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Echo (The Butterfly Series Book 3)

Page 13

by Isabella Redwood

  The next morning Nicholi had gone out to the bakery and returned with cappuccinos, fresh croissants and orange juice for JC. We all tucked into our breakfasts and agreed wholeheartedly this was the best coffee and croissants we had ever tasted.

  ‘Okay, so here are your first co-ordinates.’ Nicholi beamed as I opened the laptop and plotted our destination.

  ‘Rialoto Bridge.’ Grinning at the adventures that were awaiting us.

  ‘Okay, let’s pack.’ Nicholi smiled sheepishly and I shook my head at the many surprises he was bestowing on me.

  Gathering all our belongings back up and boarding the gondola once more I was slightly sad we were leaving so quickly, but anxious to find out the nest destination.

  Arriving at the bridge, I scoured the area looking for the envelope that held the next clue.

  ‘Here it is, Momma.’ JC handed me the envelope that would decide our next location.

  ‘Tickets to Rome, holy crap, we are going on another flight?’ I questioned, as Nicholi shook his head.

  ‘Nope.’ His eyes sparkled as I loaded the next coordinates into my phone.

  ‘Train?’ I took JC’s hand as Nicholi led us to the boat to start our journey to the train station.

  ‘This is so romantic, I can’t believe you planned all this,’ waving my hands in astonishment.

  ‘For you, this is nothing,’ he winked and I certainly had my work cut out planning something for him, compared to this. I started plotting as we stopped outside the train station.

  The journey took around two hours and JC had fallen asleep as I snuggled next to Nicholi, beyond happy, my heart was soaring.

  ‘I’m glad you’re enjoying it.’ He tucked the loose tendril of hair that had fallen out of my bun away as I kissed him and the sparks ignited instantly.

  ‘Okay, time to get off,’ Nicholi whispered, having fallen asleep in his arms.

  ‘Sorry. Was I asleep long?’ I stretched and yawned as he smiled that Earth shattering smile.

  ‘I kept watching my family and thinking how I am the luckiest man alive,’ he gushed, stroking my cheek as I carried the still sleeping JC off the train.

  We arrived at our hotel that was just as magnificent as the one in Venice and lay on the bed was my next clue.

  ‘The Ponte Milvio Bridge.’ I held the lock that was in the envelope with curiosity.

  ‘All will be revealed,’ he winked as we left once more to find the next clue.

  Getting out of the taxi I stood mouth open, speechless at the bridge that was full of padlocks.

  ‘Lovers come here to seal their love, so to speak. Here is our lock, choose a spot,’ Nicholi explained and I still could not speak. This was so romantic, the tears were streaming as I located a position and together we locked it and threw the key into the River. Nicholi kissing it first.

  ‘I love you so much,’ I whispered, standing on tiptoes to wrap my arms around the man who had performed miracles, today, yesterday and every day to come.

  ‘Momma, look, here is your last treasure.’ JC handed me a small velvet box and I watched as Nicholi, nodded, taking the box out of my hands and getting down on one knee.

  ‘Alexa Daisy Thomas, I am and will always be the most blessed man in existence. Surrounded here with all the love, I declare to you I will love you eternally and nothing shall ever break our lock. Will you marry me?’ I could barely see his face and wiping the tears away I looked from my son to my future husband.

  ‘I am the most blessed and privileged woman to have the most precious and cherished men in my life. I promise you that I will endeavour every day to make you realise how much I love you. Yes.’

  Nicholi slipped the ring onto my finger and I watched it sparkle under the sunlight that was bouncing off and radiating us all around.

  The ring was exquisite, a V-shaped Platinum band set on both sides with diamonds, pearls, and sapphires.

  ‘This is absolutely gorgeous, Nicholi.’ Throwing my arms around him. A boat passed underneath, the occupants cheering and clapping as we waved back.

  We had lunch at a nearby café and Nicholi confirmed we would be taking the next flight back to the US. Sophia’s wedding was in two days and I needed to make any adjustments to her dress.

  JC was exhausted and as we sat in our seats to return home, we all fell asleep within minutes of take-off.

