Marrying the Marine-epub
Page 12
“Outdoors. Come.”
Braylon found a nice spot not far from the covered area with picnic tables to enjoy their dessert. Sandella spread a rugged blue blanket on the grass. Free of bugs and humidity, the cool night was perfect for roasting a tasty dessert. She sat.
He reached into the tree above his head for a twig, popped it, then rubbed the halves together starting a fire. “What are you thinking about?”
She bent her legs at the knees and looked up at him. “I’m thinking how talented you are to have started a fire like that.”
“No biggy. Marines are taught many things for survival.”
Smiling, “Well, I’m impressed.” There’s nothing like a manly man. So strong. So dominating. And smart.
As they sat dangling the melting treats over the fire the sweet aroma permeated her nose. He turned his eyes to capture her gaze, then smiled. She felt herself melting worse than the candy under his drugging trance.
After the marshmallow cooled, he slid it from the stick and fed it to her. Her jaws sucked inwardly as she wrapped her tongue around his finger. Excitement flickered in his eyes. Before she had time to swallow it all the way, he slanted his mouth over hers and kissed her. As their tongues mated some of the sweet treat slithered from her mouth into his. Groaning, he swallowed it all.
Heat pounded inside her center. Her walls clenched. She wanted him inside her so badly that her entrance ached.
He slid his hand into the top of her dress, pulled out her breast, then plopped the tight nipple in his mouth. “We can’t do it out here,” she protested, looking around to find they were all alone, surrounded in darkness.
“Yes we can. And we are.” He mouthed her swollen flesh.
I don’t think I can resist him. Only teenagers did things this risky and inappropriate, she thought, knowing it was only a matter of time before she gave into his strong advances. Unable to stop the madness, she clamped her hands onto his shoulder. Her head lolled backward. Her chest heaved. Her breath came out in short wisps. “What if we get caught?” she asked, her eyes soaking up the sight of the full blue moon. This man is a beast.
His hands ruffled against her back. “We won’t. Hop on.”
Her gaze fell to his lap to find his bare erection sticking straight up. She licked her lips then eased over into his lap, putting her back to his chest. While on her knees she hiked up her dress.
With a firm hand on the lower part of her spine, he inserted into her from behind, filling her to the hilt. When she fell down into his lap his shaft seemed to go past her navel. Her stomach felt full.
As she rode him backward he reached around and pinched her nipples. Her whimpering sounds sounded like a small puppy. He felt so good inside her. I can’t believe I’m doing this. Circling her hips, she nibbled her bottom lip. She was more certain now than ever that Braylon had her under his spell and there was no turning back, at least not for her.
THE CONSTANT SOUND of the cell buzzing on the nightstand persuaded Braylon to open his eyes. What time is it? The bright red numbers of the alarm clock emblazoned 1:38 a.m. With Sandella spooned up against him, he reached over to answer the phone. “Hello,” he said groggily, his eyes blinking in the darkness. It better not be Madison.
“They burned down my house!” a woman bellowed in his ears, then followed up with a screeching cry.
Braylon detached Sandella’s hands from his chest and bolted upright. The raspy voice sounded familiar. “Mrs. Jackson. Is that you?”
Sniffling. Crying. “Yes.”
“What happened?”
“Somebody set the house on fire while I was asleep. If it hadn’t been for my neighbor banging on my bedroom window, I would’ve died! I think this has to do with your visit earlier. They’re going to kill me!”
Sandella eased up in bed. “Is everything okay?” she asked, pulling the string on the lamp. The room brightened.
Holding up a finger, Braylon shook his head. “Where are you now?”
“I’m across the street at my neighbor’s house.”
“I’m on my way.” He ended the call, jumped to his feet, shrugged on his shirt, then quickly yanked his jeans over his hips.
A wary expression developed on Sandella’s face. “Where are you going?” she asked, standing.
“A work emergency has come up.”
“This time of night?”
