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The Captain's Stand

Page 60

by Kat Mandu

“Librarian, small world,” Boss commented.

  “I get that a lot, now then book?” He asked as Boss,

  “Your brother recommended it,” Boss slide the paper to him,

  “Even from beyond the grave the bastard still bosses me around,” Colton’s lips curled into a cross frown. Boss didn’t say anything as he evaluated his maybe-dead captain.

  He slipped over to a massive shelving unit filled with labels, most were alphabetical in nature, or he thought some letters he couldn’t pin, which he figured were other written languages.

  “Ah, it seems my brother hasn’t recorded a check out in about six years so going through his history won’t work.” He shrugged as he sat back down, “sorry but I don’t have enough form his description. You are out of luck.” He summed up as he sat down the silence started to lengthen as the man seemed to just expect Boss to leave.

  “How about David Smith?” Boss considered,

  “I can’t look under others histories,” Coltan shrugged.

  “You scanned your brothers,” Boss reminded,

  “He’s dead,” Coltan waved off, “I can’t give out records to the public on law-abiding citizens.”

  “Well, this man had his house torn apart by the royal guard I don’t think he would mind,” Boss shrugged.

  “True weren’t you wanted for something?” Colton asked as Boss did not like the look the redhead was giving. Colton sighed and looped back to the shelves. “Ancient warriors and artifacts of the Imperium. Written by David harbour II, here you go. He handed Boss the book, as he found a lost letter.

  The book opened as his heart skipped a beat.

  During the third invasion of Britainia, the newly created Royal mages had trouble with Imperium ops. Through some means, we’re trained to sniff out magic. The text went on it mentioned that this was the only known case and it is unclear how such an ability was brought about.

  “Still alive,” Boss read as he glanced Colton as he pocketed the paper and clapped shut as he slid it back into place.

  He sighed, this information was a relief, but there was now a fork. “Thanks, Colton,” he offered his hand as the redhead shook it. He headed out of the building his hands in his pockets. He needed time to think, he walked along and found a rather nice park. It wasn’t too big but the forest was a nice place to walk Naston had to jog on occasion to keep up as he came across a pond and a bench. He took a load off and sat down.

  “Nice place,” Nashton commented.

  “Yep,” Boss agreed, as he listened to the breeze caress the leaves. He thought about Eagle Eye when he left. He could do the same headed out hunt for who he was. There was a caveat he didn’t get put on that island for no reason and if he found his old life he wouldn’t be the same person they remembered. “I would be a stranger with a familiar face,” he figured. “I need to find out who I was first that is my immediate concern. Now how to do so?”

  “You know the fastest ship in the world would be helpful in that regard,” Richard chuckled as Boss spun around but rather than the captain a giant bird of prey was perched on the back of the bench. It was translucent, but moments of solidarity.

  “Wow, are you a mate or something?”

  “Hardly, just relearning an old trick, I got an hour before this totem cracks.”

  “Okay, an hour why did you take so long to communicate?” Boss asked as the ghost bird twitched.

  “To pull this off you need a totem made of a magical wood, which I haven’t had for a long time. I think I went through five of these things before I got it to work right. Not that I have anything better to do while my bones knit.” He grumbled as the bird’s feathers ruffled in irritation.

  “How many do you have left?” Boss asked,

  “I think three, I wish I stuck around to learn more I know some guys who can do some cool shit.”

  “You are using magic, how is it there is one fucking mage but so many people using magic,” Boss gritted his teeth in frustration.

  “Okay, this isn’t magic it’s my spirit, using a totem I can use my spirit animal I am limited by what the animal can do. I can’t do this without the totem and a soul. Magic is not bound by limitations, oh god this is not what I wanted to do today,” Richard snorted it was weird to hear from a bird.

  “And how is that different?” Nashton asked,

  “Cause it’s contained to the self, okay magic and things that are born of magic can alter the world around it. Things born of internal energy are more akin to the soul, different cultures can tap into it using spiritual energy to enhance the body, or move outside of it. Okay, we clear this isn’t magic,”

  “It’s fucking magic,” Boss all but shouted him his hands out in frustration.

