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No Such Thing as Dragons : Complete Series Box Set (Books 1 - 5)

Page 24

by Lauren Lively

  “You're welcome to stay here,” I said. “This room is all yours.”

  She gave me a grateful smile and squeezed my hand. “Thank you,” she said. “For everything.”

  “You're very welcome,” I said. “Truth be told, I'll be glad to have your company.”

  She looked at me and then into the room. “Would you mind if I took a nap?” she asked.

  “Of course not,” I replied. “This is your home now. For as long as you wish. Feel free to do anything you want.”

  She walked into the room and looked around, her eyes wide with wonder. I grasped the doorknob.

  “I'll wake you up for dinner,” I said. “Maybe we can order Chinese or something?”

  “That sounds wonderful,” she said. “Thank you.”

  I nodded and closed the door softly behind me.

  Chapter Seventeen


  I woke up to the sound of soft knocking on the door. I was reluctant to get out of the bed, but a look out the windows told me I'd been asleep for a while. It was full dark outside and the moon was climbing high.

  Jacob's house – my room – hadn't been bad. It was comfortable. Homey. But Zarik's guest room was something else. It looked like something straight out of a luxury hotel. The four-poster bed had a canopy and mattresses that looked like I could sink deep into.

  Everything – the walls, the bedding, the carpets – were done in soft earth tones. It was a place that was peaceful. Relaxing. The wood in the room – the armoire, the dresser, desk, tables – were all a dark oak and looked to be hand crafted.

  It was an amazing room.

  I got out of bed and padded to the door. When I opened it, I was greeted by Zarik's smiling face.

  “Sorry to wake you,” he said.

  I rubbed the sleep out of my eyes and tried to smooth down hair that I knew was probably sticking out in a million different directions. I felt the heat rushing into my cheeks and suddenly felt a little self-conscious about my appearance – something I'd never really felt before.

  “No, it's fine,” I said and looked out the windows again. “I should have been up a long, while ago.”

  “I wanted to let you get some rest,” he said. “You've had a day.”

  I gave him a small smile. “Yeah, that I have.”

  “Come on,” he said. “I've got some food for you. I bet you could use a meal.”

  I didn't feel all that hungry, but as I walked down the hallway with him, the smell of Chinese food filled the air and my stomach began to rumble. Apparently, I did need a meal.

  The dining room table – with a gorgeous view of the city – had been set nicely, complete with a pair of white tapered candles. Zarik wore dark slacks, a black button-down shirt, and looked very nice. I looked down at myself, in my ratty old boxers and a t-shirt – my typical sleeping attire – and suddenly felt underdressed. Out of place.

  “You look wonderful,” Zarik said, as if reading my mind. “You're beautiful, Ella.”

  “Yeah, about that,” I said. “Just give me a minute to at least put on something halfway –”

  I didn't get to finish my thought as Zarik smiled at me and then began to strip down. He tossed his shirt and his slacks onto one of the chairs and kicked his shoes and socks underneath it. In the blink of an eye, he'd gone from a well-dressed man to a man standing there in his boxers.

  I stared at him wide-eyed and slack-jawed for a moment before I burst out into laughter. The sight of him standing there in his boxers was incredibly nice to look at, but also incredibly hilarious at the same time.

  “What?” he asked, a wide grin on his face. “I didn't want you to be the only one in their boxers at the dinner table.”

  He moved around to my chair and held it out for me. Still giggling, I sat down and allowed him to push it in. He took the seat to my right and began to dish out the food. I had to admit, the food smelled amazing and I was hungrier than I'd thought. As soon as everything had been served, we dug in, eating in a companionable silence for a while.

  “So, do you want to talk about it?” Zarik finally asked before popping a piece of egg roll into his mouth.

  I didn't want to talk about it. Not really. But part of me felt safe enough with Zarik that I could. It wasn't a common feeling in my life – there were very few people I trusted enough to be completely open with. And I had to admit, it was a nice feeling.

