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Blood Unleashed (Blood Stone)

Page 38

by Tracy Cooper-Posey

  Rick smiled. “Patience,” he told her.

  Marcus snorted. “Fat chance that’s going to happen. Where are we, anyway? I got lost about thirty turns back. These stupid roads wind back on themselves, I swear.”

  “The roads all follow the original cart tracks. Rosenwold has been a village since Saxon times,” Rick replied. “Nearly there.” He turned the small car they had rented at Heathrow into a lane that looked barely wide enough to let it through. There were dry stone fences on either side, with gates and stiles. Stiles, Marcus repeated to himself. This part of England was a living, breathing cliché. Ilaria was over the moon about the chocolate box scenery.

  Rick negotiated around a sharp bend, then pointed. “There,” he said.

  Ilaria sucked in her breath, pressing her hand against the side window as she looked. “Oh my God!” she squealed. “Stop! Stop!”

  “Not in the middle of the road,” Rick replied. But he was smiling.

  The cottage he had pointed to was a lot larger than others in the area – it had two floors, with gable windows punching out through the thatched roof. The windows were lead-lighted, the bronze lead lights gleaming with care.

  The walls were whitewashed, and there were six double windows across the front of the cottage. Marcus could feel his jaw descending in astonishment. There were roses and green ivy clinging to the walls around the windows.

  The garden out the front of the house was a mass of flowers and shrubs. Blooms of every shade and color were nodding in the early summer sunshine. There was even a picket fence.

  Marcus pushed forward between the two front seats. “You own this? You?” he asked Rick.

  “It’s one of my homes,” Rick said casually. “But I haven’t lived here for years.”

  “Ooooh, it’s beautiful.” Ilaria sighed.

  Rick pulled the car into a narrow driveway and parked on the hardstand that was clearly a modern addition to the front yard. He ducked his head to look up at the house through the windscreen, then looked at Ilaria. “They’re not mullions in the windows…but will it do?”

  She grabbed his head and kissed him soundly. “I love it! You knew, when I was talking about my dream house – you were thinking about this one.”

  Rick stroked her cheekbone. “I wasn’t sure, then. I am now.”

  Marcus got out of the car and stretched. “You’re talking in euphemisms again,” he told Rick as he unfolded himself from the low vehicle and stood up.

  Ilaria stepped out of the car, her legs looking very long under the short dress. She had put on a pair of dark, big sunglasses. With her dark hair shining in the sun, and the white dress which made her olive skin gleam, she looked like a million dollars. She looked at Rick over the roof of the car. “He’s right. You’re being obscure.”

  “I’m not about tell all out here in the yard,” Rick replied. He walked around the car and along the path to the front door, which he unlocked and pushed open.

  Ilaria wandered along the path, pausing to sniff flowers, or sigh over them. She reached up and kissed Rick’s cheek as she stepped in the door. Marcus followed her inside, curious.

  It was as charming inside as it was out. The walls were still white, but there was dark wood furniture and thick cushions everywhere. A grandfather clock ticked loudly in the corner by the fireplace. A big sofa sat in front of the fireplace and chairs were pulled up beside it. “It’s perfect,” Marcus said.

  Rick sat on the back of the sofa, watching them explore.

  Ilaria pushed her sunglasses onto the top of her head and looked at him, her hand on her hip, which did interesting things to the scrap of material that made up the back and lower half of her dress, and hiked the hem up another inch or so.

  Marcus wrenched his attention away from her legs and looked at Rick, too. “You were being obscure,” he reminded him.

  Rick crossed his arms, his long legs stretching out. “This isn’t a subject I find easy to talk about,” he began.

  Marcus rolled his eyes. “A stiff upper-lipped Brit like you? Who’d’ve guessed?”

  Ilaria giggled.

  Rick gave a small smile. “Laugh all you want. I haven’t done this for a very long time.”

  “Done what?” Ilaria asked.

  “Well, for a start, bringing you home. Both of you.” He stood up restlessly. “That’s a lie,” he said flatly. “I’ve never bought anyone home. Not like this. Not when I want you to stay as much as I do. The others all left sooner or later. I can’t conceive of a time when I would want you to go.”

  “I can’t stay forever,” Marcus said gently. “Eventually, I’m going to grow old and die.”

  Rick shook his head. “We will turn you. I’m not going to give you up that easily.”

  Ilaria’s expression was soft and warm. “But you aren’t going to ask us to stay, are you?” she asked, sounding wise.

  Rick shook his head. “I’m doing this all wrong,” he said flatly and turned his back on them.

  “It’s okay—” Marcus began.

  “No, it’s not,” Rick shot back, turning to face them again. “Why can’t I say it?”

