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Playing for Keeps (Honky Tonk Angels Book 5)

Page 17

by Ciana Stone

“Fine.” Cody wouldn’t have admitted it, but she did feel a little wobbly. “You’re sure Riggs is okay?”

  “I am.”

  “So what’s happening out there at the site?”

  “Well, it’s been a pretty interesting two days.”

  “Two days? I’ve been here two days?”


  “That can’t be right.”

  “Well, it is. And you were sedated. In fact, knocked out. It was the only way they could keep you in the bed without restraining you.”

  “Why would they do that? Is something wrong with me?”

  “No, thank god. It’s a miracle. I mean, that’s what people are saying and not just the family. Even people at the site. No one understands how you and Riggs survived. When the line broke on one of the cranes, it caused another to snap from the strain and the rig basically collapsed again. It took them three hours to get you and Riggs out.”

  Suddenly, it all came back to Cody. “It was Joe.”

  “Joe?” Hannah’s eyes grew round. “As in—”

  “Yeah, Joe—the angel. He was there.”

  “Cody, you probably just imagined— “

  “No, I didn’t. I saw him before I went under the rig and then he was there, kneeling on the ground and holding the rig up long enough for Riggs to dive on top of me.”

  Hannah shook her head. “Look, I’m not calling you a liar but—”

  “I know what I know, Hannah Jean.”

  “And I know that tone. Fine. The point is, while you were out, a lot happened.”

  “So tell me.”

  “Well first off, Cade and Roxie took off out of town together. He said they’d be back in a week or so.”

  “Where’d they go?”

  “No one knows. Not even Dini.”


  “Yeah, no kidding. And Lucas Quinlan and Herbert Pursell came to the rescue with the rig by bringing in men and equipment. They sat down with Cooper and Wes yesterday and made them an offer to combine companies.”

  “You think Coop and Wes would ever go for that?”

  “I don’t know, but their fathers did say Cooper and Wes would be in charge.”

  “You think they’re serious?”

  “I don’t know, but they’re talking, and Wes’ mom, Mary, is really happy about it. She seems to think that Herbert is sincere. Cooper isn’t convinced. Devina finally confessed that Lucas is the one who sent her here. He paid her an insane amount of money and she’s already hightailed it back to wherever she came from.”

  “Well, I’m not sure Cooper and Wes should buy into what their dads are selling but that’s their business. Everything okay with you?”

  Hannah’s face flushed, alerting Cody that something was up. “Is something wrong?” Cody asked.

  “Actually, something’s right,” Hannah said and smiled. “Cooper is moving in with me?”

  “Say what?”

  “We decided last night. That rig thing, it made me think, Cody. I mean you and Riggs could have been killed. Life is fragile and precious. Too precious to waste. I’m crazy about Cooper and I think he feels the same way.”

  “Crazy as in walk down the aisle and have lots of babies?”

  Hannah shrugged. “Maybe. I guess I’ll find that out soon enough, but right now I know I want to be with him, so I talked with Pressley and she agreed. He’s moving in today.”

  “Have you told Mama and Dad?”

  This time, it was a grimace that came onto Hannah’s face. “Not yet.”

  “Want me to be with you when you tell them? For backup?”

  “Would you?”

  “You know I will.”

  “Thanks. Now, what can I do for you?”

  “Cover for me so I can go see Riggs.”

  Hannah grinned. “Oh yeah, make me an accomplice.”

  “Always.” Cody climbed off the bed. “Now look out and make sure the coast is clear.”

  Hannah complied. She opened the door and looked out. “It’s clear.”

  “Love you, little sister!” Cody gave Hannah a quick kiss on the cheek and took off down the hall.

  Riggs’ room was three doors down. She pushed it open a crack and looked in. He was lying on the bed with his eyes closed, covered to his chest with a sheet. There was no one else in the room.

  Cody hurried inside, eased the door closed and walked over to stand beside the bed.

  Riggs’ face was bruised on the left side pretty badly, as was his left arm, and what she could see of his neck and chest. His right arm looked better but bore three different bandages.

  She placed her hand on his chest and leaned down to kiss him on the forehead.

  “Nice, but I thought the deal was for naked.”

  When he spoke she squeaked and jumped. “You’re in no shape for naked, Jaxon Riggs.”

  “A man can dream.”

  “You saved me. You risked your life for me.”

  “Just did what any man would do.”

  “That’s not true and you know it, Riggs. You saved me and I owe you.”

  His face might have been bruised all to hell, but his smile still packed a hell of a sexual punch. “Well, now that you remind me, that does bring us back to the fact that we did make it, which circles us back to that little something about getting naked.”

