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CAOS MC: The Series

Page 37

by KB Winters

  Laughing at her playfulness I smacked her ass and lifted her in my arms. “First we shower.” We both knew what that meant, another forty-five minutes—at least—before we were dry and ready for food.

  And flowers.

  “I’m starved, make it fast,” she instructed.

  “Hell no, this time we do it nice and slow. And wet.”

  She purred in my ear. “I know a little something about wet.”

  Fuck she was killing me.

  Chapter Eight


  Moving back to Brently was supposed to be a new beginning in a familiar place. It was not supposed to be a repeat of my past life, which included falling in love with Baz. Again. It’s like I hadn’t learned a goddamn thing as an entire decade passed. But the thing was, Baz was still a biker, still an outlaw, and I couldn’t care less. He’d been a good father to Jack, a really great father actually, not to mention he’d taken on the role of protector for both of us. It wasn’t smart and I knew it but the last time I tried to do what I thought was the right thing, the smart thing, it took me away from my home. Away from Baz. And eventually, right into the arms of the fucking psycho currently making my new life uncomfortable as hell.

  Jensen had been my attempt at the steady, stable man with a good, reliable job. But he had one fatal flaw prior to the breakup and that was his indifference to Jack. And then his inability to take ‘no’ for an answer had become a huge problem. Such a huge problem, it brought a madman to my doorstep. So, either I had shitty taste in men or I’d been using the wrong criteria by which to judge them.

  Right now, I had to go with option B.

  So this time, I decided to give my heart what she wanted, and that crazy bitch wanted Baz.

  It was something I’d have to deal with later because I worked late last night and rose early this morning because we had errands to run. “Jack come on kiddo, we have to get out of here!” I knew he was still sleeping because the child was incapable of waking up before nine o’clock, so I closed the clasp on my earring as I walked down to his room, giving his door a loud knock. “Jack wake up or you’ll be wearing pants that are too short for the next year!”

  “Mom let’s just do it online,” he groaned, from what sounded like under his pillow.

  I couldn’t help but smile at that. “We have to try them on.” Baz had gotten up early to help Mick move some things around for Talon so Jack and I were hitting some of the sales at the mall for all the clothes he continues to outgrow. Even though he hated shopping for anything but food, I knew he wanted to make a good impression at his new school next month. “If you think I’m running back and forth to the post office when your jeans don’t fit, you better think again kid!” I heard a loud thud and then four distinctive steps before the door pulled open.

  “Fine. I’ll be ready in ten minutes.” He flashed a sleepy smile then brushed past me into the bathroom.

  While he showered, I slipped my shoes on and whipped up some egg and bacon sandwiches for us, honey wheat bread was my one concession to eating healthy this morning. I sipped my coffee and waited. And tried not to think about Baz. Or Jensen. Or the greasy asshole who kept darkening my doorstep.

  “Breakfast sandwiches,” Jack said as he slid onto a chair and chugged his orange juice.

  “Yep. I figured they could hold us until lunch.”

  He nodded, chewing fast because he obviously had something to say. “Since we have to get jeans at the mall, Mom, can I get my t-shirts from this cool online store. Please?”

  “Fine. Jeans, socks and underwear plus a couple of lightweight jackets today, t-shirts online. Please just be a good sport about it, okay?”

  He smiled, looking so much like the little boy who used to climb in my lap and bestow hugs and kisses on me at will. I felt my heart squeeze. “I will. And thanks Mom, for bringing me here to meet my Dad. Love you,” he said as he stood and pressed a bacony kiss to my cheek.

  “You’re welcome sweetheart. I’m glad he’s everything you wanted in a father. And I’m sorry I waited so long to bring you two together.” I figured I’d spend a few years making it up to him. “Get your sneakers on.”

  The kid never did anything slowly. He ran to his room and shoved his feet into his favorite pair of shoes before running back. “Ready. Can we have subs for lunch?”

  “Sure.” I pulled open the door and froze, standing in the doorway was a familiar head of perfectly coiffed russet brown hair and angry brown eyes that I once thought so appealing.

