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Burning Desire

Page 5

by Ami Snow

  She placed her hand on his shoulder and pulled him in close to her. She leaned forward and whispered in his ear, “If I need you will I be able to find you in there as well?” He pulled back and looked at her with a smug face. “Of course,” he said seriously. He turned and walked back into the cabin that she now concluded was just the bedroom. As she showered she wondered just how big this aircraft was and what the rest of it looked like. She would have never imagined it to be like this but, then again, she would have never imagined Lance would turn out to be an alien. As she shut off the water and began to dry her hair with a towel before wrapping it up, she questioned why she was taking this all so lightly. She almost seemed unaffected by the fact Lance was not human.

  She secured a towel around her body before stepping back out into the hallway and heading back to the bedroom. When she walked in, she found Lance sitting on the couch now in shorts while reading a book. He looked up and smiled, taking the time to rake his eyes over her body. He seemed to like how she looked even just wrapped in a towel. “I’m curious about this place,” she openly admitted as she dropped herself next to him on the couch. He looked at her and tilted his head so she continued, “I want to see more of it. Would you be okay with that?”

  He took a deep breath and looked past her as he thought about it. “Yes,” he finally said. He stood up and she followed. He took her by the hand and led her back out to the same short hallway, this time opening the door next to the bathroom to reveal a small den. There was even a television in there but it was all very simply furnished. He then walked to the door across and opened it to reveal a full kitchen. “Do you need food just like us?” She blurted out the question without thinking and quickly hoped she was not pushing too far into his personal life without invitation or asking insensitive questions. “Yes,” he replied casually, “Though not as often. And we naturally have much faster and effective metabolisms.”

  “Lucky you,” she joked as she ran her hands across the cool steel of the humming refrigerator. She found it amusing how the refrigerator seemed to be noisier than the entire aircraft. When they returned to the bedroom she glanced over at another door he had not opened. He noticed and quickly said, “That’s a control room type of thing. I would prefer if we just keep that out of the tour.” She nodded in understanding and sunk back onto the bed, wondering why he preferred to keep that specific room private. She would not push the issue but a few questions had formed in her mind about it.

  She felt the bed space beside her sink with the weight of a body as Lance climbed into bed. He sat and turned to face her, looking at her with an expression she could not quite place. She pushed herself up slightly to rest on her shoulders and looked at him. They sat in silence for a couple minutes before she decided to ask another question. “Have you done this a lot?”

  “Done what?”

  “Abducted women to have sex with them,” she said quietly.

  He looked at her almost incredulously and shook his head. “I didn’t quite abduct you,” he defended himself. She sat up and gave him a peck on the lips. His eyes had returned to their normal, piercing green and his skin was no longer pearlescent. “Can you change your appearance at will?”

  “Yes,” he replied, “But now that I’ve spent more time in human form it comes a lot more naturally than it did at first. I don’t need to concentrate on it nearly as much as I did when I first came here.”

  She lay down on her side and ran her fingers over the bed sheets in circles. She wanted to ask more questions because, really, how often did a human get to knowingly interact with an alien this way? But she did not want to be insensitive or make him feel like she thought of him as some kind of freak specimen at a lab. She wanted to learn more about him because she was genuinely interested. It was just liked dating except she care to know more about him than his job or what his hobbies were. Though she did hope to eventually find that out too. She wanted to continue living in the moment and enjoying Lance’s company. It did not matter to her at all that he was an alien and she could not see a reason why it should. He was obviously not a threat to her or anyone else. That was the moment she realized she truly did still want to date him and see where this took her.

  “Just because someone is human doesn’t mean they’re any safer to be around,” she reasoned with him about a week later over dinner at her place. They had enjoyed one date since their night on his aircraft and she had been very excited for this second date after that. They had not had sex again and she did not think they would tonight either. The truth was both of them were truly enjoying getting to know one another and she was thrilled to learn he did not mind her asking him endless questions. If anything, he took the same stance on the matter as she did and welcomed all her questions so long as they continued to come from the same place of interest. “I supposed that’s true,” he responded before taking a drink of water.

  “It’s completely true,” she retaliated. “Just take a look at all the terrible things people are willing to do to each other for the most ridiculous reasons. Some people don’t even have a reason. So a person being afraid of aliens is just afraid of the unknown.” They continued this conversation until, somehow, she ended up on his lap and they were kissing with a mad passion. There had never been an intention to sleep together again so quickly but they could not seem to contain their urges. The conversation had roused something in them that caused them to want to kiss deeply while pawing at each other.

