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Heart of the Galaxy (Paranormal Romance Aliens)

Page 8

by Cristina Grenier

  “And what is it that she doesn’t know?” Ash questioned.

  “She doesn’t know that her Galaxia Star is a map to her ultimate power,” Troy said.

  ‘Troy! How could you not tell the most important aspect of her being?” Rakia was astounded.

  “I couldn’t. I had already told her enough to scare her into the next tri-sector. I couldn’t put any more on her. She wouldn’t have been able to handle it,” Troy explained.

  “She has got to know, Troy,” Rakia said.

  “I am aware,” Troy said.

  “And does she know about the part you play in all of this?” Ash asked.

  Troy shook his head negatively.

  “No. She knows only that I am her protector,” Troy admitted. “When I tell her about the star I will tell her about me.”

  “How do you think she will take it?” Rakia asked nervously.

  “I have no idea. If you feel the universe shaking, then you’ll know she didn’t take it well,” Troy said grimly.


  Despite the heaviness that surrounded her heart, the next few days were idyllic for Jess. She and Troy spent almost every minute of the day together. And their nights were filled with passion and excitement. He was an excellent lover and teacher. His motto was to teach by example and his expertise was amazing. Jess was an apt pupil and they shared mind-blowing passion that surely rocked the ship. After every sexual encounter they would cuddle and talk. Troy brought up the topic of her future several times but Jess wouldn’t talk about it. Whenever he tried to speak of it she would feign sleep. Troy knew she’d be faking slumber but did not press it. He was reluctant to mar their time together. He had begun to wish that their trip was not nearing its end. He wanted more time alone with her. When they reached Topal their lives would change forever. The morning of their expected arrival to Topal came all too soon. They were still abed when Ash’s voice rang throughout their quarters.

  “Troy. Jess. Please come to the bridge,” Ash commanded.

  Troy knew by the tone of Ash’s voice that his request was important. They rose from bed with alacrity and rushed through their morning routine. When they entered the Bridge Ash and Rakia was standing before the view window.

  “What is it, Ash,” Troy asked.

  Ash turned around. He wore a huge grin on his face. He waved imperiously to the window. Troy looked and smiled. He would know the planet that rotated before him anywhere. He clasped Jess’s hand and drew her forward.

  “It’s Topal, Jess. You’re home,” he smiled.

  Jess looked at the planet. It looked lovely even from space. But her stormy grey eyes were troubled as she placed her hand over her throbbing Galaxia Star. She was embarking on a new life and she knew without a doubt that trouble would follow.

  Chapter 7: A Mother’s Pain

  Troy moved to stand behind Jess and encircle her waist.

  “Topal is such a beautiful planet. It’s one of the loveliest in our solar system. Species travel light-years to spend time on our planet,” Rakia smiled.

  “It’s lovely,” Jess murmured.

  Troy squeezed her waist. He knew what troubled her and he tried to buoy her spirits. He would do everything in his power to make her transition a smooth one. He kissed her cheek gently.

  “Do not fret. All will be well, Jess,” he whispered.

  “You cannot prophesize such an outcome,” she replied.

  Troy started to contradict her then stopped. He understood the truth of her words and would not lie to her. She would face fierce obstacles on her journey to fulfill her destiny. But he would be there to confront them with her.

  “I will never leave your side, Jess. Never,” Troy swore.

  She leaned her head back against his chest and watched as they began their descent through Topal’s atmosphere. The Commodore swiftly descended to hover twelve thousand feet above the planet’s surface. Jess could see tall buildings and roadways from their close proximity. She could also see moving specks which were probably the base station personnel preparing for the docking of their huge craft. The station was a huge edifice that could accommodate fifteen space crafts of their size and ten smaller ships.

  “Visual transmission on frequency twenty-four, Captain. It’s Superior Datremus, Sir,” an officer announced.

  “On viewer,” Ash commanded.

  “Aye, Captain,” the officer replied.

  “Welcome home, Captain Ashton. It’s good to have you back,” Datremus greeted amiably.

