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Charming Jane_A Reverse Harem Romance

Page 28

by Kristin Coley

  “A specific amount.” He glanced back down and then up at me. “I will honor it, of course.”

  “Don’t you want to know what it’s for?” I asked, barely repressing a grin at his disquiet.

  “It’s not my business,” he replied a little starchily.

  “Actually, in this instance I think it is.”

  He tilted his head as my smile finally broke free.

  “Love, what is the check for?” Ian asked me with a little shake.

  “It’s tuition money.” Michael glanced down at the check again, and I could see it start to dawn on him. “For Tulane.”

  “You decided to stay,” he responded slowly.

  “There was never a question. We’re family.” I glanced around. “And now we have a house.” I laughed, joy bubbling up inside of me. “A huge house.” I let Ian go and spun in circles around the kitchen. “So, when do we move in?”

  They watched me with wide smiles and Michael stated, “Tomorrow. We move in tomorrow.”

  “But tonight, love, we celebrate.” Ian caught me as I spun close and rocked me.

  “Oh, and Michael?”

  “Yes, Jane?”

  “You can be the one to tell my parents the good news.”

  His mouth twitched, but he finally nodded in agreement as Ian and Buster roared with laughter.

  We spent the rest of the day exploring the house, until Michael deemed it time to get ready for my party. Considering the magnitude of his gift, I was now terrified at the thought of what could be involved with my birthday party. The sight of the dress I was to wear did nothing to ease my fears.

  “It’s a ball gown.”

  “It’s a formal evening,” Ian soothed, patting my hand before grabbing his tuxedo, which happened to have tails and a top hat.

  “Ian! Cinderella could wear that dress to the ball. I thought this was just a party.”

  “It is, love. Well, more a gala.” He had an uncomfortable look that did nothing for the butterflies in my stomach. “It’s Michael. You know how he is, and he’s happy; happier than I’ve seen him in forever. Please let him have this.”

  I groaned and flopped back on the bed. How could I argue with that? The guy just bought me a house, for pity’s sake. Ian squeezed my knee gently as he strolled past.

  “I have to get ready. Michael and I are going ahead. Buster will drive you.” My panicked expression made him chuckle. “It’ll be fine. I promise. Just breathe. We’ll be with you the entire time.” With that, he left me to the unexpectedly gorgeous and completely over the top ball gown. It had yards and yards of tulle layered to create the skirt and truly looked as if a princess should be wearing it. I sighed and resigned myself to wearing it and undoubtedly being the center of attention tonight.

  Buster was waiting in the living room when I stepped out. The dress fit like a glove, and I’d worn a little more makeup than usual to play up my eyes. My hair might be the most dramatic aspect though. I’d pulled half of it up to form a braided crown and curled the rest to hang in ringlets against my bare shoulders. The dress was strapless and fitted, until it flared out in billowing yards of tulle at my waist. The shimmering pink seemed to make my skin glow, and for the first time in my life I felt beautiful instead of average.

  Buster whistled when he saw me, causing my cheeks to flush.

  “We will be the envy of the evening, lass. You take a man’s breath away.” He leaned close and carefully kissed my lips, making sure not to smudge my lipstick.

  I couldn’t help but smile at his admiration. “You look quite dashing yourself, Buster. Is that suit custom made for you?”

  “You know it, lassie.” He flexed, causing the suit jacket to bulge alarmingly. “Can’t fit these guns in an off the rack jacket.” I nodded, fighting back my grin as he admired his ‘guns.’

  “So, true.” I hummed, also appreciating the way he filled the suit out.

  “You ready then? I know they’re impatient to see you. Been texting me for the past half hour. I kept telling them it takes time to get ready, especially when they sprung it on you.”

  “I’m ready. Where are we going?”

  “Can’t tell you that. It’s a surprise.”

  “Of course, it is. Tell me, Buster, is it going to be like this every year?”

  “Afraid so, lass. Afraid so. There’s no persuading Michael when it comes to birthdays. He’ll have his fun, mark my words, and we’re just along for the ride.”