“Detectives are on call twenty-four seven.” There was no doubt in his mind that Theresa Jackson’s home had been purposely set on fire, which meant someone had followed him to her home earlier and had felt the need to silence her...for good. “Sorry for waking you.”
“You didn’t wake me. I was about to get up to use the bathroom anyway.”
He grabbed his Beretta. Click. Click. He slid back the magazine. After counting the ammunition, he slid the heavy piece into the holster looped tightly around his waist.
Pop! Pop! Gunfire crackled the air then shots rained through the window.
His heart caved. “Get down!” He shoved Sandella, causing her to fall to the floor flat on her face with a resounding clunk. He clicked off the light.
“Is that gunfire?” On her hands and knees she scrambled away from the window to the other side of the bed.
“Yes. Stay down.” Using extreme caution, he kept his back pinned to the wall as he made his way to the side of the window. He pushed a small corner of the fabric from the shattered glass of the window to spy outside, and caught the taillights of a car. Screeching tires pierced the air as the car sped off. Damn, they’re getting away.
“Get dressed and get Royce dressed too,” he demanded, blood boiling in his veins. “Leave the lights off.”
“I’m afraid.” Sandella stood shaking next to the closet.
He wrapped his hands around her shivering body, hoping to calm her. “I know you’re scared, baby,” he quickly pecked her forehead, “but I’m not going to let anyone hurt you.” He could deal with the bastard trying to bring harm to him. But putting Sandella’s and Royce’s lives at stake? They were going to pay for such stupidity. I’m going to kill the bastard who did this. He made a promise to himself. Fucking coward.
Chapter Ten
“Oh God, Braylon. Why didn’t you tell me this before now?” Sandella sat in the passenger seat of the car stunned that Braylon had reopened her mother’s case.
“I didn’t want you to worry.”
“I appreciate your concern.” She sighed. “This is what my family and I have been praying for.”
He grunted. “I’m going to find the man that killed your mother and put your life in danger tonight.”
“Thanks.” As she caressed the back of his hand, the dark look of anger dulling his eyes worried her.
Now on the other side of town in Beaufort, after descending the bridge, he turned right at the corner. “Maybe worry is not the right word. I just thought it’d be best if you didn’t know so you could stay focused on running SugarKanes and taking care of Royce.”
“I still wish you’d told me, but I do understand. My dad can never know about this until after the fact. If he knew he’d try to play detective and put himself in danger.”
“The less people who know, including your father, the better.”
When they reached Theresa’s street, the potent scent of burning wood engulfed her. Taking in the sight of the red and blue lights flashing over the area, she felt the car coming to a slow stop. A cop started toward them, and Braylon reached for his shield.
The middle-aged officer signaled him to roll down his window. He hit the button and the glass lowered. The officer cleared his throat. “There’s been a fire. Turn around and take the alternate route.”
His badge had been there for the officer to see, but apparently he’d overlooked it. “I’m with CID,” he said, bringing the shield up to the man’s eye level.
I can’t believe he’s reinvestigating my mother’s death. Aric, Chandler, and Drew would be so happy if they knew. But I’m not telling them until it’s all o
Braylon parked on the curb a few houses down from the fire. Lacing her fingers in her lap, Sandella shifted her gaze to the windshield. Theresa emerged from her neighbor’s front door. A few seconds later so did Sandella’s father.
Dread gripped her. “Dear…Lord.” What’s he doing here?
Braylon was about to get out of the car but stopped short. “What?”
She swallowed the fear. When Theresa pointed toward the Hummer, her father’s head snapped in their direction. “See that man in the wheelchair next to Theresa?”
“Yes. He’s pointing at us.”
Her breathing seemed halted. “That’s my father. I bet he knows.”
“Knows what?”
“That I’m dating a Marine.” This night just keeps getting uglier.
“It’s going to be fine, Sandella. I’ll handle your father.”
No one handles Kane.
Kane’s resolute gaze was fixed on the Hummer as he wheeled himself toward them. The closer he got, the harder her heart thrummed. He stopped when he reached the driver’s side door. Fire burned in his dark eyes. “Get out so we can talk like two grown men!”