  “It’s good to be home, Sir,” Ash responded.

  “I read your briefs and you encountered the Wulshuk,” Datremus said.

  “Yes. There were a few scrimmages but nothing to fret about,” Ash replied.

  “And our Jessica Leyman is well?” Datremus asked.

  “Yes, she is,” Ash said.

  “Good. I look forward to hearing your full report,” Datremus said.

  “Aye, Sir,” Ash replied.

  Superior Datremus cut the signal.

  “He knows me?” Jess asked in confusion.

  “He knows of you. He is the head of S.E.N, Space Exploration Network,” Ash explained. “It was he who directed me to pick you up when Troy notified him of your distress.”

  “I see,” Jess murmured.

  “He’s as burly as a bear and has a great roar but he is as sweet as a puppy. You will like him, Jess,” Rakia said. She smiled encouragement to Jess.

  Ash looked out the viewer.

  “Take her in, Officer Jurum. Slow and steady,” Ash advised the helmsman.

  “Aye, Captain,” Officer Jurum replied.

  The Commodore began its slow descent moving toward the clamping arms that had extended outward from the station. Jess was fascinated by the expertise of the helmsman as he steered the enormous ship into position. The ship smoothly entered the aperture and there was a slight jerk as the arms clamped onto the Commodore. They were docked. The crew cheered.

  “Well done, Jurum,” Ash complimented.

  “Thank you, Captain,” Jurum replied. There was a broad smile on his face.

  Ash turned to address the crew.

  “Thank you for your service. I could not have asked for a better crew. Our mission would have been a dismal failure were it not for your dedication and service. Until our next mission. Enjoy your leave,” Ash smiled.

  Each man came to shake Ash’s hand before taking his leave. Troy turned Jess to face him. He leaned his forehead against hers.

  “It’s going to be alright, Jess. You still trust me, don’t you?” Troy asked softly.

  “Yes but this is so frightening,” Jess replied.

  “Just remember what I said. I will always be by your side. I’m not going anyplace where you are not,” he stated firmly.

  She nodded.

  “I will get you settled into my home then we must go see your parents,” he announced.

  “No, Troy! I would rather not,” she objected.

  “We have too. You must speak with them, Jess. There is so much that you need to know and they are the only ones who can tell you,” Troy insisted.

  “What could they possibly have to tell me that I don’t already know?” she questioned.

  “Something that could tear us apart,” he thought grimly.

  “You will find out when you see them,” he sidestepped her question.

  “You know but will not say. Why? Is it so bad?” she persisted.

  “Just focus on the pending reunion with your family. It has been long overdue,” Troy said. “Come. We must leave.”

  He ushered her off of the bridge. He knew that a new voyage had just begun.


  They walked through the space facility. Jess was astonished at its grandeur. There was luxury and convenience everywhere she looked. They passed eateries, clothing shops, social clubs and living accommodations for crewmen. It was like a small city within a city.

  “This is amazing,” Jess said in awe.

  “Topal boasts the fin
est space facilities in this quadrant. The S.E.N prides itself on taking care of her people,” Troy smiled. “And as you can see it is considered an excellent entertainment spot for space travelers of all species.”

  Jess looked at the various individual strolling about. Their appearance was so different from her own yet they seemed very much like her. They smiled as they caught her eye. They were pleasant and friendly. Ordinary people doing ordinary things. She wished she could go back to her mundane, routine life. How she envied these people.

  “It’s so alive and vibrant. I understand why people want to spend time here,” she said a bit wistfully.

  Troy heard the tone of her voice but said nothing. He couldn’t change the direction of her life and she needed to accept it. The sooner she did so, the sooner she would come to understand the magnificent gift residing inside of her. They proceeded down a tunnel that led to garage of ultra-modern vehicles. Troy escorted her to one and opened the door from the bottom and lifted up. Jess looked at Troy and grinned. She entered the vehicle and relaxed into the deep leather confines. Troy entered from the other side and drove out of the garage. Once they had passed through the gate Troy gunned the motor and they took off in flight. Jess gasped. Troy laughed. They were flying in an automobile.