  “Because it’s new and scary and you’re not used to it,” Ilaria told him.

  Rick closed his eyes. “I love you. I love you, Marcus, and I love you, Ilaria.” He took a breath that sounded shaky. “I wasn’t looking for this…I didn’t want it, but now that I have you, I never want to let you go. I want to lock the door and keep the world away while I have my time with you. But as soon as I think about finding some way to bind you to me and keep you by me forever, I feel sick.” He pushed his hand through his hair with a desperate sweep of his fingers. “I don’t want to lose you. But I don’t know how to make sure that never happens.”

  “You can’t,” Marcus said flatly. “You can’t stop people dying, or leaving. Life doesn’t work that way. All you can do is love as hard as you can while you have the time to do it.” He stripped off his jacket and dropped it on the back of the sofa next to Rick. “I love you both. I keep being surprised by how much I love you, but I feel the same way. I feel uneasy as soon as I think about commitments or ceremonies or anything like that. Probably it’s because of Katya – everything was fine until we had to define our relationship and make it formal.”

  Ilaria placed herself in front of them. “I don’t want a ceremony or a commitment either. The idea of bonds of any type….” She shuddered. “No, I do not want them. But I want you both to stay with me.”

  Marcus picked up her hand, then Rick’s, and placed them together in his. “That’s how we do it,” he told them. “We don’t commit. We don’t make promises. We ask for what we want – and you have to ask, Rick. No euphemisms or expecting us to mind read. Each of us is free to say no and walk away at any time.”

  Rick took a deep breath. “Very well,” he said. “I have to remain in England for the next…well, no one knows how long. I am Nial’s agent here until things change. Ilaria, you agreed to be at Nial’s beck and call, but your base has always been Europe. Marcus, you are the CIA’s vampire contact for western Europe.”

  Marcus grinned. “There’s something I never thought I’d hear said about me, ten weeks ago.”

  Ilaria smiled.

  Rick shook their combined hands a little. “I want you both to stay here, with me, in this house. For as long as you want, until you want to leave.”

  Ilaria sighed. “I would love to stay,” she said softly.

  Rick looked at Marcus.

  Marcus smiled back. “I thought you’d never ask.”

  More erotic paranormal romance by Tracy Cooper-Posey


  Beth’s Acceptance – Book 1 of the Destiny’s Trinities series

  Can she accept the destiny being thrust at her?

  For weeks, the darkly sinful Zachariah, her favorite customer at McGinty’s, has been raising NYC student Beth Siegel’s pulse, driving her crazy with need.

  Neither can she keep the tall, blue-eyed mysterious Luke who haunts th
e library stacks at her day job, out of her mind or her sweaty, desperate fantasies.

  Fate hands Beth a startling destiny: to bond with both of them—a bond formed via sex. Sex with either one of them would have been fabulous. Together? Irresistible.

  But fate is a two-edged sword and the bond comes at a price. Luke and Zack are not what they seem, and the world as Beth knows it not quite the real deal. Can Beth accept the price the bond will ask of her?

  Warning: This story features two super hot alpha heroes, multiple sex scenes, including anal sex, MM sexual play, and MMF sex. Do not read this book if frank sexual language and sex scenes offend you.

  No non-humans were harmed except for large numbers of Grimoré, who died with satisfactory squeals…

  Beth’s Acceptance is the first book in the Destiny’s Trinities series:

  Book 1: Beth’s Acceptance

  Book 2: Mia’s Return

  Book 3: Sera’s Gift

  2009 CAPA Finalist for Best Erotic Paranormal Romance.

  Night Owl Romance Reviewer’s Top Pick

  I was unable to put the book down until the very end. I was scrambling to find the release date of the next one, anxious to see what happens in the next installment. -- Coffee Time Romance

  …an alluring, intelligent, scorching hot read that will leave you waiting impatiently for more … I really enjoyed this book and I am delighted to recommend it to other readers. Night Owl Reviews

  A dark and delightfully erotic new series that sizzles in passion and crackles in danger, delivering suspense with an edge that will have readers eager for more… A stunning story. Prepare to be dazzled. The Romance Studio

  A great job of combining erotic romance with paranormal aspects. The[y] play off each other really well, each a very strong independent character. Smexy Books

  A wondrous ride in the paranormal. I cannot wait for the second book, and yes, this is my way of saying hurry please! Bitten By Books

  The heat radiates from the story from start to finish and the bits in between come close to bringing the reader to melt down in delight. These are just the right size to curl up with when you need a little time alone and a little excitement. Amberkatz Book Blog

  Click here to buy Beth’s Acceptance now:

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  About the Author

  Tracy Cooper-Posey is an Amazon #1 Best Selling Author. She writes erotic vampire romances, hot romantic suspense, paranormal and urban fantasy romances. She has published over 70 novels since 1999, been nominated for five CAPAs including Favorite Author, and won the Emma Darcy Award.

