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Burning Desire

Page 9

by Ami Snow

  My nerves began to mount as we drew closer to the estate. I had spoken with Harry on the phone since our first date. Always with a smile on my face as we told each other how our day had been. Imagining his clear blue eyes and handsome face as I listened to his smooth voice.

  Harold the butler opened the door for me as soon as I arrived. Leading me into the lounge. As I entered the room Harry held out his arms and I happily went to him. Sighing heavily with his strong embrace. Pleased to be close to him again.

  “I have missed you Clarissa,” Harry whispered as he kissed me gently.

  “Me too,” I murmured in reply.

  With his hand in mine he led me to the patio doors. Gazing out into the grounds I saw two horses tethered to the fence. Shocked I turned to face Harry.

  “I thought we could ride around the grounds before dinner,” he said with a smile.

  “That’s a wonderful idea.”

  We raced outside giggling childishly as we mounted the horses. It had been years since I had ridden, but it all came flooding back when I took the reins. Spurring the horse into a gentle trot as I followed Harry’s lead.

  It was a warm evening, with only a gentle breeze rustling through the leaves of the trees. Birds sang happily within their branches as the sun shone brightly overhead. Harry appeared thoughtful as he rode. Taking in the beauty of the grounds while the horses trotted along.

  “Are you alright?” I asked with concern.

  “Yes. Sorry Clarissa, it’s just been a hectic week,” Harry smiled.

  I nodded with understanding. Not wanting to push the issue further I allowed a comfortable silence to fall between us. Leaving Harry to his thoughts while we rode in peace. He looked tired and clearly was concerned about something, but it wasn’t my place to force him into telling me. Knowing that he would once the time was right.

  Following our ride we settled on the patio. Sitting at the table Harry opened the bottle of wine that Harold had left in an ice bucket to chill. Passing me my drink he raised in his glass in a toast.

  “To another wonderful evening with a beautiful lady,” he said grandly.

  Blushing I hit my glass against his gently. Taking a sip of the cool liquid while looking at Harry shyly over the rim. He gazed at me tenderly, reaching across the table to take my hand.

  Chapter Five

  For the rest of the evening Harry and I talked at length. I wanted to know everything about him that I could. Quizzing him about his family, his business and the people he employed. I was also intrigued by his charity work. Finding it enlightening to hear Harry’s stories of the reasons why he chose a particular cause to support. In the hope of helping those who had been less fortunate in life than himself.

  I was in awe of his estate as Harry gave me a grand tour. Showing me every room in the expansive main house. The many additional buildings that were used for business meetings or entertaining large parties of people. There was an indoor pool with changing rooms and showers. Also a small gym, hot tub and sauna. Harry had everything that he could possible wish for.

  Everything was grand and opulent. Yet Harry held no airs and graces. He truly appreciated everything that he owned. And I could see the love in his eyes when he spoke of his family. Clearly protective of his parents and younger sister, grateful for all they had done for him. To help him become the man that he was today.

  We were served a sumptuous meal of venison in the dining room. The table lit with candles, creating a romantic atmosphere. Every so often I would catch Harry watching me as I ate. Our eyes meeting before both quickly glanced away again. The flames from the candles lighting our faces, hiding our shy blushes.

  After we had finished eating I followed Harry into the conservatory. Taking the drink that he poured before settling beside him on the wicker seat. The moon was rising in the night’s sky, casting its glow across the waters of the pond. Although the evening was still warm, I gave a small shudder.

  Removing the jacket he wore, Harry placed it gently around my shoulders. Pulling me close against his warm body. I nestled against his chest. Listening to the sound of his heart beating loudly.

  Somehow I felt at ease with Harry. Unconcerned that we sometimes fell into silence. There was an unspoken bond between us that neither of us could explain. We had both spoken of how closely we felt for each other even though we had only met recently. It was as if we had an invisible connection that tied us together.

