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The Terror of the Bigfoot Beast

Page 3

by Laurie S. Sutton

  “Fake Bigfoot,” Daphne says as she sits on top of the man.

  Velma picks up the man’s fur-covered mask. She holds it in the air for all to see.

  “Okay, fake Bigfoot,” Fred agrees. “So why is this guy dressed up like that?”

  “Because of this,” Velma says. She pulls the petal of a flower from her pocket.

  “It’s a rare, night-blooming orchid,” Velma explains. “I found it when Daphne and I were hiding in the bushes.”

  “Those flowers are worth hundreds of dollars each!” the fake Bigfoot says. “I was hired to guard a secret garden growing on the other side of that ditch.”

  “It’s illegal to sell the plants,” Velma continues. “His boss must be working in the black market.”

  “And we would have gotten away with it if it hadn’t been for you meddling kids and that dog of yours,” the man grumbles.

  “Yay! Mystery solved!” Shaggy says.


  To follow another path, press here.

  “I have to save my friends from that fake Bigfoot,” Fred decides.

  Fred follows the man through the dark forest as quietly as he can. He hopes the sound of the wind will cover up any noise he makes.

  At last, he sees the cabin in the distance. Bigfoot heads straight for it. Fred heads for the Mystery Machine and grabs a rope.

  Fred lassoes the man with the rope. “Yeehaw! Git along little doggie­­­—er, little Bigfoot!” he shouts.

  “What? Hey!” the man yells in surprise.

  Fred tackles Bigfoot to the ground and ties his wrists and ankles. “Just like in a rodeo,” Fred says.

  Press here.

  “Run!” Daphne cries. The gang stampedes right over the guard and out of the building.

  “There’s the Mystery Machine!” Velma says. “Get in!”

  Scooby points at the creature in the driver’s seat. “Ruh-roh! Bigfoot!” he shouts.

  “Don’t worry. It’s me . . . Fred!” their friend says. He is still disguised as a shrub. The gang climbs into the van and Fred drives off.

  “There’s a bigger mystery here than Bigfoot,” Velma says. “That computer was full of shipping schedules and timetables. Everything is linked to something called Yeti Gomba Chatang in Tibet.”

  “Something tells me we’re going on a trip,” Fred says.

  Press here.

  If Fred investigates himself

  If Daphne & Velma investigate

  “It took a lot of searching on the Internet, but I found out what Yeti Gomba Chatang means. Yeti Gomba is a temple, and Chatang is a village in Tibet—and here we are!” Velma says.

  The gang shivers in the frigid air in the land of Mount Everest.

  “Like, I wish we weren’t,” Shaggy complains. “Why didn’t the clue lead us to somewhere warm, like Hawaii?”

  “Let’s find a guide to take us to the temple,” Fred says.

  They knock on every door in town, but no one will take them to the temple. “Everyone says the temple is haunted by the Yetis,” Daphne reports.

  “Okay, we’ll just have to find the temple on our own,” Fred says.

  “Like, I’m never eating a snow cone again. Let’s get out of this freezer.” Shaggy moans as they trudge up a steep mountain trail.

  “How about some Scooby Snacks?” Velma asks. She shakes a box of the treats.

  “Rum-my!” Scooby exclaims as he plows through the snowdrifts toward Velma.


  Suddenly, there is a rumbling sound.

  “Is that your tummy, Scoob?” Shaggy asks. The sound gets louder. Then the ground shakes.

  “No, it’s an avalanche!” Velma shouts. “Run!”

  The gang splits up, trying to escape the rushing snow. FWOOSH! It crashes over them like a tidal wave.

  To follow Daphne & Velma, press here.

  To follow Fred, press here.

  To stick with Scooby & Shaggy, press here.

  Daphne and Velma help each other out of a snowbank and into a blinding blizzard.

  “Fred! Shaggy! Scooby-Doo! Where are you?” they shout.

  “I’m sure they were able to dig out of the avalanche,” Daphne says. “We’ll find them.”

