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The Rookie

Page 20

by Abigail Owen

  Sera lifted her hair, exposing the nape of her neck.

  The familiar sound of kindling fire echoed in the small room, and Aidan took a step forward, needing to stop this, though he wasn’t sure why. Drake shot out a hand, staying him, and gave a negative shake of his head.

  Ogun paid no attention, pulling flame from his body and blowing the green-tipped tendrils of heat across Sera’s neck. Sera made no sound and remained as still as a marble-hewn statue as the fire pulled forth the glittering signs of dragons on the back of her neck.

  The first time he’d seen his sign, Aidan had run—wanting like hell to reach out and take what was his and assuming that he never could.

  This time…gods above, he’d never seen anything more stunning. Never mind the other two symbols beneath his, his brand shone in brilliant blue for all the world to see. His brand. No other man’s.

  A whisper of wings outside the cabin reached his ears, and Aidan tensed. What the hell? That was a dragon in flight. No mistaking. Were more of the Alliance coming? Aidan met Hall’s gaze and knew his teammate had caught the sound as well. Hall gave a small shake of his head, his message clear. Hold.

  Macon stepped forward and the two Alliance members studied the designs carefully. “By the gods, we’ve found her,” Macon breathed with a reverence that had concern piercing through Aidan.

  “Found who?” Sera stepped away, turning to face the two men.

  Macon’s grin grew, satisfaction evident in the way he puffed up. “The High King’s mate. You are our salvation.”

  Another whisper of wings outside was even more easily discernible in the silence that descended. Dragons were gathering outside. Not a good sign as the tension in the room clotted the air.

  This was not going as it should. They needed to tell them. Now. Only Sera had to be the one to tell them.

  “How could you know that?” Aidan demanded. “I was under the impression new mates have a choice.”

  Ogun’s gaze snapped to him. Until this moment, the Alliance members hadn’t even acknowledged his presence. They never had on the videoconferences, either, so no surprise there, but problematic.

  “She bears the High King’s mark. Obviously, he must be her true mate.”

  “Why is it obvious?” Sera asked, her voice faint. With the direction this was heading, she had to be scared out of her mind.

  “Because our High King is aging. You will be his salvation.” Ogun was practically rubbing his hands like a maniacal Bond villain over the thought of being the one to save Pytheios’s life. “In fact, showing multiple marks must mean that. I’d bet smaller marks of white, gold, and green lie where we can’t see. But red is the largest. You are meant for the High King, to help him rule over all the clans.”

  Drake clamped a hand on Aidan’s shoulder before he could loose a snarl. No fucking way was that what those marks meant.

  At the same time, Sera’s shoulders went back. “I’m sorry, but you’re wrong.”

  Ogun opened and closed his mouth a couple of times. Speaking against men in leadership didn’t happen often. Shifters in power were there for a reason. Given his political clout not only with King Fraener of the Green Clan, but with Mathai, Pytheios’s representative and the leader of the Alliance, Ogun probably didn’t get argued with much.

  A calculating glint entered those jade-green eyes a second before Ogun’s entire demeanor changed. He tossed his head back and smiled. Much how the snake must’ve smiled at Eve in the Garden of Eden. “Of course, your son must be involved.”

  Green dragons were known to have a more easygoing attitude in general. Hall and Kanta were certainly the more laid-back members of his crew. However, Aidan got the distinct impression that Ogun’s about-face was fake, a ploy to win her compliance.

  Distrust crawled up his spine to settle over his shoulders like a mantle of dread. He should never have encouraged Sera to do this. Every instinct inside him said the rules they’d put their trust in weren’t going to be kind to him or to her. He should’ve flown her and Blake away the second he’d realized what she was to him and hang all the rules.

  Sera must’ve sensed Ogun’s falseness, too, because she stared at the man without smiling back. “Aidan is my mate.”

  “Excuse me?” Ogun’s smile faded.

  She stared him down. “I have absolutely no doubt that Aidan Paytah is my mate. I want him included in the mating process.”