  When Sophie had visited me earlier in the week she had immediately said that she could see a change in me. A sparkle in my eyes, and a bounce to my step that hadn’t been present before. That I was smiling more and looking dreamy whenever I mentioned Harry’s name.

  I had laughed when Sophie had said that. Shyly admitting that I had fallen in love with Harry after just one meeting. She had clapped and cheered. Happy that I had finally met the man of my dreams.

  Yet sat here with him now, I knew that I couldn’t tell Harry of my true feelings. I was too afraid of being rejected. It was much too soon to speak of love. We had barely spent any time together. This was just our second date. And although it felt right to be with him, I was much too shy to tell him.

  So I simply enjoyed the rest of the evening until it came time to leave. Thanking Frank as he dropped me off at the apartment block. Daydreaming as I rode in the elevator to the floor where I lived.

  After unlocking the door I tossed my purse onto the kitchen counter. Twirling around the open plan lounge as I thought of Harry. I couldn’t wait to see him again tomorrow. We had planned to join each other for a picnic lunch and I was looking forward to being able to spend more time with him.

  I undressed slowly, hanging my clothes on the back of a chair. I stood naked before the full length mirror. Admiring my curves before slipping a satin gown over my head. Crawling under the covers I thought about how my life had changed so much recently.

  If someone had told me a month ago that I was going to meet the man of my dreams and that he would be a famous billionaire I would have laughed. Yet it had happened. And now I couldn’t imagine being this happy ever before in my life.

  Chapter Six

  As weeks became months Harry and I grew to be inseparable. We joined Sophie and Chris on double dates. Harry disguising himself so that he wouldn’t be recognized. He sent flowers to the boutique or my apartment every day. Calling me regularly to make sure that I was alright.

  I finally met his sister Rebecca and his parents. Joining them for family meals in their wing at the estate. They were a wonderful family, and I quickly became friends with Rebecca. Often meeting her for lunch in the city so that she could tell me about the latest date that she had been on.

  Yet still we hadn’t been intimate. Harry always seemed to shy away whenever we got too close and I was beginning to wonder if he didn’t find me physically attractive. It prayed on my mind when I was in the silence of my own apartment. Pondering about what I could possibly be doing wrong.

  When I was with Harry I always ensured that I was wearing my best clothes. And he had lavished me with gifts since we had begun our relationship. Though I kept objecting profusely, there was always a package hidden somewhere for me to find. A new dress or a piece of jewellery.

  For the first time in my life I was being treat like a princess. Even so, it sometimes felt as if Harry was pushing me away. That there was something on his mind but he couldn’t find the words to tell me what was wrong.

  It was on one such night while being driven home by Frank that my mind began to wander. Considering Harry’s final kiss before I had left him. As always it had been gentle and tender at first. Heightening with our passion.

  Then suddenly he had broken his embrace. Stepping away with a sheepish look. I had made a hasty retreat, feeling awkward as I climbed into the limo. I couldn’t understand why Harry had reacted like that. As though he couldn’t allow his emotions to envelope him for some reason.

  “Excuse me Miss Clarissa,” Frank said softly.

  “Yes Frank,”
I answered curiously.

  “You seem a little sad this evening if I may be so bold,” he continued cautiously.

  “I am just thinking about something Frank. I’m fine, thank you.”

  After a slight pause Frank gave a small cough. I looked at him with a frown, growing more and more concerned.

  “Was it Mr Forester that you were thinking of Miss?”

  “Yes it was. Why do you ask?”

  “I am going to speaking out of turn. But I feel it is my duty to do so when I see the sadness and worry in your eyes,” Frank said firmly.

  “What is it Frank?”

  “Mr Forester is ill. He has confided in me, I am the only one who knows the truth. I have kept his secret for over a year now. But I can see how much this pains you. The fact that he is reluctant to get too close.”

  My eyes filled with tears. My breath caught in my throat as I waited in silence for Frank to continue.