  “I can do this only with the help of something it’s no different than Madison’s shield just a different power, is she the magic user?”

  “No, but you don’t need to learn anything to use the shield. You need instructions to use the totem,” Boss pointed out.

  “True,” Richard stalled, “but you need to learn to use a sword, the shield just has a lower learning curve.” Richard flapped his wings, “crap I am getting prodded, just keep your head down, I am with David Smith we are, ah moving again. We got a plan, but um I wouldn’t bet your life on it not that Madison would sit with her thumbs up to her ars.” He admitted.

  “Plan on a dramatic last-minute save?” Boss chuckled, as Richard gave out a hollow laugh.

  “Right now I am just hoping everything sets right now or else this debate will be the most action I ever get for the rest of my life. Thanks for holding shit together for me, also do t trust, my brother, he’s kind of a dick, and you seem to have company.” Richard’s bird form turned as Boss noticed a small group of guards close in. “Brothers, can’t pick your relatives.” Richard’s bird sighed and dispersed.

  “Wait how do I, contact you?” Boss frowned as he sighed.

  “Sir, did a translucent Golden Eagle happen to be perched next to you?” One asked as Richard gave him the most confused look.

  “A what?” Boss rubbed his neck, as he looked at the guard who looked very concerned.

  “Look it’s a hot day maybe it was just a trick of the heat,” One said as Boss nodded along.

  “I guess hey, you look familiar,” the first one turned around as he looked at Boss. “How long you been in town?”

  “A few days, just got back on leave, the captain had some business at the capital something,” Boss admitted.

  “Ouch bad timing,” the second guard winced,

  “Yeah, I was wondering about that what happened?” Boss feigned.

  “Who knows, the new bosses say the crew mutinied, I think it’s bull shit, after the payout they got, I think we missed one of that cultist, they missed the crew and only got Richard,” one theorized.

  “I heard he was attacked, they found like fourth bodies in the drink and they never found his. Some say he is waiting to reveal it, so he can heal.” The final one commented.

  “What is next to that he can breathe underwater no man take on forty by his own least of all without armor or some kind of gift.” The first dismissed.

  “You heard that as well? I heard he defied gravity and can throw fireballs as well,”

  The third one added as the other two rolled their eyes. The conversation got distant as Boss sighed in relief the group headed off, which game the man some peace.

  “I think it’s time to head back,” Boss stood up he had a clear task make sure nobody did anything stupid until Richard got back, he headed back to the safe house as he took his time.

  “Ugh this is so dull,” Nashton complained as Boss turned to see the kid had a large brimmed hat filled to capacity with floors.

  “Where did you get that?” Boss asked as Nashton adjusted his new acquisition.

  “Nicked it of some bird, wasn’t paying attention and I think I look good on me,” Nashton posed as Boss noticed the kid was also spotting a rather nice but baggy white shirt, that dropped over his

  “You look like a girl, the shirt does not help,” Boss frowned as he grabbed the hat and set it down on a bench.

  “Well, I can grow into the shirt,” Nashton opened his arms up showing the shirt off.

  “Right,” Boss sighed, “why is it I am always looking -” he was cut off as he grabbed his noise hissing in pain.

  “Boss, are you okay?” Madison asked as she held her hands up towards his face as Boss tasted blood.

  “Get me a rag or something,” he waved at her as he moved into seeing a large group milling around the door, “what are you all standing around for?” He frowned.

  “You may want to look at this,” James said as he held up a newspaper.

  Palace invasion!