  ‘Time to wake up, Mrs. Veneto,’ Nicholi teased, tickling me lightly as my eyes refused to open not wanting to leave the dream I was bathed gloriously in.

  ‘That was some dream,’ I yawned as Nicholi scooped up JC and carried him off the plane.

  It was around ten pm when we arrived back to the house and settling JC into his bed, I was suddenly ravenous.

  ‘Pasta a la Veneto,’ Nicholi announced, handing me a bowl of microwavable noodles with tomato sauce.

  ‘Thank you, it looks delicious.’

  We both erupted into raucous giggles.

  ‘Sophia left a message saying the dress needs no adjustments, perfect fit,’ I grinned, ecstatic I could relax and process the last few days’ events.

  ‘That is great news, baby. I just need to do a few work things, be right back.’ Nicholi kissed my hand as I flopped onto the table.

  Deciding to take a bath, I ran the water and filled the tub with the vanilla scented bubble bath. Slipping inside I twirled my hand round and round the water, the ring sparkling from every angle.

  These past few days have been crazy, in the best way imaginable and I lay back letting the delicious aroma fill my mind with the best memories.

  ‘All, done.’ Nicholi slipped his clothes off and climbed into the tub with me as I moved and sat on his lap.

  ‘I still can’t believe you planned all that for me.’ Shaking my head in utter astonishment.

  ‘It was the most romantic gesture I could ever have dreamt of.’ I leant in to plant a chaste kiss on his lips when I wrapped my legs around him. Stroking every inch of his body with sensual kisses, I longed to have him inside me and wrapping me in a towel, he lay me on the bed. The longing was too much to bear.

  Falling asleep, curled up in his arms, listening to his heart beating against my back, I realised this was my life now. I had everything and my sister had her happy ending.

  The bittersweet memories flooded inside me as I pictured my wedding day. There would be no mom or Seth there and reaching for the phone, I hoped she was still awake.

  ‘Hey, how are you doing, bride to be?’ I asked, deciding not to mention our engagement until after her wedding. This was her time.

  ‘I’m so excited, nervous, anxious, all rolled into one,’ she replied, and I knew where the anxiety was coming from.

  ‘Sophia, it is fine, honestly, I completely understand.’ Having guessed the anxiety was concerning our father’s invitation to the wedding.

  ‘I just feel like with mom not there, I want to have one of our parents. Grandfather is giving me away, though, which when I told dad, he looked like I had just stabbed him in the chest, but it is the right thing to do. I just wish mom and Seth were here. They have missed out on everything.’ Sophia sighed, her lips quivering.

  My tears fell along with hers.

  ‘She would be and I’m sure is, so proud of you, Sophia. You are the best sister I could ever hope for. The best mother and wife. I’m so proud of you.’ I reached for a tissue, as Nicholi stirred and looked anxious at my expression, relaxing as he realised it was happy tears.

  ‘Thank you, Lex. But most of all I want to thank you for the dress. I could not have hoped for anything close to what you have given me. It means so much that you made it for me.’

  ‘I can’t wait to see you in it. Are you sure everything is okay fitting wise? Are we still spending tomorrow together?’ I asked, thinking of the packing I needed to do and the intense feeling of leaving Nicholi, even just for one night.

  ‘Definitely, I am so excited. Girls day.’

  I too was looking forward to the spa day I had booked for us.

bsp; ‘Okay, get some rest and I will pick you up around 10 am. Love you.’ I hung up the phone and lay into Nicholi’s arms.

  ‘I’m going to really miss you tomorrow,’ Nicholi began as I snuggled in close to his chest. Not wanting to be an inch away from him for any longer than necessary.

  ‘I think I will need to smuggle you into my room at night,’ I giggled, as he pulled me on top of him and we made love until we both fell asleep completely wrapped in our love.

  ‘Okay, do you have everything you need?’ I asked for the millionth time, dropping JC off with Mia as Nicholi was having a boys night with Cross and a few friends.

  ‘Yes, Momma, love you.’ His eyes lit up at the sight of the border collar bounding towards us. I would need to speak with Nicholi about his birthday and getting a puppy.

  ‘Thanks so much, Mia. I will come pick him up in the morning and will see you at the church tomorrow.’ I hugged my future mother in law and hated that I had taken my ring off this morning. I vowed to Nicholi I would never take it off again after Sophia’s wedding.