  “He does love you Miss. But he is afraid to give in to his feelings. You see Mr Forester needs an operation. But he may not survive as he has a rare blood group. The doctors have told him that the problem will only get the worse the longer it is left but he is obviously scared. So he is pushing people away in case the worse happens, in a vain attempt to try and protect them. Not even his parents or Rebecca know what is wrong,” Frank explained.

  “Oh my goodness Frank. And you have had to keep silent for a year,” I replied stunned.

  “I had to tell you Miss. I have the seen how you look at each other. With so much love. Maybe you are the one that can persuade him into having the operation that could save his life,” he ended.

  With tears streaming down my cheeks I thanked Frank for telling me the truth. Assuring him that I would do my best to convince Harry to do the right thing. Not just for himself, but also his family. They deserved to know the truth so that they could be there to offer their support.

  I threw myself onto the bed. Weeping into the pillow, uncaring about the smears of makeup that I left behind. Hearing that Harry was ill caused my heart to ache. Knowing that the operation could kill or cure him creating turmoil within me.

  Although it pained me to consider, I had made a promise to Frank that I would try. Hoping that I could convince Harry into having the surgery. While ensuring that his family were also told of what was happening.

  Realizing that I could lose Harry, so soon after meeting him filled me with fear. But now I had to be the strong one. To put aside my own feelings so that I could be supportive to the man that I loved.

  Chapter Seven

  When I next saw Harry he immediately sensed the tension in my body. I shuffled my feet slightly as I wondered how to approach the subject of his medical condition. Frank had clearly been told in confidence and the last thing I wanted was to get him into trouble.

  Absentmindedly I took the glass of champagne that Harry held out to me. He looked at me with concern, a frown furrowing his brow. I gave him a weak smile as I took a deep breath before speaking.

  “Please don’t be angry with him, but Frank has told me of your medical situation,” I began nervously.

  “What? How dare he?” Harry roared.

  “Wait, please.”

  I took Harry’s hands in mine, halting him from storming out of the door. I turned him to face me and held his cheek tenderly. Staring deep into his eyes I couldn’t prevent the tear trickle down my face.

  “Harry I love you. And I want to be with you. Through the good and the bad times. So we are going to face this together,” I said firmly.

  Harry leant forward, kissing me lightly on the lips. Although I was stunned, I welcomed his advances. Finding myself melting against him as he took me into his arms. With my heart pounding in my chest I returned his kisses. Every nerve in my body tingling from his touch as he held me tightly.

  I groaned low while Harry’s hand moved to caress my breast. My nipples immediately hardening and pushing tight against the material of my blouse. As Harry began to kiss my neck I felt a warmth develop between my legs.

  Pushing me back onto the couch, Harry lay upon me. His kisses growing more intense. I ran my hand across his shaven head. Relishing in the touch of his warm lips against mine. I gasped as his hand slipped beneath my skirt. Moving my panties aside and stroking my mound.

  I felt Harry’s hardness against my thigh as he writhed against me. My fingers fumbled as I undid the buttons on his pants. Reaching inside to release him from the tight material. He moaned lightly in my ear as I began to run my fingers along its fullness. Feeling it throb in my hand as Harry grew more aroused.

  Slowly I manoeuvred him inside me. Throwing back my head as he pushed deep. I tensed my muscles to grasp him tightly as he thrust harder. Our breaths laboured as beads of sweat began to form on our heated bodies.

  We climaxed in unison. Our warm juices mingling inside me as I panted hard to regain my breath. My heart beating loudly as Harry rested his head upon my naked breasts. I stroked his face lightly. Tracing my long nails across the contours of his body.

  “Thank you Clarissa,” Harry whispered.

  “You don’t have to thank me,” I chuckled.

  “Yes I do. You are the first women to ever love me for who I am. Not for the money that I have. And I love you with all my heart.”

  I kissed the top of his head tenderly. We had a long road ahead of us, but I was confident that together we could face it together. No matter what the outcome may be. Yet I couldn’t erase the feeling of fear that was beginning to overwhelm me. Although I would need to keep my own worries hidden to ensure that Harry was taken care of.

