Burning Desire

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Burning Desire Page 20

by Ami Snow

  The first few months of our marriage we’re a bliss. We rented an apartment in Manhattan, new york. I continued my writing, while he did illustrating. At last our dreams came true.

  I was writing, and he was happy.

  But one night, after all the caution that we’ve done, Harold found us. He attacked Daniel. He paid a warlock to wipe away my memory of him.

  When I wake up, I’m at the hospital.

  The temperature is much warmer than I’m used to. I am sweating.

  Where’s Daniel? It was the first thing I thought of. I remember everything now. I want to tell him that, about our past, about our first few months as married couple. I remember that now. I’ve accepted him for who he is, but he’s clan, the Wolf and Shape shifter folks, they don’t trust me because I’m not like them. And that’s why they made me forget him. Those dreams I had, they weren’t dreams. They were memories.

  I see Daniel as he enters my room, he’s carrying food. He runs to me immediately when he sees that I’m awake.

  “Rowena, you’re awake now!”

  “Daniel! honey, I remember everything now. Everything about us.”

  “I’m so happy. For a moment I thought I’ve lost you forever.”

  “Daniel, what happened to you after they wiped my memory?”

  His expression became grim. “They tried to wipe mine as well, they tried to marry me off with Elaine. But I remembered you not long after. I managed to escape before our marriage.”

  “What happened to Harold? Where are we?”

  “Don’t worry now Rowena. We’re far away, they won’t catch us here yet. I defeated Harold, he got away just in time before I could kill him.”

  I remember now, Sierro and the pack, they’ve been hunting us down because they disapprove of our marriage.

  “What about Mrs. Tsu? Did she notice the mess we’ve made in the apartment.”

  “Don’t worry about that. I’ve managed to pay the local warlock and he cleaned the place for us. Your bills are already paid.”

  “Thank you. but… Where are we? Its warm in here. Are we in a different country?”

  “Shhh, rest for now, Rowena. I will answer your questions when you are healed.”


  “Don’t worry, we are safe for now, my love.” Daniel says.


  Elevated by Her Vampire


  By: Madeleine Maclean

  Elevated by Her Vampire

  Chapter One

  Babs Willem looked at the house and her mouth dropped open. “I’m supposed to keep that place clean?”

  She stood outside a wrought iron gate looking at a building that had columns on the front porch. The place brought visions of Heathcliff and someone keeping a deranged wife locked in the attic. Very Gothic.

  She looked down at her flowered print dress and laughed. She was going to add a bit of color to the place wasn’t she? Not surprisingly. With her large body and read hair with unruly curls she brightened up anywhere she went.

  At least that was how Babs looked at it.

  She pressed a button on one of the stone pillars one either side of the gates. She never would have known this house existed because it was set back in the woods. All she knew about her new employer was that he was a recluse and that she was the fourth housekeeper this month.

  Babs had bills to pay and very few skills so she jumped at the chance to come here. She’d have a place to live rent free. Food and she could work on paying down her credit card racked up by a cheating and spending ex-boyfriend.

  She didn’t expect there to be any nightlife, but she didn’t want any. She’d sworn off men well and truly.

  No one answered her ring, but the gates swung open. “Trusting.”

  She could be a serial killer come to murder the occupant of the house and steal tings. She rolled her suitcases up to the front door. The knocker on it looked like it came from A Christmas Carol. She pulled it up and let it go. The sound was otherworldly for sure.

  “What have I gotten myself into?” she said, then laughed.

  She’d make the best of any situation she encountered. She’d learned the hard way that sometimes a fat girl had to do that. Not as many doors opened up for you when you walked through life with extra pounds. Nope, life was a skinny girls’ game.

  Plastering a smile on her face that was almost genuine, she waited for Lerch to answer the door. The man who did answer it was almost as dour as the Adams’ Family’s butler. He was almost as tall, too.

  Gray eyes peaked out of pale skin, but for some reason, she sensed a warmth within him. He looked her over.

  She stuck out her hand. “Babs Willem. I’m your new housekeeper.”

  He looked down at her hand. Crap. Was he one of those people who didn’t shake hands? She wasn’t sweating as far she could tell. He finally took her hand in a firm handshake. A zing of electricity went through her.

  This was going to be interesting.


  Elias Whitaker had never seen so many colors on one dress as when he let Babs into his home. She wore it with a chunky necklace and several large bracelets that set off her pale skin. She smiled, showing teeth through bright, red lipstick.

  He didn’t find the color off-putting, it just didn’t reflect his current mood. His ex-girlfriend hadn’t worn any lipstick, but she was gone so it didn’t matter. She’d broken his heart and he wasn’t going to give it to anyone ever again.

  He’d never had luck with women. None. Despite all of those movies and books about women swooning at the feet of vampires that had never happened to him. He was probably the only nerd vampire that ever existed.

  Recently he’d resigned himself to a fate of being alone. For a human that might not be bad. Considering he would live forever unless someone staked him that was a long time to be alone. And his mood reflected that. Hence he’d been through four housekeepers this month. Even if he wanted to kill himself, he couldn’t. He was old enough to be immune to the effects of the sun.

