m sorry.”

  “You have nothing to be sorry for. I’ve enjoyed wh
ere I’ve been,” he said. “Come. Let’s explore.”

  They crossed a vast green valley and walked through wildflowers until they reached a clearing where a stunning waterfall was cascading into a crystal blue lagoon. Troy snapped his fingers and a huge blanket materialized. He laid it on the soft, sweet smelling grass and they sat.

  “It’s so beautiful. No wonder you love it here,” she said as she looked at the gushing waterfall. “So Fantasia is like a hologram,” she supposed.

  “Yes. But it’s even more real for what you see here can be taken outside of these doors. If you pick a pretty flower, you can take it to your room and it will live,” he explained. “If I catch a fish in the river I can have it for my dinner when I eat in my room tonight.”

  “Amazing! So I could actually swim in the lagoon if I wanted,” she exclaimed.

  “You could after I created a lovely swimsuit for you,” he grinned. “Something that showed a lot of skin, of course.”

  Jess blushed but spoke up.

  “I think I should create my own swimsuit,” she responded.

  He sighed dramatically.

  “If you must. But I was only trying to help,” he complained. “Would you like to swim?”

  Jess nodded.

  “I would love to. How do I produce the suit?” she asked eagerly.

  “Just envision it. Fantasia will do the rest,” he instructed.

  Jess closed her eyes and saw the suit in her mind. In mere seconds she felt something lying on her lap. She opened her eyes and looked down. Draped across her knees was a lovely black two piece swimsuit. The top was a halter with a white ruffled trim. She held the bathing suit up.

  “Oh my gosh! It’s perfect,” Jess exclaimed.

  “You should put it on,” Troy suggested. “There’s a changing house over there.” He pointed across the way.

  Jess nodded and hurried to change into the swimsuit. She entered the small structure. It housed a bench the width of the structure, two clothing hooks secured onto the back of the door and a full length wall mirror. Jess changed into the swimsuit and smiled. It fit her shapely curves beautifully. She twirled and laughed at her image. She never considered herself to be conceited but she had to admit that she looked good—very good. She took one final look at herself then left the little house. She walked back to the blanket but didn’t see Troy. She looked around, trying to find him. Eventually she sat on the blanket to wait for him. Troy was standing slightly behind a tree. He had gone to pick some wildflowers to give to her. He was on his way back to the clearing when he saw her coming from the changing house. He had stopped in his tracks to stare at her. My God she was beautiful….and sexy as hell. How in the world was he to keep his hands off of her? He looked at her gorgeous legs and imagined them wrapped around him. He’d had that same image of her before and was desperate to have the experience. They had left the Mezzine to avoid being in seclusion. Now here he was in the very same situation he’d sought to escape. Feelings of desire were gripping him like a vise and he wasn’t sure if he’d be able to shake them loose. He felt his penis grow and moved to lean back against the tree. He had changed into his swim shorts so he had easy access to his cock. He grabbed it to try and stop its swelling. There would be no way to hide its protrusion if he became fully engorged. He breathed deeply as he focused on calming his primal urges and resizing his member. After a few moments his cock receded to its normal size which was large enough in and of itself. It would take the willpower of Sampson’s strength not to ravage her. He didn’t know if he had that much self-control. Well, he was about to find out. He left his hiding place.

  “I’m here,” Troy said.

  She turned to look at him.

  “There you are. I see you’ve changed as well,” she commented.

  “Yes,” he said as he stopped in front of her. “You look lovely.”

  “Thank you,” she smiled. She thought he did as well but was too shy to tell him. “I have a question.”

  “Okay,” he said as he sat next to her.

  “Is Captain Ashton really three hundred years old? He doesn’t look older than forty,” she asked curiously.

  Troy grinned.

  “He was telling the truth,” Troy answered.

  “My gosh!” Jess exclaimed.

  “Time is relative in this space continuum. It is not something that we count as humans do on Earth,” he explained. “Time doesn’t exist for us. And because of our physiological makeup we do not age very quickly after we reach twenty years. And neither will you.”

  “Really? That is because of my mixed species?” she asked.

  He nodded.

  “Yes. You are Tramask. You are from my planet,” he said gently.

  “But I can’t be. Everything about me is human,” she exclaimed.

  “Nothing about you is human, as you are beginning to see,” he refuted her.

  “But my ears—

  “Will eventually restore to their natural state. It was necessary to relocate you to Earth and change your appearance to human for your safety,” he explained. “Now that you are returning to Topal, your body chemistry will revert as you embrace your true self.”

  “My true self,” she murmured. “I’m still trying to figure out who and what that is.”

  “It will develop as you do. Just allow it to run its natural course,” he said.

