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Echo (The Butterfly Series Book 3)

Page 17

by Isabella Redwood

  ‘I will ask and call you back in a bit.’ I hung up and finished my breakfast.

  ‘Nic, Sophia was wondering if she, Cross and the twins could spend the summer with us? Apparently Cross has a big research case coming up and could work here remotely. It would be great to have some quality time together. What do you think?’

  I watched his expression change and the light slowly fade from his eyes.

  ‘I don’t know, Lex. I was hoping we could spend some time together, just the three of us,’ he began and I interjected.

  ‘If that is the only reason, then totally fine, I will tell her no. But, if this is anything to do with the argument, you and Cross had and being stubborn, that is different. Is it?’

  He sighed and fiddled with my engagement ring.

  ‘There is a part that feels that way and it is totally justified.’

  I frowned in response.

  ‘Really, totally justified? We agreed that if the tables had been reversed, you would have done the exact same thing,’ I reiterated as he mused and contemplated.

  ‘Maybe so, but the difference is he put you and JC in danger. That is unacceptable.’

  I nodded in response.

  ‘I agree, but we have both said that being here is the safest place we can be. You even used that as the reason to explain how hostile you were to his decision for us to leave. With that in mind, I think them coming here would be the best solution all around.’ I nodded as a wry small crossed his lips.

  ‘I think Cross has some competition. You are quite the negotiator,’ he teased, kissing my hand and moving closer.

  ‘Do you want them here?’

  I paused. The thought of it just being the three of us was extremely tempting and something I longed for. On the other hand, I had missed so much time with Sophia and we all loved having the twins.

  ‘I want it to just be the three of us, but I do want to spend time with Sophia too. I want them to come,’ I concluded as he passed me my phone.

  ‘I will behave,’ he winked as I sent a text message and pulled him back into bed with me.

  ‘Don’t behave too much,’ I teased seductively as he groaned and pulled me out of the bed.

  ‘The seaplane is on its way. I just want to get you checked out on the mainland and JC too,’ he added, to make it impossible for me to object and I threw a pillow at him, gathering my clothes to change.

  The flight was uneventful as we killed time waiting for the appointment with some shopping and I paused gazing at the adorable baby boutique. Tiny little onesies were hanging on a washing line in the display and I felt my heart ache.

  ‘Soon, baby, soon,’ Nicholi whispered as I took his hand and we headed to the doctor’s office.

  JC was checked out and given a clean bill of health. I was diagnosed with tonsillitis, an ear infection, and required antibiotics.

  The doctor asked if I wanted a repeat prescription for my birth control pills and I turned to Nicholi in surprise.

  ‘Er, no?’ Watching his expression as he nodded happily and I suddenly felt like I was going to burst, he really wanted this too.

  We had lunch at the local restaurant and I watched as JC tucked into his chicken nuggets and Nicholi his cheeseburger and smiled with blissful joy at my boys.

  ‘Want some?’ Nicholi asked, offering me his cheeseburger as I shook my head.

  ‘I have a wedding dress to fit into.’ Remembering there was a bridal boutique here, I smiled.

  ‘Your eyes are twinkling. What is it?’ Nicholi asked, taking my hand as I held his eagerly.

  ‘There is a bridal shop here. Would you mind if I checked a few things out?’ Nicholi beamed in response and said he would take JC to the park while I partook in a little retail therapy.

  Opening the door and hearing the audible beep, my eyes scanned the aisles intently, the room full of a sea of white silk and lace.

  ‘Welcome, how can I help you?’ the assistant asked, as I suddenly felt overwhelmed with the choice.

  ‘It can be a little much,’ she replied as though she had read my mind.

  ‘Yes, I don’t know where to start.’ My head was spinning along with the dress rack in front of me.

  ‘Let me take a few measurements and then I will bring you a couple of options to try,’ she confirmed and I smiled in agreement.

  Standing in the changing room waiting for my sample dresses I could not believe this was happening. I was actually about to try on a dress. A wedding dress. For my wedding.