  Hard to get good help when you lived in the middle of nowhere and brooded all day. His only companion, his keeper, Cole Rothschild, didn’t want to spend time with him either. He’d contracted with this agency to get him yet another housekeeper.

  Elias sighed as he closed the door behind Babs. She was a lot of woman, but he’d always liked his women bigger. He’d never understood the modern obsession with skinny women. Like fucking a skeleton.

  He was dead enough. He didn’t need to have sex with someone who was almost as dead as he was. No, he preferred his partners live. Too bad they didn’t seem to like that he was a vampire. At least his ex hadn’t appreciated it when he’d told her.

  She’d never noticed that he didn’t eat. Or that he had a freezer of blood in his basement. One sees what they wanted to see. When she figured it out, she left him in the middle of a rainy night. He’d begged her not to go, but the look of revulsion was enough to turn his terminally empty stomach.

  So here he was, starting again, with another housekeeper.

  Babs smiled up at him.

  “I’ll show you to your room,” Elias said.

  He took her suitcases and led her up the curving staircase to the second floor. “Nice house.”

  “Thank you.”

  “Will I be cleaning it by myself?”

  “There is a staff that comes in once a week. You will be doing other things.”


  “Only for yourself,” he said chuckling.


  “Yes and maintaining the house in between cleanings. I like my house dust free. There will be guidelines and some of the house is off limits. That is non-negotiable.”

  “I saw a library.”

  “When your work is done, you can spend as much time in there as you want,” he said.

  She nodded and followed him.

  Chapter Two

  Babs took her dinner in the kitchen just like she had most nights. S
he had no idea where Elias was. She hadn’t seen him for a day or so. He must be in one of those places that was off-limits. Her day had gone well today and she took advantage of Elias’s extensive wine cellar.

  She heard footsteps coming up from the basement. The second basement. The wine cellar was in another one and she was allowed access to that. This basement was off-limits.

  The door opened and Elias came through wearing a white lab coat. It had been the most color she’d ever seen the dour man wear. His hair was in disarray and she wondered what he got up to down there. Was it some play room?

  He stopped when he saw her. “Hello.”

  “Hi. I made extra lasagna if you want some.”

  He eyed the pan. “No thanks.”


  He shook his head. He seemed uncomfortable around her. For some reason, guys like this got her motor running. She’d never know that, having gone for the hot guys, but right now she could jump this guy.

  Right here. She once saw a movie about nerds and they said they were good at sex because they thought about what they would do if they ever got a girl in bed. She wondered if that was true.

  “No, wine, thanks.”

  “Would you mind sitting with me while I ate?”

  The stricken look on her face made her laugh. Then his face softened. “Of course.”

  He sat across the island from her. He was a handsome man, she had to admit. He took off his lab coat. His t-shirt at one point stretched across a muscles chest and arms. The nerd had guns.

  “Do I make you uncomfortable?” she asked.

  He cleared his throat. “Not for the reason you think.”

  “What do I think?”

  She sipped her wine, waiting for his answer.

  “You think I’m nervous because I’m insecure.”

  “That was the thought that crossed my mind. You do seem like a scientist.”

  “I am, but I’m not insecure.”

  His voice was low and sexy and spoke directly to her vagina which had picked that very moment to come alive. Hello, I’m here. I need a penis. She cleared her throat then. “You aren’t?”

  “No, I’m uncomfortable because I find you amazing attractive, but I’ve sworn off women.”

  She looked around the kitchen. “That’s easy to do when you live all the way out here.”

  “Yes, part of my plan.”

  She sipped her wine, then put down the glass. In for a penny in for a pound her mother used to say. She rose and slinked over to him in her shirt that highlighted her girls. No man could resist her girls.

  His mouth opened a little, then he said, “You should stay on your side of the island.”

  She leaned down in front of him to give him a clear view of her assets. “What fun would that be?”


  Elias’s mouth went dry as she leaned over and he could see her perfect rack. Imagining his mouth on them brought this dick to attention. He had to remember she was an employee.

  “Uh, Babs, please.”

  “What? We’re adults. Just the two of us out here. I’m not asking for marriage. I’m gone as soon as I pay off my debts. We can have some fun in the meantime.”

  She was serious, not that he could keep his gaze on her face. His hands itched to let those tits loose. They’d be more than a handful each. He rubbed his fingers together. She was an employee.

  “I’m your boss, Babs.”


  Like he could make a coherent argument with his dick hard enough to pound nails and her tits in full view. “Uh, it’s not right.”

  “Not like you’re going to fire me if I’m bad in bed,” Babs said. “I may be your last hope as a housekeeper.

  She had a point. He just wouldn’t be able to look her in the eye again. But he did want her. She was luscious and beautiful with those big green eyes staring up at him. Her red curls fell around her face.

