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Burning Desire

Page 42

by Ami Snow

  Dayshia Fayth stood before the floor length mirror, feeling a little bit queasy. She tilted her head to one side as she admired her gift from Ms. Grace. She was wearing a petite black silk and taffeta cocktail dress that flattered her body very much.

  It was embellished, wholly, with minute black feathers that shimmered in the dim light. She picked long dangling earrings that were silver with clear gem stones. Her long silver necklace mirrored her plunging neckline and she looked nothing short of stunning.

  All of that was great, but the very best part were her four inch spiked heeled Manolos. The craftsmanship and forward thinking design were undoubtedly on the bleeding edge of innovation in fashion. And she was a whore for a fancy pair of shoes.

  Cameron stood just behind her as she turned to tie his tie. She took a brief moment and breathed him in, he smelled like Creed Adventus. Delicious! While he put his suit coat on, she grabbed her clutch and they headed out of the door.

  They met in the prodigal bar of the Sympathy Hotel. The click clack of the hard tipped heels seemed to echo over the expansive marble floors. The hostess took them back to their private party on the exclusive back garden patio. The weather was very nice.

  Her mother walked up and kissed both cheeks followed by a warm embrace. She introduced everyone and they sat down around an old wooden table. They had obviously ordered the first round of drinks for everyone there. There was a glass of pinot noir just in front of them.

  The family seemed to be staring when they realized that she might have forgotten to mention something to them in their haste. He stared at her father’s eyebrows looking very confused. He looked over at his mother and he knew that she knew. The question was would she tell the rest of them.

  He looked over at her, because he realized that he was staring inappropriately so. She could see that he was quite literally biting his lips together to either keep from speaking or laughing out loud. But the thought that was circling in his brain was, family …..schmamly …. No, not working for you? Oh, okay.

  What he didn’t know was what her father was thinking. It was best that he didn’t know that because he was wondering, why he didn’t get a different haircut that was much shorter and manly to come and meet us with.

  The group made polite conversation keeping the neutral limits that were predefined which were religion and weather mostly. As long as they followed the unwritten rules, they would most likely get along just fine.

  Her sister was no less judgmental though. She was thinking, Hmmmm …..He would be so much more flattering if he would crop that long greasy looking hair right off into the trash can.

  Her step - mother asked,

  “How is work going?”

  It’s going pretty good …. Actually, I got to intervieeeeeee ………”she didn’t even finish her sentence before she was out talked by her own mother.

  “Tisha, how is your work going?” she asked.

  Oh, well thank you for asking mom. The kids are so active, most days are just a blur. Terrell is in soccer now and he has several games every Saturday.

  Tyra has been doing these little ballet classes and she seems to be liking it pretty well. Bobby is so into karate, he tried to karate chop everything in the house in half. Not successfully mind you, but he tries.

  Keeli, just wants to watch Peppa Pig, her favorite cartoon. And then there are the twins. They are potty training, not really, but we’re trying.

  If Shane was ever home, then we would be making progress. But we all know that that is not going to happen anytime soon.

  They watched on with hallow eyes, not caring in the least about the words that were coming out of her mouth. She was so immersed in her own little world that she never bothered to check on anyone else’s well - being.

  Cameron reached out his thoughtful hand just under the cover of the table. And she reached right back for him. The only thing on his mind was how disrespectfully his mother had talked to her. He was not a happy man and he found himself wondering if she did that all of the time. One thing was for sure, he would be watching out for it.

  Chapter V – The Tides Will Turn

  Dayshia Fayth had been working up the courage for a long time to approach the conversation with her family about her relationship with Cameron.

  She had not specified the parameters of their affair and allowed them to draw the conclusion that he was her friend and coworker. It was past time to let them in on the little secret between them. That they were madly in love and would be getting married in the spring.

  She took a deep breath and got ready to speak, when Cameron turned her chin towards him and pressed his forefinger against her lips. He shook his head back and forth, telling her no. He didn’t want her to tell them. She looked into his eyes for a second as her forehead wrinkled. She was confused by what he had done. They had agreed on the decision.

  She instantly got pissed and lost her cool. She excused herself and left the table. He followed her into the ladies room. He turned her by her shoulders and said,

  “Listen to me …. I know that you are upset with me and that is fine ….. But, tonight is not the right time to do this …. It doesn’t feel right ….. More than that it feels very wrong.”

  “I thought we were on the same page, I thought we were getting married. What is happening right now?” she said.

  “Just come with me, let’s leave …. Let’s get out of here, right this instant?” he begged.

  So he went back and said she wasn’t feeling well and needed to get her back to their hotel to lie down.

  In the city it was never a good idea to go out drinking on an empty stomach. They had already consumed several and were moving on to a hole in the wall dive called Sambuca’s for some more to drink. It was a local dive, not a chain across states.