  Ogun snapped his head around to glare at Drake, obviously still pretending Aidan didn’t exist. “You told her whose brands mark her neck?” he growled.

  “No,” Sera said. “But I have a strong connection with him, and it feels right to include him.”

  Holy shit. Grabbing her was out. Not with Ogun and Macon analyzing every moment of this interaction, and especially not when they were surrounded by what he suspected were several of the Alaz Enforcers who were in charge of this region. He couldn’t put a pinky toe wrong, let alone an entire foot, and expect to get out of here with her.

  But damn he wanted to plant a kiss on those beautiful lips.

  First things first, though. He had to make sure this ended with her as his mate. Whatever that took. Which meant they needed to deescalate the tension and suspicion in this room.


  Rune was right.

  Sera couldn’t look at Aidan no matter how much she needed him right now. If she did, she’d give away to the Alliance that she’d known these men, that she’d known Aidan, for months, not days or weeks. A sense of danger had her muscles strung tighter than a compound bow. She’d snap in a stiff breeze at this rate.

  Ogun rearranged his expression into what she suspected was his attempt at charming. “The Mating Council will decide who to include. The enforcer will, of course, be considered.”

  Couldn’t he even say Aidan’s name? Instinct told her not to trust this man. “So he can come?”

  Ogun pursed his lips. “Not yet. The Mating Council will send for him, along with any other candidates”—he glanced at the others—“when they are ready.”


  “Sera, you should go with them,” Aidan said softly.

  What? Slowly she turned to face the man who, a short while ago, had claimed he was her mate. Now he was telling her to go without him? Sending her to the High King?

  No reaction. “The Council will know best how to proceed. If I am your mate, they will be sure to include me in the process.”

  Maybe Rune’s words had biased her, but trusting the Alliance and the process was dang sure not what instinct was telling her to do. Hopefully Aidan felt it, too, and was just pretending to go along. He had to be getting the same off vibe. Surely he saw how thrilled the Alliance men were about finding the king his long-awaited mate? Separating was the last thing they should agree to.

  “Listen to what I’m saying,” he said.

  Sera steadied her thoughts. This had to be significant.

  He pinned her with an intense look. “Do you trust me?”

  Despite every screaming fear and worry and doubt and all of Rune’s words flipping through her mind? Despite having only just discovered that what they’d had for months was real? “Yes.”

  “Then trust that the process will lead you back to me.” His glance strayed to Ogun then back to her. “If it’s meant to be.”

  Did he really believe that?

  “We’ll keep Blake safe until you know more.”

  She jerked. That damn well wasn’t the plan. “But—”

  “Just like we talked about.”

  Sera closed her mouth around the objection that had been about to spill out. Aidan was definitely trying to tell her to go along with the Alliance. But why? What did he know that she didn’t? And why didn’t he want Blake to go with her?

  Trust him, a small voice whispered. He’s your mate.

  “You haven’t led me wrong yet.” She turned to Ogun. “When do we leave?”

  Satisfaction crept across his smug face. “Tonight. As soon as you can be ready.�

  “I’d hoped to sleep before the journey.”

  “You can sleep when we get to headquarters. It’s not far.”

  Keeping the spike of panic from showing was nothing compared to keeping her pulse steady. “Allow me to say goodbye to my son and go over instructions for him with Hall.”

  “Of course.” He resumed his seat on the couch. “We’ll wait for you here.”

  “We’ll wait outside for you,” Aidan corrected.

  Holding in a flinch was tough. “Okay.”

  Sera kept her gaze straight ahead as she passed Aidan and headed down the hall. She left the hall light on, cracking the door so that it softly illuminated the room. She didn’t want Blake waking up fully. Sitting on the edge of the bed, she gazed down at his adorable face, small mouth open, arms and legs askew, the way he’d slept since she stopped swaddling him. Even then, he’d tried his hardest to get those tiny limbs out of the tight confines of the wrap.

  How can I leave you? How can they expect me to? But Aidan had to have a reason for wanting to keep Blake here.