  Without even realizing I was going to, I began to speak. To tell him everything that had happened with Jacob earlier in the day. I probably went overboard, giving him way too much backstory and information. I told him about my childhood, my parents, what life was like growing up in the Order. It was like once I'd started talking, I didn't seem capable of stopping myself.

  I must have spoken for half an hour straight. I didn't feel like I'd even stopped to take a breath. And through it all, Zarik listened to me. He really listened and I could tell, took in everything I was saying. I'd had heart-to-hearts with Jacob before, of course, but there was something different about opening up and sharing with Zarik. I didn't need to censor or filter myself. I could just let it all come pouring out. And I did.

  “Sorry,” I said. “I didn't mean to verbally throw up on you quite that much.”

  “No, it's okay,” he said. “I'm so sorry for all you've been through, Ella. For being so young, you've been through a lot. More than most people. But you're so strong. To have come through what you have and be the person you are – it takes a tremendous amount of strength and courage. I'm simply in awe of you.”

  My cheeks were burning and I was sure that I was an embarrassing shade of red. Still I had to admit that his praise felt nice. Especially because it felt sincere.

  “I've been part of the Order for my whole life,” I said. “And now that I'm – not – I just feel adrift. Kind of lost.”

  “For what it's worth, taking that sort of a stand against something you feel is wrong takes a special kind of person. A person with a strength uncommon in most people.”

  A small smile touched my lips. It meant a lot to hear him say, but it didn't take the sting out of walking away from everything I'd ever known in my life. It was for the right reasons, but it still hurt.

  “The thing that hurts the most is losing Jacob,” I said. “He's been like a father to me. He's been good to me.”

  “Would it help at all if I talked to him?”

  I gave him a rueful grin. “If he saw you, he'd probably try to kill you.”

  He shrugged. “Perhaps,” he said. “But perhaps he wouldn't. Perhaps, he might be wanting to find his way back to you.”

  “Maybe,” I said. “But he's a stubborn man. Set in his ways. Very old school.”

  “I know people like that,” he said. “There are many among the Dragonborn much like that.”

  “I honestly don't know that Jacob and I will ever find our way back to each other,” I said softly. “I left the Order. I'm the enemy now. If they see me, they'll kill me.”

  “They can try,” he said. “But I have a feeling they would find it more than a little difficult.”

  I sighed. “I just wish things didn't have to be this way.”

  “Things can change,” he said. “It may just take a little time.”

  “Yeah,” I said. “Maybe. Maybe things will change eventually. We can hope, right?”

  He nodded. “We can hope.”

  An awkward silence descended over us and I started to feel antsy. I needed to get out into the fresh air. Needed to feel the night breeze on my skin. I was anxious and I just needed to do something. Do what I'd been trained to do. What had been part of me for so long.

  “I need to get out for a while,” I finally said. “I need to hunt.”

  “It's dangerous out there,” Zarik said.

  “I'm dangerous,” I replied. “Besides, I need to do something – normal – tonight.”

  “There is nothing about our lives that is normal,” he said, a soft smile touching his lips. “Do you want me to come a

  I shook my head. “No, not this time. I think I need to hunt on my own tonight.”

  Zarik nodded. “As you wish. But please, call me if you need help,” he said. “Or you just want some company.”

  I stood up and looked at him, sitting at the table in his boxers and had to stifle a giggle. His gesture though, was sweet. And it was one I appreciated. I leaned down and gave him a soft kiss.

  “Thank you,” I said. “For everything.”

  “Of course.”

  Chapter Eighteen

  Zarik was right. There was nothing about our lives that was normal. Normal people weren't stalking the streets at all hours of the night, blades strapped to their belts, looking for monsters to kill. Monsters that shouldn't exist anywhere but horror movies.

  Yet, they did. It was my duty to kill them. Regardless of my standing within the Order – or non-standing, as was the case – it was still a duty I held sacred. One I would continue to perform until I was no longer able to. Or no longer alive.