  “Hello Trina. You are looking mighty fine this morning.” Jensen raked a hand down my shoulder and I suppressed a shudder.

  I took a step forward and pushed Jack behind me. “Run Jack!” The moment I heard the back-door smack shut, I pushed at Jensen’s chest and stepped back to close the door.

  “I don’t think so Trina baby.” He sneered and smacked his hand against the door, grabbing my hair and yanking me backwards until I cried out. “I’ve come a long way to get you, baby. How about a little kiss?”

  As his mouth descended on mine, bile rose in my throat and I shook my head left and right, dodging his attempts to kiss me. He squeezed my jaw hard and when his mouth touched mine, I did the only thing I could think of, I bit down as hard as I could.

  “You bitch!” He pulled harder on my hair until I bent backwards, trying not to puke with his angry glare filling my vision.

  At least until his fist came flying right at my face, turning everything black.

  Chapter Nine


  “Okay babe, how ’bout that?” Mick spoke with the patience a man uses when his woman is pregnant, hormonal and maybe on the verge of a breakdown. But in fairness to him, we’d moved the big ass hutch at least five times already.

  It was hot and I had sweat pouring from my body. I was more than ready to get back home to my own woman and child. “This is perfect for storage and you can use it as a sideboard for holidays,” I told her just to end this torture.

  She flashed a shy smile. “It looks great Baz, thanks. Both of you.” She stood staring at the newly placed hutch, smile growing with every passing second. “Wash up and take a seat,” she ordered as she disappeared into the kitchen.

  “Thanks man. She’s been a little eager about getting everything settled. Again.”

  “No worries. I’m happy to help.”

  “Good,” Talon said as she returned with a tray of lemonade, brownies and sandwiches. “I appreciate it and I have another request.”

  “For me?” I couldn’t imagine what she wanted me to do but Talon was good people so I’d do whatever she asked if I could.

  “Yep. I want you to get Trina over here to sign my books.”

  My eyebrows went straight up. “You know what she writes? Let me see,” I demanded a little too harsh but Talon only smiled.

  “I do and I love them. Been reading them for a few years now. I’ll show you,” she said, stopping at the sound of her cell buzzing and ringing on the table. “Hey Trudy,” she smiled but it quickly died and turned to worry and my body prepared for battle. “Hang on,” she said and looked up, silver eyes bouncing between Mick and me. “Jack ran to Two Scoops, out of breath, crying and said his mom’s ex showed up at the house. Go! Go! I’ll be fine here. Go!”

  “Call Darlington and let him know Jensen Murray is in town, violating parole,” I told Mick and then I was out of my chair, through the front door and taking off on my bike in a matter of seconds. I headed straight home because I knew Mick and Dagger would check on Jack and keep him safe until I had this shit settled and Trina was safe. Cash texted with a description of this asshole and I pulled out my piece before heading inside.

  I checked the front door. Locked. That was odd, so I decided to go in through the back just in case this motherfucker was still here. Though it might be more likely he’d try to take off with Trina. The back door was, thankfully, still unlocked which meant he hadn’t checked the whole house. Inside nothing looked out of place which freaked me the fuck
out with just how not out of place everything was. There were no signs of a struggle, not in the kitchen or the living room. Jack’s room was typically messy but nothing more. Our bed, because that’s how I thought of it now, was still made with her silky teal nightgown draped over the edge.

  Her office door was closed, which wasn’t all that unusual but one thing the military had drilled into me was trusting my instincts and right then, they told me that’s where they were. I slowed my steps so they weren’t as easy to follow, wrapping my fist around the knob and gun poised at the ready. I ducked as I pushed the door open and thank fuck I did because the bastard let off a shot.

  “Go away asshole, she’s mine!” His eyes were wild and wide. “Tell him Trina, tell that motherfucker you don’t want him. You want me.”

  She winced at the way his arm tightened around her neck, the way the tip of his gun dug deeper into her head. He was a dead motherfucker as soon as I got my hands on him.

  I flashed Trina a smile to show her I wasn’t worried. Because I wasn’t. This guy was a flashy corporate pussy, he didn’t know shit about fighting or guns. I just had to bide my time. “How you doin’ Sweetness?” I made her the center of my focus so I could see and hear the truth.