  Recently after the Lord Stronglance fell ill an attempt on his life was made. The assassin in question was a former crew member of the Golden Eagle and may have been a factor in the late Captain Zane’s death. More troubling is he was not alone soon after Madison Stronglance, Audwine, and her two bodyguards fled the scene. Morgan was quoted “we do not know why but we have reason to believe they may have been involved. We wanted them for questioning and since they have not stepped forward, the mark themselves complicate. All members of the former Golden Eagle crew are effective enemies of the state and be brought in alive.” We asked further into the second daughter “of course that goes without saying we shall bring her in alive we worry about mind control or worse soul transference…”

  The article went on, explaining soul transference was a learnable ability and the conversation that came with it. “The fuck is soul transference?” He asked,

  “It’s a shamen ability take two souls and switch them. More often then not it’s to prolong life or infiltration.” Tobi spoke up. “They had troubles with it back in the day. Lots of nobles would use it to take the first born’s body created a lot of civil wars back in the day. Worse some people lied about it, which just made it worse,” Tobi explained,

  “So why didn’t he use this reason sooner?” Boss asked,

  “Well it became easier to catch, the queen’s scepter, each of the major powers of the world have, something to inspect a souls placement.”

  “That would keep people honest,” Boss admitted,

  “Hardly,” James commented.

  “Oh boy, can we cut this off here this has jack to do with things going on at this moment since Madison is acting normally if she came in a dress with her hair done up then I would have concerns.” Tray cut in.

  Madison gave him a look, and the wider of the two brothers grind. “Don’t start,” she warned,

  “So we got a guy in there, as well as three relations, we need a way to get everything sadly out of hand,” Madison planed,

  “Good idea were are we gonna keep them?“Boss asked, “we don’t have the manpower to take and hold a city.”

  Madison glanced around as if the answer was written somewhere. “I feel saying here will not work based on your tone.”

  “Right this place only works so long as everyone here does not fuck up, and considering those two assassins are still around, well you get the idea. If we are going to rescue we need to have smaller more spread out locations that we can disperse to keep people guessing.”

  “Yeah but we don’t exactly have the money for this,” James pointed out, “buying places up will quickly drain us, this is one hell of a gamble and if we fuck up that means we got nothing. Not even bribe money,” he warned, Madison looked outraged at the implication, this was her family on the line.

  “Richard’s alive,” Boss dropped as the conversation died, he pulled out the letter,

  “Which means the Golden Eagle can repair itself.” Tray grinned, “wait if it was blown up how long should it take?”

  “Not a bad idea to look into that, before we start planning around it. In the meantime, we need a way in and out of the castle nothing crazy just layouts and finding were everyone he lept,” Boss went on as everyone seemed more vitalized with the good news and a goal.

  “Well, if that’s the case that may rule out a few people, Madison is too well known to do anything in terms of infiltration she is to well know, we need some unfamiliar faces.

  “That’s okay, I want to make sure a ship is an option, but I want in when we act.” Madison settled, as she glanced around as if to ask for someone to challenge her on it.

  “Right so who is going to the castle?” Boss asked as he clasped his hands together. When the doorbell suddenly rang, everyone went stiff as Boss thumbed his piercing weapon as Laurella drew out Claw. Boss moved as everyone eyed the door.

  The door opened up as a short figure with a grey uniform on with a brown shoulder bag and a flat cap with enough brim to obscure her eyes even if her shapely figure was not. Her pixie cut bobbed as rummaged in the bag. “Ah, Mr. Boss?” She asked as she paused.

  “Aye,” he answered,

  “A Mr. Zane said to keep his name unwritten just in case.” She handed him a letter, “oh I pick up letters every Thursday, twenty hundred once a week. Have a good day sir,” she cheerfully gave him a mock salute before she walked away.

  “Was that Spark?” Tray asked as James elbowed him.

  “That was just a nice delivery girl, right?” He asked as everyone caught on and nodded.

  Chapter 63

  “You know this place has at least forty bodies in it at least,” Madison frowned, as she eyed the water.

  “True but I need to be sure, even the Captain isn’t sure he just said he would order it to stay submerged. Once we have an exact time and date, we have an escape.” Boss smiled, as he set his shield down and took off his shirt.

  “I could sell this,” Naston mused,

  “Good luck getting out of the city,” Boss warned, as Naston waved at him, as he adjusted a top hat it looked warn but not something someone would throw away. “Where did you get that?” He eyed the kid.