  Amid the freezing temperatures, Daphne and Velma continue to search for their friends without success. But then they stumble upon an ornate building.

  “Yeti Gomba! It’s the temple we were looking for!” Velma exclaims. The girls rush inside.

  “Jeepers, it’s beautiful,” Daphne whispers in awe.

  Velma wanders away to study the wall paintings. Suddenly, the temple door opens with a blast of snow and wind. A shadowy shape shambles into the temple.

  “Fred!” Daphne exclaims. “Where are Shaggy and Scooby?

  Press here.

  Fred digs out of the snow and looks around. A blizzard is blowing, and he can’t see.

  “Daphne! Velma! Shaggy! Scooby! Where are you?” Fred shouts. No one answers. “I can’t hear anything over this wind.”

  Fred searches for his friends. The blowing snow stings his eyes and makes it difficult to move forward. The avalanche has made the mountainside unstable. Fred can walk only a few steps at a time before he sinks into deep patches of shifting snow. He is in danger of falling into a hidden crevice, or worse.

  “Oh no, have I lost my friends forever?” Fred cries.

  Fred stumbles through the blinding snowstorm. He calls out for his friends. At last he sees the shape of a large building. It’s a temple.

  “Yeti Gomba!” Fred exclaims. “It’s the Yeti Temple we were looking for.”

  Fred rushes up the steps to the heavy wooden door. It is twice his size and very hard to open.

  Fred pushes with all his might. The door creaks inward on rusty hinges. A blast of snow and wind follow him into the building.

  “Fred!” Daphne shouts. “You’re safe!”

  “Daphne! Am I glad to see you!” Fred exclaims. “Oh no, where are Velma, Shaggy, and Scooby?”

  Daphne points to where Velma is studying some wall paintings. Fred is happy to find at least two of his friends. But where are Shaggy and Scooby?

  Press here.

  After a while, Shaggy and Scooby pop their heads out of the snow. They look around and see that they are in the middle of a blizzard.

  “Daphne! Velma! Fred! Where are you?” Shaggy shouts. There is no answer. All he hears is the howling wind.

  Scooby sniffs around in the snow, trying to smell their scent, but all he gets is a frozen nose. “Rhey’re not rhere,” he says.

  “Maybe the avalanche missed them, and they’re looking for us up on the trail,” Shaggy reckons. “We’d better get back up there.”

  “Rokay,” Scooby shivers.

  The buddies start the long trek up the steep slope.

  Press here.

  To follow Daphne & Velma

  To follow Fred

  “I thought Shaggy and Scooby were with you,” Daphne says to Fred.

  “I thought Shaggy and Scooby were with you,” Fred says to Daphne.

  The gang seems stumped by their missing friends, but this isn’t the first time Scooby and Shaggy have gotten separated. Fred, Daphne, and Velma keep looking until they finally notice their surroundings.

  “Wow! This place is amazing!” Velma shouts from across the vast room. “All the paintings, statues, and carvings are of Yetis!”

  Fred reaches out and touches one of the statues.


  A secret latch opens a hidden door.


  “Hey! Check this out!” he tells the others.

  Daphne and Velma stare into a passageway that leads into darkness.

  “Let’s investigate!” Fred says.

  “Maybe we’ll find some more clues,” V
elma adds.

  “I don’t know. It could be dangerous,” Daphne cautions.

  Fred and Velma shrug their shoulders. Their sense of adventure drowns their sense of staying safe.

  “Okay, let’s go.” Daphne sighs and follows her friends. “There’s always the chance that the smugglers aren’t using this place as a headquarters.”

  The passageway is very short. There is a door at the other end. Light shines around the edges of the frame.

  “There’s something on the other side,” Daphne whispers.

  “Let’s take a look,” Fred and Velma say in unison. They push the door open.


  The door at the other end of the corridor slams shut. There is only one way out of the passageway now­­—forward. They step into the chamber and gasp at the sight!

  Press here.