  “Sera…” Her name whispered through her mind.

  Sera straightened. Aidan. That was why he went outside? He must’ve shifted, because they could only use their telepathy when in dragon form. Only, she was human, so she couldn’t answer him. If she spoke, he’d hear, but so would Ogun and Macon if they’d already shifted as well.

  “Don’t say anything, just listen.”

  Oh God. What was happening?

  “The Alliance brought the enforcer team from this region. They arrived while we were talking inside.”

  To force her to come with them? Or to protect her?

  “They won’t include me in the process if you go with them. I think that’s obvious. But getting you away from them would be dangerous right now.”

  She’d got the same impression.

  “Cooperating could be equally as dangerous.”

  Damn. She’d been hoping he’d have a different answer. But he didn’t. Worse, not only were they in danger, so was Blake, and so were Titus, and Hall, and Drake.

  “We have two options,” Aidan said, the darkness of his voice grim. “We go along with the Alliance and wait for them to summon me. The team will keep Blake safe until you return for him or send for him. If that’s what you want, climb on Drake’s back when we leave. Option two is we don’t go with the Alliance. Get on my back, and I’ll get you away. The guys will help.”

  Nothing about how his taking her in front of these dragons would put the Huracáns in danger, but she knew what it meant. To him. To them. To Delaney.

  Sera put her hand in her pocket, gripping the pager Rune had given her. He had to be near still. Did she dare call on his aid? Option number three…

  “Blake?” She gave her child a small shake, her face close to his.

  He jerked in his sleep, flinging out one arm, and smacked her across the cheekbone. With a grunt, she sat up straighter, hand to her face, and a tension-laden huff—half laughter, half surprise—punched from her. Blake was still dead to the world.

  Careful not to get closer this time, she gave him a harder shake. “Blake.”

  Thick lashes fluttered, lifting. “Mom?” he said in a sleepy, baby voice that he only used when he was tired.

  “Hey, baby. I have to go do some stuff with…friends. One of the guys will stay here with you until I get back. Okay?”

  He blinked before struggling up on his elbows. “Can’t I come?”

  Sera winced inwardly. Straight to upset. “Not yet. It’s still dark outside, but I wanted to give you a hug before I left, in case…”

  In case what? In case he was awake when she came back? What if it took days? Weeks? But she didn’t want to frighten him.

  “You’ll get to fly while I’m gone.” She wasn’t above bribery. She wanted to say her goodbyes but couldn’t leave him scared.

  Blake’s eyes lit up at the mention of flying on a dragon. “For real. Will he go upside down?”

  That pulled a strangled laugh from her. “Nope.”

  “Awwww…” His lower lip popped out in an immediate pout.

  “Be glad I’m letting you fly at all, dude.”

  He nodded even as his eyes started to droop, sleep pulling him back under like the tide.

  “Do I get a hug?” she asked.

  Bony arms reached for her, winding around her neck. Sera buried her face in his neck and inhaled her baby.

  “Night, Mama,” he mumbled.

  “Night, bubba,” she whispered.

  She stared at him a moment longer, having to physically and psychologically force herself to leave him in the bed.

  Hall stood outside in the hallway, only he wasn’t grinning or teasing her this time. “I’ll keep him safe.”

  Knowing she couldn’t say anything directly, Sera showed him the pager which glowed with the number she’d just punched in. Aidan’s hands were tied. Time to call in someone who operated outside the laws already. “I trust you to protect him the best way you know how.”

  Hall stilled, then looked her in the eyes. She nodded, knowing he got her message. Get her son out of here. “Good luck with your fated mate,” Hall said. At the same time, he reached out and squeezed her shoulder.

  Walking outside, away from her baby, took a lifetime, her steps dragging. She paused on the front porch, her hand still holding open the screen door, when she discovered not five dragons, but closer to ten waiting for her. Several stood among the trees, partially obscured from her sight, because the clearing around the cabin wasn’t large enough to contain that many huge creatures.

