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Loving Ashley

Page 3

by Lauren Nicole

  “Next time, you’re out.”

  I turn my attention back to Ashley who is rubbing her arm. I take her hand, leading her upstairs to my office. I holler over to Jasmine who is waiting tables to keep an eye on bar for a minute. I close and lock the door behind us.

  “Are you okay?”

  “Yes, I’m much stronger than I look. I can handle myself, Taylor.”

  “I know that, I just wanted to make sure.”

  She looks damn fine leaning against my desk, and I am finding it hard to focus. I know she needs to get back to work, so I lead her back to the bar. I stay with her for the rest of the night, not taking my eyes off her fine ass. By the time the night is over, we are all overtired and ready for bed. I walk Ashley out to her car.

  “So, did you like it? Besides the douche bag?”

  “I did, it was fun. I will come tomorrow night, but next weekend Nancy and I are headed to the Bahamas, then I’m going home for a couple of days to see my parents. But I would like the job.”

  “The job is all yours then. I will let you go and see you tomorrow.” I lean down and press a kiss to her forehead. While I’m excited she is taking the job, I don’t really like the fact that she is going to the Bahamas just with Nancy. For some unknown reason, I have this urge that I need to protect her. What I wouldn’t do to spend a couple of days in paradise with her. Heading back into the bar, I finish up for the night and head home.

  Chapter Five


  As I’m finishing packing my clothes there is a knock at my door. Opening it up, I see Nancy standing there with a cast around her ankle.

  “Oh my God, what happened to you?”

  “I stepped off the curb and broke my ankle, I’m such a klutz. I’m so sorry but there’s no way I can go with you. This sucks so bad,” she says while plopping down on my couch.

  What the hell am I going to do now? I can’t go by myself to another country.

  “It’s okay, we can stay here and go another time. No big deal.” Even though I was looking forward to it.

  “Absolutely not, you will go and enjoy yourself, missy.”

  “And just who will I go with? I can’t go alone!” I half yell at her.

  “Ask Taylor. Nothing can be worse than spending time with him.”

  “What! Are you crazy?” Although, spending a handful of days with him kind of does sound nice, and I remember him telling me that he as always wanted to go.

  “You could get to know him in more ways than one.” She winks at me.

  “I told you I’m not interested in him like that.” That was a big, fat lie.

  “You keep telling yourself that.” She snickers.

  We talk for a little longer before I kick her out to go home and rest. I have to finish packing and get ready to work the bar tonight. I take to heart what Nancy suggested. No harm will be done by asking. If he says no, then I will go visit my parents a couple of days sooner. Wanting to talk with him before my shift, I quickly get ready.

  I didn’t need to be here until ten tonight, so the place is pretty packed. I look around the bottom level and don’t see him. He must be in his office, so I head up past the VIP area and knock on his door that is cracked open.

  “Come in,” he yells. Walking in, I see he is looking at some kind of papers, not even bothering to look up. Well, okay then.

  “Hey,” is all I say before he snaps his head up to look at me. Does he have to be so strikingly gorgeous? The butterflies take over in my lower stomach as I walk to the chair and have a seat.

  “What can I do for you, Ashley?” More like, what can’t he do. But that’s for another time. I sit there and stare at my hands, not quite sure how to ask him. Truth be told, I’m scared of rejection. The chair squeaks as he gets up and comes around the desk, leaning against it directly in front of me.

  “Ashley, is everything okay?” I can hear the concern in his voice.

  “Well yes, see, Nancy was supposed to come with me to the Bahamas and she broke her ankle this morning and can’t go now. So I know it’s a long shot, but do you maybe want to go? I remember you saying that you have always wanted to go.” I ask in a rush. I am taking a big leap here and trying to get to know him and not his playboy ways. When I finally gather the courage to look up, I see he’s just staring at me. This can’t be good.

  “Look, it’s fine if you can’t go. I will just go home sooner, no big deal.” I make my way to stand up when he speaks.

