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Bride Wanted

Page 40

by Eva Luxe

  I turned down the drink and dialed her number. “I’m good Eliza. I’ll have to scrape up some sobriety and get this shit handled, and tonight.”

  The phone rang and rang, but there was no answer.

  I looked in my contacts and there was a second number for her. She was always changing her phone number, kind of like me. I guess that was the only thing we shared in common.

  I called the other number, and the old disconnect message played.

  ‘If you want to find another business similar to this one—’

  I hung up and massaged my temples.

  “She’s not answering?” Eliza asked me.

  “No. She might be stupid, but she’s also smart as hell too. She just uses it for all the wrong fucking things.”

  I jumped to my feet. Sitting here wasn’t going to help anything.

  “Eliza, thank you. And I’m sorry she did all that shit under your business’s name. She’ll get what’s coming to her.”

  “I know. You just go and be happy. Get your man,” Eliza encouraged, shining an elegant smile.

  “You need to get one too Ms. Matchmaker.” I winked and disappeared through the door.


  Hopping off the bus, I jogged up the stairs and opened the door. The strangest thing happened. The scent of Gordon wafted by my nose and I looked around. What was that?

  Then the emotions flooded in. I felt the gravity of how much I missed him. How much my eyes needed to see him, how much my ears needed to hear him and how much my skin needed to feel him.

  I went up the stairs, but the closer I got to my floor, the better I heard a familiar voice.

  “Samantha, no. You need to stay away. Lindsey’s going to find out the truth.”

  I stuck my ear closer to the edge of the door that led to the hallway from the stairs. That was Gordon’s voice.

  “Oh, come on. You know you liked the way I spent your money. Plus, she’s nothing but a classless whore. She doesn’t deserve you.”

  Wow, what a way to stab your sister through the heart. I knew we weren’t the closest. But damn. A classless whore? Shit.

  Chapter Ten – Gordon

  “Classless is the word I would’ve used for you, Samantha,” I growled. She was only here to see if she could sink her teeth back into my wallet like she had done before. This time it was different, Lindsey was different. I found a woman I needed in my life, I finally found love, and no one was going to get in the way of that. I had been standing here for about three hours, and I’d stand here another three if I had to.

  Even at the risk of losing everything.

  “You might as well leave, Samantha, you’ve already lost this battle. It doesn’t matter how many lies—”

  “You told me,” Lindsey cut in, coming from around the corner. “I was still bound to find out because unlike you, I still listen to my heart. Funny, because I didn’t know I still had one. I know you don’t.”

  My eyes widened, and a happiness brewed inside me as if I had won the world over a thousand times.

  “What?!” Samantha squeaked. “He’s the one who hit me, you saw that black eye! You—”

  Lindsey held up her hand.

  “You’re a spoiled little brat sometimes. But this time you’re being nothing short of a lying, manipulative bitch. I spoke to Eliza. Eliza Rousseau. I think you know who I’m talking about.”

  Samantha took a step back and closed her mouth. It was deeply embedded in her eyes. She knew she was caught. The truth was going to come out whether she liked it or not.

  “Eliza’s a liar too. She lets men abuse her—”

  “Oh please. You’re going to go lie about her too? How pathetic. It’s like Gordon said, you already lost. Apologize right now,” Lindsey demanded, stepping closer to Samantha with a seething rage in her eyes. “I almost made a bad decision following you. The funny thing is, I should’ve already known. But I still gave your ass the benefit of a doubt.”

  Lindsey was fierce in the way she approached Samantha who was cowering back. Her curves were exaggerated with her personality, and all I wanted to do was open her apartment and fuck her so hard she’d be unable to walk for a week.

  Folding her arms and jutting out a hip. Lindsey glared Samantha in the eyes.

  “You’ve done it before too. That’s why you were banned from every going to Eliza’s mixers ever again. Why do you do this?”