  “I’m o-o-okay Baz, just a little shaken up.” She tried for a smile, but it was more of a frightened grimace. “Is Jack okay?”

  I nodded, my gun still trained on Jensen. “Yep. My guys are looking out for him. He ran straight to Trudy and Dagger. Guess you didn’t make it to the mall, huh?” Her smile angered that prick and he dug the gun into her temple.

  “No more! Enough of this shit! Get out of here asshole, Trina is mine.” His brown hair stood up on all ends, eyes wide and red. Crazed. The idiot was fucking high.

  I grinned and stood taller. “Sorry to tell you dick breath but Trina here is mine. In fact, we’re getting married and I’d really prefer not to splatter your blood all over my baby’s office. But I will.”

  He barked out a laugh. “I hardly doubt that, grease monkey. Trina prefers a real man in a suit.”

  Jensen wasn’t the first asshole to think that and he wouldn’t be the last. But I had his number, so I leaned against the wall, legs crossed at the ankles so I looked calm. Unconcerned. “Aww Sweetness, you didn’t tell him about me? That I was an expert fuckin’ marksman? That I could hit him between the eyes before he even lined up a shot?” He paled and I couldn’t help the shit eating grin that crossed my face. “Yeah I didn’t think so.”

  He blinked as recognition finally dawned. “You’re that little bastard’s father? Good. Keep him and I’ll take Trina, she belongs with me anyhow.”

  Bastard? My fingers itched to just drop this fucker where he stood for talking about my son that way but I knew I’d get my chance to lay a hurt on him before he left this room. “You’re mistaken asshole, this is my family. I suggest you find one of your own or this won’t end well for you. I guarantee it.”

  He laughed. “And what can you do, run me over with your motorcycle?”

  “Actually, I plan to do much worse and only you can decide how bad it gets for you. See I’m the tech captain of my club but I got a guy who’s a real expert hacker, trained by Big Brother himself to track down all that money you stole and your legit stacks too. He’s already transferring it to untraceable accounts.” I lined a shot up with a grin and he ducked behind Trina. Fucking coward. “What you stole will be returned and the rest well, let’s just say it’ll go to a very worthy club.” I slid a look to Trina who still trembled with fear. “Still doing all right Sweetness?” She nodded and I gave her a wink. “Good girl.”

  “Shut the fuck up!”

  I stood tall, shoulders squared and spoke as though he hadn’t just thrown a little bitch fit. “So you can leave with your freedom, mostly in one piece and flat ass broke. Or you can leave in handcuffs, mostly in one piece and flat ass broke. What will it be Jensen? You have about oh…three seconds.”

  “You don’t have the upper hand here, dick head!”

  “Sweetness do you remember that weekend we spent in Vegas and those sexy shoes I wouldn’t let you take off?”

  She frowned but nodded, squeaking out a “Yes.”

  “Tick tock asshole.” I kept my voice and my expression neutral and kept my gaze focused on Trina. “And remember that asshole who thought he could convince you to leave me and go with him?”

  She smiled, warming up to the memory of us in Vegas, gambling, fucking and drinking. Not necessarily in that order. “You tried to step in, but I handled it.” Her blue eyes flashed recognition and I knew she understood.

  “That’s right Sweetness.” I winked and subtly tightened my grip on my gun. “So Jensen, have you decided on a bullet or a beat down? Personally, I’d go with the beat down because if you hurt Trina I will fucking shoot you where you stand.”

  His face was red with anger and his hand trembled. “You’re wrong, grease monkey. I’ll do what I want,” he shouted and squeezed her neck tight enough to draw a cry of pain from her. “See?”

  “You really shouldn’t have done that,” I told him, my blood boiling as my focus narrowed and I raised my arm, aiming the gun at him. Without blinking I squeezed the trigger and he cried out.

  “Oww! Motherfucker, you shot my ear! I think I’m deaf,” he shouted, clutching his ear.

