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Bold Bodyguards [Triple Dare County, South Dakota 8] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Polyromance)

Page 4

by Paige Cameron

  An idea popped into his head. It might work. He’d discuss the plan with Kohana and see if he agreed.

  Right now he’d take a cold shower and hope he’d manage to get some sleep with her so close.

  Chapter Four

  Kohana called early. Garrick had just made coffee and stood at the sink looking out over the prairie.

  “Hi, how are you?” Garrick asked.

  “Fine enough to leave this hospital. I think I have them convinced to let me go in four days instead of six. But they want to see my wounds healing good before they’ll free me.”

  “Take your time. You don’t want to end up back in there and maybe have to stay longer.”

  “Jarvis said you have Cora at your place.”

  “I do. She’s not happy about all this, and I must say you were a damn fool to go off and leave her.”

  “Yeah, I know, but at the time I’d have made a poor husband.”

  “What about now?” Garrick asked.

  “I don’t know. How did you cope with quitting? Don’t you miss it?”

  “Not for a minute. I’d made up my mind that I wanted more in my life.”

  “I’m not sure I’m there yet.”

  Garrick took his coffee cup and sat on a chair by the table. “Look, I have an idea. You need a place to stay to finish healing. Why not come to my house. You can help me guard Cora. Then you can see if you might be interested in a threesome marriage.”

  “Wow, you’re serious about her already.”

  “It doesn’t take long. I’m surprised she’s still single. But you knew she hadn’t married, didn’t you?”

  “I’ve sort of kept tabs on her through my family.”

  “If you come, don’t lead her along. You hurt her bad enough the first time.”


  “Okay, what?”

  “I’ll come, and I won’t let her think I’m interested unless I’m planning to stay permanently.”

  “She needs the chance to see you and have an ending one way or the other. Whichever, I’ll be here for her.”

  “Jarvis can figure a way to slip me into Triple Dare County, and I’ll find my way to your place. Send me the directions.”

  “Will do. I’ll see you in about four to six days.”

  Cora poked her head around the door. “Who’s coming?”

  Garrick saw the anger in her eyes, and her jaw was clenched tight. “I’ve invited Kohana to stay with us while he recuperates.”

  “I’ll go to Heather’s house the day he arrives.”

  “I never thought you were a coward.”

  She stepped into his space and raised her chin. “I’m not. I simply don’t want to see him.”

  “You’re afraid you still care for him.”

  * * * *

  Her eyes filled with tears. Thinking about seeing Kohana shattered her. A crazy mixture of hope and fear tore at the serenity she’d worked so hard to achieve. As time went by she’d accepted he wasn’t coming home. His family occasionally visited him. She’d hear news of him through the grapevine.

  “Sit down.” Garrick directed her to chair. “You’re pale and shaking. I’ll get you a cup of coffee.”

  Silence loomed between them. She watched Garrick pouring the coffee, but in her mind’s eye she saw Kohana, his stern face and his determined stride as he disappeared out of her sight and life.

  “Here drink this,” Garrick said. He touched her fingers. “It’ll warm your cold hands if nothing else. Don’t you want to see Kohana?”

  “I dreamed of him coming back and telling me he’d made a huge mistake. But after five or six years I banished that thought from my mind. I made a life for myself. One I can be proud of, and I don’t want Kohana confusing me.”

  “You don’t want to find out you still have feelings for him.”

  * * * *

  When he saw the hurt in her eyes, he lifted her in his arms and carried her into the family room. He sat on the sofa and held her close. Her heart pounded against his chest, and she let go as overwhelming sobs tore out of her.

  “Cry it out, sweetheart.” His words released another storm of tears and yelling.

  “How could you invite him here if you cared about me at all?”

  “I do care. That’s one of the reasons I asked him to come. I know it’s too soon, but I think I could love you. You can’t love anyone until you forgive the immature young man who left you.”