  “This is all so strange. But I guess I have no choice,” she said sadly.

  “No, you don’t. And soon all of these strange things will be commonplace to you,” he smiled. He stood and extended his hand. “Let’s swim.”

  She placed her hand in his and he pulled her up. They ran into the water. It felt like silk against her skin. It was warm and refreshing. She splashed and played in its depths.

  “It feels great,” she exclaimed.

  He went under the water and came up directly behind her. He wrapped his arms about her waist and whispered in her ear.

  “That it does,” he replied as he tossed her several feet away.

  She came up sputtering and gasping as she wiped water from her face. He laughed uproariously.

  “Oooh!” she exclaimed.

  Jess extended her arm backward to scoop water at him. What was supposed to be a handful of water was actually a mammoth, towering wave of liquid. It impacted him sending him tumbling to the gushing waterfall, which was at least two hundred yards away. Jess clamped her hand over her mouth in shock. She then swam after him. She swam faster than she ever had in her life. She was amazed at her pace. It was as though her arms and legs were moving of their own accord with no effort of her own. She reached the waterfall just as Troy surfaced. He coughed and fought to catch his breath. Jess placed her hand on his throat and his breathing regulated. She was surprised at her action and withdrew her hand self-consciously. He caught it and held it to his chest.

  “Thank you, Jess,” he smiled. “It’s the least you can do after dousing me with a hurricane.”

  Jess was perplexed.

  “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to harm you,” Jess apologized.

  “You didn’t. You have nothing to apologize for. Your powers are emerging more and more. You have to learn to control them,” he said.

  She removed her hand from his grasp.

  “I don’t know how to do that. I don’t even know when they will show themselves,” she said.

  “You must take control of them. Right now they’re reacting to your feelings at will,” he explained. “You must learn to control your emotions and make split seconds decisions as to how you want to respond to the situation.”

  “You make it sound so easy,” she muttered.

  “It is, Jess. You just have to remember that you have an amazing gift and take control of it,” he said. “Let’s practice.”

  He turned her to face away from the waterfall.

  “Scoop up some water and toss it. Keep in mind that you only want to throw a small amount of water a few feet,” he instructed.

  She drew back her
hand and tossed the water. A gigantic wave of water crashed across the spring.

  “What happened?” she cried.

  “Obviously, you like doing things on a large scale.” He lowered his tone. “Good thing I can accommodate.”

  “What?” she asked.

  “Nothing,” he answered. He needed to remain focused as well. “Let’s try again. Concentrate on throwing a small amount of water.”

  She tried again and this time was successful.

  “I did it,” she exclaimed.

  “Great!” he grinned.

  She told him about her swimming and they did several exercises that forced her to control her pace. After she mastered the pace of her movement they began to play and swim together. She swam into the waterfall and climbed onto a flat boulder just inside the cavern. She stood there with her arms outstretched and her eyes closed. It was like she was standing behind a sheet of pouring water. Troy looked at the peaceful smile on her face and thought she looked like the Supreme Being that she is. Regal and confident. A lethal combination that she must come to embrace. She then opened her eyes and gazed into his vibrant blue orbs.

  “Come,” she demanded.

  He joined her behind the pounding water. She put her arms about his neck and drew his mouth to her own. She kissed him. It was an urgent, insistent kiss. She parted her lips and pushed her tongue against his mouth. He opened and she swept her tongue into his depths. He was a little surprised by her assertiveness but thrilled by her boldness. His hands slid around her slim waist and pulled her close. He caressed her satiny wet body as his tongue tangled with hers. She leaned into him pressing her full breasts against his broad, smooth chest. He couldn’t help it. His sex sprang to life. The combination of kissing her and the water engulfing them was a sexual stimulate. His organ responded automatically. He dragged his mouth from hers to trail kissed down her creamy slick neck. He suckled the nook between her neck and shoulder; kissing and nipping. He was affecting her in a way she never expected. She craved the touch of his tongue. It was rough yet soft and tender. His body was firm and strong yet he held her as if she were fragile china. Jess wasn’t sure what to make of the feelings soaring through her. She just knew that she wanted more and more. She held him more tightly as she couldn’t get enough of him. He moved her against the wall of the cavern and spread her legs with his knee. He grinded his hips against her private and she felt him. His penis was throbbing with need; insistent and demanding. Jess was fairly naïve but she knew what his action indicated. She understood what he wanted; and God forgive her but she was pretty sure she wanted the same thing. Troy lifted her and she encircled his waist with her legs. Troy roared in pleasure. He had imagined what it would feel like to have her legs about him. But he never envisioned this kind of excitement that now filled him. It was incredible.


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