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Lucy Kelly

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by HeVans to Becky

  HeVans to Becky

  Nephilim Series

  Book Three

  Author: Lucy Kelly

  Edited by: Victoria Novack

  Artwork by: JK Publishing

  Published by: JK Publishing

  Smashwords Edition, License Notes

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  This is a work of fiction. Names, places, characters and incidents either are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously and any resemblance to any actual persons, living or dead, organizations, events or locales are entirely coincidental.

  © Copyright October 2012 MvN. All rights reserved.

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  Dear Readers,

  This is the third book in my Nephilim of HeVan series and the third book I’ve ever written. It was a real labor of love for me and I believe it’s the best book I’ve written so far. I keep learning as I go and when I look back, I see where I could have improved. So for you my readers, I’m going to be re-writing my first book HeVan Sent and those of you who’ve already purchased it will get the updated copy automatically when my publisher uploads it. I’m adding a lot of new things, especially a long prologue that takes place on HeVan. I want to thank my friend Victoria for all her hard work; I know this book wouldn’t be as good as it is without her help. Don’t forget to check my website to get the latest news and updates on the series.

  I’d also like to thank my family for all their support; it’s great when your mom calls wanting to know when your next book comes out because she’s wants to read it, how many people can say that?

  Lucy Kelly

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  Contest running from October 15, 2012 – December 15, 21012.

  Good Luck!

  Table of Contents

  Chapter One 5

  Chapter Two 9

  Chapter Three 20

  Chapter Four 27

  Chapter Five 31

  Chapter Six 35

  Chapter Seven 39

  Chapter Eight 45

  Chapter Nine 54

  Chapter Ten 58

  Chapter Eleven 65

  Chapter Thirteen 74

  Chapter Fourteen 77

  Chapter Sixteen 85

  Chapter Seventeen 93

  Chapter Eighteen 99

  Chapter Nineteen 101

  Chapter Twenty 104

  Chapter Twenty-One 108

  Chapter One

  Becky fell back on the bed. The straining and flexing muscle over flesh was almost too much for her. Her breath became labored as she reached down once again with her hands. The pull…the push…the sliding in… and…there…yes! Oh, oh, my, she thought, as she looked down.

  I’m wearing the same pair of jeans I wore in college! Of course, I’m not going to be able to sit up, walk, talk, or obviously breathe well, she thought, as she now struggled just as much to unbutton and unzip as she did to put the jeans on.

  A sweaty ten minutes later, Becky was once again staring at her closet trying to decide what to wear to the special event at the Sci-Fi Convention on Saturday.

  So much had happened to her college pal Addie that it seemed like six months instead of the two it had been. Now Addie was planning to leave Earth in a couple of weeks and wouldn’t be coming back.

  Becky stopped staring at the closet. Nothing looked right. She’d have to go out and buy something new. Walking over to the mirror, she took a long look at herself. A hundred and fifty-two pounds this morning and size twelve pants.

  She ran her hands down her frame and thought of the six pounds she’d struggled to lose over the past two weeks. They were the same B-cup boobs and wide hips as the last time she looked. She could get away with a medium shirt but figured she would need to lose another six to ten pounds to fit comfortably into size ten pants. She bent forward to get a close-up look at her skin. She’d been using the skin repair cream Addie’s Nephilim Doctor Rapha had provided, and her skin did look fresh, clean, and as clear as a baby’s.

  Her light-brown eyes looked clear. They were usually a little bloodshot from being on the computer all-day. She ran her fingers through her hair, trying to decide whether to stay blonde or go with a temporary dye, when a news item on the radio caught her attention.

  “…one hundred percent success rate in fertility. The scientists are saying it’s a statistical impossibility. I think there must be something in the water,” joked the Deejay.

  “More at the top of the hour – tune in for the possibility of another baby boom generation.”

  Uh, oh, she thought, Goddess of Fertility strikes again.

  She turned off her radio, reached up to the Bluetooth in her ear, and selected four on the speed dial.

  “Hello,” answered a yawning voice.

  “Addie? You awake?” asked Becky.

  “Yeah, I was just dozing. I seem to be doing a lot of sleeping lately,” said Addie.

  “Well, I’ve got something that will wake you up. Have you been watching the news lately?” Becky asked.

  Snatching up a cotton robe along the way, she walked downstairs to her office in her bra and panties.

  “What? Is something wrong? Is it Grace?”

  “As far as I know, Grace is fine. She and her Ankida are still stashed away waiting for the trial to start. I don’t think you have anything to worry about there.

  “Between all the different law enforcement agencies bringing charges and seizing assets, the Kadyrov organization is broken. Vasily Kadyrov and his grandson, Anton, and his niece, Olga, are going away to jail for a longtime,” she said, as she wiggled her mouse to bring up the monitor on her computer from sleep mode.

  “Then why are you calling?” asked Addie.