  “Oh my gosh! We’re flying in a car,” she exclaimed.

  “That we are. It’s wonderful, isn’t it?” he responded.

  “It’s incredible! I could really get used to this,” she giggled.

  “You should. It is the common mode of transportation on Topal,” he smiled. “Although, some citizens still prefer ground transport. Personally, I favor flight.”

  They moved through the air at an incredible speed. Jess looked out the side window and saw unusual birds flying beside them.

  “What kinds of birds are they?” she asked.

  “They’re called Retloons. They are very popular in this region,” she said.

  “They’re beautiful. They must be every color in the rainbow,” she said in wonder.

  Jess gasped as he took the car into a nosedive and then leveled off. He looked at her and grinned.

  “A little warning next time,” she chided.

  “Rakia says I’m a horrible driver,” he smiled.

  “I tend to agree with her,” Jess remarked dryly.

  He laughed as he lowered the vehicle to the ground. They were parked into front of an oddly shaped yet intriguing structure.

  “Is this your house?” Jess asked.

  “Yes,” he answered. He got out of the car and opened her door. “Come and see it.”

  Jess was eager to see his abode. The exterior suited him. It appeared indomitable, steadfast and spirited with its strong creative design of curves and archways. Jess couldn’t imagine an army penetrating its façade; just like she couldn’t envision anyone getting the upper hand on Troy. It would simply be impossible. They entered his home and Jess caught her breath. It was amazing. Bright light poured in through the huge windows filling the rooms with rays of sunbeams. The vaulted ceilings gave her the feeling of limitless space, while the furnishings were warm and welcoming. It was the perfect home.

  “I love it,” she enthused. “It’s gorgeous.”

  She walked through every room in the house and found the bathroom to be extraordinary. It was every bit as fabulous as the one on the ship and bigger. She couldn’t wait to take a bath. She turned to see Troy watching her.

  “This bathroom is fantastic. I can’t wait to bathe in that tub,” she laughed.

  He moved forward and stopped mere inches before her.

  “Just remember you will not be in that tub alone,” he quipped. His blue eyes twinkled merrily.

  “I was hoping I wouldn’t,” she said sassily.

  He groaned and pulled her to him. He lowered his head and kissed her gently. Jess wasn’t expecting such tenderness in his caress. But it was just as potent as his fiery kisses. She hopped up to encircle his hips with her legs. He held and massaged her bottom. It was exquisite torture for Jess. She wanted him and wasn’t ashamed to show it. She deepened the kiss, sweeping her tongue into the recesses of his mouth. He tasted so good to her. He always did.

  “Make love to me,” she whispered.

  Troy was tempted to carry her to his massive bed and keep her there for days.

  “Now, Troy,” she pleaded.

  He knew if he put her on the bed it he would not be able to pull back. And he had a feeling that was exactly what she wanted. He tore his mouth from hers.

  “Not now, Jess. We can’t,” he said hoarsely.

  “Yes, we can,” she tried to bring his mouth back to her own. He allowed it for he wanted her as much as she wanted him.

  They continued kissing for a while and then he let her legs fall to the floor. She tried pushing him to the bed but he wouldn’t move. He pulled his mouth from hers.

  “No Jess. We have to stop and you know why,” he groaned.

  Stopping was the hardest thing he had ever done. But it was up to him to control this situation. She looked into his darkening blue eyes and knew the moment was gone. She sighed and moved away from him.

  “I don’t want to go, Troy,” she mumbled.

  “I know you don’t but you still must do so,” he replied. She said nothing. “Are you hungry?”

  She shook her head negatively.

  “Well, I’m starved. Let’s go see what I can rustle up,” he smiled.

  He held out his hand to her. She smiled wanly and took it.

  “You couldn’t possibly have any food in the house,” she said.

  “No. But I have a reproductor. Anything I want I can have,” he returned.