  Cora sniffled and rubbed her eyes. She took great gulps of air and when her breathing became more regular, she asked, “And where will you be if I do still love him?”

  “Right here, beside you. I’ll have your back whatever occurs. Perhaps you’ll love us both, and we’ll have a threesome marriage like Heather and her husbands. It’s a thought. But you’d have to love us both equally.”

  She shook her head and slumped against his shoulder. “I never wanted such a relationship. Dealing with one man seemed to give me enough problems. I can’t imagine having to put up with two.”

  Garrick gave out a hoot of laughter. “You are such a darling woman.” He kissed the top of her head and squeezed her tight. “I’d hope we wouldn’t be too much of a burden, but more of a pleasure.

  “Will you give it a chance and stay for at least a day? If you’re still unhappy, I’ll arrange for you to move in with Heather and her husbands.”

  “I’ll talk with her today. I don’t have to make up my mind immediately. I heard you say you’d see him in four to six days.”

  “He’s hoping the doctors will release him by then.”

  “Since I have to stay on this ranch can I go riding later today?”

  “At dusk we’ll take a ride. In the meantime be good at Heather’s.” He winked.

  “I’ll try.”

  “I have to go soon. Do you want breakfast?”

  “I couldn’t eat now. My stomach is in knots. I’ll have lunch with Heather.”

  “Then let’s go.”

  * * * *

  Cora stood at Heather’s kitchen door and watched as Garrick drove out of sight. Heather handed her a cup of tea. “Come sit in the living room. We have the house to ourselves. I insisted Beck go to his office in the barn for a little while. I promised we’d have all the doors shut and locked.

  Once seated, Heather asked, “Have you been crying? Your eyes are puffy and red.”

  “Kohana is coming to Garrick’s to stay until he’s fully recovered.”

  “Ah, I see. How do you feel about all of this?”

  “I don’t know.” Cora told her about the conversation she had with Garrick.

  “If you did care for both of them, would you consider having two husbands?”

  “Yesterday, I didn’t want one. I must admit I’m attracted to Garrick more than any man since Kohana left. But I’m too confused to wrap my mind around two husbands. I want this threat to end and to go back to my nice, calm world, the one where I had control.”

  “Time will tell if you’ll enjoy that life as much as you did before all this happened.”

  * * * *

  Garrick came at four to get her. “How’s your day been?” he asked as he came into the kitchen where Cora was helping Heather prepare dinner.

  Heather grinned and nodded at Cora. “She’s worn a path in my living room rug. Not being busy is difficult for her.”

  “I feel so useless,” Cora said.

  “She won’t be tomorrow. She’s agreed to help me give the house a good cleaning.”

  “I’m doing the housework.” Cora looked sternly at Heather. “You are putting your feet up and directing my work.”

  “I always did want to be a director. But you’d better take her for that ride she said you promised her. She needs to get rid of some excess energy.”

  “We’re going to the barn to find her the right horse.”

  Beck walked into the room and put his arm around Heather. “How’d the day go out there? I’ve been stuck in here with two beautiful women.” He winked at Heather. “Not th
at I’m complaining.”

  “Everything is fine, but I do have something I need to talk about with you.”

  “Grab a beer. We’ll go in the family room and leave these ladies to their work.”

  Heather handed Garrick a beer out of the fridge and he followed Beck. In the family room, Beck motioned for him to take a chair.

  “What’s up?” Beck asked.

  “I’ve invited Kohana to stay with me until he’s fully recovered. Will that be a problem?”

  “You don’t suppose these guys we’re watching for will follow him here?”

  “They’ll bring Kohana in late at night. He’ll help protect Cora and Heather while we work.”

  “Is he able to guard them?”

  “I think so. But we’ll see.”

  “I’d still prefer to keep to our plan and have one of us stay around, too. At least until we see he’s up to the job.”

  “That’s fine with me. Do you mind having him here?”

  “I don’t, but what was Cora’s reaction, or have you told her?”

