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Passion Of Sleepy Hollow

Page 23

by Lexi Post

  “That’s fine for them, but tonight, you need to be buttoned up. I also need you to put your hair back into a braid.”

  Her bottom lip came out to pout. Where the hell had she learned that? All he wanted to do was suck on it. He moved his gaze away.

  “But I thought you liked my hair down.”

  In a split second, he was holding her by the shoulders. “I do. I like it for me. But I never want you to wear it down in public again.”

  Her startled expression at his touch became hard. Her back stiffened.

  Ah shit. He tried a more cajoling tone. “Please. I want that to be special, for just the two of us.” He stroked her cheek with his thumb, barely keeping himself in check. If he gave in now, he’d never be sure of her.

  She turned her head and kissed his palm. “Fine.”

  He breathed a relieved sigh and stepped away, the feel of her lips still burning his hand. Grabbing the new-and-improved pumpkin head from the bed, he tested its contours for the best hold. Stephen had outdone himself this year. The pumpkin’s face moved and cackled, as well as lit up. He liked the texture of it better than the others too, and it was finally big enough. He would watch where he left it this time.

  “Is this better?” Kat held her arms out for inspection, her long hair neatly braided and resting over her shoulder.

  “You’re perfect.”

  She blushed prettily. “So, now will you tell me why I had to dress like this?”

  He threw the drape back over the frame and took her hand in his. “Come and I will show you.”

  They walked behind the inn and the pub and all the shops that lined the road. When they came to the end of the buildings, he slowed and crept along the side until they reached the dirt road, directly across from the stables.

  He squeezed her hand and whispered, “It wouldn’t do for the Headless Horseman to be seen before his ride.”

  She nodded in the darkness, her top half in the pale silk clearly visible in the limited light of the quarter moon.

  Again, he hoped his plan worked. Swallowing hard, he looked both ways to be sure no stray pedestrian was anywhere near before they sprinted across the road into the barn. As usual, Ludo wasn’t there, for which Braeden was thankful. The last thing he needed was for the man to talk him out of his insanity.

  Daredevil waited outside in the back and raised his head as he caught their scent.

  She whispered, “He likes you, doesn’t he?”

  Braeden didn’t reply. His biggest concern was whether Daredevil would like Kat.

  She stepped around him to pet the horse. The blasted stallion nuzzled her neck! So much for being worried about her riding with him.

  She looked up at him as if she could tell where his face was. “Daredevil and I are old friends. I’m so glad he likes you too.”

  “Since you two already know each other, we can get going. Up you go.”

  “What?” She stepped back.

  “I said up you go. You’re going to ride with me tonight.”

  She shook her head. “I can’t do that.”

  “Why not?”

  “It’s just not done. Never been done.”

  He put his gloved hand on her shoulder. “You won’t be seen by anyone. This cape and drape will cover you. Why do you think I bought you black pants and had you wear black boots?”

  “But no Headless Horseman has ever taken someone with him.”

  Her statement gave him pause. Not because he knew it to be untrue, but at the fact she had known all the Headless Horsemen before him. His uncle, his grandfather, his great-grandfather. That knowledge was hard to accept.


  “You’re wrong.” He raised his brow as one who knows all as if she could see him. “My brother has taken Marilyn with him a few times. That’s where I got this idea.”

  “He has?” Her eyes lit with excitement.

  “Yes. And weren’t you the one telling me on our stroll today that tradition was nice but it shouldn’t stop us from moving forward and living in the present? Isn’t that why you and Max are planning to prepare the villagers for better integration with Newtime?”

  Her arms came across her stomach and she worried her bottom lip.

  He squeezed her shoulder, unable to move closer with the Headless Horseman frame. “Please, Kat. Come with me.”

  She hesitated, but finally dropped her arms and straightened her back. “Fine.”

  He loved hearing that word pass her lips. He wanted to kiss her, but couldn’t because of the costume.

  “Good. Now, up you go.”