  “You have a hang up on naked.”

  “So you’re welching on the deal?”

  “Hell no, I’m not welching, but I am delaying.”

  “Cause you’re afraid of getting caught?”

  Cody laughed. “No. I’m looking out for you. If I got naked with you right now I’d probably kill you. Seeing as how you’re all laid up and knowing that it takes old people a lot longer to heal.”

  Riggs laughed and after a moment so did she. “You’re gonna be trouble, aren’t you, Cody Sweet?”

  “Hmm, maybe. I thought that’s what you were looking for?”

  “Funny, but I thought that was my line.”


  “Well, yeah sugar. I’m the stranger who rides into town on a bike and walks into a bar. The jukebox is playing my song just as I spot the hottest brunette I’ve ever laid eyes on. So I have to ask—you looking for trouble?”

  “I most definitely am.”

  Riggs grinned. “So how long until they cut us loose?”

  “Not nearly soon enough.”

  They both laughed and Riggs took her hand. “I’m thinking Cotton Creek is gonna be a whole lot more exciting than I anticipated.”

  Cody leaned over and brushed his lips with hers. “You have no idea.”


  Roxie waited until they were seated at the table in Cade’s kitchen with plates of sandwiches and chips before she said anything about her mysterious trip. He had offered to stay with her, but she wanted to do this alone. She and Dini were best friends. She deserved to hear this from Roxie.

  Roxie had also invited some of her new friends. She hadn’t known them long but they had become important to her and deserved to know. So along with Dini were Cody and Hannah.

  Cade had promised he’d be back in a couple of hours. Roxie was pretty sure that in two hours’, life as they knew it would change dramatically.

  It took more than half an hour for her to tell her friends the whole story. It took two hours of questions before Dini was ready to move on from the tale of Roxie’s marriage to Danny.

  “Cade’s some guy,” Dini commented. “So did you tell Danny you were doing to divorce him?”


  “Do you think he understood?” Cody asked.

  Roxie shook her head. “He didn’t even know who I was.”

  “Are you okay with that?”

  “Yes. I am. I never thought I’d hear myself say it, but I’m at peace with it now.”

  “Damn, honey, I wish you’d told us all this before. You didn’t have to bear this by yourself.” Dini reached out to cover Roxie’s hand with hers.

  “Yes, I did,” Roxie s
aid softly. “But I appreciate it. You guys are the greatest. I’m sorry I couldn’t tell you before now, but this is something I had to deal with alone.”

  “Until Cade.”

  “Yeah, until Cade. Which brings me to the second part of my news bulletin.”

  “Oh god, there’s more?” Dini looked around. “Do we need booze for this?”

  Roxie suddenly grinned. “Actually, I think we do.” She jumped up and hurried to the refrigerator. “Bless you, Beckett,” she said as she pulled a bottle of champagne from the refrigerator.

  “Champagne?” Hannah’s eyebrows rose. “In the middle of the day?”

  Roxie found glasses, put them on the table, and popped the cork. Once they were filled, she took a seat and lifted a glass. “Say hello to Mrs. Cade Beckett.”

  There was total silence. Dini’s mouth rounded in an O and Hannah’s eyes grew wide.

  “Holy shit,” Cody exclaimed. “Married?”

  Roxie looked at her friends and grinned. “We were married in Atlantic City two days ago.”

  The silence was shattered by a high-pitched squeal from Dini. “Ohmygodohmygodohmygod!”

  Roxie burst out laughing. “My sentiments exactly when he popped the question.”

  “You’re married?” Hannah blurted. “Really married?”

  “That I am.”

  “Well, damn!”

  Another moment of silence fell only to be broken by all of them suddenly squealing. Seconds later, they were all on their feet, dancing and bouncing in a group hug.

  “I can’t believe it!” Dini exclaimed. “Roxie Ellis, you surprise me.”

  “I surprise myself.”

  “Oh, honey!” Dini hugged her again. “I’m so happy for you.”

  Roxie smiled at her friends. “I’m happy, too. Really happy.”

  “He really is the one, isn’t he?” Hannah asked.

  “Yes.” Even Roxie heard the change in her voice at the answer. “Honest to god, I never thought I could love someone like this.”

  “So, now I guess I’m not the only ones who thinks staying in Cotton Creek is such a horrible idea, huh?” Dini asked.

  Roxie took a seat and sipped her champagne. “That’s something else I wanted to talk to you about.”

  “Should we sit for this?” Dini asked.

  “Might as well. We’ve got this bottle of bubbly that needs drinking. And I have this idea.”

  “Why did I get a sudden chill up my spine?” Dini teased.