  They went in to try some sex on the beach and buttery nipple drinks that they saw advertised on the front door. The shots were flowing freely and loosening things up quite nicely. And it was turning out to be a pleasant time together, despite all of the angst that had happened earlier.

  They ordered soft shell crab that were fried with flakiness and were offered with a lovely ponzu sauce. They couldn’t get the tasty food into their mouths fast enough for their liking. The food was unimaginably good.

  As they ate they discussed things,

  “I’m so afraid that I ruined everything tonight,” she confessed.

  “With who baby? Who did you ruin things for? What are you talking about?” he asked.

  But his voice faded into nothingness as the server brought out the mussels with mushrooms in a fiery velvety sauce baked to precision. The conversation had to be halted for a moment while they ate.

  “Hey, it’s me. I hope you know that I have your back. I want you to know that. Just want to let you know that I’m always thinking of you and what is in your best interests. You have to know that babe,” he promised.

  Then a little later she said,

  “Well, that’s okay. Really. Maybe I didn’t say it very good but I thought that you might talk to me and let me know how things are going. But it’s okay. I am sure everything is copasetic it just helps when I hear those words coming from you baby,” she said.

  Another half hour passed and he said,

  “Would you just talk to me already? For god’s sake! I can’t believe that you would leave me hanging like this. You are so friggin insensitive!”

  As usual, he had no clue what she had gotten so upset about but he said,

  “Baby …. I am so sorry … I do not know what came over me like that, right then? I seriously did not mean what I said to you. Haha …. Like I would really talk to you like that ... Psssshhhhhhh …. No way would I.”

  “Okay then …. I forgive you. So, just talk to me damn it!” she begged.

  He put his head in his hands and asked her if they could just go. He was tired of fighting and arguing but mostly he was just tired. So, they did. They went back and changed into their more comfortable clothes for bed.
r />   They got into bed and turned a movie on. It wasn’t like them to fight like that. But with the added stress of meeting the family they were pushing themselves well beyond their comfort zones. The next morning he said,

  “Good morning. I hope that you slept well. I had fun with you last night. I’ll always be here for you once the dust has settles. And if you need anything at all don’t hesitate to ask. I love you D,” he said.

  That sounded much more like the fellow that she fell in love with. She knew that she needed to say the same back, but she just wasn’t ready to. It was way too much reality for such an early hour in the morning.

  Cameron sat up in the bed and said,

  “My mom died when I was like nine, my step dad was a real piece of work and I hated being there after she was gone. And even after all of these years, I still feel upset and confused by the whole thing.”

  “Okay, now I’m confused too. Why have you not told me anything about this, at all? Why am I just now hearing this news and I don't understand why I was not involved any sooner,” she said.

  It’s not a part of my life that I’m proud of. I need for you to listen to me, right now. When I met you, my whole life changed in an instant. It was you, even before I knew you, it was always you.

  I can’t rewrite history and change the ugly parts. Sometimes we let the missing pieces be free. I don’t really know how else to explain this to you in a way that you will understand. I’m fresh out of ideas here.

  I’m not like you dear. I don’t have anyone else to turn to. I’m not seeking anyone’s approval for myself or for you.

  I understand that their opinion matters to you, but it doesn’t determine our fate, nor should it either. It’s me and you, remember?

  Chapter VI – He’s The Baby Daddy

  They finished out the time there by going with them to church and bible study and anything that kept the attention away from reality was a welcome distraction.

  The ride home was quiet, awkwardly so. They were sitting side by side, but not one word was spoken out loud. The weekend seemed like an utter failure, despite the good intensions for better.

  Back at the apartment she started cleaning because that was what she did when she was angry. She started with the kitchen, that was always the most difficult to get really clean. She washed the dishes and set them out to dry on the counter. She mopped the ceramic tile floors and made them shine and she stayed off of them until they were dry.

  She vacuumed her carpet floors before moving on to the bedrooms and bathrooms. For whatever reason, cleaning seemed to clear her mind from whatever it was that was bothering her. Meanwhile, Cameron had flopped down on the love seat with his hairy hand down the front of his athletic shorts.

  The football game had stolen his attention and she was none too happy about it. But when she was making the bed, she noticed that his side was completely pulled out from the bottom and she got pissed off.

  She yanked that top sheet off of the bed and stomped into the living room. She stood their towering over him shaking her head with tightly pursed lips. It was obvious that she was not happy.

  She threw it in his face and started yelling at him,

  You ungrateful, self - involved, self - serving, crappy ass man! I don’t know what I ever saw in your lazy fucking ass! You treat me like shit and then what? I am just supposed to take it and live with it?

  Yeah, well that shit ain’t going to fly with a black woman like me! You need to get your lazy ass up off of this god damn couch and get busy … Do something …. Fucking anything at this point.

  You don’t do shit around here! You just say that you will get to it, you will get to it … But, guess what, that day never comes.