  Shaggy and Scooby paddle as hard as they can to stay away from the whirlpool. It’s no use. The vortex sucks them into its grip! They spin around and around.

  Desperate, Scooby jumps into the water and drives his legs like propellers. He accelerates the cart like a speedboat. It goes so fast that they get tossed out of the whirlpool! They fly through the air and land in the water farther down the river.

  “You saved us, Scoob!” Shaggy says as they float along in the gentle current.

  “Ruh-roh,” Scooby gulps as his ears pick up a roaring sound in the distance. They are headed straight for a waterfall.

  “Not again!” Shaggy moans.

  Press here.

  “We get out of here and alert the authorities,” Velma replies. “I’m sure my cousin in Interpol would like to know about this place.”

  “We’ll use one of the cargo trucks to escape,” Fred says. “We just have to get past those Yetis.”

  “Yetis?!” Daphne and Velma gasp.

  Fred points to a pair of hairy monsters standing guard near the trucks. They are holding stun rifles.

  “Since when do Yetis carry weapons?” Daphne wonders aloud.

  “They aren’t Yetis. Those are men in furry snowsuits,” Velma realizes. “They’re probably disguised to look like Yetis to scare away the locals.”

  “Just like Bigfoot back home,” Fred says. “These smugglers seem to follow a pattern.”

  Press here.

  Shaggy and Scooby stumble blindly through the blizzard. They can’t see where they’re going, let alone find their friends.

  “It’s no use, Scoob. We’ll never find them in this snowstorm,” Shaggy moans.

  Scooby points to a large dark shadow in the mountainside. “Rut’s rat?” he says.

  “Like, it’s a cave! We can get out of the snow. Come on!” Shaggy exclaims.

  They run toward the opening. Inside, they see rusty ore carts and old equipment.

  “Hey, it’s not a cave. It’s an abandoned mine,” Shaggy realizes. MOOOOOAAANNN! A moaning noise races through the mine. It sounds like a tortured ghost. “Like, maybe it’s not so abandoned after all.”

  Sniff, sniff, sniff! Scooby’s nose twitches. His whole body poses like a bird dog on point.

  “What do you smell, pal?” Shaggy asks. “Have you found the gang?”

  “Nope. Pizza!” Scooby-Doo replies.

  Scooby drools with hunger. Then he follows the scent deeper into the mine.

  “Scooby! Stop!” Shaggy shouts. He picks up an old lantern and turns it on. “Like, we need some light in here.”

  The two friends walk into the dark mine shaft.

  Press here.

  “How are we going to get past the guards?” Daphne asks.

  “Don’t worry, I have a plan,” Fred says. “First, we need to create a distraction. Everybody push this crate.”

  Daphne and Velma help Fred push a large packing crate until it starts to tip over.

  SMASH! It crashes into a stack of crates next to it. They crash into more crates like dominoes. The guards run toward the commotion and away from the trucks.

  “Let’s go!” Fred says. They head for the parked vehicles.

  More Yeti guards run into the loading area. Thinking fast, Fred waves his arms and shouts.

  “Help! There’s been a collapse in the warehouse!” Fred yells. The guards run past him and into the warehouse storage area.

  “I can’t believe that worked,” Velma says.

  “Neither can I!” Fred replies.

  They climb into the front of the nearest truck.

  Fred turns the ignition key. The engine sputters at first, and then it roars to life. He steps on the gas.

  “Hey! Stop that truck!” one of the Yeti guards shouts. “Nobody’s allowed to leave until the blizzard is over.”

  Fred drives the truck down a short exit tunnel as fast as he can. Behind him, the Yeti guards chase the truck. Ahead of him is a large wooden door. It is closed!

  If Fred slams on the brakes, press here.

  If Fred crashes through the wooden door, press here.

  Shaggy and Scooby reach the end of the tunnel. The weak light from the lantern illuminates a door.

  “Like, that’s a weird place to put a door,” Shaggy says.

  “Pizza!” Scooby reminds him.

