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The Captain's Stand

Page 53

by Kat Mandu

  “Bloodstones, you think my father would ask for the Dragon Mage to give him a Bloodstone?” Madison realized,

  “Yep,” Richard drinking a bit, as his mind recalled the Blood Stone. It was an old Story dealing with the Dragon Mage, he lost a companion to an assassin, and he created a bloodstone. The stone somehow zoned in on the victim’s blood on the killer’s hands, forgoing any form of logic it would slowly track down the person directly responsible even through a hired assassin. Lots of stories revolved around the Mage pathologically hunting people down. “Mind you there hasn’t been a historically recorded case but it still would be concerning.”

  “Agreed,” she sighed her frustration dissipating as she took a drink. “So what can we do?”

  “We got to find evidence of his actions, I am hoping to speed this up and take some time to investigate him. I got a few details like mother and father and I hope to look backward and see if I can find something that would explain why a man of his status would be working as a spy for an infamous Pirate such as Black Beard.” Richard paused as he glanced at the paper.

  “I don’t want to be far away from home that long I don’t like leaving him with my family but, I was all but forced out due to the recent events. Father wanted to make sure there were no hard feelings.” She sighed, “It’s why he gave such an easy job to you so it wouldn’t seem he was giving you charity, on top of what he paid for the job.” She admitted before glancing at the paper in confusion, “So what is good will going threw his history be?”

  Richard raised an eyebrow at the sudden swerving of questions and statements. If you know yourself, but not your enemy you will win half your battles, if you know neither you lose them all, but if you know both you need not fear the result of a hundred battles. I am horribly butchering the quote, but I think Sun Tzu still holds merit,” Richard smiled as he pointed out a book called the art of war.

  “Huh,” Madison glanced at the cover before looking at him.

  “Some time to think, plan, and experimented and hopefully a solution will appear because we have about six months before your sister gets married.” Richard frowned as he opened up a leather book.

  “If it gets that far, I am sorry but I will kill him, this is my family we are talking about.” Madison declared. Richard frowned as his eyes snapped to the mirror for a second then back to the knight.

  “I want to be mad but, in all honesty, I understand,” with Richard finished his drink.

  Chapter 56

  Richard frowned in frustration as he looked at his opponent. He took out a rag dampening it as he felt a headache coming in. His fingers flashed as he winced stopping and looking at the book, he frowned before taking out a sheet of paper to write. Richard and Sam had been spending time working on sign language so the mute wouldn’t have to carry around ink and paper everywhere.

  Richard sighed as he poured the two of them a cup of tea, sliding the teacup over as Sam blew on it before nursing the hot drink. He frowned as he glanced at the book, he shut his eyes as his face was lined with temporary wrinkles He had spent the first day trying his best to learn and Teach sign language. He slumped in the chair, he needed something to do besides study this book. He glanced over at Sam who seemed to be fair better at the project then he was, but not infuriatingly so.

  There was a small rumble a Richard glanced over to realize Sam’s gut was ready for something besides learning. Sam seemed to redden a bit as he glanced away which only caused Richard to laugh. “Let’s go get some brain food.

  “O.K.” he slowly signed, as Richard even slower replicated the motion. Richard headed out into the sun as he winced at the light, he frowned, his more tanned complexion was starting to fad already, he smirked a bit his first week on the sea was filled with sunburns.

  “Hey Captain,” Kareem approached as Richard closed the doors behind him,

  “Need something,” Richard turned

  “Yeah me and the guys were thinking about some kind of uniform you know to keep us distinct,” He brought up,

  “Hmm, well that wouldn’t be a bad idea, got anything in mind,” he glanced over at Sam. “Walk with me, we need some meal.

  “Some kind of coat, or coat of arms, something that’s uniform, you know,” Kareem thought, “Something to help distinguish during combat, and if anyone falls overboard,” Kareem added as Richard mused over his meal, Richard paused the words finally catching up to him.

  “That would be handy, it would have to be something eye-catching,” Richard said as he got into the Kitchen to see a few random people eating a meal.