  “Addie, have you been paying attention to the news lately?”

  “Actually, I’ve been trying to distance myself from Earth events and politics because we’re leaving for HeVan so soon now. The Gate is nearly complete. They just have to finish calibrating the Space Folder. At least, that’s what I’m told; I wouldn’t know a hyper drive from a four-wheel drive.

  “If all goes as scheduled, we’ll be launching the test probe through the Gate in two weeks. We’re closing on the land in Wisconsin in two days. Anyway, you know all that.

  “I guess what I’m trying to say is that I’ve been spending my time going over the dossiers of the current Governing Council. You know I have to be letter-perfect in all customs and etiquette before I arrive.

  “Anyway, I haven’t exactly watched any television. So what’s on the news that you just had to share at eight-thirty on a Tuesday morning?” asked Addie.

  All the time Addie had been talking, Becky was busily scanning medical web sites and current news media.

  Oh, wow, she thought.

  “Um, Addie? Remember how Arjun is always calling you Aditya—Goddess of Fertility and Wisdom? Well, I do
n’t know about the wisdom part, but it looks like you’ve got the fertility part down cold.

  “It’s all over the news, Addie. Women are getting pregnant faster and more often than at any time in history. Successful fertility treatments have shot up to 100% across all age groups in the Midwest and Canada.

  “Record numbers of women have reported failures of any hormone-based contraceptives.

  “Basically, Addie, if anyone within a thousand miles from you has sex without a condom, IUD, Diaphragm, or other related birth control, they had better start knitting baby booties. It’s been - what? A little over three months since Tamiel, the last Ruling Queen of HeVan, passed her powers on to you. Well, this is what happens when you get taken to a space ship and agree to marry three alien hotties.

  “The medical community has already realized this pregnancy phenomenon is localized to this area.”

  Becky clicked and scrolled through a few more sites and articles.

  “It also appears to be spreading. They first started noticing a trend here in Northern Illinois and Southern Wisconsin, with an increase in fertility success rates and early pregnancy tests selling out in many pharmacies. And now they’re seeing the same things happening in pretty much all the Southern States except Louisiana and Florida; East to New York, North into Canada, most of Ottawa and Southern Ontario, and West from North Dakota down to Oklahoma.

  “Basically, Addie, you’re a baby time bomb,” concluded Becky.

  “Oh,” whispered Addie.

  “Oh? Is that all you have to say? Addie, I know you intended to stay on Earth as long as possible, but I really feel you should head up to Far Star Station as soon as you can,” said Becky.

  She waited for a response and didn’t hear anything.

  “Addie? Are you there? Addie! ADDIE!” she shouted.

  She could hear something - a shout, running feet and - voices.

  Kai, one of Addie’s four personal guards, was standing outside the Queen’s bedchamber when he heard a thump. He didn’t feel he could just barge in, so he sent a signal to her Ankida and then turned and knocked.

  Knock, knock, knock. “Lady Aditya, are you all right?”

  He was listening for a response, when her three Ankida came running up the stairs.

  “What is it?” Arjun asked, coming down the hall. He opened the door and shouted out, “Addie!”

  Addie had been sitting on the bench at the end of the bed and now lay slumped over the corner. One hand dangled down towards the floor where her cell phone lay.

  He picked her up and climbed up onto the bed with her in his arms, his brothers crowding around on either side.

  “Kai, call Rapha!” Arjun said.

  Kai immediately signaled the Medical Cluster that they were needed. As he looked at the unconscious Queen lying in the arms of her Ankida, he cursed himself for not signaling the Medical Cluster right away. Every second counted.

  What if she were hurt? Or lost the babies? He noticed the phone lying on the floor at the end of the bed and picked it up before someone could step on it or kick it under the bed.

  Kai could hear Rapha, Delpha, and Zephyr coming down the hall. They entered the room just as he picked up the phone. By now, the room was so crowded with people that he decided to step out and go back to his post.

  Arjun may have him brought up on charges for not realizing sooner the Queen was in jeopardy. However, until then, he was going to remain on duty.

  As he stepped out and closed the door, he heard a faint voice coming from the device. He held it up to his ear and spoke, “This is Kai. If your words have caused harm to our Queen, you will pay with your life,” he growled into the phone.

  “What? What happened to Addie? We were just talking and suddenly she went quiet,” said Becky.

  She went on to relate the gist of her conversation with Addie to the angry man on the phone. As she was reaching the end of the story, the door opened and the three Medicals, Rapha and his two brothers, Delpha and Zephyr, emerged. Kai’s brother Ari signaled he was coming in to see if everything was okay.

  “Hold on, Becky,” said Kai as he turned to Rapha, “the Queen?”

  “She’s fine. She’s had a shock but is awake now and recovering…” Rapha didn’t get a chance to finish his sentence when he was cut off by a cry from the bedroom.