  Samantha closed her mouth and straightened up her posture. She looked at me and back at Lindsey as if one of us were supposed to cut her some slack, or feel sorry for her.

  Fat fucking chance.

  “Fine. If this is the way it’s going to be, then I don’t need to be around you anymore,” Samantha said, tearing up. She slipped past me and Lindsey and ran down the stairs. The battle was fought, and it was won.

  “Lindsey,” I sighed, grabbing her and bringing her close to my body. The floral scent of her hair raised up to my nose and I inhaled it back as if I were drinking a shot of whiskey.

  Her soft body up against mine washed me over with relief and peace of mind.

  “I’m happy I have you back. I apologize—”

  “Oh stop. This wasn’t your fault. I’m partially to blame too.” I rocked her against my body as we stood in the hallway and soaked in each other’s presence. Lindsey was the apple of my eye, and fuck, she was mine forever now.

  “How is that?” I asked, stroking her red hair. I wondered if this was natural color or not. But further looking at her roots proved that she was a natural redhead.


  “Well, I vowed to never get a broken heart. To never fall in love. But you came in and broke all my rules.” She glanced up at me and placed her hand on my jaw, feeling the stubble on it tickle her hand. “A part of me was hoping Samantha was correct while the other part of me knew she was lying. I thought it was my safety net. My reason to be free.” She sighed and shook her head. “I wasn’t free. I was enclosed and locked in a lie. You’re the perfect guy, Gordon. And I really love you.”

  “I love you too, Lindsey. Does that mean,” I dug into my pocket and got out the ring, “you won’t mind wearing this on that sexy finger of yours again?”

  “Not at all, rich guy.”

  She handed me her left hand and I slipped the ring onto her satin smooth finger. I kissed her hand and she shivered.

  “Well, let me open this door. Maybe I can whip something up for you.”

  Lindsey fiddled with her keys struggling to open the door. The scent of air fresheners and a hint of cigarettes wafted out into the hall way as she pushed the door open. I’d have to get her to quit that nasty habit sooner or later.

  I followed her inside and she threw her jacket onto her small sofa.

  “Make yourself at home, babe, and I’ll—”

  That was when it struck me. I still had time. But only if…

  “Lindsey, I hate to interrupt you. And this is all your choice, but do you mind helping me keep my business?”

  “Sure. Of course. Why?”

  “Because if you do, we need to leave now. But. That’s only if you want to. I still have money of my own. I wouldn’t—”

  She placed a finger on my lips. “Oh, come on. I know what it’s like to have something you’re passionate about. If you wanted a wife for money alone, fuck, you could’ve found one a long time ago.” She grabbed my hand. “I hope you brought your car.”

  “No, I didn’t. But there’s a garage nearby where I keep spare cars in case of emergencies like this!” I said.

  I stopped her at the door and dove down for a kiss. Then we were out the door like two kids running and having fun.

  The fire in my life. The best fire there ever was, and ever would be.

  “Follow me,” I said, holding Lindsey’s hand and running down the sidewalk.

  “Do you think the bus could get us to your car faster or something?” She asked, keeping up with me.

  “No, not if it’s running every fifteen minutes.”

sp; We came to a corner and I looked up at the street names. We were close.

  “We’re a five-minute walk from where my car is,” I explained, taking a right and dashing down the sidewalk. Lindsey almost had outrun me for a moment. The only reason she wasn’t in front of me was because she didn’t know exactly where I was going.

  In another five minutes, we had arrived and slid down into the garage where my car was waiting.

  “Nice, never occurred to me to have extra cars around the city for an emergency. But I’ve never been rich so…”

  “You are now.”

  There was a box that had a lock on it behind my car on the cement wall. I punched in the combination of numbers and it popped open. Inside the box was insurance papers, keys and an extra stash of cash in case I needed it.

  When I unlocked the car, and disabled the alarm. Lindsey’s mouth hit the ground.

  “No way. A Ferrari? Are you kidding me? This is your emergency car?” she asked, pointing at the shiny red sports car in front of her.