  “Yeah something crazy,” Kareem mused, “I was thinking Orange as the primary color.” Kareem though.

  “I keep telling you Orange is not a Primary color!” Tin shouted

  “You know what I mean ass hat,” Kareem shouted back.

  “Orange huh?” Richard said as he started mixing up some batter.

  “Yeah like some kind of coat or maybe a bandana with the ship’s insignia,” Kareem considered.

  “How about we get a few different things and see if something works for everyone, I am rather fond of my coat,” Richard admitted he started making pancakes.

  “So anything you can do with the idea?” He asked as Richard flipped the cake in the air before catching it.

  “Yeah, I will see what I can get a hold of, maybe some proof of concept, see how the rest of the crew likes the idea, so at the very least you will get a coat out of it,” Richard admitted, as he flipped the cake onto a plate, for Sam.

  Richard started up the next one when suddenly the ship suddenly lurched, He doused the fire, “This better be important,” Richard rushed out of the mess hall, with everyone else as he burst onto the deck.

  “Who has the wheel someone get me some eyes on the bow and stern of the ship!” Richard shouted. Richard headed to the wheel when a massive neigh. Richard paused as he glanced over the edge to see a mass heard of Hippocampus rushed around the ship slamming into the sides of the ship as the heard parted around them.

  “Richard, what the hell, are we suppose to do?” Boss asked as Richard shook his head.

  “Nothing, just ride it out, this, is one of those little issues that pop up from time to time, trust Hippocampus is the least of our concerns, in fact, I have heard people roping a few to speed up the ship speed so long as they were both going the same direction.

  “Oh,” Boss glanced over at the aqua horse-like creatures.

  “Yeah, even less so of an issue the normally could do some damage to the hull, on occasion I had to head down with a few other members to fix holes and bucket out water.” Richard frowned at the memory, “Just make sure nobody falls overboard, not everyone knows how to swim.”

  “Huh?” Boss turned as Richard casually walked back to the stairs to make his meal as Boss glanced over at Sam who was eating a pancake before taking off after Richard. Richard paused as he glanced over at Boss as he wondered something, did Boss know how to swim.

  “Hey, how many of you guys know how to swim?” Richard shouted as he glanced around, “Raise a hand if you can,” Richard raised his hand up as he noticed nobody seemed to have the ability he felt a tug as Sam had his hand up.

  “Add that to the list of things to do,” Richard mused, a few looked affronted, but nobody seemed to have anything to argue.

  “Captain,” Kareem interrupted as he glanced back to see he had a hand raised as well. Richard nodded,

  “So glad you volunteered, appreciate it,” Richard said patting him on the shoulder, as he headed back to get a meal before the next problem decided to rear its ugly head.

  Richard smirked as he finally got his meal as he soon found himself competing for the cakes with Sam who despite his size seemed to have a hollow leg.

  “Captain,” Richard turned as he brushed food out of his facial hair to see Tray and James. You need us to look into something?”

  “Yeah, Richard pulled out his sword as he dug it into the floor prying open aboard it took some doing but h
e soon had a good size two by six and handed it to James. “Carve this into a small Eagle and bring it back to me, if it vanishes during the process let me know,” Richard instructed,

  “Um okay,” Tray said as he glanced at the item in question, “Any reason why?”

  “Want to know if what breaks of stays or goes away as for the Eagle I got a thing going so why not?” Richard shrugged, “We could use it to repair friendly ships, or we could build houses on random islands, I want to know what stays and what goes, and what I can do with it. Also if you get a chance see if you can find any nails I haven’t seen any at all.”

  “Anything to stave off boredom at this point,” James grunted getting the hint that Richard didn’t have anything more.

  “Thanks,” Richard waved as he took out a rag to clean up the cooking area.

  Richard frowned as he tapped at his desk, he had a series of books stacked up including the signed book. He frowned as he slowly pushed the sealed ink bottle around the desk.

