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Breaking Her

Page 7

by Natalie Graham

  I smiled to myself as her clit hardened against my tongue and the walls of her pussy began tightening around my fingers. Fuck, I wanted to feel that so badly around my cock. Her legs shook beside me, making her body kick as she desperately tried to hold still.

  With slow, long strokes of my tongue and fingers I helped her ride the wave that was her orgasm to the very last second. I could tell the moment that she floated back down from the high when she released the hold that she had on my hair, gently sweeping her fingers through it to ease the pain.

  “Oh God. I’m- so- sorry.” She panted.

  “Don’t be.” I breathed as I kissed my way back up her hot, flushed skin. “I can’t wait any longer, Olivia. I’ve tried, I can’t. I need to be inside you.” Divine intervention would be the only thing that could hold me back any longer.

  I could see the precise moment that I melted her with my words. I didn’t have a fucking clue what I was feeling until sheer dread washed over me when she stopped me. The look in her eyes changed from need to worry. The shy innocence that always seemed to radiate from her, was rolling off in waves.

  “Fuck, it’s not your first time is it?”

  “No...” A part of me hated that word, the part that wanted to claim her as my own. “’re just so...” She blushed, chewing on her bottom lip. I knew what she meant. I was bigger than average which was great for bragging rights but not so great when it meant you were ripping apart the girl you were trying to make lov– the girl you were trying to fuck – especially when she was so tight, small and fragile. Her words almost killed me. I wanted to roar, beat my chest then come all over hers so that the world would know that she was mine. Mine.

  I kissed over her bottom lip until she released it from between her teeth. “I’ll be gentle with you, Baby Doll.” I whispered against her lips. Rocking my hips backwards and forwards slowly, the tip of my hard cock pushed through her wet folds. She was so tight that I worried that I’d hurt her, but her feet pushing against my arse told me otherwise. “Olivia… Look at me, open your eyes.” Her eyes blinked open and studied me; her mouth shaping an O as I pushed a little deeper. “Look at me, Olivia. I want to see you.” I needed to see every flicker of emotion cross her face, but I couldn’t read her. I had no fucking clue what she was thinking. The way she was looking at me– it was unlike any other look I’d encountered in my life and I felt completely out of my depth– out of control. I pulled back trying to focus myself and figure out what the hell was happening inside of her head or even in my own.

  Olivia wriggled beneath me trying to pull me back into her slick heat, her lower lip clamped back between those teeth of hers. I needed those lips on mine again, swallowing down the sounds that she made as I pushed my length to her core. Her hands tightened their grip on mine. Pale pink nails embedded into the backs of my hands and I wished so badly that they were raking up and down my back, but I couldn’t let go of her for one second.

  I wasn’t usually much of a hand-holder. Holding hands would mean that I actually spent time with the women after I’d done fucking them, but holding hands with Olivia did something to me. Something indescribable. I found myself wanting to hold her hand constantly, just to have my hands on her in some small way.

  Olivia’s pussy clenched around my cock again, sending shockwaves through my spine. I had to slow myself again or I was going to lose it pretty fucking quickly.

  “Connor.” She sighed as her eyes fixed on mine. Hearing my name whisper from her tongue in that way made me want to spend an eternity just like this – buried inside of her so that I could hear it over and over again. I didn’t even want to think about what would happen after this, if it was just a one-time thing for her or not, but if it was, I’d forever remember the way she said my name in that moment. It wasn’t as is she was calling out to me for my attention, but calling out to my heart which was racing to the beat of her name. “Don’t stop.” She begged and I couldn’t if I’d wanted to.

  Rotating my hips slightly, I moved to press against her clit as I thrust deep inside of her. “Yes! There!” She cried as she tightened around my cock again. With her chest and her cheeks coloured with a matching flush of pink she stared up at me, her green eyes pleading with me. “Connor… Please… Make me come again.” There was no shame or embarrassment in her words, the delicate shyness from earlier had faded. Just the God’s honest truth smothered in layers of wanton longing remained. For me.