  “Wow, never did I expect you to ask that. Let me check with Thomas and make sure he’s okay with me leaving. I would love to go with you. When do you leave?”

  “My flight out is Monday morning, and I fly back Friday night.”

  We talk a little bit longer about all the details before I head downstairs to work. I get busy making drinks and keeping everyone happy. Looking around, I see Taylor talking with Thomas. They both keep looking over at me. I’m not sure if it’s in a good or bad way, so I get back to what I was hired to do. An hour or so later, I see Taylor with his arm wrapped around some girl. Great, just what I wanted to see. What if asking him was a bad idea? I see his playboy ways haven’t changed.

  He leans down and whispers something in her ear, causing her to laugh. Knowing I have seen enough, I take a break and head toward the employee bathroom. I brace my hands on the sink and lean over it. I’m just going to tell him not to bother coming. I knew it would be a mistake. I don’t even know why I am getting all upset, it’s not like we are dating or anything. Shit, I need to get a grip. Hearing the door open, I keep my gaze down, thinking it’s just another employee needing to use the restroom.

  “What’s wrong, Ashley?” Taylor says. I spin around quickly, almost losing my balance on my heels.

  “What the hell are you doing in the girls’ bathroom?”

  “I own the place, remember? Now answer me, what is wrong?”

  Wow, he’s grouchy.

  “Nothing, don’t worry about coming this week. I’m just going to cancel it.”


  “Because I was hoping to get to know the real you and not the player, but I see you still can’t keep your hands to yourself. Don’t bother coming.” I try to move around him but he blocks me by the stall.

  “First off, she is a friend and nothing more. Secondly, you sound jealous, sweetheart,” he says with a smirk on his face. I’m not sure if I want to hit him or kiss the ever-living shit out of him.

  “I’m not jealous, so don’t even go there. Ever since I met you, you’ve always had all these women on your arm or around you. I tried to look past it but—”

  He suddenly grabs me and pushes me against the cold stall.

  “Shut up,” is all he says before his lips land on mine. I try to push him away but all he does is kiss me harder, demanding entrance into my mouth. My body takes over when his tongue touches mine. He runs his hands down my sides and under my thighs. In one swift move, my legs are wrapped around him while he devours my mouth. My dress is now hiked up around my hips. He grinds his hard length against my now wet center. Moaning deep into his mouth, I run my fingers through his hair. He breaks the kiss as his lips travel down my neck. I feel his right hand travel up my inner thigh and make contact with my now soaked pussy.

  He moves my thong to the side and slides a finger in. I know this is wrong, but wrong never felt so good. “Oh God,” I moan into the air. His lips are still assaulting my neck as he adds another finger. God, it’s been so long since I have felt like this. And if I’m honest with myself, I don’t want it to stop. My hips have a mind of their own as they begin to move.

  “That’s it, baby, fuck my fingers. Does that feel good? Imagine what my cock will feel like when it’s deep inside of you. Filling up every inch of you,” he whispers into my ear.

  Holy shit. His dirty words alone could make me come any minute now. I can feel my lower belly begin to tingle. I ride his fingers even faster and he plunges them deeper inside of me.

  “That’s it, baby, come for me.
” I let loose as soon as he’s done talking. He kisses me to quiet my moans. I relax against the stall when my orgasm dies down.

  All too soon, I remember where I am and what we just did, struggling to get away.

  “Oh God, we can’t do this,” I say in a panic.

  “It’s a little late, sweetheart. We already started, and mark my words, we will finish. It may not be today or tomorrow, but it will happen,” he says before he sticks his fingers in his mouth and licks them clean.

  He lets me down and I fix my dress, looking in the mirror to make sure I look fine before I leave him standing there alone. When I return to the bar, Terri is looking at me strangely, but I choose to ignore her. Taylor comes out of the bathroom a couple of minutes later. He looks over at me, winking, and goes over to Thomas. I can’t help the blush that creeps up on my face.

  “What was that all about?” Terri asks.

  “I have no clue what you’re talking about.”