  I eyed him suspiciously, but he was dead serious, and what he said matched what Ian had told me. It was difficult to believe Michael took a child’s delight in birthdays, but I’d seen it for myself. He just had the money to literally make dreams come true.

  “Then let’s get this show on the road.”

  Of course, we couldn’t travel in the car. No, we had to have a white stretch limo. I slid inside and Buster joined me, tapping the glass to let the driver know we were ready to leave.

  “Privacy glass, lass. He can’t hear or see us.” My forehead wrinkled at why he was telling me this at least until he kneeled before me.

  “No driving for me tonight. I’m your escort, and it’s my duty to make sure you have a pleasurable evening.” My toes curled inside of my shoes as his hand wrapped around my ankle and glided up my leg. There’d been kisses and touches from all three of them since the night I’d spent with Michael, but this was the first time one of them had acted like they were going further. My legs parted involuntarily as his hand stroked higher and I watched his nose flare. I wondered what his plan was as he pushed the layers of pink tulle up, content to let him do what he wanted. The touch of his lips against the inside of my thigh had me jerking though and his hands locked around my thighs, keeping them from closing in shock.

  “Na, lass,” Buster murmured, his voice vibrating along my thigh as his tongue skimmed the smooth skin. “I won’t be denied this pleasure tonight.” He pulled me forward on the seat, leaving me reclining back as his mouth continued on its path. I squirmed, my body pulsing as I imagined his mouth against my swollen folds.

  When his tongue darted out to lick my clit, the pleasure was beyond anything I could have imagined and I let out a cry, my hips tilting to give him better access.

  “Dripping wet and delicious,” he groaned against my mound as I panted. I couldn’t see him for the dress and somehow it was more erotic as I squirmed, needing him to continue.

  “Please,” I begged, my hands latching onto his broad back since it was the only thing I could reach.

  “Please what?” He asked, his laugh rumbling against my throbbing clit and I dug my fingers into his back.

  “Do something!” I cried desperately and a second later his mouth covered my clit, sucking hard and my hips shot up as I screamed from the sensation. He tugged my body closer, repositioning me to give him easier access and I let him, my legs draped over his shoulders now as he sucked and licked, his tongue darting inside of me as I clutched the seat, my back arching.

  “That’s it little lassie, we’re almost there and I need you to give me what I want,” he mumbled and somewhere in my mind I realized the car had stopped, but I couldn’t think past what his tongue was doing as the licks and sucks got harder and faster.

  I was begging as my head pressed against the seat, my entire focus on the head between my legs as he continued to tease my clit. My body clenched, every never-ending waiting as the orgasm rolled over me, and I convulsed as he continued to lick up the moisture pouring from me as pleasure racked through me with each stroke.

  “Buster,” a cool voice interrupted as Michael ducked his head inside. “You’re going to make her late for her own party.”

  I stared at Michael’s face, wondering what he thinking as Buster pulled his head from between my thighs. Michael gave me a small smile and then grabbed the back of my neck, tilting my head up so he could devour my mouth in a short but extremely thorough kiss.

  When he realesed me, my lipstick was smudged on his lips and he gave me an apologitc s

  “It seems I’ve ruined your lipstick,” he told me with seemingly no regret.

  “Now, you see why I was eating her pussy. I didn’t want to make a mess of her before her grand party,” Buster’s rough brogue interjected and laughter spilled from as my lips throbbed along with my pussy.

  Buster rearranged my gown and I realized I still had my shoes on, but my legs felt like noodles.

  “I’m not sure I can walk,” I admitted, squeezing my thighs together and feeling a pulse of pleasure go through me. I let out a little moan and they all stopped and stared.

  “We could skip the party,” Michael said in all seriousness.

  “No, we can’t,” I admonished, wiping the lipstick from his mouth as I wobbled to a stand. “Where’s Ian?”

  “Inside, no doubt wondering what’s taking so long,” Michael stated drily.