  I don’t get it. I don’t get it. I don’t get you, at all. This is bullshit, man. Fucking bullshit!

  Her face was turning bright red, the madder that she got. She was stomping and ranting and raving with every bit of energy that she had inside of her.

  Things had changed so suddenly once they had gotten back home. The more that it didn’t seem to faze Cameron, the more that it infuriated her to no end.

  He tapped his forefinger on his bottom lip as he tried to bite down somewhat. He wasn’t sure what to make of her abrupt outburst. He knew her to be an even keel girl that became annoyed by his occasional immaturity.

  But even then she never had made a big deal about it anyway. She never seemed to let much of anything bother her. She made no bones about it as she threw all of the dirty laundry into the laundry basket so carelessly.

  As she walked passed with it all in tow she raised her hand as if to say, don’t even try it. She left home and went down a few blocks to a little mom and pop shop called, Rub a Dub. It was a local favorite. You could wash and dry clothes while you went next door and ate, drank, played pool and were thoroughly entertained.

  It made doing laundry seem fun, even though it wasn’t. She put her quarters in the old juke box and let the music play on. There was something about how those vintage plastic records playing all crackly that made her feel the soulfulness.

  She played a little Ray Lamontagne. Even though she had heard the song, Jolene, before she wanted to hear it again. It was all part of being a writer and connecting to the target audience it helped with her work in marketing and advertising.

  They were not really all that different. She was trying to touch a nerve or nurture a recollection of a feeling or a smell form childhood that offered a sense of nostalgia and so was he.

  She closed her eyes as he started to sing. There was something wildly sexy about the texture in his voice that came out when he was singing. He didn’t really sound like anyone else that she had ever listened too before. Her ears were snobbish, just like her English literature background.

  If she had any pet peeves, at all, it was the improper use of the American Psychological Association style of writing rules. Maybe it was a little bit too structured or staunch. But to her it all made perfect sense and it provided a rule by which to measure all others from.

  That mattered greatly to her. And the music played and she sang right along,

  Cocaine flame in my bloodstream

  Sold my coat when I hit Spokane

  Bought myself a hard pack of cigarettes in the early morning rain

  Lately my hands they don't feel like mine

  My eyes been stung with dust, I'm blind

  Held you in my arms one time

  Lost you just the same


  I ain't about to go straight

  When she thought about his life and work it inspired her. Anyone that had the steel balls to express themselves so freely was a superhero to her. She felt like she needed that so badly. Then the next verse played,

  It's too late

  I found myself face down in the ditch

  Booze on my hair

  Blood on my lips

  A picture of you, holding a picture of me

  In the pocket of my blue jeans

  Still don't know what love means

  She couldn’t be sure, but it did seem like Jolene had long since been his muse for creativity and inspiration. He was a truly gifted man with insight beyond his years and she appreciated that about him. Not many men thought that sincerely with their emotions. It just didn’t happen like that.

  She could barely keep up with her excitement when the next verse started to play. It took over her mind as she ran her fingers through her hair, completely absorbed by his presence in the moment that felt timeless. That expression of how love …. Angst …. Fear …. And wonder looked on a person in love.

  It wasn’t always pretty, but the feeling was universal and she knew that all too well. There were times in her life when she had been lucky in love yet there were times where love reared its ugly head and bitch slapped her right across her pretty face.

  She had equal amounts of fear and respect for that little thing called love. She had been on both sides of that fence. Some part of her even wondered if th
e feeling of heartfelt love was worth the potential heartbeat that could happen.

  Only an optimist would forwardly say so. Anyone else would be wary of the like. Any person that had been burned by someone, tended to raise their guard up nice and high because fear had crept in and had caused hesitation for them. And then the music played on,

  Been so long since I seen your face

  Or felt a part of this human race

  I've been living out of this here suitcase for way too long

  A man needs something he can hold onto

  A nine pound hammer or a woman like you

  Either one of them things will do


  I ain't about to go straight

  It's too late

  I found myself face down in the ditch

  Booze in my hair

  Blood on my lips

  A picture of you, holding a picture of me

  In the pocket of my blue jeans

  Still don't know what love means

  Just then she wondered if all females were as wily as she was. She was not sure about all that much in her life, but the one thing that she was sure about was the fact that she could make her presence known when she wanted to.

  She was a smart, beautiful, svelte black woman that had everything in the world going for her. It was just then and there that she promised herself that she would never ever settle for anything less than what she felt like she deserved. Things didn’t go very well when she went home, which made her question if Cameron was to be her lifelong partner.

  Somewhere in the darkest depths of her heart she knew the contrast between his skin color and hers would always pose a problem for them. They weren’t living in a world that had conquered their differences.

  They had made progress but at the end of the day there were many fights to battle and she just didn’t know if she had it in her. Easy, was sounding way easier, than difficult at that point. She felt torn with what to do.


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