  She turned to indie publishing in 2011. Her indie titles have been nominated four times for Book Of The Year and Byzantine Heartbreak was a 2012 winner. She has been a national magazine editor and for a decade she taught romance writing at MacEwan University.

  She is addicted to Irish Breakfast tea and chocolate, sometimes taken together. In her spare time she enjoys history, Sherlock Holmes, science fiction and ignoring her treadmill. An Australian, she lives in Edmonton, Canada with her husband, a former professional wrestler, where she moved in 1996 after meeting him on-line.

  Her website can be found at Tracy enjoys hearing from readers and can be reached at

  Other books by Tracy Cooper-Posey


  Blood Knot Series (Urban Fantasy Paranormal Series)

  Blood Knot

  Blood Stone

  Blood Unleashed

  Blood Revealed (Upcoming)

  Beloved Bloody Time Series (Paranormal Futuristic Time Travel)

  Bannockburn Binding

  Byzantine Heartbreak

  Romani Armada

  Kiss Across Time Series (Paranormal Time Travel)

  Kiss Across Time

  Kiss Across Swords

  Kiss Across Chains

  Guardian Bonds (Gargoyle Paranormal Series)

  Carson’s Night

  Beauty’s Beasts

  Sabrina’s Clan (Upcoming)

  Destiny’s Trinities (Urban Fantasy Romance Series)

  Beth’s Acceptance

  Mia’s Return

  Sera’s Gift

  Short Paranormals

  Solstice Surrender

  Eva’s Last Dance

  Guns ‘n’ Lovers Series (Romantic Suspense)

  Red Leopard

  Black Heart

  Blue Knight

  White Dawn (Upcoming)

  Silver Noon (Upcoming)

  Golden Day (Upcoming)

  Go-get-‘em Women (Short Romantic Suspense Series)

  The Royal Talisman

  Delly’s Last Night

  Vivian’s Return

  Ningaloo Nights

  Sian’s Run (Upcoming)

  Jewells of the Morrow series (Historical Romantic Suspense)

  Diana By The Moon

  Heart of Vengeance

  The Perilous Maiden (Upcoming)

  To Soothe a Savage Heart (Upcoming)

  The Heart of the Enemy (Upcoming)

  The Cherlebury Rose (Upcoming)

  The Duchess of Winter (Upcoming)

  Despite The Sands Of Time (Upcoming)

  Scandalous Sirens (Historical Romance Series)


  Dangerous Beauty

  Rhys Davies’ untitled story (Upcoming)

  Romantic Thrillers Series

  Fatal Wild Child

  Dead Again

  Dead Double

  Terror Stash

  Thrilling Affair (Compilation)

  Contemporary Romances

  Lucifer’s Lover

  An Inconvenient Lover

  The Sherlock Holmes Series

  Chronicles of the Lost Years

  The Case of the Reluctant Agent

  For reviews, excerpts, and more about each title, visit Tracy’s site and click on each title in turn:

  Copyright Information

  This is an original publication of Tracy Cooper-Posey

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents either are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, business establishments, events, or locales, is entirely coincidental. The publisher does not have any control over and does not assume any responsibility for third-party websites or their content.

  Copyright © 2013 by Tracy Cooper-Posey

  Text design by Tracy Cooper-Posey

  Cover design by Dar Albert

  Wicked Smart Designs

  All rights reserved

  No part of this book may be reproduced, scanned, or distributed in any printed or electronic form without permission. Please do not participate in or encourage piracy of copyrighted materials in violation of the author’s rights. Purchase only authorized editions.

  FIRST EDITION: December 2013

  Cooper-Posey, Tracy

  Blood Unleashed/Tracy Cooper-Posey—1st Ed.


  Paranormal – Fiction

  Table of Contents

  About Blood Unleashed

  Praise for the Blood Stone series


  Who’s Who and What’s What

  Part I

  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  Chapter Seventeen

  Chapter Eighteen

  Chapter Nineteen

  Chapter Twenty

  Chapter Twenty-One

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  Part II

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  Chapter Twenty-Four

  Chapter Twenty-Five

  Chapter Twenty-Six

  Chapter Twenty-Seven

  Chapter Twenty-Eight

  Chapter Twenty-Nine

  Chapter Thirty

  Chapter Thirty-One

  Chapter Thirty-Two

  Chapter Thirty-Three

  Chapter Thirty-Four


  Chapter Thirty-Five

  More erotic paranormal romance by Tracy Cooper-Posey


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