  His hand reached out of its own volition. He hadn’t thought about it, but there it was tracing a line across the top of her one breast. She closed her eyes, clearly enjoying it. Then he put his fist into her shirt and pulled her up to him.

  She gasped, but it didn’t sound like she was in pain. He leaned down and sunk into those warm luscious lips. Her tongue darted out, teasing him, and he met it with his. Damn. In a minute, his dick was going to break out of his pants and find her vagina.

  Whether he wanted it to or not. He was in pain.

  As if reading his mind, Babs undid his pants and let him loose. He sighed.


  “Very good,” he said as she stroked him. “But I may come in your hand if you keep doing that.”

  “Then what do you want me to do?”

  He grabbed her and scooped her into his arms. He loved the strength he had as a vampire.

  “Oh, I’ve never been carried before.”

  He stalked up the steps to his bedroom.

  Chapter Three

  Elias wasn’t even winded from carrying her. And he put Babs down on her feet as if she were the most delicate creature on the Earth. Babs wondered how he did that. Her mouth was open, she was sure.

  “Holy moley. That was amazing,” she said.

  He knelt in front of her. “What?”

  “The way you carried me upstairs. No one has ever been able to lift me, let alone carry me. In case you haven’t notice, I’m a big girl.”

  Elias shrugged, but Babs was even more turned on. Elias let her breasts out of their confinement and Babs sighed. The girls liked to come out and play so she slipped off her shirt and shrugged out of her bra.

  His eyes widened. “They are big and beautiful. Just like you.”

  Babs blushed. Down to her nipples, even the one that was currently in Elias’ mouth. Her body burned with passion as his tongue did naughty things to her. His hand twisted and tugged her other breast.

  God she was so wet for him. Her vagina was singing like a siren trying to entice Ulysses. That would work if his penis was name Ulysses.

  She rested her hands on his shoulders, but she couldn’t access much of him since he was kneeling in front of her. Not that she was capable of much dexterity with her eyes rolled into the back of her head.

  Oh. My. God. She was going to come just from his mouth on her breast. She threw back her head and let out a banshee yell as the wave of pleasure crashed over her. When the best orgasm she’d ever had finally subsided, Elias was working on her pants, chucking.

  “What’s so funny?”

  Was he laughing at her?

  He slid her pants off of her, holding her steady as she lifted each foot out of them.

  “Not at all. I’ve just never heard anyone make that noise. I’m glad I live in the woods. You must disturb your neighbors.”

  “I have had complaints.”

  He kissed her stomach. Then down her stomach. “Let’s see if we can get you to make that noise again.”

  His voice was throaty and sexy and sent chills through her. He nudged her so she was sitting on the bed. He was still fully clothed, but she was looking forward to the reveal.

  “As long as I can undress you.”

  He quirked up an eyebrow. “Okay.”

  She lay back. He spread her thighs and licked. Her body bucked. He licked again. That was one strong tongue. He nipped, too. Just a little. His teeth were sharp, but the bite was thrilling, not painful.

  And then she came. With a rebel yell this time.


  Her noise put a smile on Elias’s

  Then he sucked. As if he’d learned to suck just of this purpose. He put one finger then another finger inside of her. This boy was determined and she was going to let him have what he wanted.

  In. Just. A. Minute. Damn. He was good with that tongue. Oh. God.

  Then she came. With a Rebel yell this time.


  Babs’ noises made Elias smile. There was nothing better for a guy than a woman who responded to what he did.

  She did that
in spades. He watched the last orgasm rock her, then sat back on his heels. She finally looked at him.

  “I want to take off your clothing,” she said.

  He was harder than he’d ever been. He stood and held out his arms. “I am all yours.”

  He grabbed her hand, helping her to her feet. She had miles of pale skin that he want to touch and kiss. He’d know all that skin well, but the time he was done with her.

  “I might need your help.”

  She stood on tiptoes, trying to get his shirt off of his head. She bent down and she tugged it over his head. She gasped, her hands running across his chest. She stuck her face in the hair on his chest and rubbed.


  For some reason, he felt his fangs wanting to come out. He’d let them out when he sat between her legs, but that was it. She didn’t need to see those yet. Later he’d share that with her.

  Her hands were warm and soft. Everything he was not. He wasn’t cold, but he wasn’t as warm as most men.

  She worked on his pants which were already open, but she slid them down his legs. He stepped out of them kicking them out of the way.

  “You are a beautiful man.”

  No one had ever called him beautiful. He would have blushed if he were capable. She kissed his chest. A gentle, sweet kiss right on his sternum. The she kissed down his stomach. Her lips ignited fires down his body. This woman was going to kill him. If that were possible.

  With him being tall, she didn’t have to kneel to reach his dick. She held it with her hands then licked the tip. It took all of his self-control not to come in her mouth.

  “Babs. That’s dangerous.”

  She looked up at him, all innocent. “Oh?”

  He took ahold of her and walked her backwards to the bed. He scooped her up and placed her on it. Snagging a condom from the nightstand drawer, he was about to rip off the cover when she said, “No, I can’t get pregnant.”


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