  Shaking my head with astonishment, I took the proffered dress as the assistant helped fasten me into it. There were so many ties, but when she turned me around to look in the mirror, I felt like a fairy princess.

  ‘This is stunning on you,’ she proclaimed as I touched the tiara on my head encrusted with crystals that were sparkling underneath the fancy lighting.

  After trying on five different gowns and the assistant taking pictures for me, I thanked her and returned to meet Nicholi and JC.

  ‘How did it go? Find anything you liked?’ he asked, taking my hand as JC hugged me.

  ‘A few possibilities. I have pictures so I will show Sophia later and get a second opinion.’

  I kissed JC and took his hand as we walked back to the dock and waited for the seaplane.

  ‘Let’s set the date.’ Nicholi turned round suddenly and I almost bumped into him.

  ‘See you are falling for me, I better keep this rolling,’ he joked as I shook my head laughing.

  ‘I already fell for you a very long time ago.’ I kissed his cheek as we sat on the edge of the dock dangling our feet over the side. The water was lapping against the wood and I knew the date I wanted.

  ‘A month today,’ I began. ‘That was the first time I saw you,’ and he interjected.

  ‘And the first time I fell in love with you.’ We stared longingly into each other’s eyes.

  ‘July twenty-seventh,’ we both said in unison as JC jumped up and down and I heard the plane coming.

  Sophia, Cross, and the twins would be landing soon and I was busy preparing dinner for us all with JC as my trusty helper. Nicholi was working in the office and I remembered I had not picked up the post today. Walking to the mailbox with JC skipping at my side, the envelope stood out amongst the regular bills and junk mail.

  Opening it quickly I gasped.

  Dear Lexi,

  I hope this finds you well. I have been trying to think of a way to make things better between us and this is the only way I can think of to show you and your sister I want us to be a family again. I put all your things, your mothers and sisters into storage and I have never gone through them since. I have sent them all to you and I hope this will be a peace offering between us.

  Love Dad.

  I cringed at the ending, but could not help feeling excited about the impending packages I would be receiving.

  Reaching for my phone, I quickly text Sophia in the hopes they had not boarded the seaplane yet to see if they could pick up the boxes from the post office on the mainland.

  ‘Momma, are we getting presents?’ JC asked, reveling in my enthusiasm as I explained we would be getting pictures of when he was a baby to look at.

  ‘What’s happening?’ Nicholi asked curiously, as we returned to the kitchen to serve dinner.

  ‘My dad is sending us all the boxes he had in storage from our Seattle home,’ I confirmed as Nicholi frowned confused.

  ‘He had your things all this time and is now only offering them?’ shaking his head with annoyance and I had felt that way too, but the desire to see them again was too much to dampen my enthusiasm.

  We ate dinner wondering what would be inside the boxes when they arrived.

  JC had taken it to a whole other level with crocodiles, and hippos inside as we ended up hysterically giggling as I served dessert.

  I could hear the plane overhead and we all walked down to the dock to meet our guests.

  ‘You okay?’ I asked Nicholi, as he shrugged noncommittedly and
watched the plane land. This would be the first time he had spoken to Cross since the blowout at the airport and I felt the nervous tension all around.

  ‘It is so great to see you.’ Sophia exited the plane and rushed into my arms.

  ‘We picked up the boxes too,’ she confirmed as I peeked around her to say hello to the twins.

  Cross shook hands with Nicholi and it was a frosty reunion, but knowing how much they loved each other, I knew it would thaw in time.

  Welcoming everyone inside and watching JC cooing over the girls I knew this was the right decision and we settled down for the night. I was anxious to open the boxes, but for tonight, I just wanted us to relax and enjoy the warm evening as we basked in the knowledge that we were together, well and most of all safe.

  ‘How is Cross doing?’ I asked Sophia as we settled the twins to bed.

  ‘He hides it well, but I know it is difficult for him. I just wish there was something that could make things better. There just isn’t,’ shaking her head as I covered Daisy with the blanket our grandmother had crocheted for her.