  Just minutes later their clothes ended up on the floor and she was straddling him as their heavy and hot breath mixed in the air. His skin was pearlescent again and his eyes covered with what looked like a shiny, black lens. She rubbed her wet slit over his cock a few time before having him position it at her opening so she could push her body downward, allowing his cock to penetrate her fully. He grasped her waist tightly while his other hand fondled her large breasts that bounced with the motion of her body. She moaned louder and louder until she could feel her body approaching climax. He leaned forward and flicked her nipples with his tongue before alternating between sucking on them and blowing icy breath over them when they were still wet with his warm saliva. She shivered and felt bumps erupt all over her body as a quiver ran down her spine, her hips moving faster and faster until she was digging her nails into his shoulder. Her movements were uncontrollable as the orgasm took hold of her entire body and she got lost in the ecstasy of it, unaware of just how loud her moaning really was. He held onto her wide hips with both hands and thrust upward at a faster pace than her own movement and she soon felt his hot cum shoot into her and drip out, running down her thighs as his grunts reached her ears.

  She collapsed forward onto him, arms draped over his shoulders and head resting on his shoulder. They stayed in that position for a few minutes, with him still inside her, until they regained some of their strength. She pushed her body up and off him, stretching and giving him a great view of her voluptuous, nude body. He licked his lips at the sight and she saw his eyes light up. It was yet another completely spontaneous thing that had happened with Lance and she had greatly enjoyed every minute of it. “I’m going to shower,” she told him before walking into the bathroom. She made it quick to give him a chance to shower as well, which he did as soon as she was out. She briefly toyed with the idea of joining him but decided against it. She wanted to save something for another date. When he stepped out, she asked if he would like to spend the night and he readily agreed.

  He climbed onto her bed and leaned his back against the headboard so she could rest her head on his lap. They turned on the television and picked a movie but ended up ignoring it completely in favor of talking to each other. He was wearing only his boxers and she ran her fingers over the smooth skin of his torso. “Would you prefer to just be yourself now?” He looked down at her and she could tell he was not entirely sure what she meant. “I mean, you don’t have keep yourself in human form all the time around me when we are alone.” He hummed in understanding and immediately his skin turne
d back to its pearlescent quality and his eyes back to the luminous green with a black slit for a pupil. She was not sure if she was imagining it or not but she could have sworn she even felt his body relax.

  “It’s not very difficult anymore,” he explained, “but it is nice to just be able to be like this.” She nodded as she ran the tips of her fingers over his skin, enjoying the texture of his skin in this form felt. “You like it, don’t you?”

  She looked up at him and smiled. “I do,” she admitted. She stared directly into his eyes and questioned whether or not she was strange or crazy for liking him so much in this form. Or was it just another form of acceptance? Was it just like finding someone much more attractive the more you got to know them? These were questions she knew she might never have the answers to but that knowledge did not exactly bother her. Every time she was with Lance, she learned something new either about him or about herself. And that was the main beauty of this relationship. Because it had indeed become a relationship rather than just casual dating despite the very short amount of time they had known each other.

  There was a very strong connection between the two of them and it was undeniable. And over the course of the next couple months that connection would not fade. It actually grew stronger as time passed by. Eventually they made it official and were in an exclusive relationship, not that either of them had so much as looked at another person since the first night they spent together. Chelle absolutely loved to have sex with Lance, especially on his aircraft while it was traveling across the skies. They never bothered to take any trips because what they really wanted was to stay holed up in the cabin with each other the entire time. She did get a thrill from looking out the window and seeing everything they passed over, taking in as much of the view as she could during the nighttime. Because he only ever took her out on it at night but she understood. And she never pushed the issue of entering the control room, something he had still not offered to do.

  As time went on, she had fewer questions about that and the two of them found other conversations to fill their time. Eventually, he spent some evening with her closest friends and they all loved him. She smirked knowingly as they left after one game night and when he asked her why, she practically ravaged him right in the kitchen of her place. Their sex life only got more and more exciting as time went on. She never tired of what he could do that a human could not. He was constantly hot for her and she reveled in it. In her eyes, he would always be the horny alien who abducted her. She even made it a joke and teased him with it from time to time, causing him to pin her down and tease her mercilessly until she was at the breaking point. Only then would he paused and ask, “Who is the one aching for it now?” before finally satisfying her.

  On one particularly exciting night that they were flying over new terrain and she was looking out the window, thoroughly enjoying the sights. He came up behind her and ran his hands all over her body, his breath alternating between hot and cold on her neck. It was not long before he was fucking her up against the window, her vision slipping in and out as the lights zoomed out of sight below them. She had three intense orgasms nearly in a row that night and he had to carry her to the bed, her body weak from the intense pleasure. He ran a cool washcloth over her hot skin, serving to clean her up and cool her down at the same time. She ran her hands through his hair and wondered if people would ever accept him as an alien as readily as she had. She saw no reason for people to assume the worst from him for that simple reason. What she understood even less was the possibility of people who already knew him changing their opinions on him if they were to find out the truth. Nobody knew about his real identity and she did not see why they would ever need to know but she only hoped for the best if they were to ever find out.


