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Bold Bodyguards [Triple Dare County, South Dakota 8] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Polyromance)

Page 10

by Paige Cameron

  Her hand halted from caressing his cock, and she stiffened when he rubbed his finger across her G-spot. Garrick bit the edge of her earlobe and whispered, “I want to be inside of you. My cock loves the feeling of your hot pussy walls tightening against it.”

  Her juices flowed around his fingers and he knew she was ready. He stepped out of the shower long enough to sheath his dick. Then he pulled her legs up around his waist, and placed her back against the cool tile wall. He positioned his hard cock at her pussy opening and thrust inside her hot, wet pussy. Her hand slipped below where they were joined and moved his sac carefully.

  He hissed between his teeth. “I want it to last, baby. Any more of that and I’ll be a goner.” In response her pussy walls clamped tight around him, but she did move her hand.

  Garrick grinned. “You want it to last longer, too.”

  “I love the feeling of your big, hard cock filling me full.” Cora moved and took him deeper inside her.

  His gaze traveled from her face to her beautiful, cream-colored breast, over her rosy nipples, and down her slim torso. Something intense flared deep inside him, like he’d been affected in an area untouched until this moment. Radiant warmth inundated his body. His heart pounded like a drum beating inside him.

  * * * *

  She didn’t miss his obvious examination or the strange expression on his face. He radiated a vitality that drew her to him, making her unable to resist his overtures.

  Garrick moved slow and steady, keeping eye contact with her. His arms held her tight and his hands stroked along her back.

  A trembling started deep in her core and sent tempestuous desire racing through her veins. She wanted to get closer and closer to him as though her skin couldn’t get enough of his touch.

  He kissed her hard and pounded his cock into her pussy. She was lost to all but them, together, and the rush of feelings enveloping her. Her orgasm started as almost an ache in her center and then exploded outward with intense ripples of pleasure showering her body.

  Her pussy tightened and throbbed along the length of his dick. Garrick stiffened and called out her name as he reached his peak.

  He held her in his arms for several minutes as their breathing slowed. Then he let her feet down, but held onto her. The water rushed over their hot bodies.

  “Can you manage?” he asked. “I’m going to shower off quickly and get out.”

  “Okay, you go first.” She stood to the back of the shower admiring his long, lean back, tight buttocks, and long legs. Everything about his body aroused her.

  When he turned, he caught her looking. “Do you want more?”


  “Then I’ll see you in the bedroom.” He dried off and wrapped the towel around his waist.

  Cora observed him until the door shut. How lucky could a woman get to have two gorgeous men wanting her? Yet, she still had trouble seeing herself in a three-way marriage. She knew many people, including Heather, Beck, and Gavin, who were very happy. Most of the marriages lasted as well or better than the regular couples.

  She turned off the water and stepped out. Garrick knocked on the door. “May I come in?”


  “I thought I’d dry you and then continue the massage in bed.” He took the towel from her and soon had her skin tingling from the brisk rubdown. When he finished, he carried her into the bedroom and laid her on the bed.

  He reached for a bottle of lotion and filled his hands. “My mother and sister visited when I first moved here. My sister used this room and left this,” he explained.

  Cora grinned. “A likely story,” she teased.

  “No, they did. In fact the whole family plans to visit next month.”

  Garrick rubbed his hands together, had her roll over on her stomach, and started massaging her shoulders and down her back. “Does that feel good?” he asked.

  “It does, and it smells like roses. I like the scent. When you say family, who all does that include?”

  “My mother and stepfather, and the sister I mentioned. I think she’s hoping her fiancé can come with her. I have one brother, but he and I are totally different. He’s an accountant, married right out of high school, and they have two spoiled children. He has a low opinion of the choices I’ve made in my life.”

  Cora turned her head to see him. “Does he plan to come?”

  “Mom didn’t say, and I didn’t ask.”

  “I see.”

  “You think I should reach out to him?”