  “Hey Richard, I was-,” Said a voice,

  “Yes?” Richard looked up quickly sliding the ink back into place pretending as if he wasn’t boarded out of his mind.

  “-Wondering if you had any dull swords me and Madison could practice with.” Audwine continued.

  “Yeah sure,” Richard stood up unclasping the facings on the cabinet and pulling out some dull blades for them to use. He passed them off as the Captain of the guard left. Richard glanced around the ship and grabbing a random book, headed out onto the deck. He soon found what he expected a large group hanging around the sparring area with the sounds normally associated. Richard leaned up against the railing next to Tobi who was focusing extremely hard to the point Richard had to clear his throat just for the man to realize Richard was just to his left.

  “So how is leadership treating you?” Tobi asked not taking his eyes off the sparring match.

  “It’s treating me little better than an underling.” Richard admitted as Tobi shook his head, “How’s the fight?”

  “In a fair world Madison should be winning, her skills with the blade by my estimation are second to none,” Tobi explained, “I have to admit sparring never got this much attention during any other occupations I took.”

  “Well, turns out a ship that runs itself leaves a lot to be desired on things to do, even less so than a normal ship.”

  “So this would be one of the few things that break up the monotony.” Tobi realized.

  “Run for the hills,” Cawed a voice as Richard spun around to see the bloody parrot. Richard pulled out tooth and raised it only for it to click and not go off as the bird flew off Boss’s shoulder.

  “What the hell,” Boss frowned as Richard fingered the trigger and dumped the gun,

  “Miss fired,” Richard frowned ignoring the look he was getting. “Damn bird,” Richard growled, “Oh right, if anyone needs me I am going to be making some ammo for my pistols you want in?” he asked glancing at both of them.

  “I am good,” Boss replied in thinly veiled irritation.

  “I, guess,” Tobi hesitated, as Richard motioned at Sam, and slowly signed for him to get things together. Sam nodded and headed down, “Impressive, he learns quick.”

  “Yeah, smarter than me, when I was his age, anyway we will need to take over the kitchen, speaking of which we need a full-time cook I think Gerald is getting pissy about it since nobody else seems to do the job.” Richard frowned leading the conversation in hopes Tobi might know of someone.

  “Nobody I can think off, I wish I did since he kinda sucks at cooking. I can’t think of a time a single meal was prepared on time,” Tobi complained as they headed down, Richard light up a lantern putting the match out with a wave as they headed down.

  “Everyone is still adjusting,” Richard waved off, “Besides I don’t eat on a normal schedule.”

  “You know you run a very loose ship,” Tobi frowned,

  “Everyone is new at this, we don’t have a Quartermaster or really much of a command structure, which isn’t good since a lot of my mates have not found a footing, and well, look at our mission statement. Pirate hunting isn’t going to be bringing in the best and brightest.”

  “Maybe you just need to spin it the right way, if we are going for new, one should also find the young and the brave as well.” Tobi pointed out, “You’re not much for speaking out on these kinds of things.”

  “As much as I love the sound of my own voice, normally I only get a sentence before being told to shut up.” Richard joked as he headed into the kitchen.

  “I put up with worse, but you’re close,” Tobi smiled as Richard’s mind lingered on the comment, as he pulled out a mold.

  “Simple process really I got this from an inventor by the name of Conan, somehow he got on my ship and dropped off a sheet of paper, surprisingly simple, just need some leadership,” Richard explained igniting the stove.

  “That’s it, gunpowder, and little lead balls,” Tobi chuckled,

  “Pretty much, but are you surprised, the Sun is responsible for making firearms, the real secrets are not mine,” Richard smirked pointing out the trigger.

  “Touché,” he conceded,

  “You can head back up if you want this is going to be a rather dull process. ” Richard admitted,

  “I already know how the fights going to go, and I am not betting on it,” He shrugged, “I would rather know about you,” Tobi admitted, as Richard playfully rolled his eyes.

  “Not much to tell, I am a highland raised man,” Richard said turning his back as he tested the stove.