  “She knows, and she got very emotional.”

  “I thought so. Does she want to stay with us?”

  “She’s going to give it one day, and then she may want to move here.”

  “That would be okay, if she does. We’d understand. Gavin has been her friend for a long time. He’d especially not want to see her hurt by Kohana’s return.”

  “She needs to see him and resolve the pain of him leaving her.”

  “You love her.”

  “Too soon to be sure, but I think it’s going that way. She can’t truly love anyone else until she settles the issues between her and Kohana.”

  “You could lose her to him.”

  “Or maybe we’ll both gain her love.”

  Beck shook his head. “I’m so glad we’re married to our lady. The getting to the wedding stage is the hard part.

  “Let me know when Kohana arrives. We’ll see how it goes. Maybe Kohana being here will flush these guys out and we can end this.”

  “I want to be the decoy.” Cora walked into the room. “I overheard you. This can’t go on forever. I have a life to get back to.”

  “This is only the second day,” Garrick pointed out.

  “It’s two days too many. Let me help get them to show their hand, and you guys can take them down.”

  “We’d have to get our sheriff involved, but it’s not a bad idea,” Beck said.


  Cora and Beck looked at Garrick. Cora walked up close to him and stared into his eyes. “Yes.”

  “Give it a few more days,” Garrick persisted.

  “Fine, but then we talk to the sheriff and start making plans,” Cora insisted.

  “Let’s go riding, and we’ll discuss this further.”

  “She’s right. But go enjoy yourselves, and then come back and join us for dinner. Gavin will be here. We can all talk about this plan.”

  Garrick nodded. He put his hand at Cora’s waist and walked through the kitchen and out to the barn. They didn’t talk while he got the horses ready to ride.

  “Buttercup is a sweet mare with enough spirit to give you a good ride.” Garrick gave Cora a boost into the saddle. Then he swung up on a sleek-black stallion he called Phoenix. “He’s a rascal. He won’t let anyone ride him but me, so Beck gave him to me.”

  They headed out across the prairie. The wildflowers made a carpet of colors, and the sunset streamed orange, pink, and purple shades on the mountains.

  “It’s a beautiful time of day,” Cora said. “I usually try to walk or ride each day around this time.”

  “This is one of the prettiest spots I’ve found in all my travels,” Garrick said as he glanced in her direction.

  He liked watching her. She’d lifted her chin and her eyes were half-closed as the wind blew across her face and through her long, shiny black hair.

  “Where are we headed?” Cora asked.

  “I have a special spot I like, but it’s too far to go today. We’ll ride to the river and back.”

  When they got to the river, Garrick helped her down. He pulled a blanket from his saddlebag. “I thought we’d sit and talk for a few minutes before riding back.”

  He spread the blanket and sat down. Cora stood looking at the river and the mountains beyond. When she turned and saw him sitting and waiting patiently, she joined him.

  “Do you want to have your own ranch someday?” she asked.

  “I’d thought about it. Actually I bought the Smother’s place when they left. Beck and Gavin didn’t want me to leave so we made a deal. They gave me a share of this ranch and took in the one I’d bought to the east of them. They also agreed the house I’m living in would be mine. So, I made some upgrades to suit myself.”

  “I didn’t know.”

  “I preferred to keep it quiet. But it does feel nice to have a place of my own and to be a part of this large ranch.”

  “Where do your parents live?”

  “Wyoming, but my dad died two years ago, and Mom just married an old friend of Dad’s and hers. I like him. They’re still in the same town in Wyoming. What about you? Did you always want to stay here or were there bigger dreams of traveling and living in a big city?” Garrick’s eyes sparkled with humor.

  “No big city for me. I wouldn’t mind traveling, but I got so busy in my job that the years went by quickly and I never ventured far.”

  “There are places I’d like to take you. It’d be a joy seeing you discover some of the world.”

  “First, I have to learn how to relax and enjoy a few days off,” she teased back.