  Holding onto her hands was like keeping a grip on sanity – a grip on the earth – as I began to let go. White hot heat pooled in my balls and the base of my spine as I felt the first wave of her orgasm ripple through her, before my own release surged forward into her.

  I felt completely and utterly lost, only finding myself within her, not just literally. I tried to centre myself but the only thing flooding my mind was her. How was it possible that she’d broken her way into my very soul in a matter of a couple of days? What the hell was that?

  Looking down at her it was easy to see.

  I was the darkness and she was the light that called to me. She was my one way ticket out of the dark side. My reason to be good. My reason to be better. I would do that for her.


  I stopped in the doorway of the bathroom at the sight of Olivia running her hand over her thigh; the remnants of my orgasms dripping down between her legs. My hard-on which had only just subsided, quickly sprang back to life with a pulse that screamed ‘mine, mine, mine’ with every beat. Folding my arms over my chest I tried to hold myself still and not charge her down onto the bed.

  “Oh my God” she whispered to herself as she rubbed her fingers to her thumb.

  “I happen to think that is the sexiest thing I’ve ever seen. Apart from you.” Her gaze made its way over my body and I couldn’t help but smile as she licked her lips. Her eyebrow rose in question, obviously not following what I’d said to her. “Watching that drip down your legs is turning me on again…” Her eyes fell down to my dick, which shamelessly twitched like he was acknowledging her for himself – mine. I walked towards her needing my hands to be on her again, settling for her stomach. With my fingers resting on her hips my thumbs stroked down below her belly button to her bare mound. “…knowing that it’s mine and it’s still in you right now…” Her expression faltered. Panic washed over her.

  She’d only just realised we hadn’t bothered to use condoms. That was a dick move on my part. I shouldn’t have been so careless, but once I’d seen the appointment for her contraceptive injections in her calendar I’d just assumed. Just because they were there, it didn’t mean that she’d kept to them. Relief flooded through me once she confirmed that she had indeed kept the appointment.

  “I’ve never been with anyone without one before. You’re the first girl I’ve ever wanted to truly come inside of. You don’t even know how good it felt.” I whispered in her ear; one of my hands caressed its way from her cheek to the apex of her thighs. Three fingers stroked over her wet lips. “Tell me I’m the only one that’s done this.” My middle finger eased inside of her while my dick kicked in protest at being left out. “Tell me no one has ever come inside this beautiful pussy like I have.”

  She was mine. Any other fucker wouldn’t have a hope in hell of getting her now. I’d mark her like a dog pissing up a tree all day if I had to. I’d do that to keep her. Her eyes fixed on mine despite the fluttering of her lids as I pushed my fingers deep inside of her again.

  “Only one. You’re the only one, Connor.” Hearing those words was enough to make me want to shoot another load – and I did as I switched my fingers for my cock. She blinked rapidly, trying to hold my gaze but her own release rippled through her body. “Connor… Please… Please!” Olivia’s head tipped backwards into the pillow as her fingernails dragged down my much wished for shredded back; the muscles throughout her body strung tighter than a bow ready to shoot. “Don’t stop… Don’t…stop.” Her teeth bit down onto her bottom lip hard enough to draw blood. She all but screame
d my name as I felt another release roll through her.

  “Holy-fucking-shit!” I gasped, wiping my brow off with the back of my hand. Olivia laughed in agreement as I rolled to my side, pulling her with me to stay connected to her. My still hard dick kicked inside of her, eliciting a long, drawn out moan.

  “Down boy.” She smiled, twisting her fingers through my hair and pulling me towards her again. Her lips captured mine and I could detect the faint metallic taste of her blood on my tongue.

  “You know, if you want him to leave you alone, you’re not doing a very good job of convincing him to back away.” I felt her sleepy smile through her kiss and opened my eyes to watch her. She looked completely blissed out which was fine with me – I was too. I was on cloud ten I was that fucking happy.

  “Maybe I don’t really want him to. Maybe I’m just playing hard to get.”

  “Oh Baby Doll, you’re way too far gone for that now.”

  “So what are you waiting for, Riley?” She raised an eyebrow with a cocky smile, teasing me.