  “Why not? You’re close to all your other family. Perhaps he thinks you wouldn’t want him and his wife and children.”

  Garrick didn’t comment at first. He massaged her buttocks warming her up inside and out and along the backs of her legs. Then he rolled her over and stared at her with a perplexed expression on his face.

  “Are you upset by what I said?” she asked.

  “Definitely not. Do you truly think he might feel unwanted?”

  “Maybe I’m wrong, but what harm could it do to call him and inquire whether he and the family will be joining the rest of you. Indicate you’d like to see him.”

  Garrick put more lotion on his hands and massaged the front of her shoulders and arms. “Are you sure you aren’t a counselor instead of a physical therapist?” he teased. Then Garrick nodded his head. “I will call him.”

  This time she didn’t answer. He’d put his warm hands on her breasts and rolled her supersensitive nipples between his fingers. A jolt of awareness went straight to her center.

  “You know what the ending will be if you keep this up,” she warned and heard a breathless note in her voice.

  “A man can only hope.”

  He spread her legs and massaged along the insides to her feet. Then he took his time caressing her feet and toes.

  He finished, wiped his hands, and reached down and grabbed a condom out of his jeans pocket. Garrick sheathed his cock, and then his hands slid quickly up the inside of her legs. Her breath caught. He spread her lower lips and sucked on her nub.

  Her body bowed as she moaned with pleasure. His tongue rubbed back and forth across the sensitive pearl, and then his teeth gently grazed across it.

  Cora’s body was on fire. She shook with the intensity of her hunger. “Take me, now,” she demanded.

  He chuckled and licked her lower lips until he got to her pussy opening. Then he flicked his tongue inside, tasting more of her sweet juices.

  “You taste like honey from the wildflowers of the prairie. You taste as sweet, but with a hint of tartness, a promise of more.”

  “And you are a clever-tongued devil. Make love to me, please. My body is burning up with lustful desire.”

  But instead he continued to lick and taste her until her heart pounded so fast she was certain it would burst out of her chest, and when his hands touched her nipples and pinched them she splintered into a thousand stars.

  Garrick quickly plunged deep inside her pussy. He thrust fast and hard, lengthening her orgasm. When his orgasm hit, his cock throbbed inside her tight pussy walls and they both held tight to each other.

  When her arms loosened, he rolled off of her, but brought her close to his side. “Sleep, sweetheart. Whatever tomorrow brings, we’ll handle it.”

  Cora snuggled against his chest, her left leg over his. As she relaxed she considered both of the men she realized she loved. Garrick had a gentler side to him. He listened better and had an easy sense of humor.

  Kohana had always been more purposeful, determined, serious, and not as easy to tease. But with his darker side there was protectiveness and caring that came through. She suspected Garrick had been more like him when they were working dangerous missions. Kohana never easily shed his outward unchanging appearance except when he’d been with her.

  His mother had said Cora was good for him, that she brought out his other side.

  And yet, she’d always loved all of him—the hard mysterious side, and the soft side she saw when they were alone together.<
br />
  I love them both with all their differences. I guess I’d better see what I can find out about threesome marriages.

  Chapter Twelve

  Cora woke when Garrick got out of bed. He leaned down and kissed her. “Go back to sleep. It’s barely daylight.”

  “No, I’ll get up and fix breakfast for you and Kohana’s parents. I expect they arise early.”

  “I’m going to my room to shower and dress. See you in the kitchen.”

  She hurried with her shower and dressing and beat Garrick to the kitchen. She put on the coffee and got the iron skillet out to cook bacon and eggs. She worked briskly around the kitchen. Her mother had started teaching her to cook before she started school, so it was an easy task for her.

  “Hmm, coffee perking. I love the smell and seeing my woman in the kitchen.” Garrick kissed the back of her neck on the way to the coffeepot. He poured a cup for him and her. Then he saw Mr. Shanley and poured another cup.

  “Is Mrs. Shanley still sleeping?” Cora asked.