  Nicholi drove me to Sophia’s house and pulled up outside. We both looked and felt so forlorn at the prospect of a night apart and I tried to lighten the mood, knowing that this would be and should be a last fun night with our siblings before they are married.

  ‘So you are not having strippers are you?’ I joked, stroking his hand and desperately wanting to climb onto his lap; if it were not for the fact we were in suburbia and that would not be the done thing.

  ‘Well, you had better come back home tonight to check on us. Boys will be boys,’ he teased, flashing his dazzling smile.

  I shot him a, I’m no longer amused look, to which he pulled me into his arms and we kissed lovingly, passionately, until I thought I saw the curtains twitching across the street.

  ‘I had better go, don’t want the neighbours to complain.’ Nicholi opened my door and walked with me to the front door.

  ‘Be safe and have fun,’ he whispered, as I wrapped my arms around his neck once more. The point of not seeing him tonight generating an ache that would not be healed until he was back in my arms.

  ‘You too and no strippers,’ I scolded as he rolled his eyes.

  ‘As if. The only woman I want to shake in front of me is my wife to be,’ he winked and climbed back into the car, leaving me his dreamy smile as he pulled away.

  Knocking on the door, I listened as Sophia was clearly on the phone, waving as she opened the door and gestured for me to come in.

  ‘Sorry about that, just the caterers confirming numbers for tomorrow. Eeek, I’m so happy you’re here,’ she gushed and hugged me close as I admired her decorative style.

  ‘Wow, this place looks amazing.’ I stood surveying her turquoise centre wall with an array of family photographs offset in white wooden frames.

  ‘I wanted to repaint before the baby comes.’ She rubbed her growing bump as I smiled in awe.

  ‘Are the twins with Mia?’ A little sad I had not seen them before they left, but excited for the day’s events and spending quality time with my glowing radiant sister.

  ‘Yes, Cross just took them. I am going to miss them so much tonight but am excited to be with you. Shall we head out to the spa now?’ She asked, gathering her purse and keys as I nodded and we too left to enjoy our pampering session.

  ‘I wonder what the boys have planned.’ Sophia mused as she drove down the highway, the sunroof open blowing both our hair wildly behind us.

  ‘There were a ton of hot dogs and burgers in the fridge. They definitely won’t be starving,’ I giggled, but once again the thought of not seeing Nicholi, eating away at my happiness.

  We pulled into our destination spa.

  Checking in, we were both given our robes and slippers to change into and confirmed our appointments. Massage, followed by a light lunch, sauna, swim and Jacuzzi. Finally, our facials, manicure and pedicures before a night of movies, pizza, ice cream and s’mores would ensue.

  Still exhausted from our trip, I nearly fell asleep during the massage and was laughing at a text Nicholi had sent me waiting for Sophia to join me for lunch.

  ‘You two texting already? You are the most perfect couple. I’m so happy you found Mr. Right.’ She picked up the menu and perused the options.

  ‘We are the most incredibly fortunate women and here’s to the future.’ Clinking my freshly squeezed orange juice against hers.

  ‘I think I will have the tuna salad please and cheesecake for dessert,’ Sophia requested and I ordered the same. He was looking at us quizzically and it had been a while since we had dealt with the stares.

  ‘Twins, yes,’ I nodded, as he smiled politely and returned to the kitchen with our order.

  ‘Never gets old, does it,’ Sophia giggled as we just talked about anything and everything. It felt so much like old times, you would never have known we spent five years apart.

  Both deciding to skip the sauna, we went straight to the Jacuzzi as Nicholi and Cross called to check in.

  ‘I love you too.’ Flushing at the conversation we had just partaken in as Sophia hung up the phone from Cross and I did the same reluctantly. Nicholi had been texting me all day and it felt incredible to know he was missing me as much as I was him.

  ‘What colour are you choosing for your manicure?’ I asked, pondering the huge selection and torn.

  ‘I’m going for French, but you choose whatever you like.’ Sophia smiled with approval as I decided on a silver to offset the turquoise bridesmaid dress I would be wearing.