  “I doubt he’s wondering,” Buster said with a smirk, adjusting himself. My hand drifted toward him, but he caught it right before I stroked the enormous bulge that matched his size. “None of that now, lass, or we will be back in that limo for another round.”

  I curled my fingers in, pouting, as I considered the thought. Michael chuckled, his hand coming to my lower back as he leaned down to whisper, “Later, lovely Jane.”

  I gazed around to distract myself seeing that we’d pulled up in front of an innocuous enough building. In fact, there was no one around and no lights. The building appeared empty, but Michael and Buster were here. They each gave me their arm and led me inside, the click of my heels echoing down the hall, as I had no idea where we were.

  Buster stopped in front of a set of double doors and turned to me.

  “Ready, lass?”

  I nodded uncertainly, taking strength from their presence, and he winked as he hammered on the door. I gasped as the doors opened and felt Buster step back. There were a couple dozen people gathered around, all wearing formal attire, but it was Ian who took my breath away. He stood there with his hand outstretched looking debonair in his full tuxedo.

  “I believe this is my dance, love.”

  I nodded and took the hand he offered me. He spun me gently to the center of the room, and the world whirled as we waltzed. The stars above me twirled as we made sweeping circles around the room and I gasped, “How?”

  I figured out we were in a planetarium, the night sky above us studded with stars you normally couldn’t see in the city. Ian laughed at my awe, but finally took pity on me.

  “It’s Michael’s way. He wanted it to be special for you, so he rented out the planetarium, hired a band, and invited a few people.”

  “You say that so casually,” I answered, still in complete awe at the amount of planning that had gone into this evening. Truthfully, it was magical. “This is the best birthday I’ve ever had.”

  “Until next year,” Ian replied with a wink, before twirling me once more. “I’m just grateful I finally get to dance with you. It seems I’ve waited my entire life for the opportunity.”

  “Then I guess it’s a good thing we have a lifetime to enjoy it,” I told him breathlessly as the song came to an end.

  “A lifetime.” He brushed his lips against my cheek. “I like the sound of that.” His lips grazed my jaw and finally skimmed my own. Our hands tangled together as our lips clung to one another, and I marveled at the idea of a lifetime with the three of them.

  “Aren’t you going to share, brother of mine?” A voice broke in and Ian glanced at Buster.

  “I believe you had your time in the car,” Ian smirked, his eyebrow lifted as I flushed beet red.

  “Oh, I did and it was delicious, but I’ve yet to dance with the lass,” Buster claimed and Ian reluctantly released me.

  “My time will come tonight,” he whispered before letting me go completely and I felt my nipples pull tight at the thought.

  “Always with the last word,” Buster grumbled, spinning me away as the stars glittered above us.

  Finally, after hours of dancing, I slipped out the door to take a breath of fresh air, but the humidity was oppressive. I leaned against building to give my feet a rest as I glanced up. There were no stars as low clouds filled the sky and I wondered if the hurricane would actually hit us.

  “You ruined everything,” a voice hissed and my head jerked around to see Audra standing there, looking worse for wear. “You think you’re special, that they care for you and will protect you, but you’re nothing but a stupid child.”

  I tensed, sensing she wasn’t all there as she moved closer and I prepared myself to fight. The click of a gun being cocked froze me.

  “You will pay for what you’ve done, you took them from me.”

  “They weren’t yours to begin with, Audra. I did nothing. You created your own problems,” I argued, unwilling to placate her as I shifted to give myself room. “Put the gun away before you make it worse.”

  “The only thing that will make it better is when they watch you die,” she replied calmly, raising the gun. I prepared to leap away from her when a door burst open beside her, startling us both.

  “God you are something else,” Ian growled, panting, as he stood in front of me, and Audra’s gun wavered. “I’ve had people keeping an eye out for you, Audra. I knew you’d never let it go.” My heart hammered at the sight of the gun aimed at Ian’s chest. She was so close there was no way she could miss, but a shadow moving behind her drew my attention. Buster and Michael had appeared from the darkness and crept toward us.