  Immediately, she recognized Aidan, his unique scales hard to miss. Drake, bloodred, stood beside him. Titus, black as a reaper’s cloak, behind them. A smaller dragon, beautifully green in a way that almost glowed like the jade of his eyes, stood down the drive. Ogun.

  She couldn’t identify the others, too far away and in shadow. Macon, of course. And the other enforcer team.

  “I’d like to introduce you to members of the Alaz Enforcers,” Ogun’s voice boomed through her head as he failed to temper his voice for her still mostly human sensibilities. “They are here to escort us safely to the Alliance headquarters where we will wait for instructions from the Mating Council.”

  “Thank you,” Sera said. What else was she supposed to say?

  Tall pines rustled and a dragon of some dark color—a deep maroon or perhaps a smoky gray, maybe navy, hard to tell in the dark—stepped forward, towering over her. Even standing on the second-story porch at the front of the house, Sera still had to tip her head to look up at him.

  “I am Tineen, the leader of this team. You may ride with me.”

  Sera swallowed. “Thank you for the offer, but I’d feel more comfortable riding with one of the men who brought me.”

  Tineen stared at her with dark, glittering eyes, the curves of his black—she was sure some shade of black now—spikes beautifully horrible before her. “I understand.”

  She tried not to blow out a relieved breath. Sera descended the stairs that wrapped around the side of the house and emerged right where Aidan stood. He watched her carefully but said nothing.

  “I’ll fly with Titus,” she said.

  She had a different plan and she needed him to know that.

  Chapter Eighteen

  Aidan flew directly behind Titus, his sights locked in on Sera like a heat-seeking missile.

  Had she not heard him?

  She had to have or seeing all those extra dragons would’ve shocked the hell out of her. Sure, she paused, a small gasp escaping her lips. It had taken every ounce of strength within him not to snap her up in his talons and fly away right then. But him against seven dragons, even if Titus and Drake chose to help, were not odds he cared to put to the test.

  What was she saying by choosing Titus, neither of the options he’d given her?

  Unfortunately, Titus couldn’t do much about it at this point, either. The Alaz Enforcers had taken up posit
ions to the front and sides, in a V-formation that caged the black dragon in effectively. Ogun flew directly overhead. Macon remained behind with Drake and Aidan.

  “What’s the plan?” Drake’s low voice echoed inside his mind.

  “I have no fucking clue.” And he couldn’t talk to Sera. While he and the guys could talk individually through that telepathic link, she could only listen. She’d have to answer out loud where all the dragons would overhear. “Either she didn’t hear me, or she didn’t like the options.”

  “She left Blake with Hall. That has to mean something.”

  It meant she didn’t trust these men’s intentions any more than he did. Not anymore. “I don’t like this.”

  “No shit.”

  He wasn’t the only one with a bad feeling. “They’re not going to let her go.”


  “Or allow me to participate in the mating process.”

  “Probably not.”

  They’d underestimated Pytheios’s impact in the process. The High King made Sera too politically important to give to some half-rogue orphan from the colonies. Enforcer or not.

  “How sure are you that she’s yours?” Drake asked.

  “A hundred percent.”

  “What changed?”

  “We’ve been meeting in dreams for months, but I only realized today that it was all real.”

  “Holy shit. That’s quite a connection.” Drake didn’t say anything for a long beat. “Do you love her?”

  The one question Aidan hadn’t asked himself directly. He gazed at her—pale hair whipping in the wind, back straight, head high. He wanted to see her face, see those eyes that gave away her true emotions. More than that, his skin crawled with the need to get her away from here. Even if she rejected him, he’d still protect her with every ounce of fire inside his body. Screw his life, his position with the Huracáns. Sera and Blake—because he couldn’t love her and not her son—were the only things in his life worth a damn.

  Gods he’d been a blind fool for months. “Yes. I love her.”

  “Then get her the hell out of here.”

  An act of treason punishable by death. One that could blow back on his team, and yet Drake was clear. Fire stoked inside him as Drake’s support slammed home. The biggest hard-ass on his team was telling him to break every rule. For love.


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