  “I’m waiting for you to turn around and give me this pretty, little arse of yours, Miss Stevens.” I said as my hand skimmed over the soft skin of her rear. She stiffened in my arms, her eyes going wide with fear. “Not like that! What do you take me for?” I laughed as I gave her bum a gentle squeeze. “I just want to be buried inside you from behind.”

  She whispered an ‘oh’ before turning over; I moulded my body to hers, easily slipping into the wetness between her legs with one arm resting beneath my head and the other hand alternating between her perfect tits.

  My lazy pace fit exactly with the sleep that was trying to claim both of us.

  “No more, no more. I can’t take it.” Olivia’s words were at odds with her body as it arched into mine with every thrust, and the hand that she had gripped in my hair. I was vaguely aware of phones ringing – somewhere – but I couldn’t think about those, nor did I want to.

  I lazily trailed my fingertips down over her stomach tickling over the sensitive skin of her hip bone before dipping between her legs. I had her panting through another release before her breathing evened out with the sleep I’d fucked her into.

  Brushing her hair back from her face, I watched as her eyes flickered beneath the lids. Kissing her temple I pulled her closer to me, the apple scent of her hair filling my nose as I drifted off to sleep.


  I awoke to Olivia trying to pull away from me, and the noise of a fucking jackhammer going off somewhere in the apartment. “Where are you going?” I didn’t care that I sounded like a whiny twelve year old. I was comfy and fuck whoever or whatever was making her get up and away from me.

  “My phone, I can’t reach it.” Sighing I let go of the grip I’d had on her boobs, but pulled her straight back to me once the noise of the vibration had dimmed slightly. “It’s Austin.” I shrugged, not caring in the slightest. I wasn’t the least little bit concerned about him as I started kissing my way over Olivia’s neck, only pausing once she started babbling about me in an awkward high pitched voice. Obviously Austin had asked of my whereabouts which meant that he’d been trying to reach me which also meant that Frank had probably tried to call me too. Fuck!

  My worry for the pair of them paled in comparison to the conversation that Olivia had with Austin. She told him every detail of the day before, unlike the version I’d been told whilst she was crying. It was clear how close she and Austin were by the way she seemed to forget that I was in the room while she poured her heart out to him. She was still hurting. Of course she was, it was only yesterday! I was stupid to think that she’d be over what had happened already.

  I inwardly seethed at the thought that she’d still be in love with a rat like Jamie fucking Matthews. Mine. I’d need to find a way to make sure that she didn’t go back to him.


  After showing with Olivia and making sure that all traces of Jamie had been erased from her mind – for now at least – I headed back to my own room. My phone had vibrated its way from the bedside table to the floor and had just missed the twenty-third call to it. Fuck! I called Austin back first.

  “Sorry boss, I was in the gym while Olivia was sleeping. What can I do for you?”

  “Nothing.” His tone was clipped and I knew that I’d fucked up.

  “Look, I’m sorry. I had my music on so I never heard my phone ringing. I won’t do that again, I swear.” A long sigh came from the other side of the line.

  “It’s fine. There was a security alert at one of the holdings, early this morning.”

  “Which one? Is everything ok?”

  “The old farmhouse. It’s all fine, Frank checked it out about an hour ago. He said it’s an electrical fault tripping the alarm but he’s getting someone out to check on it now.”

  “I can go and check it out if you like?”

  “No, I need you with Olivia. I was speaking with her earlier, she sounds pretty upset over all of this shit with Jamie so just keep an eye on her, ok? And don’t let her go back there until I’ve had a chance to speak with her properly.” I laughed to myself – he had no. fucking. idea.

  “No problem with that, boss.”

  “Good, now get out of my gym and check on my girl for me. I’ll be back later for dinner; my brother and his wife will be joining us so Olivia will probably want to cook, expect a trip to the shops as we have the grand total of fuck all in the fridge – What? I’ll be right there – Right, I’ve got to go. You take care of Liv and I’ll be back later.”