  “I did nothing wrong,” she shrieked, stomping her foot and the gun wavered in her hand. “You care so much about the life of a child that probably wasn’t even yours.” Ian reeled back and Michael and Buster paused at her words. “I needed money and your parents would do anything not to tarnish the family name. I enjoyed men,” she shrugged coyly. “I’d even be happy to share you and your brother, even that big Scot if you want. Trust me, I’m more experienced than that plain Jane,” she said, disgusted as she waved the gun at me, seeming to remember she had it.

  “I’ve heard enough,” Michael clipped, grabbing her from behind as Buster quickly disarmed her. “Ian take Jane home. I think attempted murder is an appropriate charge, don’t you?” Michael asked Buster.

  “Aye, that’ll stick, no problem. And we’ve got video to back it up,” he answered, indicating cameras on the corner of the building.

  “Ian,” I said, tugging on his sleeve, but he didn’t move, staring in to space. “Ian, I’d like to go. Take me home.” That pushed him into motion and after a last glance at Audra, he pulled me around the edge of the building where the limo waited.

  The ride was silent as the driver wove through the raucous streets, people celebrating in spite of the weather. We pulled up to the house Michael had bought instead of the hotel and I glanced at Ian in surprise.

  “You said home. This is our home,” he answered, opening the limo door and escorting me out. He waved off the limo driver, telling him to go back and wait for Michael and Buster.

  “It is,” I replied quietly, content to follow his lead as he brought us inside.

  “She,” he stopped and swallowed and I set my hand on his chest gently.

  “Forget her,” I told him, wrapping my arms around him.

  “She tried to kill you,” he bit out, his arms coming around me tightly. “I could forgive the other, I can never forgive that.”

  “What she said,” I mentioned and he shook his head forcefully.

  “I won’t regret mourning a dead child, one that was lost to nothing more than her greed,” he replied tightly, his hold brittle as he fought the emotions raging inside of himself. “I need you,” he whispered, his mouth pressed to my cheek as he placed frantic kisses against jaw.

  “Take what you need,” I echoed his pain, my voice aching as his hands dropped to the zipper on my dress. He unzipped it, shoving at the dress as it fell to the floor, I hadn’t needed a bra with the dress so I stood bare before him, my panties lost on the ride to the party. I had
no doubt they were tucked in Buster’s pocket, but at the moment I couldn’t think past the look on Ian’s face as he gazed at my bare body.

  “You are exquisite, love. Forgive me,” he said, pulling me to him roughly, his hands moving over me feverishly, cupping my breast and pulling roughly on my nipple before engulfing it with his mouth, a sharp bite drawing a gasp from me before he was gone. His fingers shoved into me and my legs parted to give him space, my body wet from Buster’s earlier ministrations.

  Ian’s fingers worked quickly, his hand squeezing my ass hard enough to leave bruises, but I didn’t protest as he tried to exorcise his demons. I reached for his waistband, undoing the button and feeling him spring free. He groaned, slowing the frantic thrust of his fingers inside of me, my thighs slippery.

  “There is nothing to forgive, Ian. Take the pleasure you need,” I told him, my body aching with the need to take him inside of me as his thumb rolled over my clit. My words snapped something inside of him as he twisted me around and leaned me over the massive table in the room.

  “Brace yourself,” he muttered, and I did right as his cock prodded my entrance. He didn’t wait, just slammed into me and my arms locked at the force. He didn’t stop, thrusting hard and fast, as I braced myself against the table, his hands keeping my hips immobile as he took me. My body shuddered, unable to resist the friction of his cock rubbing my clit so rapidly, and I felt the orgasm rip through me, but he kept going as my body clenched around his dick helplessly.

  I gasped, my spine arched as he relentlessly plowed into me, pleasure building again as my back tingled. “Ian,” I gasped, but he didn’t slow, mindlessly fucking me until my body couldn’t hold back anymore and the most powerful orgasm I’d ever felt washed over me and my vision went black. I heard him shout and the hot rush as he spilled inside of me, the fluid so much it seeped out and ran down my thighs.


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