  No, there was nothing normal about our lives, but I wouldn't have had it any other way.

  As I walked through the streets, lurking through the back alleys and keeping to the shadows, I pulled my hood down a little lower. I moved cautiously and quickly, knowing I had to be on guard not just for Scales or whatever other creatures might be skulking about, but for my former brothers and sisters of the Order. It was most definitely dangerous for me out there, but I had no choice.

  I found myself back in the vacant lot where all of this had started. Where I'd first seen Zarik and my life was forever altered. It wasn't nostalgia that had brought me there though. I just figured that the manhole cover into the sewers was a main point of ingress and egress for the Scales.

  My mission was simple – kill as many of them as I could. I was angry. The dark rage that had been hovering over me since my falling out with Jacob settled down over me, wrapping me up, and clung to me tightly. I was angry. Furious. And I wanted nothing more than to feel my blades slicing through those beasts, cutting them down. I wanted to see them falling dead at my feet by the score.

  That was all I wanted. To bring death to as many of the Scales as possible.

  The sound of a footstep scraping in the dirt behind me caused me to draw my blades and spin around in one smooth motion. A pair of Scales were advancing on me – already much closer than I was comfortable with. I'd allowed myself to be distracted and had let them sneak up on me.

  “Dammit,” I muttered.

  One of their tails lanced out at me. It was close, but I managed to deflect it with my first blade and brought my second blade down quickly, slicing through the tail. The creature howled in pain and delivered a vicious backhand that knocked me off my feet. I hit the ground with a thud, the air rushing out of my lungs.

  The two Scales moved quickly and I managed to roll to the side a split second before the second creature's stinger buried itself in the dirt where I'd been just a moment before. I kicked out with my leg, catching the first creature in the side of the knee. Its leg buckled and it fell to the ground in a heap, clutching its busted leg, its wounded tail whipping about, spraying blood everywhere.

  Jumping to my feet, I delivered a kick to its face that knocked it backward into the dirt and moved on the second creature. It thrust its stinger at me and I deftly spun to the side. Seeing an opening, I swung my blade and grinned in satisfaction as I buried it hilt deep into the creature's throat. It tried to scream, but nothing more than a wet gurgling noise escaped its throat. Blood poured from its mouth and I watched as its body began to grow limp.

  I yanked my dagger free and spun toward the second, just as it was beginning to climb to its feet. Bringing my blade down, I heard and felt the crunch as I drove it straight through the top of the beast's skull. I pulled it free and the creature slumped to the side, dead before it hit the ground.

  The shadows all around the vacant lot seemed to come alive with movement. I watched in horror as Scales – dozens of them – emerged, moving toward me. And I realized that I'd been so distracted, that I'd allowed myself to walk into a trap. They'd been waiting for me to show up, somehow knowing I'd be there.

  For the first time in my career as a hunter, I felt a stirring of fear move through me. It was an electric sensation that sent chills crawling across my skin. It was a feeling I did not particularly enjoy. And in that moment, I really wished I'd taken Zarik up on his offer to come with me.


  “Huntress,” one of the Scales said, its voice low and guttural. “You will come with us. Our King requires your presence.”

  “Like hell I will,” I snapped.

  Sheathing one of my blades, I grabbed the phone from my pocket and punched the button to dial him. The Scales continued to advance on me, getting closer by the second. A moment later, I heard Zarik's voice.

  “Ella,” he said. “Are you okay?”

  “I'm trapped,” I said quickly. “Scales –”

  I dropped the phone to the ground and quickly drew my second blade as a pair of Scales rushed me. Stepping forward, I dropped and shoulder rolled and came up directly behind them. Without hesitation, I buried my blades into the backs of their necks, the bronze slicing through their flesh like the proverbial hot knife through butter.

  I looked around and saw the ring of creatures around me getting tighter. My phone still lay on the ground and I could only imagine what Zarik was hearing. What he was thinking. Unfortunately, I didn't have the time to get to my phone. If I didn't move, I was going to be buried under a mountain of lizard flesh. Or I'd be dead.