  ‘In time, maybe things will get easier. I don’t know. But I do know I am so glad you’re here.’ I hugged my sister tightly as I filled her in on the wedding date we had chosen and showed her the pictures of the dresses I had tried on today.

  ‘I like this one.’ Sophia pointed at the second dress I had tried on and I nodded in agreement.

  ‘I was thinking I could copy the design and add a few little extras.’ Mulling the pros and cons of undertaking another huge design and it being my wedding, the pressure was just as great.

  ‘It will be spectacular whatever you decide,’ she reassured and I sighed.

  Suddenly the weight of the world dissipated and just the knowledge that we were here together made me forget anything else, despite the nagging doubts as to why my father would suddenly be offering us our belongings.

  ‘I know, I was thinking the same thing,’ Sophia smiled, reading my mind as usual.

  ‘But I think his illness has made him question everything and maybe it is his way of making amends, as unlikely as that is.’

  ‘Wait, what, illness?’ completely thrown as her face crumpled with the realisation.

  ‘I thought he had told you. He said he was going to and with the boxes, I assumed he had. Oh, Lexi. I’m sorry,’ she whispered as Nicholi opened the door quietly, checking we were okay.

  ‘Lexi?’ his brow furrowing as I stood up and padded downstairs.

  ‘He never told her.’ Cross took Sophia’s hand as I stood in silence.

  ‘Lexi, your dad has been diagnosed with cancer,’ Cross advised.

  I leant into Nicholi and felt the hurt brewing inside. He couldn’t even tell me himself.

  ‘Okay, thanks for letting me know.’ I turned around and walked to our room, in a daze.

  Nicholi closed the door quietly and sat with me on the bed as I watched JC asleep on the monitor.

  ‘He couldn’t even have the decency to tell me he was dying himself,’ shaking my head and utterly confused by the feelings that were being flung my way.

  ‘I don’t know what to say. Come here.’ Nicholi pulled me close as I attempted to swallow away the tears that were determined to get the better of my electric fence,

  ‘It was going to happen one day. I just thought he was so bitter he would be the last one left.’ Shaking my head and clinging onto one of the things I was never unsure of.

  ‘Does this change anything?’

  I processed the question, trying to imagine how I would feel if things were left and he was gone.

  ‘No, it doesn’t. Does that make me a cold hearted bitch?’ watching his expression closely.

  ‘Never. I think it is for the best. I don’t think any good can come of seeing him again and I just feel like we need to move on. He is not a part of our future and if that is what you feel too then great. If there is any part of you that wants to say anything to him or has a desire to know more, then you should see him.’

  I pondered this. Was there anything else that I needed from him? The desire to know why he hated me so much was always there at the back of my head, but knowing he would never admit to loving me less than Sophia, or even admitting he was in the wrong left me no other answer.

  ‘There is no point. I have nothing constructive to say to him and if he wants me to say everything is okay and I forgive him, I cannot do that as heartless as it sounds. The only peace I can give him is the knowledge that I appreciate him sending our things and I will write him a letter back,’ I nodded, my head aching with each movement as Nicholi kissed my hand and hugged me close.

  ‘You’re the kindest person I have ever met and I know whatever decision you make will be the right one.’

  Returning downstairs, Cross was marvelling how it was still so light and I made us all hot chocolate with marshmallows as we talked about anything and everything. The frost between Nicholi and Cross was slowly thawing and I winked at my soul sister as we plotted a boy’s only adventure that would be sure to get them back on an even keel.

  Having made sure they had everything they needed, I joined Nicholi in bed as he hung up the phone.

  ‘Everything okay?’ I yawned, taking my antibiotics and frowning at the horse-sized pills, I had been prescribed.

  ‘Yes. I have hired some additional security for the seaplane, just making sure we are notified of any requests to fly here. Peace of mind,’ he winked, trying to make light of it, but I knew he was worried still, no matter how hard we tried to forget it.