  She doesn’t buy my answer but she goes back to making drinks. The night passes in a blur, and for the rest of the night, Taylor remains alone.

  Chapter Six


  As I am getting the rest of my things together for the trip, Thomas comes into my room.

  “So, you really like her, don’t you?” he asks while sitting on my bed.

  “I do, for some reason I want to get to know her more, and her to know me and not my womanizing ways.” He doesn’t respond. Just sits there thinking about what I said.

  “Hey, can you call Nancy and ask her where they are staying? I believe she told me the Royal Towers in Atlantis, but can’t remember for certain. I want to do something nice for Ashley.” I know he has Nancy’s number. He is interested in her but won’t make the move. I keep telling him to take things slow and go with it.

  He comes back a short time later with all the information I need. I call the hotel and upgrade our room to a family suite, because I’m not sure if she is comfortable with me sleeping in the same room. Our flight leaves at nine a.m., so we need to leave around four. It is a good two and half hour drive to the airport. Opening my text messaging app, I send Ashley a quick text.

  Me: I will be there around four to get you.

  Ashley: Sounds good. :)

  As I lie down in bed, all I can think about is last night in the bathroom. To have her in my arms like that was pure bliss. She weighs next to nothing and fit perfectly in arms. The feeling of her body shaking with pleasure is something I can’t describe. All I know is, I want to do it again and more often. My eyes begin to feel heavy, I drift off thinking of how great these next few days alone with her will be.


  My alarm goes off at three thirty and I haul my ass in the shower quickly. I’m not normally a morning person, but I can’t wait to see her. I feel like a high school student going on a first date. I put everything in my car last night, so all I had to do was leave. Pulling up to her apartment, I park and make my way toward her door. Knocking lightly, I wait for her to answer. And when she does she takes my breath away. She looks absolutely beautiful standing there in just yoga pants and a plain pink tank top.

  “Hello, gorgeous,” I say while leaning down to give her a quick kiss on the lips. She doesn’t pull away like I expect her to.

  “Morning,” she softly says against my lips.

  Making my way inside, I grab her bag while she gets her purse and keys to lock up. Before we begin the journey, we make a quick stop at Starbucks for a black coffee for me and a double chocolate chip frap for her. Whatever the hell that is.

  “What the hell is a double chocolate chip frap?”

  “It’s a rich mocha-flavored sauce, mixed with chocolate chips, milk, and ice all blended together. It is to die for.”

  I grunt. Sounds just as sweet as her. What I wouldn’t give to taste her sweet flavor while she writhes beneath me. Trying to adjust my hard dick inconspicuously, I quickly change my line of thought.

  “Are you excited?” I ask her once we hit the interstate.

  “Yes, very, I’ve never been and it looks like so much fun. What about you?”

  “Of course I am, five days with you in paradise can’t go wrong.”

  It’s hard to tell if she is blushing, but I know she is. We talk for a little bit longer before she takes a small nap. I place my hand on her thigh, which she doesn’t move away. I haven’t told her about the upgrades just yet, I will wait for her to figure them out. I was going to move our tickets up to first class, but decided I didn’t want to scare her away, plus the flight is just shy of an hour.

  We get to the airport around six forty-five. Which is nice becomes there aren’t a lot of cars. I head to the long term parking garage and find a spot right next to the elevator. Once I place the car in park, I look over at her and place a strand of hair behind her ear that fell from her ponytail. She stirs from my touch.

  “Hey, we’re here,” I say quietly, not wanting to scare her. She slowly opens her eyes and a small smile forms on her lips, making her look even more fucking gorgeous.

  Getting out of the car, I open the trunk and grab both our bags. She tries to grab hers, but that’s not happening. What kind of gentleman would I be if I made her carry the bags? We make our way to the ticket booth and check in, and thankfully, proceed through the lines and security rather quickly.

  “Do you want to get some breakfast or wait until we get there?” I ask her, as we still have just over an hour before our flight boards.

  “Let’s just wait, I’m not that hungry right now anyway.”