  “I think that’s only a bit after all that’s not a real highland accent,” Tobi smirked,

  “If I used a real one, you would need a translator, I don’t like repeating myself,” Richard laughed. “So what’s your story?” Richard asked feeling the desire to eat up some time, as he glanced at the fire letting the glow warm his face.

  “Me?” Tobi smirked as he seemed to recoiled at the question. “Um,” Richard watched the man turn rubbing his finger and thumb together all he was missing was the coin.

  “You don’t have to share I just have a habit of collecting stories and knowing who I am entrusting to my back too.”

  “Sounds fair,” He admitted but seemed no more comfortable with the idea. “I am trying to earn my fortune, is the short of it.” Richard simply shrugged but didn’t bother badgering the man. “So is Sam your boy?”

  “Ha,” Richard snorted, “Nah, he found me on the island, he doesn’t seem to know how he got there either so actually finding his parents is an out. So he’s my cabin boy,” Richard waved off, as he decided to open up some of the food, grabbing a pair of apples tossing one to Sam and offering Tobi one.

  “Seems kind of dangerous considering your mission statement.” Tobi pointed out,

  “No more dangerous than the streets or the shops,” Richard said evenly, as he stared harder at the fire.

  “It’s your choice on who you hire, I just hope you’re prepared for the possible fallout,” Tobi warned, Richard suppressed his desire to get frustrated with the man, as he seemed to have Sam’s best interest at heart.

  “Your compassion gives you credit, Tobi, however ” Richard stood up dusting his hands as he turned to look at him. “If something does happen it wouldn’t be the first time I was responsible for a child’s death,” Tobi eyed him as he stared off into his past for a brief second before the sound of footsteps quickly drew him back to the present.

  “Captain,” said a calm voice as Richard and Tobi glanced over to see four of the new crew members.

  “Chris, Ryan, Matt, and Bailey,” Richard slowly listed off as the four moved into the room, as the last one closed the door behind them. Richard felt a frown tug at his lips. “Well, this happened sooner than expected.

  “Sorry, nothing personal but your bounty is worth an easy life,” Chris apologized as they spread out slowly surrounding the three as long tables and benches were kept between them.

  “I ho
nestly expected this,” Richard admitted, as he pulled out tooth and Claw. “So who wants to die first?”

  “Remember our deal whoever dies their family still gets there cut.” Bailey reminded.

  “Pity I didn’t bring my full arsenal,” Tobi frowned as he pulled out a Shortsword. Richard frowned as he lowered his pistols as he looked at the benches and tables in though. “What are you doing?” Tobi spun as all four attackers sprung at him.

  The tables suddenly shifted slamming into the walls as the benches caught feet as the sudden movement of all the inanimate objects snapped to hug the walls. The four all seemed stunned as Richard settled for holstering his pistols seeing as he doubted he would need them. The four each brandishing blades jumped back to their feet only for the furniture to take them out at the knees as Richard couldn’t help but laugh a little bit at the amusing sight of four grown men being knocked around.

  “I knew you could move the ship and sails I didn’t think you could do this,” Tobi admitted as he sheathed his blade.

  “Learn something new every day,” Richard took the rope of his belt and slowly made his way knotting each one of his attackers, He glanced over at Sam and slowly signed at him, Sam nodded and took off for the stairs.

  “Handy,” Tobi commented as Sam struggled with the door, as Richard laughed a bit. Sam got out as Tobi glanced over at Sam who went back to his bullets. “So what happens to them.”

  “Well food stocks are good, and I feel like we can afford some mercy. Lock em up in the brig, I think it’s time to let our Security chief do his job. I’ll talk to some of the mates see who else we can put watching prisoners,” Richard explained more to himself, than Tobi.

  It didn’t take long for Nathan and Boss to rush down followed by almost everyone trying to cram their way into the mess hall all at once. “Goliam I need your!” Richard called as the croc busted through the door frame, as the frame slowly repaired itself.

  “Take these guys to the brink, and round up some guards, if you can’t find any, I will volunteer guards,” Richard all but shouted as he eyed the people in the area.


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