  And since I didn't want either outcome, I knew I had to move.

  I got moving, rushing straight toward the Scales who were blocking my way. Moving fast, I sliced and cut my way through the line of monsters who were trying to keep me penned in. Bodies fell, blood pooled, and I fought my way through the ring of monsters.

  And it was then I realized my second mistake – I'd gone the wrong way. Standing between me and the alley I'd come down were dozens of the creatures. My only way out was down the manhole and through the sewers. It wasn't an appealing idea – in fact, I thought it downright sucked – but it was about my only option.

  Sprinting to the manhole, I dropped down through it. I landed on my feet and stood up, blades at the ready.

  “Oh, crap,” I muttered.

  The trap had been sprung and I was caught. In front of me and behind me, were countless dozens of the creatures. I looked up and saw the heads of even more of them peering down at me from above. I had nowhere to go.

  “Huntress,” came a voice from the darkness. “Our King requires your presence.”

  There was the sound of a crack, followed by a sharp pain in my head – and then my whole world went black.

  Chapter Nineteen


  My heart dropped into my stomach as I listened to Ella's voice. For the first time since I'd met her, I heard a note of panic in her words. Ella wasn't one who panicked or feared much of anything. So, to hear her in that state, I knew it had to be bad.

  I was geared up in moments and ready to take to the streets when I stopped. I thought about my next move for a long moment before deciding to act. The clock was ticking and I had zero time to waste. I grabbed my phone, punched in a number and held it to my ear.

  The call was answered after the first ring. “Yes?”

  “Jacob,” I said. “We've never formally met, but my name is Zarik –”

  “You have got a lot of nerve –”

  “Shut up and listen to me,” I said, my voice deep and commanding. “Somebody we both care a lot about is in real trouble. She needs our help, Jacob. If we do nothing, she's going to die. I won't have that. And despite everything that happened, I don't think you want that either.”

  There was a brief hesitation on the other end of the line. “Where?”

  I told him about the vacant lot and gave him directions. He seemed to know exactly where I was talking about an
d said he was fifteen or twenty minutes away – but that he'd be there in ten. Which was about how long it was going to take me to get there.

  I disconnected the call, dropped the phone into my pocket and headed out.

  I gave thought to shifting into my dragon form and simply flying over, but quickly scrapped the idea. I knew there was going to be one hell of a fight, and if I was right, it was going to be down in the sewers beneath the city. There wouldn't be room for me to shift down there, so I needed my weapons.

  So, instead, I ran. I ran as hard and fast as I could. My breathing was labored when I got to the lot, so I took a moment to calm myself and focus. The lot was empty, but I could smell the Chokan – it was a thick, cloying odor. They'd been in that lot – a lot of them. And underneath the stench of them, I picked up Ella's scent.

  Her scent led me straight to the manhole. She'd gone down below – or had been forced down. Either way, she was beneath LA surrounded by enemies. I was going to save her, no matter the cost to myself.

  I sensed him approaching me from behind, but didn't bother to turn around. I imagined that Jacob had his sword out and was seriously contemplating whether or not to strike me down.

  “They've taken her down below,” I said. “There are a lot of them.”

  There was a long moment of silence as Jacob continued to struggle with the idea of killing me on the spot or waiting until we'd rescued Ella.

  “How do you know?” he asked.

  “I can smell them.”

  For the first time, I turned and looked him in the eye. And just as I'd thought, his sword was already out and he was in a ready posture.

  “We can fight between ourselves later,” I said. “Right now, I want to save Ella. I called you because I thought you'd want to save her as well.”

  “You've poisoned her mind against me.”

  “I did nothing of the kind,” I said. “She's an intelligent woman who has her own thoughts, values, and makes her own decisions. And she obviously decided that blind bigotry was not her thing.”

  “You son of a –”


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