  “Not a clue I just kinda find them,” he shrugged with a smile on his face. “Oh that’s new,” he held up a knife. “How long have I had this?” He wondered as he tested the knife’s edge only to wince as he flicked his finger back.

  “Right, just keep our stuff safe and give the signal if something happens,” Boss instructed. As he gestured to a large set of barrels strung up, cut that if shit goes down.

  The crate was set up so it would roll down the noise would alert them. They wanted it out of sight and thankfully the found an abandoned building they could keep their gear in.

  “Okay, that should be everything,” Boss nodded, as he glanced over at Madison who had a frown.

  “What?” Boss sighed, “we don’t have all day.”

  “Do we both need to go into the water?” She asked.

  “No, but,” he paused as flipped a knife before it slides into his belt. “If something happens and I need help.”

  “Damn it, it was this or sitting on my ass why is it always something demeaning?” She sighed as she stripped down as well before she paused and looked at them both. “Eyes to yourself,” she warned.

  “Nothing I haven’t seen,” Boss muttered before he glanced out of the busted window. Activities seemed a good distance they wouldn’t be spotted too quickly. He pulled out a spyglass as he handed it to Nashton.

  “You are putting a lot of trust in me,” he commented.

  “Nope, I am putting a lot of faith in my tracking skills.” Boss corrected.

  Madison shifted her swim clothing which was a solid one peace. Her arms and legs were well toned and muscled, but her other assets were nothing to scoff at despite the lack of body fat. “What?” She accused.

  “You look good,” he complimented, as he turned towards the water. He checked himself making sure he didn’t have any cuts on him. He spotted his mark, Boss had Tin and Tray roll a diving bell it was old and rusted but it would provide some air, not an infinite amount but better than nothing.

  He dived in the water was ice and murky, he had a hard time seeing anything as a second plunge
hit his ears he glanced back to see his diving companion.

  He recalled the first time he dropped down here, hunting for any remains of Richard. Madison swam down heading to the diving bell they set up as Boss did the same. The both popped in. The tight fit lasted a second he breathed in and back out. They headed towards the wreck of the original.

  Ships crossed overhead as Boss spotted an upside-down rowboat he motioned up at so they popped up for some air. “Tired yet?” Madison asked,

  “I can do this all day,” Boss grinned,

  “Suprised you can swim,” she admired as she lifted the boat up a bit to let in some air.

  “Who would get on a ship if they didn’t know how to swim?” He asked as Madison sighed,

  “More than you think less than should,” she admired. Suddenly a splash hit their ears as they both froze.

  “Hi guys,” Goliam popped up much to their surprise.

  “I thought you couldn’t stand salt water,” Boss mentioned.

  “Laurella promised to get me some moisturizer herbs and a good bath, besides it was this or sitting around.” He winced, “salt water,” he lamented.

  “Right,” Boss shrugged, “you caught up with us pretty quickly you take lead.” Boss adviser, “how good is your eyesight?”

  “Damn good, I can sit down here for a half hour or so if needed.” He admitted as the two human’s sighed.

  “We probably could have just sent you,” Boss sighed.

  “But you went through all that planning I didn’t want to ruin it for you,” he smiled.

  “Ug, I ought to hit you, but may as well go all the way.” Madison gritted her teeth.

  “Who would want to do this alone, it isn’t smart to go swimming this far and deep without a buddy,” he advised.

  “Of course,” Madison didn’t seem all that happy. “Let’s get this over with,” she sighed as Goliam dropped down Boss put a hand on him as they headed out only for a glint of gold to reach his eyes.

  There it was, the eagle it looked almost intact the ship seemed to still be missing chunks as the wood seemed to glow around damaged parts.

  He glanced over at Goliam and Madison who both seemed just as shocked at the shape. They closed the distance, the ship seemed impossibly preserved, the gear supplies seemed in amazing shape nothing seemed to rust. A few things seemed to float but if it were not for the water the ship almost appeared seaworthy.


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