  For such a short woman, she pulled herself up and over Daredevil’s back with little help from him. He kept forgetting how strong she was from her manual labor at the inn. Handing her the pumpkin, he gathered the reins and hoisted himself up behind her.

  Daredevil pranced but Braeden kept him steady. “Okay. Hand me the pumpkin and pull this drape over you.”

  “Oh Lord. I can still see. This is magic material.” The wonder in her voice pleased him.

  He chuckled. “No. It’s just different from anything you have known. Now hold on to the pommel. Daredevil takes a fast pace and usually rears at the end of the square.”

  “I’m ready.”

  He grinned. His tough Kat was always ready. Giving Daredevil his head, they flew down the road toward the village. Once in sight of the people, Braeden turned on the pumpkin. Screams and squeals followed them as he headed through the crowd, the pumpkin making faces. When they reached the end, he turned Daredevil toward the square and laughed loudly as the horse reared.

  When Daredevil came down on all fours, Kat gave a huff and they were off again. They continued along the path where a few brave souls waited, but once past the final festival goers, he slowed the horse to a stop.

  “Okay, you can lift the drape now.”

  Kat turned to look at him. Excitement radiated off her in waves. “By the saints, that was fun! I didn’t know that was what it was like. No wonder you Van Brunts have loved playing the Headless Horseman.”

  He laughed. He couldn’t help himself. The sheer exhilaration of the ride coupled with Kat’s joy had him feeling more alive than ever. Certainly a lot more than the original Headless Horseman, may he rest in peace.

  “Now I understand why Brom loved it too, but I can’t see living every life moment like that.” Kat placed her hand on his chest. “That’s what Brom was like. Everything was big, brash, a competition, a reason for excitement.”

  Braeden looked down at her and threw the pumpkin head into the trees. This time he made a note of where he could find it, nowhere near the church, then grasped her hand against his chest. “I enjoy this ride for the specialness of it. I’m not an adrenaline addict. I don’t crave this feeling on a day-to-day basis.”

  She leaned her head against their hands. “I’m glad.”

  A spot near his heart loosened a bit. This woman was all he wanted. If only he could have her completely. Looking over her, he could see the opening to the clearing in front of the church. He took a deep breath. “We still have more work to do, but you can stay undraped for this part. Daredevil is going to rear again and when he does, I want you to scream this time.”

  She sat forward. “You want me to scream?”

  “Yes, and very loudly. Can you do that?”

  “I guess. I haven’t practiced much screaming.”

  He ran his hand down her arm, the silky blouse and his gloves denying him the softness of her skin. “Guess we’ll have to work on that in bed tonight.”

  She squirmed in her seat, and he had a moment’s satisfaction that he could affect her as much as she did him. Taking the reins in both hands, he started Daredevil into a walk. “Now, hold on.”

  As they moved forward, he ducked beneath branches. Once they cleared the path, the white ghost and horse appeared as usual and Daredevil reared high, much higher than he did for the crowd.

  Kat’s scream pierced the air.

  The white horse a
nd rider pulled to a sudden stop just as Daredevil was about to give chase.

  Braeden sawed on the reins, causing Daredevil to sidestep onto the grass toward the ghostly figures.

  Kat gasped. “Oh my God. It’s Brom!”

  Chapter Fifteen

  Kat’s cry riveted the ghost’s attention. It dismounted from the white horse and dropped the reins. The horse sniffed at the ground as if it would eat.

  Braeden struggled to control Daredevil. Finally, the stallion quieted, though he quivered.

  Carefully, Braeden jumped down while holding the horse. Every muscle in his body tensed as he turned his back on the ghost. He could only hope this would work. “Would you like to dismount?”

  Kat fearfully stared at the apparition over his shoulder but nodded. She fell into his arms and he had to drop the reins to catch her. Daredevil remained where he was, though his eyes were wide and his nostrils flared.

  Once Braeden set Kat on the ground, he turned and they faced the apparition together. He lifted the black crepe to better see the ghost. It was much brighter than he’d thought. And a lot more eerie up close. He clasped Kat’s hand tightly, suddenly nervous about what the ghost could do to her.