  “Yes. Not bad. Is it?”

  “Pfft, could’ve been a Lamborghini. You know, the shifting is supposed to be much smoother.”

  She went to the other side of the car and I unlocked the door, pulling open the door so she could slide in.


  I ran to the other side and jumped in. Pushing the on button, the car roared to life, ready to hit the road. We didn’t need the highway, but I already had plans on showing Lindsey how good this car could perform after we were done with the board meeting.

  “Hold on,” I cautioned.

  “Like we can go that fast on a city street,” she teased.

  I pulled out and the Ferrari gripped the ground beneath it and shot off.

  “Woah, nice take off though.”

  We drove off to my main building after taking a few sharp turns to show off.

  “Do you know how to drive a stick?”

  “I don’t know about driving, but I can ride one…” She gave me a devilish grin and laughed her top off.

  “You’re quick. But don’t worry, I’ll have a stick you can ride on later.”

  “Ohh,” Lindsey purred.


  I came to a screeching halt in my executive parking spot closest to my private elevator and jumped out the car. Lindsey made her attempt to jump out too, but got caught up looking for the door handle.

  “Yikes, I’m gonna hurt your car!” She winced as she tried to keep the car door from hitting the wall of the garage.

  “Here, I got you.” I helped her get out and closed the door for her. “They do take a little getting used to. Don’t worry about it.”

  I led her to the elevator and entered my code. The elevator zoomed down and opened.

  “Fancy, always heard CEOs had their own elevators. Willow and Stacy talked about it all the time. You even have seats in here.” Lindsey sat down and looked around the elevator like a curious kitten.

  “Well, it’s more convenient. Especially if you’re running late for a meeting. Who wants to wait for seven people to get off before you get to your meeting?”

  “I see your point. It’s odd how luxuries can be something you absolutely need sometimes.”


  The elevator stopped on the fifteenth floor where the board meetings were being held. I was right on time.

  “Come, watch your step.”

  Lindsey and I jogged up to the double doors leading to the meeting and stopped. I straightened up my blazer and raked my fingers through my hair to make sure I looked the part.

  Lindsey pulled her dress down and shook her hair to make sure she looked good too.

  “No, darling. You don’t need to do a damn thing. You look fine as is. Very fine.” I winked.

  Lindsey shot me the most innocent smile. It was a new look for her. And it made my cock move to attention. If only I could hold on until after this meeting.

  I opened both the doors and barged inside. “Board members,” I greeted.

  “Mr. Glen, you’re here. We weren’t really expecting you,” said Allen, one of the older board members. Allen was an old geezer who stuck to the book for every damn thing, even if it was to his own dismay. “After all, your presence wasn’t required.”

  “Indeed so. But I think this announcement is required. I am getting married.”

  The board members all stopped their shuffling around of papers. They weren’t expecting this. Richard soon dropped in behind me and Lindsey.

  “Something wrong?” he asked, he came in late.

  “I’m getting married,” I rehashed to him.

  “Well, for fuck’s sake. About time!”

  “Language, young man,” Mr. Allen scolded. Richard and Mr. Allen’s personalities crashed every time they were within earshot of each other. Mr. Allen cleared his throat and looked over to Lindsey. Everyone did.

  “Is this the soon to be wife, Mr. Glen?” he asked with a mild smile.

  “Yes. Her name is Lindsey Wilson. Come here dear, don’t be shy.”

  Lindsey walked up next to me and took a deep breath.

  “Hello, I’m Lindsey. Um. I…” she was getting lost for words. “I’m going to be Gordon’s wife. I don’t look like the type, but I love this man very much.”

  I kissed her on the forehead and rubbed her back.

  Richard was delighted. He took a seat and reclined all the way back, throwing his feet on the table.

  “Young man,” Mr. Allen warned, “feet off the table.”

  Richard rolled his eyes and laughed. He probably liked getting on old man Allen’s nerves.