“Don’t come out until I’ve had a chance to speak with him,” Braylon warned Sandella. He stepped out the Hummer into the thick smoky air.
Kane’s cold dark eyes surveyed Braylon like a wild animal about to tackle his prey. “Are you Braylon Wexler?”
“Yes sir. I am.”
Frowning and glaring up at Braylon, Kane bared his teeth. His hands curled around the arms of the wheelchair. “I don’t care who you are, Detective. No daughter of mine is dating a Marine. Do I make myself clear?” Giving orders to a lawman, apparently her father had lost his mind.
“Yes, you do, sir. I’ll promise to leave your daughter alone, but only under one condition.” He pushed his hands into his pockets.
Kane gritted his teeth. “Sandy is not up for negotiation.”
Sandella came and stood next to her father. She placed a hand on his shoulder. “Will you just please hear him out?” she asked, praying that Braylon could talk some sense into her old man.
“Let me try and calm my damn nerves first.” Kane lit a cigarette. Smoke spiraled from his full lips. “This better be good.”
Braylon glared down at Kane. “I’ll give you my word to leave Sandella alone for now.”
Sandella’s heart ping-ponged in her chest at his surprising words.
Coughing, Kane’s brows shot up. “For now?”
“I’ll leave her alone for now…if you promise…to give us your blessing to continue our relationship after I find your wife’s killer.”
Tears wet Kane’s eyes. A muscle flickered in his jaw. “That case was closed a long time ago.”
“It’s been reopened.”
“By who?”
Kane pulled his misty gaze away to think. Nodding, he returned his focus back to Braylon. He blew out a ragged smoky breath. “I feel like I’m making a deal with the devil to save my own soul.”
Sandella stooped in front of her father’s chair to look into his eyes, caressing her hands over his. “He’s not the devil, Daddy. He’s a great man, with a good heart,” she choked out.
“So do we have a deal?” Braylon extended his hand to Kane.
“If you find my wife’s killer,” a tear rolled down his cheek, “I’ll give you two my blessing.” He shook Braylon’s hand. “Now let’s go, Sandy.”
To keep peace, Sandella decided it’d be best for her and Royce to leave as her father had instructed.
BRAYLON STOOD at the rear of the truck watching Sandella disappear beyond the cloud of smoke filtering the air. Walking beside her father, she clasped Royce’s hand, then glanced back over her shoulder at him. She mouthed, “Thanks.”
It broke Braylon’s heart to turn away from her. As he strode across the lawn toward Theresa he thought of how she didn’t need to thank him for being respectful toward her father. He’d been raised to respect his elders. Never in a million years would he drive a wedge between a father and his daughter by continuing to date her without the man’s blessing. As precious as his Sandella was, she deserved a man who was willing to earn her father’s respect. And bring union to her family, not division.
I don’t care if it takes me forever. I’m going to bring Sandella and her family peace.
“How are you holding up?” Braylon asked Theresa.
“I’m terrified, Detective.” Her fearful eyes scanned over the perimeter. “Somebody wants me dead.”
“You’re not safe here. Do you have a family member out of town you can stay with until this is over?”
She nodded. “Yes. But I’m not running away, I’m staying right here. I am going to send my son to live with his aunt, though.”
Wanting to shake some sense into the stubborn lady, he ground his molars instead. “Theresa. You don’t know who you’re dealing with. Whoever killed Sugar and Marc wants you dead too. And they won’t stop until they succeed. You need to leave Beaufort tonight, definitely no later than tomorrow morning.”
Theresa folded her arms under her breasts. Just as she parted her mouth to speak, a detective walked up to her. “Mrs. Jackson. Do you know anyone by the name of Simon?”
Simon? Braylon’s ears perked up.
Shaking her head, she said, “No. Why?”
“Because someone by the name of Simon dispatched 911 right before your house caught on fire to report a man lurking around your bedroom window.”
Shaking her head, Theresa clenched her chest. “I don’t know anyone by the name of Simon.”