  The apparition approached.

  “Brom?” Kat’s awed whisper caused the ghost to smile before it reached out a transparent hand to touch her cheek. Her eyes closed and she shivered.

  Braeden couldn’t stop a ghost from hurting her, no matter what strength he had, but it didn’t stop his muscles from bunching or from squeezing her hand.

  She opened her eyes to look at him then faced the apparition. “Brom, this is Braeden. One of your descendants. I love him.”

  The apparition turned as if it understood and stared at him a moment. It wasn’t unfriendly but the sightless eyes were still a chilling aspect. Then the ghost of Brom nodded. When it reached forward, Braeden stopped himself from blocking Kat. The transparent hand covered both of theirs, and a bone-deep chill permeated his body.

  The apparition floated back and touched its chest, then reached its hands out toward them.

  “I think he just gave us his blessing.” Kat didn’t turn from the apparition to speak.

  “Either that or he is asking you to let him go.”

  She snapped her head up to look at him in surprise before she turned back toward the ghost. “You’re free, Brom. As am I. I will live in the present now with Braeden.”

  The ghost turned toward the church and pointed.

  Kat shivered again. “Yes, I burned all my mementos of you including my wedding dress. It is a new time and it is my turn to live and love.” She glanced up at Braeden even as she squeezed his hand.

  He dislodged his hold and grasped her about the waist. “Really?”

  Tears gathered in her eyes. “Really.”

  Laughter startled them from each other and they looked up to find the ghost of Brom remounted. The white horse reared and an answering neigh resounded behind them. Before Braeden could react, Daredevil was off.

  They stood in awe, watching Daredevil race the ghost of Brom and his white horse across the clearing. As Brom’s steed hit the bridge, he disappeared into smoke, his laughter fading along with the sound of Daredevil’s hooves pounding the earth back to the stable.

  With one hand, Braeden unbuckled the straps that held the Headless Horseman frame over his chest. Pulling the frame from his shoulders, he set it on the ground. He took Kat into his arms and brushed the tears from her eyes. His heart constricted at her sadness. “Are you sorry to see him go?”

  “No.” She sniffed. “I’m happy I finally had a chance to say goodbye.”

  He hugged her to him as the full weight of what she’d endured fell on him. In his own need for her to love him with her whole heart, he hadn’t realized how much she’d been hurt. He hurt for her now.

  He lifted her face from his chest, his confidence in his feelings strong. “You are the world to me. You have healed me and challenged me and made me a better person. I love your kindness, your beauty and your strength. Kat, I love you.”

  Her squeal of delight lifted his heart even as she pulled his head down for a cock-hardening kiss. He tangled her tongue with his, his mind conjuring a way to get her naked in the clearing.

  When she needed to breathe, he lifted his head. Movement in the cemetery caught his eye. A figure hovered near one of the graves. Though the moon shed some light, it was difficult to see. Was it the dark rider?

  “Braeden?” Kat’s voice tugged at his attention.

  He sucked in his breath as the figure slowly sank feet-first into the ground. All thoughts of lovemaking fled. He had no doubt what he’d just witnessed.

  “Braeden, what is it? You look like you’ve seen a ghost, which I guess we have, but you didn’t look like this.”

  He continued to stare at the spot, and Kat finally turned to look. “What are you staring at?”

  “The Headless Horseman.”

  She turned back. “Huh?”

  He moved his gaze to focus on her upturned face. “Nothing. We better get back to the stable or Ludo will send out a search party.” A very real possibility he hadn’t considered. Then again, with Kat, he rarely thought straight. He glanced once more toward the cemetery, then picked up the Headless Horseman frame.

  Linking his arm with Kat’s, he started them on the short walk back to the stable.

  * * * * *

  She could feel Braeden’s gaze on her as she took out the braid he’d made her put in. The man was a contradiction, but she loved that he was just a bit jealous and wanted to keep her to himself. It had been fun dressing nicely for a day, but not doing her work made her uncomfortable.