  The line went dead, but my phone immediately vibrated again in my hand – Frank was calling. I desperately wanted to ignore it but I knew that I couldn’t.

  “Where the fuck have you been?” Jesus…

  “In the gym. What’s up?” A short and sharp laugh of disbelief sounded from his end of the phone.

  “The plan is speeding up again. We need to convince Olivia to hand over what’s rightfully Julie’s–”

  “You mean Bobby’s?”

  “Aye whatever. You’re going to take Olivia up to the old farmhouse and…” The farmhouse? But Austin… No… No way. “…we’ll discuss the handover there. She claims to hate that place, yet another one of her lies, so hopefully she’ll play along and we’ll get all of this over with quickly and get the fuck out of there.”

  “I’m not taking her anywhere. It’s all real!”

  “I beg your pardon?”

  “It’s all real, it wasn’t a lie!”

  “Oh my God… You fucked her, didn’t you?”

  “No I didn’t…” The lie cut me deep, right to my bones. I wanted to shout from the rooftops that in fact, I had slept with Olivia, I wanted the world to know that she was mine. “…and I’m not doing that.”

  “You’ll do what the hell you’re told, boy, do you understand me?”

  “No, there is nothing you can do that will convince me otherwise. End of.”

  “We’ll see.”


  Following Olivia around a supermarket, I couldn’t seem to understand the guys moaning about having to follow their women around. As far as I could see it was pretty fucking awesome. Pushing a trolley around while I got to stare at her arse without question for an hour was without a doubt, the best thing I could think to be doing with my time. Besides fucking her, of course.

  It wasn’t just because I got to ogle her unashamedly, touch and kiss her as often as I wanted, I’d simply never shopped for food with a woman before and it was nice. The way that she wanted to make sure that she bought food that I liked so that she could make something for me, did something inside of me that I didn’t have words for. She wanted to care for me as much as I did for her.

  My eyes roamed up and down the length of her. She shifted her weight from side to side on her feet, which were wrapped in navy sandals that made her four inches taller. “I don’t know which one to choose.” Olivia pouted as she scrutinised the two bell peppers that she was holding in her hands. I never thought that my life coul
d be summed up by a bloody fruit in a supermarket.

  “How about you pick me?” Olivia slowly looked up at me, furrowing her brows in confusion. “Look, this is moving really fast and I don’t want to stop it. I really like you, Olivia. I don’t just want to sneak into your room when your uncle isn’t looking.” and mine “You’re worth more than that. Will you go on a date with me?” The peppers fell from her hands as she blinked up at me, then blinked again before looking around us to see if anyone was watching.

  “W-what?” Letting go of the trolley I walked towards her kicking one of the peppers out of my way. Cupping her cheeks I ran my thumbs over her soft, pink lips.

  “Go on a date with me. Please? I don’t want what happened this morning to be a one-time thing. I want you, Olivia. Be mine?” Her lips parted with her gasp for air and I seized the opportunity to kiss her; slipping my tongue between her lips and teeth, I owned her right there in the vegetable aisle. “Please?” I begged as I came up for air. “I’m going to drop to my knees in a minute if you don’t answer me, and there is a little old lady watching who will expect me to pull a ring out of my pocket if I do that and we wouldn’t want to disappoint her would we?” The edge of her lips curved upwards in a smirk as she turned to look at the woman.

  “Ok, but only because we can’t disappoint her.”


  I watched Olivia as she cooked from across the room. I’d been banished to the sofa, well anywhere away from her, for distracting her from cooking when she needed to get everything ready for her parents arriving. It was so hard staying so far away from her so I waited until she was thoroughly distracted by her preparations to sneak back over. Slipping my hands around her waist and burying my nose into the back of her hair, I breathed her in as she relaxed back into my chest.

  “You smell so good. I want to taste you again.” I smiled as I sucked the lobe of her ear into my mouth, something that I’d found was a major turn on for her. Working quickly before she stopped me, I moved my hands down to the hem of her skirt, making my way to the lace that the image of, had been burned into my mind only a couple of hours previously. I wanted them off. No, around her thighs. Yes!


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