  “Yes, I told her to rest. She does too much at home. I want this to be like a small vacation for her.”

  “That’s so nice. I’ll try to keep her from working.”

  “Don’t feel bad if you don’t succeed,” Kohana’s dad said and grinned. “She’s a stubborn woman. Kohana gets his stubbornness from her.”

  Kohana overheard his dad as he walked in to the room. “I’m going to tell Mom you’re blaming her,” he teased.

  “She’d agree.”

  “Sit and have coffee with us,” Garrick said. “Cora’s cooking breakfast.”

  “I know. The smell of the bacon is what got me out of bed. I’d forgotten how early you have to start work on a ranch.”

  “Getting soft, son?” his dad asked.

  “I must be. I don’t have as much strength since the surgery. I’ve asked Cora to help me with a little rehab.”

  The men all looked at Cora. “I’ll help as long as he works hard and does what I tell him.”

  “When can we start?” Kohana asked.

  “I have some equipment at my house. I guess we might go over there later.”

  “Wait until evening,” Garrick said. “I need some strength training, too.”

  Her brow furrowed and then she saw the mischievous sparkle in his apple-green eyes. “We’ll see how I feel by evening.”

  After they’d eaten and Garrick started to leave, Kohana stopped him. “How about showing me a couple of horses Cora and I could ride this afternoon?”

  “Come on to the barn with me.”

  Cora watched them walk out and get in the truck together. Mr. Shanley stepped up behind her. “Do you still love my boy?” he asked. She walked around him and frowned.

  “I know it’s none of my business, but his mom and I sure hope he stays here. We think he still loves you.”

  “I care for him and Garrick.”

  He jutted his chin out and nodded his head. “I suspected as much. We have many good friends who are in such marriages. It didn’t suit us, but we have nothing against them. I sense you’re not sure.”

  “I’m getting there. My folks won’t initially be happy about it. Well, Mom might.” She smiled thinking of all the times her mother had mentioned wanting a son-in-law and wondered about her reaction to two.

  “Whatever happens, we wanted you to know you’d have our blessing.”

  “Mr. Shanley, do you really believe Kohana would be happy settled here?”

  “I don’t know. I hope so. I understood his wanderlust at first. I’d had it, got it out of my system, and came home. I met Wenona and that was it for me. But he didn’t return as I expected.”

  “That’s what bothers me.”

  “You’ll have to decide for yourself whether to trust him or not.”

  “Good morning.” Mrs. Shanley came through the kitchen door. She glanced at the table. “I guess I’m the last to arrive.”

  “You should have slept longer,” her husband said.

  “I can’t, honey. You know I get too restless.”

  Mr. Shanley put his arm around his wife and walked her to a chair. “I’ll cook your breakfast while Cora cleans up this mess we made.”

  “Let it wait, Cora, and I’ll help.”

  “No, you won’t. Pretend you are on a splendid vacation where everything is done for you,” Cora said.

  Mrs. Shanley frowned at her husband. “I see he’s been talking to you. I don’t need to rest,” she insisted.

  Cora grinned. “We think you do, and we outnumber you.”

  “Then I guess I might as well sit back and enjoy being pampered.”

  * * * *

  When Kohana got in the truck, Garrick drove to the barn. After he parked, he turned to face Kohana. “I guessed you wanted to talk privately.”

  “I do want to see the horses, but yes, I thought we should talk. I think you love Cora.”


  “I do, too. Do you think we have a chance of convincing her to marry us both?” Kohana asked.

  “She said an adamant no at first. But I think she’s wavering. Are you ready to settle down?”

  “I think so. As I told her I might want to occasionally go on some missions, if I was needed.”

  “She didn’t take that well.”


  “Kohana, you have to decide. It isn’t fair to jerk her around and have her hoping, and then let her down. She wants a stable family life.”

  “You think you know her better than I do?” Kohana asked.