  Braeden didn’t take his gaze off her while he unbuttoned the black silk shirt he wore as the Headless Horseman.

  As his black tank revealed his muscular arms, she scanned the strength she loved so much and grew too hot. Work could wait for tomorrow, she had other “work” to do tonight. Reaching beneath the waist of her short gown, Kat untied the drawstring and let it flare out. With little hesitation, she pulled the material over her head and dropped it on her chest at the end of the bed. Her stays pushed her breasts up, exposing half her nipple beneath her thin shift.

  She glanced down and watched the areolas pucker. When she looked up, she found Braeden’s gaze on her chest. Tingles started from her hard nubs and traveled to the juncture of her thighs.

  But then Braeden reached behind his head and she stared as he pulled the black tank off and dropped it on the floor. His naked chest rose as he took a long breath in, and she enjoyed the view of his hard pectorals and washboard stomach above the black leather pants. She could scrub her clothes clean on his stomach.

  “I’m going to make love to you, Kat.”

  His low voice caused her to lift her gaze. His lids were heavy, sending goose bumps along her arms. The desire for her in his eyes was like the winds whipping the sheets on the line, intense and sharp.

  She took her own deep breath and buried her hands beneath her clothes, loosening the drawstring that held her undergarment. It fell to the floor, leaving her in her shift and stays. Braeden’s gaze riveted once more to her chest beneath the thin material. With daring she didn’t know she possessed, she put her hands on her hips and took a deep breath, pushing her already hard nipples up and over the stays to make them strain against the softness of her undergarment. “I hope so.”

  Braden moved fast and she stepped back with her hands out to stop him. “Wait.” She pointed to his leather pants. “I want those off.”

  He grinned wickedly. “Then take them off.”

  The challenge in his stance had her back straightening even more. “Fine.”

  Kneeling, she unbuttoned the top button and pulled down on the metal fastener. The smell of leather, horse and Braeden was heady, and she wavered as his cock sprang free. Taking his shaft in her hand, she looked up at him and licked her lips.


  She stilled and drew b
ack. Witch?

  “What’s wrong? I was teasing.” He stroked her hair to ease her.

  Her mind raced. Of course. “No, I understood simply by the way you said it.” She smiled up at him, aware he could see into the neckline of her loosened shift to her exposed breasts. “But you just made me realize that Dame Vandend is a witch.”


  “Don’t you see? She is the one who knows Sleepy Hollow is under a curse and when I confronted her about a way to break it, she wouldn’t say anything. She’s the one who cursed the village! We have to make her tell, or I’m afraid of what will happen to us.”

  His eyes softened and her heart sighed in response.

  “I like how intelligent you are as well as your beautiful body, but I’m thinking since it’s late, maybe we should wait to call upon the grand dame tomorrow. Right?”

  She nodded and released his hard cock. Tugging the leather of his pants down past his hips to pool at his feet, she grasped his shaft again before he could move and licked the underside.

  He hissed. “Two can play that game, woman.” He bent over her and untied her stays, which dropped to the floor. The lack of constriction was welcome, as were Braeden’s hands as they latched on to her breasts through the thin material of her shift. “I want to taste every inch of your body. I will make you mine tonight.”

  The rush of blood to her pussy left her lightheaded, and she held his cock tighter before licking the head.

  Braeden’s hands moved to her hair, encouraging her, so she sucked the tip in and caught the edge with her teeth. She watched, fascinated, as the defined muscles in his thighs tensed and moved beneath his skin with his pleasure. He was hers. He loved her. The warmth that had camped around her heart at his declaration by the church surged to life now. Moving her mouth over his entire shaft, she swallowed, her throat squeezing his cock.

  He moaned and his grip in her hair tightened. Tilting her head, she pulled more of him into her mouth until he was as far back as she could take him. She didn’t move except to tongue the silky, hard shaft.


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