  There was a killer on the loose and as much as I hoped my dreams were accurate and she was sorry, I would not take any chances either.

  If the past had taught me anything it would be that you are the most vulnerable when you do not trust your gut feeling.

  Falling asleep wrapped in Nicholi’s arms and seeing my son sleeping peacefully on the monitor, I would not take any risks where they were concerned, never again.



  Dreams filled my head to the point I awoke several times and had to eventually get up, my mind was racing and it was nauseating.

  ‘Baby, what’s wrong?’ Nicholi asked, stroking my cheek as I shook my head, he would think I was completely insane.

  ‘Hey, no secrets, remember?’ and I looked longingly at the man before me.

  ‘I never told him our address, and that wasn’t his handwriting on the card. I have seen it many times before on gifts he would bring back from his trips, but that is not his handwriting.’ I took the card off the nightstand where it had been haunting me and handing it to Nicholi. My fingers burned as though they were flashing a neon red volatile flame of ignorance, lighting the way home.

  ‘Then who’s is it?’ his voice cracked a little, but he stoically ploughed forward as only Nicholi could. I know these revelations were the last thing we needed, but hiding behind the obvious does not make it less apparent or any the less safe. He needed to know.

  ‘Larissa’s.’ My voice was barely audible as the room fell into a deathly silence.

  ‘Where are you going?’ reaching for his hand as he quickly put on his jeans and a shirt.

  ‘Waking Cross. If anyone can confirm this, it will be him.’ He opened our door and walked down the hall to their room. I watched him knock on the door and Cross appeared, his bed head hair flopping to the side as Nicholi gestured for him to come into our room.

  ‘Sorry to wake you, Cross,’ I began as Nicholi gave him the card.

  ‘Is this Larissa’s handwriting?’ he asked, his tone solemn and resolute. Cross scanned the paper and looked first at Nicholi and then me.

  ‘Yes,’ he mouthed, as Sophia entered our room.

  ‘Lexi?’ She reached for my hand as I sat on the end of the bed completely dazed, I was right.

  ‘What you said about dad’s illness and him sending the boxes to make amends. It did not make any sense. He would want control until the end. How many times have you asked him for th
is stuff and he always came up with excuses, right?’ Sophia just nodded and sat next to me.

  ‘We need to leave.’ Cross grabbed Sophia’s hand as her phone started ringing making us all jump out of our skins.

  ‘If you want to leave, then that is your prerogative, but I still feel we are safer here than anywhere. The security I have on the mainland, no one can get onto the Island without my explicit permission,’ Nicholi confirmed, sitting next to me and taking my hand reassuringly.

  Cross’s phone started ringing, then Sophia’s, and Nicholi’s again.

  ‘Yes, oh, I understand, thank you,’ Nicholi hung up, the colour draining from his face by the second. ‘Dad, he was in an accident and is at St Bart’s.’

  ‘Is it bad?’ Cross asked, his brow furrowing.

  We started getting our bags ready to leave.

  ‘Lexi, stop. We can’t go, it is not safe,’ Nicholi shouted as I shook my head.

  ‘Nic, this is your dad. We have to.’ I threw clothes into bags and called the seaplane.

  We arrived back in Connecticut around midday and proceeded to the hospital. Sophia waited with the twins and JC while I went with Nicholi and Cross to visit his dad. Opening the door, I held my breath. We had been told it was a head on collision and his airbag had not deployed. He had suffered serious head injuries and was on a ventilator.

  Cross was the one who moved closer first, taking his hand and sitting down next to the bed.

  ‘Hi, Dad, you sure do know how to crash in style,’ his voice straining as he looked at the man before him.

  He looked so small surrounded by an array of medical equipment and I tightened my grip on Nicholi’s hand.

  ‘Hey, Dad. I am here too with Lexi,’ he began, but the nurse coming in to check his observations halted any further conversation and we went back to the waiting room.

  JC ran towards me and I scooped him up trying to forget the images that were flashing through my mind, like an endless presentation of everything that I feared most.


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