  Roxie laughed. “Beckett and I were talking. I love working at the bar, but—oh my god, I didn’t tell you. Beckett’s loaded.” All her friends burst out laughing. “What? I’m serious. He…hey, wait, you already knew?”

  “Men can’t keep secrets near as good as they claim,” Dini replied. “Jasper told me. Cade’s loaded.”

  “He’s family so…” Cody shrugged.

  “I nearly fainted when he told me,” Roxie admitted.

  “Was that before or after you said I do?” Dini asked.

  “Oh meow,” Roxie retorted good naturedly. “After. Hell, I’d have married him if he had nothing.”

  “I believe you,” Dini assured her. “But you were talking about working at the bar?”

  “Oh, yeah. He asked what I wanted to do and I told him I’d always wanted to have my own shop—sort of a funky boutique. I know this seems like a strange place for something like that—or not. I mean, since we’ve been here, I’ve seen Dini being asked for fashion advice a dozen times. So, I thought, how about a boutique that caters to a variety of styles. A little of the glitzy and a little of the homespun?”

  Dini pursed her lips. “Not a bad idea. Maybe even add a little day spa for people who want a little pampering?”

  “Oh, I like that!” Roxie grinned.

  “Nails and hair and oh, oh, a masseuse!” Dini added.

  “Yes! That would be wonderful!” Hannah added. “You know the salon that opened a couple of months ago is already closing down.”

  “No. Why?” Cody asked.

  “They’re not keen on the clientele I guess.” Hannah answered. “Or not enough people wanting their buttholes bleached.”

  “Oh ugh, don’t get Roxie started on that,” Dini said.

  “Or Cody,” Hannah added.

  Suddenly they were all chattering a thousand miles an hour, tossing out one idea after another. Before they knew it, the champagne was gone.

  “So, I guess this means you like the idea?” Roxie asked.

  “Yes!” Dini squealed, followed by a, “Definitely.”

  “Then what would you think about being my partner?”

  “Oh my god, no more waiting tables?” Dini heaved a dramatic sigh.

  Roxie grinned. “Beckett said it would be his wedding present to me, but I said he would invest and we’d pay him back. That okay with you?”

  “Absolutely,” Dini agreed. “We’ll make this thing a smash!”

  “Indeed we will,” Roxie replied. “And I was thinking of a name. What do you think about Sequins and Spurs?”

  Dini grinned at Roxie. “I think you better see if there’s another bottle of champagne in the fridge, ’cause it’s time for a toast.”

  Roxie dashed for the refrigerator. Minutes later, she stood with her best friends, glasses of champagne rose. “A toast,” she said.

  “To new beginnings,” Dini said.

  “To friendship,” Cody added.

  “To love,” Roxie offered.

  “Amen, sister.” Hannah clinked her glass to Roxie’s then Dini’s and finally Cody’s.

  “It’s been a hell of a time around here lately, hasn’t it?” Hannah asked.

  “No shit.” Roxie agree. “Cody getting trapped with Riggs at the drill site and Hannah taking up with Cooper?” She looked at Cody. “Which reminds me, now that Riggs is out of the hospital, do I feel a let’s get it on moment about to happen?”

  Cody shrugged. “We’ll see. But this isn’t about me. It’s about you and Cade.” She lifted her glass. “So here’s to Roxie and Cade. Friends and family. We love you.”

  They all drank, then Roxie giggled.

  “What?” Dini asked.

  “It’s just strange. I mean when we left Vegas, who would’ve thought it would end like this?”

  “End?” Roxie jumped when she heard Cade’s voice behind her. “Honey, we’re just getting started. We’re playing for keeps.”

  She smiled at her friends, then at her husband.

  Indeed, they were.

  About the Author

  You can find all of Ciana’s books on Amazon.

  Visit her author page:

  Visit Ciana’s website and sign up for her newsletter

  Books by Ciana Stone

  Southern Comfort – Honky Tonk Angels, Book 1

  Finding Justice – Honky Tonk Angels, Book 2

  Baby I’m In. Honky Tonk Angels, Book 3

  Ask me to Stay, Honky Tonk Angels, Book 4

  Until There was You

  Hot in the Saddle

  Untamed: A Three Book Box Set

  The Whisperers: Simply Irresistible – A Three Book Box Set

  Holdin’ On for a Hero: A three book set

  Tales of Betrayal, passion, danger and love

  Hunger: The V’Kar Series – A three book set

  The Seven – a four book box set

  On My Knees – The Seven Book 1

  Ruffle My Feathers – The Seven Book 2

  With a Little Help from My Friends

  Wrath: Voodoo's Angel




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