  Jess was intrigued despite her dismal mood.

  “Show me,” she said.

  He took her into the kitchen and gestured to a small lighted alcove in the wall.

  “Steak dinner. Well done,” he said.

  In a moment a plate with a steak, baked potato and medley vegetables appeared in the square compartment. Jess was shocked. She noticed the same cubicle in their quarters on the ship but Troy never used it and she didn’t ask about it.

  “May I try?” she asked.

  “Of course. Just tell it what you want,” he advised.

  Jess thought for a moment then grinned.

  “A banana split with chocolate and whip cream,” she said.

  The concoction appeared within seconds. Jess clapped in joy.

  “Yes!” she exclaimed gleefully.

  She retrieved her dessert and they moved to sit at the round glass-top kitchen table. They chatted and laughed as they ate their respective meal and dessert.


  Jess stood staring at the home before in shock. It was a castle straight out of a fairytale. There was even a frickin’ moat and drawbridge. She couldn’t believe it.

  “Here? They live here?” Jess asked incredulously.

  “Your parents live here, Jess,” Troy said gently. “Your father is an important and high-ranked person in our government. His home reflects his personage.”

  “And my mother?” Jess asked.

  “She is loved by all,” he said simply.

  Bewilderment filled her eyes.

  “You will understand what I mean when you spend time with her. Come,” he said.

  “I can’t go in there,” she objected.

  “It appears daunting but you will get used to it,” he replied.

  “They know that I will not be living here, don’t they?” she questioned.

  “It is understood that you will remain with me,” he said implacably. “No matter what they may want.”

  Jess had the feeling that the issue had been under discussion and Troy had refused to concede. She could only assume that the arrangements had been made while they were still in route and her new parents had tried to sway Troy. She was glad that he had stood his ground.

  “We should go. They are expecting us,” he murmured.

  They proceeded over the drawbridge. Jess cou
ldn’t help wondering if they thought they would be attacked at any given moment. The parting of the bridge would certainly send the enemies into the murky moat. When they arrived at the majestic double doors they opened without Troy having to rap the brass knocker. A tall, robust man and a petite, slender woman stood in the center of the enormous foyer. The woman smiled radiantly as she moved forward with outstretched arms.

  “Jessica!” she exclaimed.

  The woman was the exact replica of Jess with her shocking mane of silver hair and deeply rich complexion. Jess was disconcerted by the woman’s similarity to her own. She took a step back. The woman saw her reaction and stopped her progress. Pain flooded her features. The man moved to stand beside her and embrace her waist.

  “Sovereign Tah. Boshar. This is Jessica Leyman. Your daughter,” Troy said.

  “Hello Troy,” Tah greeted. His tone was deep and pleasant. “We are happy that you and Jessica are here. Please come in.”

  Troy grasped Jess’s cold hand and drew her inside. Tah and Boshar turned to lead the way. Jess felt dwarfed by the sheer vastness of the entryway. She looked upward at the gold crown molding on the ceiling contrasting with the cream color of the walls. The heels of Jess’s boot clicked on the sparkling cream colored marble streaked with gold veins. There was so much to take in, Jess had no time to absorb it all before she was led into a cozy, comfortable room with a fire roaring in the fireplace.

  “Please sit. Can we offer you something to eat and drink?” Boshar asked softly.

  Jess noticed that she sounded so much like herself. She wondered what other traits they shared. Jess clasped her hands in her lap; one palm resting in the other. She looked at Boshar and saw that her hands were in the same posed. Jess knew she was just as nervous as she. Jess felt her stomach churn. It was eerie to come face to face with yourself.

  “No. We are fine. Thank you,” Troy answered for them.

  They sat on a red deep cushioned sofa while Tah and Boshar sat in two chairs opposite them. Jess stared into the fire at her right, wishing she were anywhere but where she was.

  “There’s so much to be said. I’m not sure where to begin,” Boshar said gently.

  “The beginning is always a god place to start,” Jess said bluntly.


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