  We find empty seats at the gate and wait to board. We sit there and talk about where she grew up in Tennessee. It doesn’t take long before we are called up to board the plane. We find our seats next to each other in the back of the plane. We get comfortable and wait for everyone to take their seats. I try to listen as the stewardess gives her safety talk but my mind is too wrapped around the beauty sitting next to me. She looks over at me and gives me a shy smile after I grab her hand and lace our fingers together. Not being able to resist myself, I lean over, giving her a soft kiss on her plump lips.

  “Ready, beautiful?”


  In just under an hour we are landing in Nassau. She looks out the window where the sun is shining brightly. After grabbing our luggage and hopping into a cab, we pull up to our hotel, Royal Towers.

  “Wait here and I will check us in,” I say, leaving her at the sofas.

  “Okay, but it’s under my name.”

  Ignoring her, I walk over to the desk and wait for my turn. There are quite a few people checking in so it takes about ten minutes before I am called up front.

  “Good morning, sir, how may I help you?

  “Yes, I am Taylor Clark, checking in,” I say, handing her my ID, it takes her a couple of minutes to find my reservation.

  “Yes, Mr. Clark, I have you in the family grand suite for five days and four nights.”

  “That is correct, ma’am.”

  I stand there while she goes about checking us in. It takes a total of about fifteen minutes. After I have received the keys, I head over to where I left her sitting down.

  “Ready, beautiful?” She looks up with that gorgeous smile, nodding her head. Grabbing our bags, I lead her over to the elevators. As we step in, I hit the button for the eighth floor. She hasn’t quite realized that we are sharing one room, I think. Once we reach the room, I slide the key in and open the door for her.

  “Wow,” she whispers.

  We walk into the main area of the room. There is a sectional sofa in the middle of the room with gold and yellow accent pillows. The curtains are open so you get a great view of the beach and pool. To the right there is a kitchen and what looks like is the guest bedroom. I set my stuff down in here so she can have the master suite. When I exit the room, I see the sliding glass doors open and Ashley leaning against the balcony.

  “Gorgeous, isn’t it?” Although my meaning is different.

��Extremely. I can’t believe Nancy did this.”

  I guess I should tell her what I did. Looking out into the crystal blue water, I talk, “Well, here’s the thing. I know you had a single room booked with two beds and I wasn’t sure how you would feel sharing one room with me. So I called and upgraded our room. So now we have two bedrooms.” When she looks up at me, I sense disappointment, but it’s gone in a flash.

  “You didn’t have to do that, but thank you. This place is beautiful.” She surprises me and leans up, bringing her lips to mine. I bend a tad and meet her there. Her lips are soft and taste like the coffee from earlier. I trace her lip with my tongue as she opens her mouth. I thrust my tongue inside, coating the inside of her mouth. My hands are placed at the side of her face, while my thumbs graze her cheeks. Not wanting to get carried away, I slowly break the kiss. Her eyes are closed and cheeks flushed.

  “What do you say we go get some food then relax by the pool,” I suggest.

  “That sounds amazing. Let me go change and we can head out,” she says, walking away.

  “Okay, I gave you the master bedroom.”

  She stops when I finish the sentence. She looks over her shoulder and gives me a sly smile.

  At that moment, I know I’m fucked.

  Chapter Seven


  As I sit here on the plush bed, I gaze around the room in awe of it. I can’t believe he did this. I admit I was a tad disappointed he didn’t want to share one room, but I understand why he did it. Plus, I’m not ready to just jump into bed with him. He is making it harder and harder to resist him. This room is absolutely breathtaking. The king-sized bed sits in the center of the room with a fluffy white duvet. I make my way toward the massive bathroom and see a Jacuzzi tub, I would give anything to relax in it, but I’m hungry. Quickly changing into my bikini, I throw my hair in a ponytail and pull a sundress over the suit. There is a knock on the door.

  “Ashley, are you okay in there?”

  “Yes.” Oops, guess I was taking longer than I thought. Quickly grabbing what I need, I open the door and find him sitting on the sofa in his swim trunks and T-shirt.


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