  Fulfilled by Her Bear


  By: Madeleine Maclean

  Fulfilled by Her Bear

  Amanda Stewart is an investigative journalist and is the heroine in this story. The arch villain is Eckard Allstair. Amanda is trying to save some endangered species of in a remote and inaccessible national park from a corrupt and greedy mining magnate who wants to strip mine the area. Working for a small newspaper the reporter takes on the billionaire tycoon in the civil courts. The over achieving Amanda takes some wonderful pictures of the many species of fauna in the park and writes up an impressive submission listing the dangers of disturbing endangered species and strip mining unstable mountain terrain, with people living in the lower reaches of its valleys. The courageous and intrepid reporter discovers a massive forest creature alien to this area and in a torrid sexual encounter submits to its will.

  All my life I’ve been wild. Long before I had ever met Eckard Allstair, I felt like an uncontrollable animal. Growing up I was arrogant and headstrong. It was impossible to discipline me. I was always getting in everyone’s face. This was never something I could help. My parents always worried I was going to get myself killed. Growing up in the city may be fine for some, but growing up the poor child in the city can be dangerous. Throw in being a bull-headed colored girl and you have my life. Some might have felt victimized being handed my lot in life, but I never did. I never asked for anything out of a life in the city because I didn’t belong in the house, in the suburbs, in the city. I belonged in the woods.

  In the woods, no one judges you. There’s no racial slurs muttered by strangers, no leering stares or other girls giggling, calling you fat or ugly. There’s no cruelty. Everything in the woods, everything that lives and breathes is genuine. That was where I belonged. I hated growing up with other children. They play games and make up stories. They lie and keep secrets. The adults were just as bad. I would get fed up. When other children would be playing on the playground or in the streets with basketballs or skateboards, I would venture off on my own into the nearby woods. Only when I was out there would I feel that remarkable exhilaration. It’s hard to explain until you hear it. It’s like a voice that can only be heard in the silence of nature. It is the spirit of ferocity that calls only to those who are wild at heart. Unlike everyone around me, with their disingenuous games, I heard it calling me every night, and I could only answer it when I was out there, in the woods, the only time I felt free.

  I was a hunter and I hated liars. As a child, I was difficult because I was always hunting for something, buried treasure, a supposed location where witches were burned, any gossip or rumor spread by bored children, I was always the first to challenge, to investigate. So when I was finally an adult, I became a journalist. It seemed like an obvious fit. Even though I was older, I was exactly the same, still head strong, still pushing everyone’s buttons. I worked at the Herald for five years, gaining a fan base, becoming renowned as a real working man’s writer, a woman with a conscious. I sought to be the writer of the people always pushing further than the others, always cutting through everyone’s mask of bullshit. I almost won a Peabody, but even that didn’t stop them from letting go of me when I inevitably dug too deep. I pursued a story that cast a less than favorable light upon one of the corporate sponsors of the paper and refused to back down. Of course, the paper didn’t publish a word of it. That might have been enough had I not made it public on my blog. That was the only excuse they needed.

  From then on, I was going at it alone. I was a reporter without a home and I didn’t care. Walking into that eye-sore of a building in the Manhattan every day was never what I was meant to do. For all my effectiveness at my job as a writer, as a career woman, I did not belong there. My home was still the forest. Even as an adult, it was there for me. So when I heard of the legislation that was threatening my forest, I felt just as I always did, wild. I was angry that someone was trying to take my home. The Gorge Trail is a treacherous area teaming with wildlife. Though inhospitable to almost all but the most daring of hikers and adventurers, the area is a perfect home for creatures that thrive in solitude. The area is known for its spawning waters for flounder and catfish. Foxes, muskrats, deer and
even bobcats are plentiful in the lush thicket. It is a serene beauty that is only accessible to those who are willing to trek through trails on cliff edges and climb loose boulders.

  The Gorge Trail was already being threatened by poachers long before the new legislation was being pushed. The cataclysmic hedge fund, Morse Fields has been one of the biggest threats to America’s national parks for decades. Whatever else they do, consistently their only source of revenue has come from investments that have wrought destruction; oil companies that bulldoze entire valleys of trees to lay pipelines, chemical processing plants that leak cancer-causing poisons into rivers and utility suppliers that spread radioactive waste into habitats of rare animals. I’ve always been a radical and these men have been on my radar for as long as I’ve had a career. So naturally when I heard Morse Fields latest investment was pushing legislation that would endanger my woods, my only refuge from the rest of the world, I felt that same spirit of ferocity. That was when I first heard the name Eckard Allstair.

  Eckard already had a valiant reputation that he carried with him. He was young, good looking and regarded as brilliant and ambitious. His stock portfolio was impressive at such a young age that he was regarded as a financial prodigy. After making investment decisions that made him and his trade billions of dollars over the course of several years, he was put into an unprecedented position of being voted by the board of Morse Fields to be the new CFO. What stood out the most to me was the manner in which Eckard had solidified his fortune. Somehow, the man had a unique ability to navigate through vast seas of data, always able to act and react quicker than any other, buying here, trading there in a fashion that seemed almost preternatural. I will admit that when I dug into his past, I was intrigued by what I found.


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