  “Now Trina!” She stomped his foot with all her might while he was distracted, causing him to drop the gun as she ran into my arms. “Good to see you, Sweetness,” I grinned and wrapped my arm around her waist.

  “You too,” she answered breathlessly.

  As happy as I was she was all right, I still felt amped up and in the mood for vengeance that this fucker had broken into our home and scared my woman and my son. “You want to come in my home and threaten my family?” I roared and grabbed that fucker by the shirt, rearing my fist back and let it loose right at his nose. “Scare my son?” My fist landed on his nose again, then his eye and his jaw. “You’re lucky all I did was shoot your ear because if I wanted to, I could’ve shot you right between the eyes.” I punched him once more because goddammit, he deserved it. “Think of it this way pretty boy, now your cellmate won’t have anything to nibble on.”

  The bitch cowered on the floor. “Fine I’ll leave. I didn’t want the skanky whore anyway.”

  “Don’t ever fucking talk about my woman like that,” I growled and shoved the bottom of my boot in his mouth. “Got it?”

  He nodded.

  “I said, do you got it asshole?”

  “Got it,” he mumbled around my boot.

  “Good.” I removed my foot from his mouth and turned to Trina who watched warily like she didn’t know what I’d do next but then, she grinned. “Hey Sweetness.”

  She walked into my arms as Sheriff Darlington entered the house with two of his deputies, guns drawn. “Everything all right in there?”

  “In the office Sheriff. Everybody’s alive.”

  “Well that’s good to hear,” he said sardonically as he stood in the doorway. “Wait outside,” he instructed and I grabbed her in my arms and kept here there while we waited.

  Fifteen minutes later we gave our statements and hopped in the car to go get our son.

  Chapter Ten


  Nearly a week had gone by since everything went down with Jensen, who was already back in a Connecticut prison cell, but things hadn’t quite returned to normal. Jack still walked around jumpy as hell and scared all the time. He hardly left my side, deciding to forego the last two weeks of his classes at the community center to make sure nothing happened to me. He’d fall asleep each night in bed with me and Baz, which I knew Baz secretly loved.

  He thought I didn’t notice, but he smiled every time Jack’s hand smacked his face in his sleep or snuggled close and yes, I found it wildly sexy how eager he was to experience all of parenthood. The good and the bad. He could’ve left the day the Sheriff carted Jensen to jail but he was in no hurry to leave and neither me nor Ja
ck were in a rush to get rid of him.

  I was, however, ready to move forward with him. Whatever that meant.

  Done for the day, I pushed my chair back and grinned. My book was finally finished and ready to go to my editor which meant I had more than enough time to spend with Jack until he felt safe again.

  I shut down my computer and closed the door behind me, changing into a brand-new sundress before joining my boys in the backyard. We had plenty to celebrate, starting with being alive and our new lives. Maybe a new whole family unit. And of course, the end of summer. I stood at the door and watched my two boys interact, they were both all smiles, green eyes shining with love and affection. And mischief.

  “Look Dad, I got it!” At Jack’s words, Baz bent forward to check out his latest skateboard trick.

  “Pretty damn cool, kid.” He beamed a proud smile that touched my heart and parts further south. Watching Baz be the dad I always wanted for my son was a huge turn on. And what it did for Jack, was a feeling I couldn’t possibly describe. Each day Jack grew more confident and courageous. More outgoing and even though I hated it, more fearless.

  I stepped out into the yard. “Hey guys, what’s a girl gotta do to get some food around here?”

  “You can start by kissing the chef,” Baz told me as he beckoned me over, kissing me long and hard when I walked into his arms. I didn’t know if it was the heat from the grill or the heat we always generated when we were together, but I felt hot and needy and downright sexy.

  I pulled back, breathless and smiling. “I love the chef so kissing him is no hardship. Food or not.”

  His eyebrows wiggled suggestively and his arm tightened around my waist. “Good, because I have it on good authority the chef loves you back. In fact, I heard he plans to marry you.”

  I gasped at his words because the last I’d heard of it was while being held hostage by my crazy ass ex. “Oh really? Well just between you and me, Darlin’, I can’t wait until he asks.”


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