  ‘Do you like the dress I picked, really?’ she asked and if it were not for the fact my hands and feet were in bowls of bubbly water, I would have reached and hugged her.

  ‘I love it. Perfect choice.’

  She seemed to relax and before we knew it, the whole day had flown by.

  Putting my flip-flops back on I waited for Sophia in the car while she used the bathroom, taking the opportunity to check in on Nicholi, not having communicated with him for the last thirty minutes.

  ‘Hey, baby. Having fun, or missing me?’ he goaded, as I tried to compose a straight face.

  ‘Having fun.’ His mood dropped a little. ‘Missing you, silly.’ I wanted to wrap my arms around his neck and my newly painted toes around his waist.

  ‘We are just going back to the house to gorge ourselves in junk food heaven. What are you all doing?’ I had to raise my voice a little over the rowdy men singing what sounded like the Rocky theme tune.

  ‘Having a boxing, BBQ and beer fest, but I would much rather be kissing every one of those perfectly manicured toes right now,’ his voice husky and sensual as I tried to quell my soaring temperature.

  ‘Me too. Ah, Sophia is coming. Have to go. I love you. Can’t wait until tomorrow.’ Hanging up as Sophia entered the car.

  ‘Lex, do you think you could drive?’ Her face was pale and she had clearly been crying.

  ‘Sophia, what happened?’ I took her hand as she turned to face me.

  ‘I got a voice mail from Larissa and I was so startled to hear her voice I slipped on the bathroom floor and fell. I am getting contractions,’ she cried as I climbed out of the car and switched sides with her.

  ‘We will go to the hospital right now. Everything is going to be okay, I promise.’ I pulled out and tried to remain calm as she moaned in pain. This was too early, far too early.

  Sophia was waiting for the doctor to check her over and I was pacing back and forth, desperately wanting to call Nicholi, but Sophia had insisted she did not want me to worry Cross unless there was something to worry about. Checking my phone I had three missed called and four texts. If I did not call him back, he would start to worry. I had never lied to him properly before and now I had to.

  ‘Lexi, where are you? I was going to drive over if you didn’t pick up soon.’ He sounded relieved but nervous. I plucked up the courage to respect my sister’s wishes.

  ‘I’m sorry, Sophia asked me to drive and I didn’t want to talk at the same
time.’ That was true, but I was on thin ice.

  ‘No, I completely understand, but you are not fooling me for a second. What’s going on?’

  Peeking at Sophia, who was with the nurse having her blood pressure checked, I did not know what to do.

  ‘Promise you won’t say anything to Cross. Nicholi promise.’ Knowing I was breaking her confidence, but it was impossible to lie to him.

  ‘Baby, what happened?’ he demanded, and I closed my eyes.

  ‘Larissa called Sophia and left a voice mail. She was so shocked she tripped over in the bathroom and fell. She is having contractions and we are at the hospital.’

  ‘We will be right there.’ He hung up before I had a chance to say anything and I cursed myself for breaking the one thing she asked me not to do.

  ‘Is everything okay?’ I asked the nurse as she wrote notes on Sophia’s chart.

  ‘Everything is fine, Lex. They said it was just a false alarm. I am going to have an ultrasound just for peace of mind and then we can get back to our evening,’ she began as I flushed crimson and never looked guiltier in my whole life.

  ‘Lexi, what did you do?’ she demanded and did not look remotely amused.

  ‘I’m sorry, Soph, it is just impossible to lie to him. They are on their way. Please forgive me,’ I pleaded as she shook her head and reaching for the phone called Cross.

  They arrived twenty minutes later, I stood outside with Nicholi as Cross and Sophia talked with the doctors.

  ‘She is so mad at me,’ I paced as Nicholi stood looking completely gorgeous with his, I’m innocent face, leaning against the wall.

  ‘He deserves to be here with her. If it were you and you kept this from me, I would be so upset,’ he began, but I interrupted.

  ‘Apparently I can’t keep anything from you, as I’m sure Sophia would attest to, so you don’t need to worry,’ I sighed, sitting down opposite and stared at my toes riddled with guilt.

  ‘I can’t wait to kiss every last one,’ he grinned and I could not help smile in response.


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