Braylon asked, “Did this Simon guy get a description of the man or his car tag number?”
The detective shook his head. “Unfortunately, Simon stated there wasn’t a tag on the car. As far as a description of the man, the only thing Simon told dispatch was that he thought the perpetrator had worn all black. It was too dark to see anything.”
Fear was evident in Theresa’s shaky voice. “Why didn’t this Simon guy just stay and talk with the police? What was he doing here in the first place?”
“That’s what we’re trying to figure out.”
Braylon said, “We’ll do our best to find Simon and the person that destroyed your home.”
“I still can’t believe this is happening,” was all she had to say.
AT THE FIRST sign of daylight, Sandella rolled out of bed at her father’s house and dragged herself to the bathroom across the hallway. She’d tossed and turned throughout the entire night and now fatigue threatened to zap the little strength she did have. She washed her hands and lathered her toothbrush with toothpaste.
The bristles of the electric toothbrush rotated over her teeth. Royce hates it here. He kept me and Dad up all night asking to go home. She gargled the minty flavored mouthwash.
Although she knew he disliked it there, she had no choice but to bring him home with her, especially after everything that had occurred last night. Not only had someone put her life in jeopardy, but Braylon had promised her father that he’d leave her alone until he found her mother’s killer. How likely was he to keep his promise? Better yet, would she be able to keep her hands off him? Already she missed him. Missed his big arms around her… missed his manly lips kissing her…missed his tongue flicking over her nipples. Her body tingled from the sensual thoughts.
“This is not going to work,” she said quietly, making her way down the hallway. When she reached the living room and spotted her father sleeping by the window with a rifle across his lap, sadness mixed with pride touched her heart. With his head bowed, he was snoring like a grizzly bear. Knowing him, he’d stayed up guarding the house all night, and hadn’t fallen asleep until just recently.
“Dad,” she called.
Kane’s body jerked awake swiftly. “Huh?” Bewilderment settled on his face. His eyes were puffy and red like he’d cried off and on throughout the night.
Sandella put a hand on his shoulder. “Why don’t
you go to bed and lie down?”
Grief clouded his black eyes. “Do you really think that detective friend of yours can help us?”
She shrugged. “I don’t know for sure, Dad, but I do know that Braylon will do his best and try.”
Still grieving his wife, her father was desperate for justice to come to his family and so was she. He nodded. His lips trembled as if the horrible memories of her death were still haunting him. “We begged them damn fools, the damn police to help us, and they just ignored the shit out of us. It’s about goddamn time somebody did something sensible on our behalf. “That friend of yours…” his voice trailed off.
“What about Braylon?”
“I saw it in his eyes.”
“You saw what, Dad?”
“Trust. Sincerity. He’s gone find the son of a bitch that killed my Sugar. I saw pure determination in his eyes.”
“I hope you’re right.”
“Me too.” He yawned. “I’m going to go and get some sl—”
Suddenly, the door cracked open. Kane cocked his weapon and aimed it at the door. “Get in the back, Sandy,” he grumbled.
“Dad! Sandy!” Sandella’s brother called out. “It’s me, Aric.”
“Damn, boy, why you ain’t call before bursting in here like a robber?” Kane lowered his weapon.
Aric emerged inside the living room wearing a pair of blue jeans and a red sweater. Usually he’d smile when seeing them, but today his lips settled in a thin line. He threw his arms around his baby sister and squeezed her tight. “I did try calling, but the line was busy.”
Kane shook his head. “Royce kept talking on the phone last night and done went and left it off the hook.”
Sandella smiled. “He was probably trying to call Willa to come get him. Right after I make breakfast, I’m going to head over to the island.”
“Are you okay?” Aric quizzed, giving her an endearing stare.
She put her hand over her heart. “I’m fine. You didn’t have to come all this way to see about me—”
“Yes, he did. And I did, too.” Chandler came through the door with a huge smile on his face. He dropped the black suitcase to the floor and spread his arms open for her.