  Shaggy carefully opens the door. Warm air and bright light are on the other side. So are a table and chairs—and a pizza.

  “Who delivers way out here?” Shaggy says, grabbing a slice. He hands a piece to Scooby. Then he hands a slice to another waiting hand.

  “Thanks,” a voice says.

  “You’re welcome, Scoob,” Shaggy replies.

  “Raggy, rat wasn’t me,” Scooby says.

  Shaggy and Scooby look behind them. A huge hairy monster holds the piece of pizza.

  “Yaaaa! Yeti! Run!” Shaggy shrieks.

  The Yeti chases Shaggy and Scooby out the door and into the mine tunnel.

  Scooby and Shaggy see an ore cart.

  “Jump in, Scoob!” Shaggy says. Scooby dives into the cart and Shaggy starts pushing it with all his might. The rusty wheels squeal on the tracks.

  “Ret’s go!” Scooby says as he pulls Shaggy into the cart. They roll down the tracks, leaving the Yeti behind.

  “That was close!” Shaggy says.

  “Uh, ruh-roh!” Scooby gulps and points ahead.

  They are headed for the edge of a cliff!

  “Where’s the brake?!” Shaggy yells.

  “Rhere!” Scooby shouts. He pulls a lever on the outside of the cart.

  SCREEEEECH! Sparks shoot out from between the wheels and the brake. The cart barely slows down.

  “We’re doomed!” Shaggy moans.

  “Re’re gonna die!” Scooby sobs. The pals hug each other.

  The ore cart stops at the brink of the cliff. Shaggy and Scooby peek over the edge of the cart at a deep, vertical shaft.

  “Don’t move, Scoob,” Shaggy advises.

  If Scooby & Shaggy stay still, press here.

  If Scooby & Shaggy get out of the cart, press here.

  “It’s the smugglers’ HQ,” Daphne says. “I was right.”

  They are in a huge room that used to be the temple mausoleum. Coffins are stacked in niches carved into the stony walls all the way to the ceiling. The rest of the chamber is being used as a smuggling warehouse. There are stacks of crates three levels tall.

  They watch workers drive forklifts to move crates from the storage facility to trucks parked in a loading area. It’s a very busy operation.

  “I don’t know what’s in those crates, but it can’t be legal,” Fred says.

  “What should we do?” Daphne asks.

  Press here.

  Scooby and Shaggy stay completely still. The cart teeters on the edge of the mine shaft.

  “Ahh, ahh!” Scooby gasps as dust tickles his nose.

  “No, Scoob, nooooo!” Shagg
y yells.

  ACHOO!! Scooby lets out a monstrous sneeze. The cart plunges over the cliff!

  Shaggy and Scooby fall. And fall. Until they splash into an underground river. The current is gentle, but then they hear the roaring sound of rapids.

  “Ruh-roh,” Scooby whimpers.

  The pals almost fall out of the cart as it bounces over the rocks, but there is more danger ahead of them.

  “Zoinks! A whirlpool!” Shaggy cries.

  Press here.

  Fred slams on the brakes! The vehicle comes to a thunderous stop. Fred, Daphne, and Velma are dazed and can’t run away from the Yeti guards. They are pulled from the truck.

  “You’re not going anywhere, you meddling kids,” one of the guards says. “The boss said you might come snooping, and here you are!”

  “You . . . you were expecting us?” Velma asks.

  “Yes, especially after the trouble you caused at the Bigfoot operation,” the guard replies. “We’re going to lock you up for a long time.”

  “I told you not to go down that passageway,” Daphne moans.

  Suddenly, they hear a familiar cry echo off the icy cave walls. “Scooby-Dooby-Dooooo!”

  They see two Yetis on snowmobiles racing toward them. The guards are so surprised at the sight that they are motionless. The snowmobiles knock them down like bowling pins. Daphne, Velma, and Fred are about to run when the two Yetis take off their masks.

  “Shaggy! Scooby! You found us!” Daphne exclaims.


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