  “Would you consider spending the night here with me Clarissa,” Harry suddenly asked.

  “I would love to,” I smiled.

  Gently taking my hand Harry led me up the sweeping staircase to his room. I lay back on the four-poster bed, holding out my arms to Harry as he nestled beside me. We held each other tightly. Relaxing under the warm covers as the moon shone through the slats at the window.

  Harry kissed the end of my nose, flashing me a brief smile. He nuzzled his head into my neck. His breaths soon becoming heavier as he drifted off into his dreams. I continued to stroke his back for a while as my eyes grew weary. Finally falling asleep myself, still warm within Harry’s arms.

  Chapter Eight

  Rain was falling against the window pane when I awoke the following morning. Reaching across the bed I realized that the space beside me was empty. Quickly I glanced around the room. Finding that I was alone I pulled a robe around my naked body. Cautiously I opened the bedroom door and peered out onto the landing.

  I breathed a heavy sigh of relief when I saw Harry coming toward me. He held a large tray in his hands and offered me a wide smile as he entered the room.

  “Morning sleepy head. I thought I would bring you breakfast,” Harry said as he pecked my cheek lightly.

  As Harry uncovered the plates of food my stomach growled with hunger. Bacon and eggs, toast, cereal, croissants, jams and spreads, a hot pot of coffee, and freshly squeezed orange juice were all on offer. We both tucked into the meal while sitting on the balcony taking in the morning rays of the sun.

  Determined to press ahead after our honest conversation the previous night I gently approached the subject of visiting the doctor to Harry. He put aside the newspaper and looked at me sadly. I hated seeing him like this, knowing how worried he truly was. But this had to be done, and the sooner the better.

  Harry began to make the relevant calls after a little persuasion from me. Making appointments with his doctor and specialists. The words choking in his throat as he told them that he wanted to discuss the treatment that he needed. I squeezed his hand reassuringly while he spoke. Reassuring him that I was by his side.

  With everything in place, I felt guilty as I insisted that Harry tell his family. I could see the dread in his eyes as he considered the idea. Finally we took the walk together. Through the house to the wing where they lived. Holding hands tightly as he
told them that he was ill. It broke my heart to see the family’s tears of concern as they hugged each other.

  From then on my life became rather hectic. Working at the boutique and attending appointments with Harry. I kept to my word that I wouldn’t tell anyone of his condition. Though it did pain me to have to lie to Sophie and Chris. But I knew that they would understand my position.

  Izzy and Cindy still persisted in quizzing me each day at work. Keen to know every detail of the time I spent with the famous Mr Forester. I told them as much as I could. But there were personal, intimate moments that only he and I shared.

  It was on a Sunday morning when Harry suddenly raised himself onto his elbow. We were laid naked together in his bed. Waking slowly as the sun was beginning to rise higher into the sky. I looked at him quizzically as he gazed down at me with a thoughtful expression.

  “How would feel about moving in?”

  Stunned my jaw fell open. I hadn’t even considered such a thought. And for Harry to ask had shocked me into silence.

  “I think it would be wonderful. Then I could wake up beside you every morning,” Harry smiled as he kissed me lingeringly.

  True I did spend most of my spare time here with Harry now. So I was thrilled by the idea. To some it may appear to be too soon. However it felt like the right choice to make. With a joyous laugh I threw my arms around Harry’s neck.

  “I would love to move in darling,” I cried happily as I showered him with kisses.

  Within a matter of days I locked my apartment door for the final time. A large truck was outside containing my few belongings. Blowing a kiss to the building I climbed into the limo and looked forward to my life with Harry expectantly.

  I was greeted warmly by all the staff. But most of all by Harry’s family. They saw the love that we had for each other and were glad that their son and brother had found happiness. We all avoided speaking about the operation that he was due to soon endure. None of us wanting to consider how we would feel should he not survive.


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