  “MY PHONE! Where did it go? I have to talk to Becky!” they heard their Queen shouting.

  Kai held up the phone for Rapha to see as he turned back to the door and opened it. The sight that beheld him would have been funny in any other situation. Arjun held Addie tightly on his lap while Kylan and Rune were lifting the bed sheets and looking through the covers. He cleared his throat and held out the phone.

  “Queen Aditya, I apologize. I only thought to save it from being crushed in the turmoil. Are you truly well?” Kai asked.

  He didn’t know it, but his face was showing all the emotions he’d gone through in the last ten minutes.

  Addie accepted the phone and tapped Arjun on the arm, letting him know she wanted him to let her up.

  She said into the phone, “Becky, I’m going to put Arjun on so you can tell him everything you told me.”

  Then, without waiting for a response, she handed the phone to Arjun and stepped up to Kai. She didn’t have to look up as far because in the last eleven weeks, she’d grown an inch and was now five-foot-five. She thought it was great.

  When she got over the surprise, what really pleased her was that all of her freckles were now gone. Rapha had given her a lotion that had repaired her skin. With her fair skin and bright coppery hair, she would still be vulnerable, though, to new ones cropping up.

  Just before she started speaking, Kai’s brother Ari came to the door. The two of them were twins. Her blonde Vikings, was how she thought of them. They were the first Nephilim she’d met who were blonde, and they wore their hair long with braids at their temples. Arjun had told her it was a tradition for the males of their House to wear their hair this way.

  They were also shorter and stockier than other Nephilim, at six-foot-six with barrel chests, wide shoulders and thick, muscled thighs.

  Still, even though they more closely resembled humans in height, they had strangely colored eyes that marked them as foreign. Their eyes were chartreuse with brown flecks. That almost neon yellow-green color was startling at first, and she hoped most people would assume they were wearing colored contacts.

  “I want to apologize for scaring you, Kai. I was so surprised by Becky’s news that I fainted. It’s the first time I’ve ever fainted in my life. I can’t promise I won’t do that again because it doesn’t seem to be something I can control. I do promise to do everything I can to make sure I’m as healthy as possible. I won’t do anything to hurt myself or the babies.

  “Do you forgive me for scaring you like that?” she asked.

  Kai went down on one knee and started to confess all the things he felt he had done wrong. He couldn’t believe the Queen was apologizing to him!

  She put her hand on his head and boosted up her power; the natural glow to her skin intensified, and she began giving off flashes of bright gold.

  “It’s alright, Kai. I’m okay. The babies are fine. Now stand up and let me have your arm and help me go down the stairs. I’m ready for my breakfast. For some reason, my promised breakfast in bed never appeared,” she said, with a twinkle in her eyes and a smile on her lips.

  As she left the room with Ari in front and Kai tenderly escorting her down the stairs, two of her Ankida, Rune and Kylan, protested that they were about to serve her when they were signaled to come upstairs. Now the scare was over, they were teasing her about causing their breakfast to grow cold.

  Back in the bedroom, Arjun and Becky continued their low-voiced conversation on the cell phone.

  Chapter Two

  Sarah Kline was happy to be in Chicago. She’d been looking forward to the Sci-Fi Convention for a longtime. She’d just hung up some clothes and paused from unpacking her
suitcase to look at herself in the mirrored surface of the sliding closet door.

  Last night before she left home to catch the red-eye to O’Hare, she’d weighed in at 146. She could zip up the size ten pants she’d brought with her, but they were still a little tight in the hips.

  I’m a pear, she thought. From the waist up, I’m an okay medium sized, five-foot-two, blonde-haired, brown-eyed woman. And from the waist down, I’m a wide-hipped thick-legged pear. If only my weight were more evenly distributed, a little more in the chest, a little less on the thighs. I guess I need to meet an ass man.

  She blew her hair away from her face with a pouty huff. Suddenly not liking any of the clothes she brought, she decided it was time to buy a new dress. Here she was on her first vacation in so long the last one was only a vague recollection. She deserved new clothes, sightseeing, and restaurant dining.

  Yesterday, she signed the final papers to sell her shares in the software company they founded together, to her longtime friend and second-in-command, Jack. The doctors had told her if she didn’t slow down and stop with the seventy and eighty hour workweeks, she’d be headed into stroke town. So sign the papers, give up her company, and take an immediate vacation was exactly what she did.

  It was helpful that her favorite science-fiction writer was putting on a big event at the Sci-Fi Convention here in Chicago. She knew she would have to go out of town to keep from stopping by the office, therefore the red-eye flight after her retirement party. Retired at twenty-seven was a triumph few achieved. The fact that she retired for medical reasons was nothing to boast about.

  She chuckled over the scene at the airport.

  “Sarah,” said Jack, as he stood beside the car curbside. “You take care of yourself. Go to a spa, drink fancy cocktails, and kiss several men. You know, act as if you’re me.”


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