  “Yes, I know the person she is now better than you. You’re still seeing her as the younger woman you left behind. She’s matured, and she isn’t going to take I think as an answer.”

  “How can I be certain? I don’t want to lie to her.”

  “When you’re fully recovered, if you still want to go on missions then you’ll know you aren’t ready to settle.”

  “My parents want and need me to stay. I can’t see why going on one mission occasionally should be a problem.”

  “I’ve said all I can. It’s up to you. Are you hoping she’ll agree to us both loving her this afternoon at her house?”

  “I thought away from everyone she might agree.”

  “Don’t push her too hard. Let it be her decision, especially since you don’t know for sure what you want.”

  “I want her. I just don’t know if she can accept me as I am.”

  “Come on. I’ll show you what horses to ride. Cora has ridden Buttercup before. She’s a sweet mare, and they did well together. You can ride Crackerjack. She’s feisty enough to suit you.” Garrick pointed out the two mares and showed him the saddles and other equipment. “Since the ranch is new to you, I’d suggest staying on the trail. It’s a big place. You can get lost.”

  “Now you are just being mean,” Kohana teased. “You know I have a great sense of direction. I’ll get us back in time for the visit to her house.”

  “You’d better. I’m looking forward to it.”

  * * * *

  After Kohana and Cora had lunch with his parents, he dropped them off to stay with Heather and Beck. Then they walked to the barn. Beck arrived shortly after them.

  “Heather and your parents will be all right. The house is securely locked. I’ll saddle the horses. Gavin says you’re doing well, but you shouldn’t lift much weight yet.” Beck took the saddle from Kohana. “I caught you just in time. Swinging these up isn’t a good idea.”

  “You make me feel like an invalid.”

  “Get over it. Take care of yourself now, and you won’t have problems in the future,” Cora said.

  Kohana frowned at her. “Don’t gang up on me.”

  “Then don’t act like a baby.”

  “Ah, you’ve really offended me this time. You’ll pay later,” he said and winked.

  “There you are.” Beck handed the reins to them. “Enjoy your ride, but watch out for the bad guys.” He waved and walked briskly back to the ranch house.

Kohana watched him disappear inside. “I never thought he’d get married and change so much. Mom and Dad told me how he’d become depressed after returning from the war. Mom said his whole personality changed. He sure looks happy and content now.”

  “That’s what having a good wife can do for you.”

  “Hmm, I’ll have to consider that. Do you think my mood needs a little adjustment?” He bent down and peered into her eyes.

  “A little.”

  “And you’re willing to take on the job?”

  “Possibly, but there are some requirements to be met first.”

  “There’s always a catch,” Kohana said with a twinkle in his eyes. He gave her a boost into the saddle. “Let’s ride.”

  Fresh air blew in their faces with the faint scent of wildflowers. The prairie stretched out in the distance. Cowboys were moving cattle a long distance from them. They looked like specks against the mountains background.

  “This is a big ranch,” Kohana said.

  “Did you know Garrick bought an adjoining ranch? Beck and Gavin wanted him to stay on as foreman so they included it with this one, and he has a percentage of the whole.”

  “He told me about the deal a while back. I guess I never believed he wouldn’t leave and come back until he made that purchase. Then it hit me how serious he was about staying,” Kohana said. He stopped his horse and looked all around him. “I’d forgotten how beautiful and serene it is here.”

  Cora had halted her horse beside him. “I can’t imagine living anywhere else.”

  “Don’t you want to travel more? There are other places just as lovely around the world.”

  “I’ve never understood your need to wander all over. I’d like to visit some of those places. But it’s as though I have a connection to this spot, a thread that can’t be broke. No matter where I go, it will bring me back.” She glanced his way. “I guess I’m an old fuddy-duddy.”

  Kohana moved his horse closer and leaned across to kiss her. “Wherever did you hear that term? I’d never use it regarding you.” He grinned.

  “I have a friend who moved here from the South. She has some funny expressions. I picked that one up from her.”


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