  Ms. Benning spoke up, she was another board member. The kinder type.

  “Mr. Glen. Have you done the paperwork necessary for marriage, yet?”

  “No. I ask that you give me time—”

  “You get forty-eight hours. That was the time you were given in your father’s terms,” Mr. Allen said.

  “Good. It’ll be done tomorrow.”

  Mr. Allen melted into a better mood. “I’m glad you’re staying with us, Gordon. No one else can run this company the way you do. Your father would be proud.”

  The rest of the board members agreed, sharing warm smiles and sipping their water.

  “Now then, is there anything else that needs my attention before my fiancé and I leave?”

  The members looked at each other and shook their heads.

  “I’m afraid not, boss,” Ms. Benning said.

  “Then have a good night. I will see many of you tomorrow.”

  I took Lindsey by the hand and we left the room.

  “Wow, that was intense,” Lindsey whispered. “Your father is the one who made you marry to keep the company?”

  “Yes. He knew I didn’t have much of a social life. And he wanted to make sure I had a family vibe going on somehow.”

  Richard came running out the doors behind us. “Gordon! Wait!”

  “What’s wrong?”

  Richard caught his breath and smiled. “I just wanted to say congratulations to you two. And Lindsey?”


  “Thank you for taking the time to listen to me,” he said, shaking her hand. “Gordon couldn’t have picked anyone better.”

  “I should be thanking you. You gave me that kick I needed.”

  I butted in. “Wait, am I missing something here?” What were they talking about?

  Lindsey explained, “Richard found me at the club. He told me what happened and to go talk to Eliza to get confirmation of the truth. So, I did.”

  “Thank you, Richard. You’ve been nothing but an excellent friend.”

  “Aw, come on. You know I got your back.” The elevator bell rung, and the doors swept open. “Well, I’ll let you two love birds go. I have a wife to tend to myself.”

  Richard walked off and we got into the elevator. Lindsey sat down on the cushions that bordered the wall for our descent back down.

  “I can’t wait to tell Stacy and Willow. They’re go
nna flip.”

  Lindsey took out her phone, but groaned when she saw she had no service in the elevator. “Oh, come on, how come there’s no service.”

  “I have a phone built into the elevator for casual use…” I pointed out.

  “I’m good. I’ll wait. Because I need to get my thoughts for the wedding straight. And I’m already thinking of several places to hold it at.”

  The elevator reached the bottom and we walked over to the Ferrari.

  “Is it out of the country?” I asked.

  “No way. Right here. Jet lag will make the after-party suck,” she chuckled.

  I helped her with the door and Lindsey slipped inside elegantly. Red hair, red car. This car was practically destined for her.

  The car looked good with her in it.

  After getting all buckled in, I turned to Lindsey and held her hand that had the huge ass rock I bought for her.

  “Wanna turn it on?”

  “I thought you were already turned on,” she purred.

  “Not me, the car.”

  “Oh, come on, it was a joke. I know, I’m bad at them.”

  I placed her hand on the button. “Go ahead. It won’t bite.”

  She pressed it and held down onto it for the motor to growl to life.

  “Wow, that sound. It’s music to my ears.”

  “Yes, it is. So is your voice.”

  “Get me to the bedroom, you haven’t heard anything yet.”

  Chapter Eleven – Lindsey

  “Hey, this isn’t my place?” I said, looking up at the huge house we were riding up to from the street. It wasn’t a mansion, but it was pretty damn close.

  “Oh? I thought it was,” Gordon said, rubbing my thigh.

  “It isn’t.”

  “It is now.” It hit me. I was to be his wife. We would share everything now. And that small one-bedroom apartment was going to be a thing of the past. Now I was being whisked off to this…castle. Gordon parked, and I finally got the hang of getting out of this car without feeling and looking like an idiot.

  “Wow. This is beautiful. As a matter of fact, now that I think about it, you never took me to your home before.”


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