  “This isn’t a relaxing vacation when you think strange men may appear at any moment to grab you.”

  “I do want to be a decoy. Waiting like this for a long time would drive me nuts.”

  “I don’t like the idea. Anything can go wrong.”

  “But that’s true whether I put myself out there or continue to hide.”

  “We’ll see what the sheriff has to say.”

  “Give me a gun. I can shoot. Dad taught me how to handle a revolver and a rifle.”

  “I’ve got a gun you can use. I’ll get it for you when we get back to the house.”

  Garrick pulled her down on the blanket and leaned over her. “I’ve been waiting all day for this.” His lips brushed across hers, and he saw a flash of desire in her eyes. He kissed the sides of her face and ran his tongue over her full, bottom lip.

  When she opened her mouth, he slid his tongue into her sweet warmth. She tasted like peppermint. His blood rushed hot through his body, and his hard cock ached to be inside her pussy.

  He cupped one of her breast in his hand and heard the little catch in her breath. After he rubbed across her nipple through her shirt, he rolled her under him so her body touched the full length of his.

  * * * *

  For a minute, she let herself cuddle against him, but then she shivered and pushed him away.

  She sat up taking deep, calming breaths. Her instinctive response to him had been so strong it startled her. She’d fought her conflicting emotions of wanting to get closer. She wasn’t quite ready to take that step. It had taken all her strength to pull away. If he touched her now she wasn’t sure she’d be able to resist him. Cora glanced over her shoulder.

  Garrick had lay back on the blanket and stared at her. He was so handsome it was difficult to tear her gaze away from him. His lusty expression made her heart flutter in her chest, and she had a hungry ache in her abdomen.

  Cora jumped up and quickly put space between them.

  “Coward,” he said softly, a luscious, fiery glint in his eyes.

  “I’m not a coward. I’m a wise woman.”

  Garrick stood and pulled her into his arms. “Yes, you are, sweetheart.” He kissed her lightly. “We’d better ride back, or we’ll miss dinner.”

  She put her foot in his hands, and he helped her onto the sweet mare she’d been riding. He held the reins for a minute. />
  “If it’s going to be too hard for you to stay at my place, I’ll move you to Heather’s before Kohana arrives.”

  “Would you prefer for me to go?”

  “Absolutely not.”

  “Then I’ll stay at least a day or two and see how it goes.”

  Garrick nodded his head and turned to walk toward Phoenix. His lithe body moved like a man comfortable in his own skin. Everything about him tantalized her.

  “Are you ready?” he asked, a faint grin on his face.

  Obviously he’d caught her staring. “Whenever you are.”

  “Oh, baby, I’m ready and willing, but we have to eat dinner first.” He laughed out loud when she blushed.

  “You know I didn’t mean the interpretation you made of my comment.”

  “Yes, but I love to see your face flush rosy.”

  “Humph.” She clicked her reins and rode past him.

  Chapter Five

  “You two are just in time. I’m putting the food on the table. We decided to eat in the kitchen tonight. It has a more relaxed and friendly feeling than the formal dining room,” Heather said. She looked closer at Cora. “I’d say the ride did you good.”

  “Yes, you all have a lovely ranch.”

  “Which horse did you ride?” Beck asked.

  “I put her on Buttercup,” Garrick answered.

  “Good choice. She can be your horse whenever you want to ride,” Gavin added.

  “Thanks, guys. You’re too good to me.”

  “There’s a price,” Heather said. “We may need a good sitter from time to time,” she said and grinned at Cora.

  “I’d love it, anytime.” Cora helped Heather finish putting the food on the table, and they all sat to enjoy it.

  The table was quiet while they ate. Cora spoke up as they were finishing. “This casserole is delicious.”

  “Gavin’s mom gave me a wonderful cookbook for a wedding gift. It has come in handy. The recipes are simple enough for someone who wasn’t much of a cook to start with. My mom’s also given me recipes and lessons.”


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